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vor 1 Minute schrieb Keyhound:

you do realise that something that is the "overwhelming choice" is just another way of saying most popular.

cambridge dictionary example for overwhelming:

"An overwhelming majority voted in favor of the proposal."

if the nerf doesnt affect said popularity, and roar still remain the overwhelming choice, it means the nerf was pointless.

No. It's not. I don't get the issue here. Do you not know what "overwhelming" means?

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1 minute ago, Krankbert said:

Because a blind man with a walking stick can see how strong Roar is.


There's all kinds of degrees between overwhelmingly strong and objectively horrible. Black-and-white-thinking again.

i never once said something is overwhelming strong i said overwhelming choice and objectively good if there is no contest between objectively good and objectively bad then a slight nerf will not change the statistic of choice what so ever

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vor 1 Minute schrieb papry:

An one-eyed person can see how most of the other abilities are usuless.

and a deaf person can remenber pablo saying that the bad abilities would be buffed.

Usually when people argue against a nerf, they argue that the nerfed thing isn't as good as people say it is. Here, people are leaning into it and are instead saying that even after the nerf, Roar will be miles ahead of everything else and therefore the only solution is massive buffs to all other abilities. No one even bothers to try to argue that Roar isn't that good.

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Hopefully, this update will cause DE to actually listen to community and make ability transfer an actual end-game content. I've been dreaming to have an RPG-esque progression in Warframe, the ability to keep the looks and alter skillsets. But this approach of exchanging useless for another useless saddens me to the point of losing hope. Goddamn it, I'll need a therapist after update goes live. Or right now.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb SnowKeeper:

Goddamn it, I'll need a therapist after update goes live. Or right now.

By the way: My current theory on this "overwhelming choice means most popular"-thing is that because you all only talk in insane hyperbole, so you assume that everyone else must do the same.

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24 minutes ago, Krankbert said:

Only if the whole point of the nerf was to nerf the abilities into uselessness, which it wasn't.

No, the "point of the nerf" was to make both them, and many other options reasonable choices, but as people keep telling you, there is no nerf value where this will actually occur.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Sylonus:

No, the "point of the nerf" was to make both them, and many other options reasonable choices, but as people keep telling you, there is no nerf value where this will actually occur.

And as I keep telling people, I disagree on that. As I already said, repeating it doesn't make it true.

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1 minute ago, MarrikBroom said:

As a heavily vision imlared guy who does have to use a mobility cane for urban and or unfamiliar locations? That got a laugh out of me because it is absolutely true.


Roar is boring but useful, is a blanket good on everybody with only variances in good, and nerfing roar won't make me pick specterorage, or spellbind as both of those are at best and most charitable.... Situational. I would say they are useless but that award goes to ice wave and decoy.

its not even boring, its just straight foward, use - get bonus damage on everything. its not even something massive that affect your build. it can literally be put in any warframe, and unless you are running a no duration build, it will give a boost.

its not a mandatory ability, and there will be many warframes who will have better choices for their particulat builds. but roar is still the most vanilla ability to pick, its borderline garanteed to always be good.

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Just now, Krankbert said:

And as I keep telling people, I disagree on that. As I already said, repeating it doesn't make it true.

its doesn't matter weather you agree or not has no merit since megan literally said on page 81 what the reason for this nerf was but everybody here knows that roar is strong enough that even nerfed it will not change the usage count which literally goes against what megan said

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2 minutes ago, Krankbert said:

By the way: My current theory on this "overwhelming choice means most popular"-thing is that because you all only talk in insane hyperbole, so you assume that everyone else must do the same.

no, you are using a definition that really dont exist. they themselves said, roar would be nerfed because it was an overwhelming choice, which is why i copied the example give by the dictionary on the use for overwhelming.

you keep saying we are wrong because YOU wont use it like that... that's not what overwhelming means, overwhelming doesnt mean 110%, it doesnt mean a mandate and that EVERYONE will use it FOR EVERYTHING.

it just means, most players will pick it above other options because of how good its buff is. THAT'S IT.

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5 minutes ago, Krankbert said:

No. They didn't, they gave an example of usage. That's not a definition.

I’ll explain to you then. There are certain blue words called hyperlinks and if you click on them you’ll get to another page of the internet. So much future. Very advanced.

It’s not like they gave you an overwhelming amount of places to click right?

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il y a 9 minutes, Krankbert a dit :

Usually when people argue against a nerf, they argue that the nerfed thing isn't as good as people say it is. Here, people are leaning into it and are instead saying that even after the nerf, Roar will be miles ahead of everything else and therefore the only solution is massive buffs to all other abilities. No one even bothers to try to argue that Roar isn't that good.

