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October 16Th: Community Hot Topics!


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I have to agree with saying that the older shotguns were really ugly and didn't fit well with the art style. I remember there been another shotgun during the early, early beta that was much smaller and automatic. That kind of have a nice, simple design like what a Corpus could use. Maybe bring that back and update it?

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Content vs Gameplay


A recent conservation with Steve reflected on the situation a lot of our long term players find themselves in “our players are becoming bored. We can give you all the mods in the world to find, but without a reason to have these mods they become lackluster.”


This isn’t a surprise to many players on the forums because it has been a popular topic for awhile. There is a need for a more detailed story line and a purpose for 500+ hours of game play. Some great story line threads have been posted and it’s amazing to see what players come up with based on their Warframe experiences.



This is SO much more of an important issue than drop table info.


Get your head in the game, warframe community.


Long-term > Short-term 

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This is SO much more of an important issue than drop table info.


Get your head in the game, warframe community.


Long-term > Short-term 


Why does the community have to get their "head in the game"? It's the devs that have been neglecting the very soul of this product.

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Mutagen Update


Sheldon: “We’ve read your feedback on how to balance Mutagen. From what we’re seeing, there hasn’t been a flux in Mutagen crafting since it was put in the Derelicts. This could be due to The Orokin Vaults being introduced, but we will be keeping an eye on it and will consider tweaking it when necessary.”


This is still what I would reconsider. I have read multiple posts about the dissatisfaction of the Mutagen Sample problem. There have been several solution suggested and I think the best one is the returning them in the normal tilesets with the Orokin Derelict being the best place to get them still. This is because farming and grinding for the same tileset missions in a already so extremely monotony game, it is not a good solution to limit the game even more. Don't look at the statistics, look at the player experiences rather. Good thing is that like you said, you will keep looking at it. I do hope you consider this as it is for me and to a portion of other players affecting the overall fun within the game, including Orokin Derelict tilesets and I know your goal was to make people play with them but with a expense of fun turning to disgust wasn't probably the goal on the new tileset.

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The return to Gender Swap.


With the talk of a new female Warframe joining our family, the conversation about male/female versions of Warframes is re-emerging from the community.  Scott and Steve both agree that if we ever decide to do male/female frames, the opposite gender would have a completely different skill set but with the same theme. For example, a male version of Ember would still have a Fire theme, but with 4 unique powers.


IF you ever decide to...?


I thought it was already decided, as in something that was going to happen "eventually". I hope that's just bad wording on your part as I've witnessed such promises coming from Steve himself. Personally I don't really mind if it's either straight genderswap or Ember/Blaze style genderswap, as long as it happens.


I don't think it should be a game changing element though, but rather purely cosmetic and preferential and it should cost platinium. But even if this is how you want to do it, it's still better than nothing in my book. The more options we have, the better. People not wanting to see female or male variations of their favourite warframes played by others shouldn't be a deciding factor in this. There's a demand and there are people willing to pay for it, it's simple business. And since there still isn't any solid lore, you can shape this around it however you like easily.


I wish to see it happen one way or the other {along with other customisation options eventually; such as weapon skins, alternate suits and animations etc}.


Just my two cents.

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Content vs Gameplay


A recent conservation with Steve reflected on the situation a lot of our long term players find themselves in “our players are becoming bored. We can give you all the mods in the world to find, but without a reason to have these mods they become lackluster.”


This isn’t a surprise to many players on the forums because it has been a popular topic for awhile. There is a need for a more detailed story line and a purpose for 500+ hours of game play. Some great story line threads have been posted and it’s amazing to see what players come up with based on their Warframe experiences.


I'm not sure I want a reason to have a mod as much as I want a reason to just play the game.  It seems that Steve is thinking that The Grind is in danger of being abandoned.  My disatisfaction is that that the game is largely grind, it needs to be less grind, and from time to time DE attacks that which is not grind in Warframe.  An example of such an attack would be Stamina Nerf.


Stamina Nerf should have been a Nightmare Mode challenge.  Also, Nightmare Mode challenges should be accessible like regular missions or alerts.  The player should have ways to select particular NM challenges instead of having only random challenges.  The same can be said for level 100+ missions.


Also, it seems that DE no longer wants Warframe to stay true to it's roots.  DE seems to be looking for ways to slow the game down in various ways, a little here, a litte there, and to move away from Excess.  This is terrible as what brought me to Warframe is it's excesses.  It was faster than any other game, or the vast majority of games, in many ways, not just run speed.  Loot rained down like every mission was a bursting piniata.  Resources were scattered everywhere on the solar system.  Not all the good stuff was locked behind higher levels.  Low level warframes and high level warframes, newbs and veterans, all mingled in the missions throughout the solar system map.  Warframe seemed to repudiate video gaming industry conventions and I love that as I hate the industry's standards.  But, there seems to be a conservative wind blowing through Warframe now, looking to impose it's Austerity horror on the entire game instead of being confined to the Nightmare Mode it came from and I hate it.

