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[The Outdated Parkour Thread] It Finally Happened! (Voice Your Opinion In The Poll!)


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We need to be able to just jump to a wall and cling onto it quickly, shooting enemies. Then, once the stamina runs out, we can jump off, slide around for a few seconds and then do a couple of wall runs in order to dodge bullets. This way, we will be able to feel like ACTUAL NINJAS. Even if DE is not sticking with the whole Ninja theme, I really want Warframe be something unique, not just another generic shooter. Parkour can help it become that way.

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Its getting to the point where DE is not addressing a major issue with the game. I'm disappointed with them for not even acknowledging this thread, let alone stating that they have some sort of future plan to address it. Yes, its beneficial to release new content all the time, but they are continuing to get away from core game mechanics with every update. Once another game similar to this one releases with better mechanics and smoother game play, they will start to lose a lot of their player base. This probably wont happen in a while, but its a very real possibility[Anyone for parkour around Mordor?] 

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They did acknowledge existence of this thread. There's reply in here from rebecca: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/119650-parkour-has-been-ignored-for-too-long-and-the-current-directional-melee-is-killing-it-even-further/page-6#entry1798790

..and they also mentioned this thread in some livestreams. Although they said nothing new and just said that this thread was great. (can't remember exactly)

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I want to know why this thread isn't stickied. Don't you use the report function to request mods sticky it? I may be wrong.


I'm also, one could say, viciously disappointed this topic of discussion has been virtually ignored in more or less every public sense one could think of.


Some terribly quaint little thread about Kubrows? "Community hot topic that S#&$ up!"


Actual integral game system?  "Well, y'know. We're takin' a look at it."


My faith, I cannot contain it.


Also +1, now go make a thread about difficulty, Aure7. o;

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1000+ upvotes and we still don't have some Parkour 2.0 elements.




Yea, because upvotes should be uses as "Likes" on Facebook.


Just find 1000 people that have no idea what they are talking about, and get them to Veto 100 people that realize a system is ALREADY working.


"I play mostly in a stealthy way, use melee/bows a lot & I try to solo as much missions/events as possible (with my toaster)."


Because, you are not biased at all, are you?

Edited by DSpite
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Yea, because upvotes should be uses as "Likes" on Facebook.


Just find 1000 people that have no idea what they are talking about, and get them to Veto 100 people that realize a system is ALREADY working.


"I play mostly in a stealthy way, use melee/bows a lot & I try to solo as much missions/events as possible (with my toaster)."


Because, you are not biased at all, are you?

I find it seems to be the other way around. 

It's like how people thought asbestos was a working form of insulation until it started causing health problems and everyone realized that people were already suggesting other forms of insulation that were better. 

I'd like to apply that here. We have a clunky excuse for a system of parkour, hence why people feel the need to slide glitch up walls because they don't get enough height or have to copter instead of wall run because the auto-roll destories the fluidity of parkour, which usual gets your auto-rolled off the edge of whatever you're trying to get to. Along with that, the sticky vertical wall climb, which doesn't allow you to jump off in different directions without the use of a wall attack, which is a horrible makeshift solution because if you miss, you fly off into whatever direction, unable to do anything but tap or hold crouch and hope you fall again, is horrible for getting to most advantageous positions that aren't staged for you to get there. A la, the broken elevator shafts with white marks going up it. The parkour system in this game wasn't only to make the maps more diverse, it was to make it fun to explore and to make it feel rewarding when you get to a secret. Especially since there are a lot of places that happen to be lower and we can't parkour down. Even though we can wall slide down, we can't jump off in the right direction. 

Also, you're a hypocrit. Your uncalled for aggression and calling him biased with no real explanation on how or why he's biased, only shows your bias to protect DE from whatever's threatening them. 

