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I know that I have asked around about Steel Path quite a bit recently, tho I still think a lot about it and I still try and figure out how to approach this mode, especially with me not using corrupted mods.

A big point is which frames to use and after all my talks so far, I got a few candidates that I might try, tho I'm still not fully sure about the builds I gotta use.

The candidates are:


And some suggested also Nyx tho I'm not really sure about this one.

Any thoughts on this?

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vor 18 Stunden schrieb (PS4)iuvenilis:

You're likely to end up with 4 mediocre abilities and very limited survivability, when you should be aiming for 2 or 3 strong abilities.

I mean, when modding my Rhino, I have somewhat focused on his Iron Skin; giving him strength, armor and using the augment for his Charge, tho I also didn't get as far as make his Roar and Stomp unsuable. THis means range and duration are at default.

Generally, I look which stats do affect most of the abilities of a frame and that's the ones I focus on when modding.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

I normally don't build for one specific abilities - that would be too limiting - rather than for the whole kit.

That's fine for normal star chart, but for Steel path you're going to need to bring the right tools for the right job. I wasn't suggesting that you would only use 1 ability, just that it would be the main ability for the specific situation. 

You're likely to end up with 4 mediocre abilities and very limited survivability, when you should be aiming for 2 or 3 strong abilities.

The advantage to corrupted mods is you can work towards 2 or 3 extremely strong abilities and still have mod space for survivability mods like adaptation. You can still use the other abilities, they just won't be used as much.

If you don't want to use corrupted mods, that's fine, but you need to accept the limitations that you're placing on yourself. You're going to need to bring some serious meta weapons to kill, and you'll probably have to keep moving a lot, or lots of shooting from cover to stay alive.

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In Steel Path, more than the main Star Chart, I often choose my frame based on the mission type.  If it's Interception, for example, I only care about crowd control, so I'll bring Vauban and trap all the enemies in one or two Vortexes for the entire match, problem solved.  If it's Exterminate, I'll instead bring a frame that can kill 100+ enemies in a timely manner, so perhaps Nyx or any durable (or invisible) frame with a Blood Rush/Weeping Wounds Galatine Prime. If it's Defense, I want to be able to both kill quickly and protect an objective, so often that means Gara. 

You get the idea; take the appropriate tools for the job at hand.  Warframes and weapons have the exact same strengths and weaknesses in Steel Path, it's just that the Steel Path requires that you play to your strengths that much more.

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vor 19 Stunden schrieb (PS4)iuvenilis:

You could try build a duration based nova, with at least 130% strength for the slow.

That's pretty much my Nova, I got all the duration I could get without using Narrow Minded.


vor 19 Stunden schrieb (PS4)iuvenilis:

Perhaps fatal teleport or shuriken Ash builds might work for disruption.


vor 19 Stunden schrieb (PS4)iuvenilis:

for a chaos build.

I normally don't build for one specific abilities - that would be too limiting - rather than for the whole kit.


vor 19 Stunden schrieb (PS4)iuvenilis:

And add some strength (or have another loadout) to strip armor using psychic bolts.

I usually have one build for any given frame. That's more of a convenience thing.

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vor 6 Minuten schrieb (XB1)MarineDawg:

I am about halfway through clearing the path of Steel.  Of course it all boils down to your play style but the frames I can remember using are Inaros, Nova, Limbo, and Oberon.  Essentially I am an Oberon main so there is the non-thinking impulse to go with what you know.  I use Inaros mainly for kavat survivability, 13k health is hard to take down.  Nova is a moderate slow build and Limbo is my go to for excavation hands down.  I play mostly solo so that also dictates my selections.   I would say just have at it.  Your experiences will influence your frame selection, builds, and loadouts quite frankly.

I've mainly used my Rhino for missions tho I had also some special cases. Like Loki for spy, Nidus for Kuva survival or Wukong for Lich hunting. Generally, I've morstly relied on tanking damage. Tho I've been told that this won't be as effective in an environment like Steel Path.

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I am about halfway through clearing the path of Steel.  Of course it all boils down to your play style but the frames I can remember using are Inaros, Nova, Limbo, and Oberon.  Essentially I am an Oberon main so there is the non-thinking impulse to go with what you know.  I use Inaros mainly for kavat survivability, 13k health is hard to take down.  Nova is a moderate slow build and Limbo is my go to for excavation hands down.  I play mostly solo so that also dictates my selections.   I would say just have at it.  Your experiences will influence your frame selection, builds, and loadouts quite frankly.