Edited by ThePresident777
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The return to Gender Swap.


With the talk of a new female Warframe joining our family, the conversation about male/female versions of Warframes is re-emerging from the community.  Scott and Steve both agree that if we ever decide to do male/female frames, the opposite gender would have a completely different skill set but with the same theme. For example, a male version of Ember would still have a Fire theme, but with 4 unique powers.


Speaking of the new Warframe, what’s her deal? We got an update from Mynki on her progress!


Mynki: “The design is coming along pretty well-- got a rough sketch and back-story worked out on the weekend, hoping to have a good concept of her tomorrow evening.”


Players have expressed their concern of Volt being left on the back burner, with the balancing of other Warframes taking precedent. He doesn’t measure up to what he could be, and from what we’ve been reading; he needs some love and Scott has acknowledged this:  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/120240-entry-2-%E2%80%93-oct-15-2013/page-3


Why has the gender swap discussion come back?  One reason: Unavailable sex customization is draconic.  It only makes sense when you have a specific character with a story.  This talk by Mynki of having a back-story to the Berserker (dear god...female berserker...why) is the first of any back story to any one particular frame.


I hoped this topic was already put to rest. I really like the balance of female and male Warframes and I feel creating a gender opposite version of a frame, especially with different abilities, just to appease this crowd is not only a bad creative decision, but would also put into question of referring to it as a simple gender swap, because it's anything but. I understand and respect the reasons why people want gender choices but I feel the decision DE made to keep them as they are is the right one. I really hope you don't buckle on this like PvP, DE. Also, no hate on PvP lovers, if you like it, enjoy it.

I think what bothers me the most is that I have seen DE, time and time again, express no interest in creating opposite gender Warframes and if I remember correctly, even stated a few times that they won't do it but with the topic being resurrected once more, it will probably happen to appease the crowd as they did with dueling. I'd like to say, again, that my stance on the subject does not hold spite for those who want it, if you want gender changes, good for you, but I will not agree.


First of all, the entire game is an entertainment, or "crowd-pleasing", product.  If you're not pleasing people with your game, you're not selling it.  And seeing as how this game is funded entirely by content-specific purchases, I would say that their "Blaze" project is a marvelous idea.


Secondly, they've never said that they won't do it, they've said that they will not just blatantly perform a gender choice.  There will be male and female versions of every frame, if they do address the gender issue.  That does not conflict with their current design at all...it just takes a lot more time to do.


You can disagree all you want, but at the end of the day Warframe is better off with more options available to the player.  It won't affect your gameplay adversely and it certainly won't affect your "immersion" in the world of the Tenno.  They have only to gain from this idea.


And people who don't care shouldn't talk about the things they have no opinion of.  It gives the devs the false impression that there is opposition when there really isn't any.

Edited by Thaumatos
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What I hope is that they come up with some good Earth maps soon. With names like "Everest" and "Pacifica" I'd like to see island battlegrounds and a bossfight in a palace on top of K2. Maybe an Orokin palace the Grineer touched up with their own style. I know there's talk of jungle maps and a good Saturn skybox or what have you, but I think an Earth based mountain map would be really cool.


Pie-in-the-sky-this-is-not-fully-thought-through idea: have a gameplay mode that's a huge shout-out to The Seven Samurai. Grineer troops are trying to intimidate earth civilians by razing their villages (and these villages are like Iron Age/Steam Age fragile since only the Grineer have any technology in their posession on earth). The Tenno have to defend a village from attacks. Sort of like defense, but your ending score and loot is higher the more buildings you preserve. Zero buildings = lose, but there's a bit of a trade-off: If you can save, say, 5/5 buildings, you get tons of loot, but it's easier to defend 2 buildings instead of 5. Once a building is blown up you can't get it back, unlike the regenerating health of defense objectives.


It might not be too different from regular defense, and it kind of shoves the Tenno into a moral narrative other people might not like (i.e. super heroic do-gooder Tenno white knights versus the morally ambiguous mercenary) but it's just a thought.


Oh wait, Toshiro was an apathetic Merc in 7S anyway so I guess it still works.

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I must be playing warframe incorrectly? Got to love the pretentiousness of this fanboy....

GTG has already outlined what is wrong woth nekros. If you want to turn a blind eye to what is blatantly wrong with nekros jist because you have found a playstyle you like (ember and overheat) then you are being fairly pig headed, but more power to you.