Lastly, how many people, which you likened to ignorant folk, do you think upvoted this thread just because it looked pretty? I don't think that many. If it was that bad of a system, or that unnecessary that other people would be abhorrent to it, there'd be a lot more posts opposing the thread, but it seems like there's a lot of posts calling the thread brilliant and exploring some of the ideas, adding their own, confronting the OP constructively. Obviously, we didn't get 1000 people who "didn't know what they're talking about" we got 1000 people who avidly play and enjoy Warframe and look for ways to increase the collective enjoyment of the game. 

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I find it seems to be the other way around. 

It's like how people thought asbestos was a working form of insulation until it started causing health problems and everyone realized that people were already suggesting other forms of insulation that were better. 

I'd like to apply that here. We have a clunky excuse for a system of parkour, hence why people feel the need to slide glitch up walls because they don't get enough height or have to copter instead of wall run because the auto-roll destories the fluidity of parkour, which usual gets your auto-rolled off the edge of whatever you're trying to get to. Along with that, the sticky vertical wall climb, which doesn't allow you to jump off in different directions without the use of a wall attack, which is a horrible makeshift solution because if you miss, you fly off into whatever direction, unable to do anything but tap or hold crouch and hope you fall again, is horrible for getting to most advantageous positions that aren't staged for you to get there. A la, the broken elevator shafts with white marks going up it. The parkour system in this game wasn't only to make the maps more diverse, it was to make it fun to explore and to make it feel rewarding when you get to a secret. Especially since there are a lot of places that happen to be lower and we can't parkour down. Even though we can wall slide down, we can't jump off in the right direction. 

Also, you're a hypocrit. Your uncalled for aggression and calling him biased with no real explanation on how or why he's biased, only shows your bias to protect DE from whatever's threatening them. 

Lastly, how many people, which you likened to ignorant folk, do you think upvoted this thread just because it looked pretty? I don't think that many. If it was that bad of a system, or that unnecessary that other people would be abhorrent to it, there'd be a lot more posts opposing the thread, but it seems like there's a lot of posts calling the thread brilliant and exploring some of the ideas, adding their own, confronting the OP constructively. Obviously, we didn't get 1000 people who "didn't know what they're talking about" we got 1000 people who avidly play and enjoy Warframe and look for ways to increase the collective enjoyment of the game. 


Think what you like. Because that is all you can do. Think about it.


Since this game is not called "Freerunners Heaven" and we already have zero problems getting around, and the thread title contains "directional-melee-is-killing-it-even-further", I'd say it means that your version of "Parkour" is not needed, so basically, you all just want to shoehorn it into the game for what? Force DE to remake maps?


The only use for it is for a handful of Frames that can't get from point A to point B with abilities. If I have mates, we call out Worm Holes for the entire team to get places, but not you?


Other then "look pretty" it currently has ZERO usable applications. Feel free to list what I can't do better even without coptering or air melee, because I can pull out abilities that can do better, I can suggest normal movement that will put me in far less danger, and even get me more drops as I go by, because I'm not jumping past containers.


You want something for no valid game play reason other then "when the entire level is not shooting at me, I can look cool". I can look cooler using a whole stack of Frame abilities as well.


Arbitrary white marks on walls to force me to grab walls add NOTHING to immersion, especially when you see enemies magically jumping up 50 feet because of hard-pathing scripts, when you know perfectly well they can't even climb a crate.


What's next? Up-vote Cover Mechanics? I see better reasons from those guys for Cover Mechanics then you guys for "parkour", and they are also deluded about the fact that it will make the game better.


In order to make the game better you have to add mechanics that fit everything else the game does so far. We can already get around fine. We should now instead get DE to focus on new things that fit into our current game play, not go backwards. DE specifically and deliberately added Air Melee, so pretty sure it's not going away.

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Think what you like. Because that is all you can do. Think about it.


Since this game is not called "Freerunners Heaven" and we already have zero problems getting around, and the thread title contains "directional-melee-is-killing-it-even-further", I'd say it means that your version of "Parkour" is not needed, so basically, you all just want to shoehorn it into the game for what? Force DE to remake maps?


