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Why the 60 cap?



So far I've done all NW's missions that were possible and the result is that I reached level 60 + already more then 10K points and enough missions left of this week to add another +30K points. This means that if it was possible then I could end the week with level 64 or so.

However, I can't. Because there's a level 60 cap.

Sure, 'soon' we'll get the last and final chapter of the glass maker as well as the boss fight to get the new melee weapon but until that happens the really dedicated players have really no reason to be doing NW missions anymore because there's nothing to be gained from it.

There for the question : Why is there a level 60 cap? Why bother. Why not set the cap on something that no one can reach (e.g. lvl100) that way those of us that are really into the game can keep picking up NW points. Sure after a while those kinds of players will have every mod, helmet, weapon, weapon skin , but so what?  There's always a need for potato's and kuva and now with having to rebuild some frame's there will be a need for nitain as well, even by the long time players.


tl;dr : why a cap on NW when there will be plenty of players that will blow right past that?

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14 hours ago, (PS4)kite9000 said:

So far I've done all NW's missions that were possible and the result is that I reached level 60 + already more then 10K points and enough missions left of this week to add another +30K points. This means that if it was possible then I could end the week with level 64 or so.

However, I can't. Because there's a level 60 cap.

Sure, 'soon' we'll get the last and final chapter of the glass maker as well as the boss fight to get the new melee weapon but until that happens the really dedicated players have really no reason to be doing NW missions anymore because there's nothing to be gained from it.

There for the question : Why is there a level 60 cap? Why bother. Why not set the cap on something that no one can reach (e.g. lvl100) that way those of us that are really into the game can keep picking up NW points. Sure after a while those kinds of players will have every mod, helmet, weapon, weapon skin , but so what?  There's always a need for potato's and kuva and now with having to rebuild some frame's there will be a need for nitain as well, even by the long time players.


tl;dr : why a cap on NW when there will be plenty of players that will blow right past that?

Level 100 is reachable.  It requires unhealthy levels of glass farming,   but it's reachable.   I believe the point of setting a cap that can be met though normal play is to discourage people from no-lifeing it to a self-destructive degree. 

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Ranks after the base 30 reward additional Nora Credit

which can be used to buy items that Alternatively can be bought using Platinum

so it makes sense for economy balancing, that DE would want to put a Known Cap on how much Nora Credit will be in the system

unchecked it could start to affect sales of those same items from Market.


On a related note I suspect that things like the drop rate of Catalysts/Reactors in Invasions are Sorties are manually throttled, not pure RNG; as an economic 'control rod'. Kinda like how the Federal Reserve in the real world throttles interests rates....

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18 hours ago, (PS4)kite9000 said:

So far I've done all NW's missions that were possible and the result is that I reached level 60 + already more then 10K points and enough missions left of this week to add another +30K points. This means that if it was possible then I could end the week with level 64 or so.

However, I can't. Because there's a level 60 cap.

Sure, 'soon' we'll get the last and final chapter of the glass maker as well as the boss fight to get the new melee weapon but until that happens the really dedicated players have really no reason to be doing NW missions anymore because there's nothing to be gained from it.

There for the question : Why is there a level 60 cap? Why bother. Why not set the cap on something that no one can reach (e.g. lvl100) that way those of us that are really into the game can keep picking up NW points. Sure after a while those kinds of players will have every mod, helmet, weapon, weapon skin , but so what?  There's always a need for potato's and kuva and now with having to rebuild some frame's there will be a need for nitain as well, even by the long time players.


tl;dr : why a cap on NW when there will be plenty of players that will blow right past that?

its designed to allow players to have plenty of time to get rank 30 that don't play every single day, an adding in the additional ranks after 30 is to allow those who want to get whats in the nigthwave shop have plenty of nw credits to do so.

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