Banshee and frost are both one hit wonders, look at their powers.

1. Sonic boom and freeze. Sonic boom is great short range CC, freeze is fairly sub par single target CC.

2. Silence and ice wave. Silence is terrible and useless with new mods. Oce wavedoes fairly sub par damage, sort of useful CC but snowglobe is better.

3. Sonar and Snowglobe. AMAZEBALLS.

4. Sound quake and avalanche. Both suffer from average damage, both better used for the CC they provide.

Both frames have one amazing power (snow globe and sonar) and maybe one other power worth equipping (sonic boom and avalanche). Their other powers just aren't up to scratch in the current system.

sonic boom is great for knockdown. Im already getting the feeling you've never played banshee before already. 


silence is good for stealth play (granted i don't use stealth but that doesnt make it bad)


Sound quake is a 60 second stagger with one of the largest radii AoE in the game.


Avalanche is good for its initial stun and then its damage output at the end. it is pretty good at turning the tide of a fight when S#&$ gets real.


Ice wave is also good. you really just need to learn how to think in a tactical and strategic manner before you start making $&*&*#(%& assumptions based upon your own ignorance.


If you really want to look at one hit wonders lets look at loki, nova volt ember and rhino.


Rhino users only ever use iron skin (unless they happen to remember they have 3 other abilities)


Embers only good skill is a cont. based WoF. (she has very little synergy between her abilities)


Nova MP worm hole is great but the energy cost is quite high for the ability and its generally not used. AMD is useless as most people find that its not worth the effort when MP out classes it by a long shot.


Loki decoy.


volt needs some love but atm his best ability is his shield while the rest is lack luster. but that may change with the armor update. will refrain from tearing volt apart until then.


Nekros is fine. soul punch is essentially a single target sonic boom sometimes acting like icewave.

        terrify is fine too. Some think it needs a stun. no it does what its intended to do just fine.



the frames the masses think are one hit wonders are generally far from. it just requires more effort on the part of the player and these newer generations of people don't have the capacity to think or put effort into anything.

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In... What place exactly are Miasma and IS gamebreaking? I know that MPrime is an arguable matter, but those two?

And, all his powers but desecrate barely see any use. SoulPunch is hard to aim and has no AoE to speak of, Terrify has a huge cooldown that doesn't help at all, and SoD only works that well if you kill a few heavies in a row.

Rhino the one trick pony. iron skin is on from start to finish and people don't build him a tank frame like he is supposed to be and then complain about how IS is UP when incorrect modding is the real problem.


When saryn was released all people did was cry about the instant damage  and that the fact that nothing would be left standing afterwards. This is why i think its funny everytime some new frame comes out everybody has a problem with it being OPAF. No i don't think Miasma is gamebreaking but people still seem to be bitter about its instant casting time.


I think that MP would be better if it gave everyone on the team the kill so that way people stop crying and 2 SotD will work for nekros.


i've also noticed that desecrate also doesnt work when enemies die from MP.

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Rhino is far from being a one-trick pony, I'm seeing all his powers used most of the time I play with rhinos in my team.

He did say that sonic boom is great, although silence is pretty hard to use to any benefit. As well as SoundQuake, seeing how it's CC ends before Banshee can reast or attack enemies.

Ice wave does not provide enough CC to bother with it. I am yet to see it freeze anyone when I use it, and, along with frosts' other skills, the freeze will probably end too soon to do any good.

I'm not seeing much people whine about Saryn on the forums, probably because she isn't overpowered in the least.

After Ember got nerfed, she has 4 WoF skills, no argument here.

Nova has three different useful powers, with MD bringing in massive damage when MP stops chaining and becomes straight double-damage. Desecrate works on MP-ed bodies if you use it fast enough, btw.

I'm yet to see a semi-skilled Loki, only using his decoy.

Nekros is a walking bad decision though. Soul Punch rarely if ever hits more than one enemy, Terrify only affects enemies near you and has a cooldown, as if it was balanced for PvP, and SotD has a huge problem with killstealing, not to mention keeping a good roster.

That said, stopping to feed you now.

Edited by GTG3000
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Rhino the one trick pony. iron skin is on from start to finish and people don't build him a tank frame like he is supposed to be and then complain about how IS is UP when incorrect modding is the real problem.


When saryn was released all people did was cry about the instant damage  and that the fact that nothing would be left standing afterwards. This is why i think its funny everytime some new frame comes out everybody has a problem with it being OPAF. No i don't think Miasma is gamebreaking but people still seem to be bitter about its instant casting time.


I think that MP would be better if it gave everyone on the team the kill so that way people stop crying and 2 SotD will work for nekros.


i've also noticed that desecrate also doesnt work when enemies die from MP.