Simple : You can split the ability in 3 category team support/ crowd control/ damage increase.

Roar is amazing at team support & damage increase

Larva is amazing at crowd control

And a lot of other ability are usuless or way worst at this the others like decoy/spectrorage

Even considering a nerf to these "overwhelming" abilities.

You have abilities that are overall usefull & others that are situational.

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3 minutes ago, Krankbert said:

And as I keep telling people, I disagree on that. As I already said, repeating it doesn't make it true.

Except you literally just said the point of the nerf was something else, which is what I was pointing out was false, obviously repeating a thing doesn't make it true, however, historically speaking.... well, you're very likely to be in the wrong on this prediction.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb papry:

Simple : You can split the ability in 3 category team support/ crowd control/ damage increase.

Roar is amazing at team support & damage increase

Larva is amazing at crowd control

And a lot of other ability are usuless or way worst at this the others like decoy/spectrorage

Even considering a nerf to these "overwhelming" abilities.

So you have abilities that are overall usefull & others that are situational,

Only ever Decoy.

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Gerade eben schrieb Sylonus:

Except you literally just said the point of the nerf was something else, which is what I was pointing out was false, obviously repeating a thing doesn't make it true, however, historically speaking.... well, you're very likely to be in the wrong on this prediction.

I said the point of the nerf was what the devs said it was. That's all I ever said.

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Gerade eben schrieb papry:

spectrorage, tempest barrage, desiccation, airburst, terrify, ice wave, thermal sunder, mind control...

I don't care. I never said the nerf would make all abilities useful, and the fact that you keep ignoring this and instead insist on debunking this strawman argument again and again tells me everything I need to know about you and your opinion. If you had an actual argument, you would have posted it instead of going on with this intellectually dishonest crap.

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il y a 1 minute, Krankbert a dit :

I don't care. I never said the nerf would make all abilities useful, and the fact that you keep ignoring this and instead insist on debunking this strawman argument again and again tells me everything I need to know about you and your opinion. If you had an actual argument, you would have posted it instead of going on with this intellectually dishonest crap.

Thank you for the ad hominem attack.

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3 minutes ago, Krankbert said:

I don't care. I never said the nerf would make all abilities useful, and the fact that you keep ignoring this and instead insist on debunking this strawman argument again and again tells me everything I need to know about you and your opinion. If you had an actual argument, you would have posted it instead of going on with this intellectually dishonest crap.

since you cant tell what they are trying to say is that the nerf is going to make literally no difference in ability pick because those "strawman arguments"  and others not mentioned are so objectively bad compared to the nerfed abilities that the whole reason for this mess has been pointless

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Just now, Krankbert said:

I don't care. I never said the nerf would make all abilities useful, and the fact that you keep ignoring this and instead insist on debunking this strawman argument again and again tells me everything I need to know about you and your opinion. If you had an actual argument, you would have posted it instead of going on with this intellectually dishonest crap.

you are the one who is missing the point. people want those abilities to be fair choices, they dont need to make them the best choices.

it wont take anywhere near as much effort to make those buffs either.

now answer me, why, in the love of all that is sacred, DE decided to buff energy vampire into a one hit kill ability on any enemy with enough viral procs? who asked for EV, trinity's best known ability, and her most used one, a skill that everyone was happy with as it did its job well.

why buff it like that? when all those other abilities need buffs. and when airbust's "buff" was so bad, most people still think its a joke...

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Gerade eben schrieb Keyhound:

you are the one who is missing the point. people want those abilities to be fair choices, they dont need to make them the best choices.

it wont take anywhere near as much effort to make those buffs either.

now answer me, why, in the love of all that is sacred, DE decided to buff energy vampire into a one hit kill ability on any enemy with enough viral procs? who asked for EV, trinity's best known ability, and her most used one, a skill that everyone was happy with as it did its job well.

why buff it like that? when all those other abilities need buffs. and when airbust's "buff" was so bad, most people still think its a joke...

Anser me something: Did they actually buff Energy Vampire or is that just an incidential change that happened when they changed Viral status effects.

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2 minutes ago, Krankbert said:

this strawman argument

Where did you learn this word? Because everytime someone “debunks” your logic you use the “strawman” argument as a last resort.

And if you’re so kind to quote the replies then do so with the ones that make your logic seems stupid and by your owns words “debunk” those “strawman arguments”

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