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Iso Vaults doesn't work with the amount of time you have to spend.


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Since the increase on timers it became absurdly hard to get to T3, not because of the difficulty but it just takes too much time. You will losse all your progress if the cycle changes and will have to start from a T1 vault again. The average time i'm getting from (trying) to do 3 vaults are 40 minutes, cycles are every 60 minutes. This means i'll have 10 minutes to start a vault run or else i'll be unable to get to the T3 vault. The time must be reduced so people can actually get to the Tier 3 Vault or if this option is just incapable of being applied, increase each cycle time to 2 or 3 hours, that way we'll have 1-2 hour(s) to do a single bounty.

I'm also going to mention that for a mission of 40 minutes the rewards are extremely underwhelming. For example: If you're going to hunt the three Eidolons and your party is not adequate/prepared it can take 40 minutes to complete this bounty just like this one, however you get 3 arcanes and a lot of sentient cores, even if you fail and only manages to do one or two eidolons it still that much more rewarding. What we get for doing 3 Iso Vaults in 40 minutes? 3 Relics, if we're lucky a Scintillant and the same mech parts we always get.

Elite Onslaught will give you radiant relics with even less time spent in it for comparison. This Bounty is completely broken and is not worth doing in any way or form.


Another alternative would just be to let people go straight to a T1, T2 or T3 from bounty selection. The higher the Tier, better rewards you'll get, this would change nothing and would be a huge "Quality of Life" improvement.


Playing solo seems to be the most viable way to complete the 3 Vaults considering you have to fulfill smaller requirements and spend less time in each vault to complete them. This seems inappropriate in a multiplayer co-op game. Why am i being punished for playing with other people?

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I haven't logged in yet to see if there was a change, b/c the hotfix notes don't mention it. But solo I can easily do 2 full runs during Fass, and 1 during Vome. And you only need to start the T3 before the cycle changes, not finish it.

And I won't say it doesn't need more rewards, but the bounty rewards aren't really what matter for the most part. You're there for...

  • the Cortege
  • necramech parts and mods
  • Necraloid rep
  • Scintillant
  • and Demois resources so you can skip most of the fishing and mining
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17 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

I haven't logged in yet to see if there was a chance, b/c the hotfix notes don't mention it. But solo I can easily do 2 full runs during Fass, and 1 during Vome. And you only need to start the T3 before the cycle changes, not finish it.

And I won't say it doesn't need more rewards, but the bounty rewards aren't really what matter for the most part. You're there for...

  • the Cortege
  • necramech parts and mods
  • Necraloid rep
  • Scintillant
  • and Demois resources so you can skip most of the fishing and mining

If i'm correct, less players in a party result in less time for the stages. Running solo as a consequence will result in the lowest "requirements" for quest completion.

For example, Loid with 4 players has to activate 4 crystals everytime they decide to open a vault.

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Agreed with OP. I can understand that the developers wanted something for veteran players to spend time on, but it's far too frustrating so I and many players are just ignoring them. The vaults are too :
- restrictive, I don't see why the day cycle should matter
- repetitive, it's literally always the same thing (ironically bounties are less boring but their rewards are easy to get)
- long, especially with the increase in timers, and the speed of NecraLoid
- subject to bugs and hosting issues. One vault at a time would avoid a lot of trouble.
- illogical. The fact that we must run it three times doesn't make sense given that bounties are already a succession of phases. Also, why would "mother" give different bounties in different places ?


4 minutes ago, KitMeHarder said:

...but the bounty rewards aren't really what matter for the most part. You're there for...

  • the Cortege

Well that's in bounty rewards right ?

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1 hour ago, KitMeHarder said:
  • Necraloid rep

For what? There's only 1 item to get per rank.

I mean look at this:


Also look the amount of Matrixes i've got that i'm never going to use:


and i'm still looking for mods and weapon parts of the cortege even with everything maxed out.


1 hour ago, Chroia said:

Nope, sorry.

90s for goo-bomb. 3m for toxic stage, 4 symbols for vault, no matter how many players.

Crossed out the text in the first post.

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3 hours ago, KillerXDIZ said:

If i'm correct, less players in a party result in less time for the stages.

Only for collecting worm goo (6 vs 12). Otherwise, what Chroia said is correct.

3 hours ago, Lluid said:

Well that's in bounty rewards right ?

I said for the most part.

1 hour ago, KillerXDIZ said:

For what? There's only 1 item to get per rank.

