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How to get back into the groove of this game?

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After the early adaptation shock of the quarantine followed by three abysmal updates on Warframe's part, I did what most do when they get sick of something, and I took a break.

I've been gone for a solid month and a half, and I need some help getting back into the swing of things. I have pretty much every Warframe (save for Protea), and the only significant update I've missed was Deadlock. However, every time I log in, I take one look at the game and become demotivated. "Maybe tomorrow", and things like that.

I'm open to trying out some new gameplay options if it means I can get my Warframe mojo back, because I'm willing to give it another shot. I just don't know how.

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For me personally, Steel Path does it right now.

I am one of those guys who wanted this for a long time and is simply satisfied with what we got now.


Its enjoyable for me because i dont do it to chase any kind of rewards,

but the cosmetics are a nice thing to get in the longterm, and i am not in a hurry to get them.


Playing through the StarChart again without rushing it (!), playing both Solo if i want a challenge or in groups when there is a defense/interception/survival mission to do is equally fun for me, and when i have gone solo i took my time to really explore some Tilesets again which i might have rushed the first time like Lua or which got recently changed like the Corpus Ships. I didnt remember Lua Spy for example, but it was really fun trying to figure out what to do (again, without the pressure of "i have to be effecient and quick").


If this sounds like a way to play the game for you, maybe you enjoy it aswell.

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I took years of hiatus from Warframe before the tileset revamps. So for me that was accostumed with closed beta and farming multishots in the void, the game is another thing.

So I'm swarmed with content and warframes to farm to try. Mods to drop.

So I guess take a break, play other video games to avoid burn out.

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