You accuse tuna of not using Banshee and then turn around and call Rhino a one trick pony? 


Rhino is literally the only frame in the game who has 4 skills that are well worth using.


And actually, if you do it fast enough you can desecrate enemies that die from MP.  You just have an extremely short window of opportunity and practically have to cast desecrate as the nova is casting MP.

Edited by Aggh
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Rhino the one trick pony. iron skin is on from start to finish and people don't build him a tank frame like he is supposed to be and then complain about how IS is UP when incorrect modding is the real problem.


i've also noticed that desecrate also doesnt work when enemies die from MP.


As others have said, ironically enough, Rhino's the frame in the game that you could least call a one-trick pony. That kinda casts a little bit of doubt on taking your advice about how the frame should be used.


Additionally, the main benefit of iron skin is CC/toxin immunity, not the damage it can tank - in that latter regard, it is a tad underpowered at high levels... modding or no. Particularly since the bulk of the griping was when Focus was the only method to increase it beyond the 1,200 damage limit, which wasn't gonna make a big enough difference at top-tier play, at that point, simply stomping will grant you far more longevity and freedom to act than IS does.

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This is SO much more of an important issue than drop table info.


Get your head in the game, warframe community.


Long-term > Short-term 

i agree with you sir! but how to fix it?? im thinking take it into a wow kinda state, maybe 10 man missions for exceptionally badass and story driven bosses. give the boss an excellent arsenal demanding synergy with your frame and your team. and as for the long time goal of all this. a new type of reward, my idea is why are the sentinels so useless. in a game i played back in the day called phantasy star online they basically had sentinels only they would evolve, change shape, and gain ridiculously strong attacks that could only be used once the sentinel had killed enough all on its own. it worked great making it about once or twice a mission i would go into a cinematic mode and unleash hell. i think this type of reward system could easily have a place in warframe while also giving more meaning to these sentinels that just happen to be in the game.

   place the mod or sentinel ultimate in the would be sentinel aura mod slot. this opens up alot of freedom for DE in the customization of the sentinel ultimates. not only that, but the long term reward could be true customization. my idea is that DE could base the evolution of your sentinel based on the weapons you use with that sentinel. so lets say each primary, secondary, melee, and warframe would have a certain attribute cosmetic,ultimate or ability depending on the combination of the four. this creates hundreds of possibilities for cosmetic, gameplay, and balance that your sentinel would recieve for evolving. this makes it so that the less desirable weapons in the game (grakata < soma) could be given balancing evolutions. it also will reward players for playing in their own play style even more so then the game is doing now. ultimately this game has come down to dps and i dont see a future in the game if all they do is just keep releasing new more powerful weapons leaving the old ones in the dust to be "retired." if i liked the play style of those older weapons why am i being punished by DE by getting out classed by their newer weapons. so that i can chase a rank? i feel like my idea would solve those issues by rewarding players by playing how they want to play. instead of "oh i hit rank 30, time to change weapons and do it all over again." the player could be saying "oh i hit rank 30, i should keep using this weapon i like to see what evolutions i will get rewarded with for doing so"

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What I hope is that they come up with some good Earth maps soon. With names like "Everest" and "Pacifica" I'd like to see island battlegrounds and a bossfight in a palace on top of K2. Maybe an Orokin palace the Grineer touched up with their own style. I know there's talk of jungle maps and a good Saturn skybox or what have you, but I think an Earth based mountain map would be really cool.


Pie-in-the-sky-this-is-not-fully-thought-through idea: have a gameplay mode that's a huge shout-out to The Seven Samurai. Grineer troops are trying to intimidate earth civilians by razing their villages (and these villages are like Iron Age/Steam Age fragile since only the Grineer have any technology in their posession on earth). The Tenno have to defend a village from attacks. Sort of like defense, but your ending score and loot is higher the more buildings you preserve. Zero buildings = lose, but there's a bit of a trade-off: If you can save, say, 5/5 buildings, you get tons of loot, but it's easier to defend 2 buildings instead of 5. Once a building is blown up you can't get it back, unlike the regenerating health of defense objectives.


It might not be too different from regular defense, and it kind of shoves the Tenno into a moral narrative other people might not like (i.e. super heroic do-gooder Tenno white knights versus the morally ambiguous mercenary) but it's just a thought.


Oh wait, Toshiro was an apathetic Merc in 7S anyway so I guess it still works.



wont work. this game is a free to play, appealing to the masses good computer or not. destructible environment has NOOOO place in warframe other then the scripted canisters and lockers we already open. otherwise i predict huge player base fall off and even more disasterous lag problems.

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