Two more ranks are coming with at least another Necramech, and the fact you get the necramech alone makes it worth the time. We haven't gotten a new base game combat system since the War Within. Once you have your necramech and you're not enjoying the bounty, why are you still playing it?

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7 hours ago, KillerXDIZ said:

Since the increase on timers it became absurdly hard to get to T3, not because of the difficulty but it just takes too much time. You will losse all your progress if the cycle changes and will have to start from a T1 vault again. The average time i'm getting from (trying) to do 3 vaults are 40 minutes, cycles are every 60 minutes. This means i'll have 10 minutes to start a vault run or else i'll be unable to get to the T3 vault. The time must be reduced so people can actually get to the Tier 3 Vault or if this option is just incapable of being applied, increase each cycle time to 2 or 3 hours, that way we'll have 1-2 hour(s) to do a single bounty.

Better solution: just remove the tier reset in cycle changes. That kind of time gating has always been horrible in the Plains of Eidolon, we were glad when it didn't happen in Orb Vallis, and now we are back to having to check the timers and when it's like 20 minute until a change you don't even need to bother starting an Iso Vault run - that is just garbage game design.

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17 hours ago, KillerXDIZ said:

If i'm correct, less players in a party result in less time for the stages. Running solo as a consequence will result in the lowest "requirements" for quest completion.

For example, Loid with 4 players has to activate 4 crystals everytime they decide to open a vault.

Wdym Loid always has to activate 4 keys. The only things that increase are the amount of bait you need to obtain. 

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At no point during these does it feel like the player is rewarded for skill or ability to play.  You can wreck an Eidolon in moments if you know what you're doing, but these runs are all just time gates and RNG.  Out of the four stages, only the necramech fight is one that's length can be decided by how you play and it's not even a fun fight.  All the others you are leashed either to a point, room, or target, with no way of quickening the pace.  On top of that, the vaults themselves are seemingly the only good way to mine certain resources, but you never get a good chance to do it properly.  When you've completed the Toxin room, you're still hounded by random infested down to the vault.  When you get to the vault, you have to deal with the random infested and the Necramech/s.  You'd think once the mech is down you'd get the chance to just walk around, take in the sights of the vault, look for mining points, maybe see if there's a Scintillant floating about.  Nope, the moment that mech bites the dust, in comes the endless wave of high rank infested to flood the halls.  Even after protecting Loid to the four control points, then watching him drag ass back through the vault before you're allowed to open the door and "finish", there will always be infested spawning to some degree.  I've lost count of the number of times I've cleared the vault and tried to mine to only have something 100 feet away hit me with a ranged attack and pushing my mining beam off the node, losing me an increased reward.

All that and fact that the only time you get a guaranteed drop from the list is at the very end of completing the vault, a drop from a list that is padded with relics that can be obtained 10 time faster and easier from other missions, just feels like a kick in the teeth and doesn't feel rewarding in the slightest.

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All of this "it takes too much time, i can't do a t3 vault" is nonsonse. What most players still don't understand is that drop tables are bound to the bounty itself. Opening vaults will NOT give you any mech related rewards whatsoever (only the tier 3 vault will obviously). You will get some loot from the opened vaults such a basic deimos stuff, fish parts, endo, ayatan stars or argon crystals and another rare drop from the bounty (t3). You can just kill the mechs and leave the vault wihtout opening it and start the next tier. I have done solo t3 runs in about 15-20 minutes and the worst part is mother and loid talking before the bait thingy lets you even collect residue. So if you are in a squad you should easily be able to do 2 or 3x3 in one wyrm cycle.

Edit: so it's perfectly possible to do a solo 3x3, opening the third vault for the extra rare drop in one fass cycle.

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Timegating is not even the biggest problem Lets fece it: Vaults are just not worth it. Neither for the gameplay nor for the rewards. Too much boring waiting and the only new part that should be interesting is mech fight - which is not even a fight as they get killed in few seconds most of the time, so its not interesting unless you play solo and/or try something ineffective allowing mech to use its 'iron skin' and live longer to fight back.

On top of that you have bugs that can totally ruin the mission and deny you rewards.

Suggestion - get rid of the boring waiting parts, no bait wait section. Cut down the talking delays. Speed up Loyd so we dont have to bring Nova or Wisp to get him to move faster. Spawn more hostile mechs for extra challenge and chance for drops. You know that many people dont even bother with opening vaults and only farm mechs and get out? That tells a lot. 

All these things are easy to do for the devs, would make the missions less tedious and cut down the time it takes.

Ideally redesign mech encounters, remove all the cheese that lets you delete them in few seconds, make it a real fight. but that would require more work.

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