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vor 17 Stunden schrieb (PS4)iuvenilis:

If you're solo, then you might find even the simple missions could be difficult.

I already experienced my first mission. I took my Rhino P with my Sybaris P, Tombfinger and Plague Kripath. And it ended up being a slog. The only things that helped me through it was my Zaw, Stomp and some energy discs.

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vor 10 Stunden schrieb Jemmies:

There is no need for compensation if some stats are useless for a specific build.

And there are some builds that actually require less than 100% stats. Fast Nova comes to mind.

But it’s your game, your choice.

I know about Speed Nova and it doesn't fit my way of playing (Slow Nova does tho).

And the same goes for low range Frost and Limbo or low duration Limbo.

Generally, I can't stand low stats on a frame, hence why I'd always try and compensate when using those mods.

I'm much more comfortable not using them.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

If possible, I'd go without dumping stats on the frames I run, even if I can compensate. Because compensating also needs an additional slot for another mod.

There is no need for compensation if some stats are useless for a specific build.

And there are some builds that actually require less than 100% stats. Fast Nova comes to mind.

But it’s your game, your choice.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

If possible, I'd go without dumping stats on the frames I run, even if I can compensate. Because compensating also needs an additional slot for another mod.

Tho I am used to people not understanding my point of view, even when they say they do.

You can play it however you like. But at some point you need to consider why most people use corrupted mods. If it was genuinely detrimental people wouldn’t bother. Using them is better than not.

  • I won’t pretend to understand your point of view. It seems like a poor choice. I’d rather level the mods an invest the extra Forma.

Without corrupted mods Inaros is probably the best choice. He doesn’t need corrupted mods, as his main draw is the eHP. The other frames you suggested are probably not going to be efficient as you won’t use corrupted mods. Inaros will largely be dependent on your weapon choices, which again, benefit from corrupted mods. You may also have trouble finding people to help you on the missions as people don’t tend to like leeching - I am not saying that is your intention.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

not using corrupted mods.

I think you're going to struggle to find useful build suggestions, simply because, once you get to steel path, you're going to want to start using those mods to boost your abilities i.e. damage/survivability. 

You could probably try Inaros, Oberon or perhaps Valkyr for the basic missions like exterminate or capture. Loki, limbo or perhaps ivara would be good for rescue and spy (or just use operator). Limbo or frost for excavation and defense/mobile defense (khora if it's not corpus). Survival you could go for the more tanky options, or full stealth, either should work. For defection, you might want to go with Oberon.

Solo Interception is where you might struggle. You could try build a duration based nova, with at least 130% strength for the slow. Just use heavy slam to keep the enemy off the alarms.

I suspect Disruption and the Ropalolyst could be very difficult for you. Perhaps fatal teleport or shuriken Ash builds might work for disruption. Ropalolyst will definitely be a group mission for a lot of people I suspect.

Nyx is probably an option as well. Build for range and maybe duration, for a chaos build. And add some strength (or have another loadout) to strip armor using psychic bolts.

Wuclone, or Excalibur are also potential choices for most missions. Octavia as well.

If you're in a squad, they'll probably just carry you through most missions. If you're solo, then you might find even the simple missions could be difficult.

In theory, you can brute force or stealth your way through most missions. 

If you're really struggling, I'd suggest using a tenno spectre (octavia is my preferred) and an ancient healer spectre. 

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vor 1 Minute schrieb krc473:

Why are you not using corrupted mods? Ash would work better with them. Without you providing justifications for each frame it’s hard to know why only these are your choices.

With the no corrupted mods thing: I would probably suggest Inaros. Build for the highest eHP that you can. That’s about all he’s good for. I would not pick a frame from your list for myself.

If possible, I'd go without dumping stats on the frames I run, even if I can compensate. Because compensating also needs an additional slot for another mod.

Tho I am used to people not understanding my point of view, even when they say they do.

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

especially with me not using corrupted mods

Why are you not using corrupted mods? Ash would work better with them. Without you providing justifications for each frame it’s hard to know why only these are your choices.

With the no corrupted mods thing: I would probably suggest Inaros. Build for the highest eHP that you can. That’s about all he’s good for. I would not pick a frame from your list for myself.

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