The only use for it is for a handful of Frames that can't get from point A to point B with abilities. If I have mates, we call out Worm Holes for the entire team to get places, but not you?


Other then "look pretty" it currently has ZERO usable applications. Feel free to list what I can't do better even without coptering or air melee, because I can pull out abilities that can do better, I can suggest normal movement that will put me in far less danger, and even get me more drops as I go by, because I'm not jumping past containers.


You want something for no valid game play reason other then "when the entire level is not shooting at me, I can look cool". I can look cooler using a whole stack of Frame abilities as well.


Arbitrary white marks on walls to force me to grab walls add NOTHING to immersion, especially when you see enemies magically jumping up 50 feet because of hard-pathing scripts, when you know perfectly well they can't even climb a crate.


What's next? Up-vote Cover Mechanics? I see better reasons from those guys for Cover Mechanics then you guys for "parkour", and they are also deluded about the fact that it will make the game better.


In order to make the game better you have to add mechanics that fit everything else the game does so far. We can already get around fine. We should now instead get DE to focus on new things that fit into our current game play, not go backwards. DE specifically and deliberately added Air Melee, so pretty sure it's not going away.


kinda agree with this guy, I look at this thread and I mostly see cluttered game mechanics that most of us might try for a little while but then go back to what we do now, why because its easier and it works. This thread is asking DE to do something unnecessary as they could better spend their time working on fixing some blaring defects and bugs in the game as well as working on new content to expand the game. This, this would just be a waste and possible to put some of the things that this thread is asking for in the game would require a different engine. Also can people please stop using the ninja argument, we are not ninjas, never were we have some ninjaesque assets in SOME of our weapons and culture but we also have other assets that are clearly not ninja.

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 We should now instead get DE to focus on new things that fit into our current game play, not go backwards.

i was completely fine with your post until I read this. So you say: "Let's forget those outdated and silly looking mechanics and make a lot of new ones." Then what? Go forward and forget them as well? 


Arbitrary white marks on walls to force me to grab walls add NOTHING to immersion, especially when you see enemies magically jumping up 50 feet because of hard-pathing scripts, when you know perfectly well they can't even climb a crate.

Well, nobody's taking your copter and abilities away. We just want MORE options in movement. No need to rework entire levels, they are fine.



Since this game is not called "Freerunners Heaven" and we already have zero problems getting around, and the thread title contains "directional-melee-is-killing-it-even-further", I'd say it means that your version of "Parkour" is not needed, so basically, you all just want to shoehorn it into the game for what? 

This version of "Parkour" is sorely needed. And we want it in the game just to look cool, not just fly around. Also, "zero problems getting around" is BS. Because the problems stated in the OP still stand, not all of them but still. They've been in the game for a year and still not fixed.

You say we have to bring specific frames just for movement? Shouldn't they just be better slightly, not absolutely outclassing all others?

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then i'll reword it so you don't misunderstand.


Warframe will support as many playstyles and experience levels by having both. we have what we have already, and if we add more options onto that, movement can only get better, more precise, and have more roads to the same end goal.



it's not quite as marketable as Tenno Planes (because Archwing is an Aerospace addition, it looks like space but it plays like Aerospace), but it'll be a part of every Mission you do, and there if you want more precise control over your Character.

if getting to Extraction is your only goal, there's little the game can do to make you notice it. elsewise, it'll bridge gaps here and there in your travels, filling in little spots that are something clunky instead of options that flow better.


as it is, you can traverse most Tilesets more efficiently with a combination of Parkour and Spindashes / double jumping.

each on it's own has weaknesses, but together you travel blazing fast without needing to stop or roll or resort to extended Sprinting or go overboard and end up slowing yourself down.

no, Parkour is unlikely to increase your traversal of large open Tiles that are just like boxes, but in areas that aren't quite so open, it can only help you.




not everyone is saying this, but i don't expect SpinDashes and Double Jumping to be pulled to force Players to use Parkour sometime in the future.

