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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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I just read another topic about this event. Wouldn't siding with the Grineer allow us to rescue the Tenno in the first place?

That's if the Corpus doesn't kill them/dissect them. Corpus will get to the Tenno first, so it's a matter of if we can retrieve the Tenno before that all happens.

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Choose wisely, you say? I'm screwed either way. You imply  I can't help save my fellow Tenno when I fight for the Grineer and crush the Corpus. You only give me information about victory conditions that are only going to screw over our Tenno still in the cryopods no matter what side we choose. And who's to say the Grineer and the Corpus won't screw us later?



Honestly, I'd rather sneak in and start extracting pods. The Grineer and the Corpus can kill each other over nothing when they find out all the pods are gone.

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Choose wisely, you say? I'm screwed either way. You imply  I can't help save my fellow Tenno when I fight for the Grineer and crush the Corpus. You only give me information about victory conditions that are only going to screw over our Tenno still in the cryopods no matter what side we choose. And who's to say the Grineer and the Corpus won't screw us later?



Honestly, I'd rather sneak in and start extracting pods. The Grineer and the Corpus can kill each other over nothing when they find out all the pods are gone.


Dingdingding. I support neither. KILL ALL OF THEM and retrieve our brothers and sisters.


The Corpus Maggots and the Grinner tin cans ALL MUST BURN FOR THIS!


And for the record i'm reitterating my stance. If there is not a third option and i MUST choose a side. I will sit this event out in total. I will find other games to play.

Edited by Hyperion5182
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Just realized there's a typo in it.

The "If we fight for the Grineer our fellow Tenno fall to the mercy of Alad V" should be "If we fight for the Grineer our fellow Tenno won't fall to the mercy of Alad V"

Basically right now it's saying "Fight for the Grineer and the Tenno are lost to the Corpus" which is the OPPOSITE of what the outcome should be.

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Just realized there's a typo in it.

The "If we fight for the Grineer our fellow Tenno fall to the mercy of Alad V" should be "If we fight for the Grineer our fellow Tenno won't fall to the mercy of Alad V"

Basically right now it's saying "Fight for the Grineer and the Tenno are lost to the Corpus" which is the OPPOSITE of what the outcome should be.

If it truly is a typo, which I REALLY hope it is, I'm supporting the Grineer.

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All they've really done to us is send Informers to try and monitor Tenno. And that went so well for them.

Well there's that whole trying to kill us when we first woke up and the sole reason we're dragged into this war in the first place.


The Corpus and Grineer represent the worst of humanity. The greedy desires of a mind for deception and corruption, as well as an overwhelming capacity for cruelty, violence and domination over everything, respectively. There are no right choices here, but joining with the Corpus might give us the access to save our fellow Tenno without having to storm in guns blazing and put them at risk. Keep your friends close, and enemies with hostages, closer.

Edited by Haldos
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You only give me information about victory conditions that are only going to screw over our Tenno still in the cryopods no matter what side we choose.



Alad V is somehow able to hide the Tenno from the Grineer and even Lotus herself. 


Those Tenno are already lost, and that's why the Corpus must die.

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So choose to side with the faction that will be the easiest to betray.

That aside, this is war. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices. It may be that we have to cast this batch of Tenno to their deaths in order to ensure that our existing troops come out ahead of everyone else. Is it a pleasant choice? No. But it has happened repeatedly throughout the course of human history, so it makes sense that it would continue far past the time of our civilization. Sacrifice a few to save many. It's cruel. It's calculating. It's war. Taking that into consideration, "choose wisely" can be taken to mean "do whatever you have to in order to minimize your regret over their loss." Personally, I'd rather my fellow Tenno simply be given swift executions at the hands of the Grineer than have them be dissected alive by the Corpus and potentially produce more powerful weapons technology in the process. Throw in the fact that the Grineer aren't exactly finesse-oriented strategists, and there you go.

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I'm siding with the Grineer.

All they've really done to us is send Informers to try and monitor Tenno. And that went so well for them.

Corpus, on the other hand, created Fusion Moa specifically to murder Tenno. Do I really want to ally with someone who did that?

Oh, let's not forget that they'd rather send the coordinates of the Grineer Settlements into the Void before giving it to us; what makes you think they'd give back the sleeping Tenno? (EDIT: Or what they might do to these Tenno before giving them back..)


So yeah, Grineer all the way.



No one calls The Lotus an Eyeless Slag.  Many Corpus will die.


and when the smoke clears, the Grineer will be next.



Those two pretty much sum it all up for me.

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The captured Tenno are hostages of Alad V. If we fight against the Corpus they will be executed. If we fight with him, he will spare them in exchange for the extra firepower/talent he needs to shut down the grineer.

Join Corpus and you save Tenno while maintaining balance. Win-win.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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