Warframe is a game for a wide range of Players, and supporting more Playstyles is always great, but supporting less is a tricky decision.

so as always, the answer to 'A or B' is both / all of the above.




oh, and 'slowing down development' or other sillyness suggesting that the development Cycle would be bogged down by anything in particular, is nonsensical as new content and new N is added to Warframe regardless of what some Departments are doing. Digital Extremes isn't naive enough to focus 100% of Development resources on any given thing. Development is business as usual no matter what is at work in a different department.

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+1 to the OP.  Smoother, more fluid movement would be very welcome.  I hope this gets added.  If this movement system was implemented I could see DE making some gametypes centered around exploration and platforming rather than blasting everything.  It would be a welcome breath of fresh air.

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wow these guys are literally thinking it's not worth updating parkour because currently it sucks and has no use while my entire thread is about making parkour useful and better so it won't suck.


Do I even need to say anything else?

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wow these guys are literally thinking it's not worth updating parkour because currently it sucks and has no use while my entire thread is about making parkour useful and better so it won't suck.


Do I even need to say anything else?


Err ... no.


You did not start a thread saying "there are bugs in the physics that need addressing" you stated "constant sliding around and coptering are breaking the feel and philosophy of the game."


You took the very specific position that "the game needs changing because you don't feel Ninja enough".


All the things in your OP post? We can now get to all those places with Air Melee in seconds. But you want to do it the slow way, by climbing walls, while being shot at.


Parkour is for navigating empty maps, like timed Void Treasure Rooms, not tiles full of enemies shooting at you, when we already have abilities that do a FAR better job getting us around already, THAT is the point.




In the picture below, the Green box is a spot you can't wallclimb. Right now I can Air Melee from the red circle all the way up there. Do you have any idea how many walls in this game have issues like that? You seriously expect DE to go "fix them" when someone says "I should be able to Parkour up there".


The only places DE expects you to DO so is where they put White Lines or where they put Containers. This is not Mirror's Edge, and even if it was, the places where you can "parkour" would STILL be highlighted.



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Err ... no.


You did not start a thread saying "there are bugs in the physics that need addressing" you stated "constant sliding around and coptering are breaking the feel and philosophy of the game."


You took the very specific position that "the game needs changing because you don't feel Ninja enough".


All the things in your OP post? We can now get to all those places with Air Melee in seconds. But you want to do it the slow way, by climbing walls, while being shot at.


Parkour is for navigating empty maps, like timed Void Treasure Rooms, not tiles full of enemies shooting at you, when we already have abilities that do a FAR better job getting us around already, THAT is the point.




In the picture below, the Green box is a spot you can't wallclimb. Right now I can Air Melee from the red circle all the way up there. Do you have any idea how many walls in this game have issues like that? You seriously expect DE to go "fix them" when someone says "I should be able to Parkour up there".


The only places DE expects you to DO so is where they put White Lines or where they put Containers. This is not Mirror's Edge, and even if it was, the places where you can "parkour" would STILL be highlighted.



the problem is not only parkouring direction issues, 

i agree that the direction changing is not needed (even though appreciated) and air melee is very usefull

however the truly IMPORTANT parts of the thread talk about the rather annoying clipping issues that Warframe has with parkouring

AND yes that includes air melee parkouring combos


dont try to play down the importance of proper physics in a game where you can run on walls

Currently it is just broken and trying to air-melee fix it isnt the way to go


The author may have taken the opinion that coptering, air meleeing is a way to skip alot of parkour and that he/she doesnt appreciate it, however it does not only break the feel and philosophy of the game, but breaks physics as well and aure7  also states that in many cases in his original comment

If new ways of movement are to be implemented they have to be in coherence with already existing movement styles. Replacing one with another is not the purpose of adding new movement options

They need to work together not against


I dont mean to be mean and I can see what you mean, but I still think that the work needed to provide these changes is very much appreciated and necessary

Edited by Seyenas
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