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Difference in weapon damage, help me understand



So I have two melee weapons, both forma'd to the teeth. I don't want to disclose exactly what weapons they are but I will describe about them instead


Both are modded similarly, with roughly similar damage distributions. They have a few differences though, which are mainly as follows

Weapon A has

3x crit multiplier

~4700 total dmg

135% crit chance


Weapon B has

2x crit multiplier 

~7000 total damage

160% crit chance


The problem I have is that weapon A hits noticeably harder, from what I can grok some 10x harder on average based on numbers that pop up. This also translates between weapon usage, weapon B is noticeably slower to kill high level enemies

What I want to understand is can this be possible? Should it be possible? Am I missing something here. If this seems right, can someone explain how this could possibly work? 

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10% status each
Weapon A uses reaping spiral and Weapon B uses Bleeding willow

I can see from wiki that the basic attack multipliers are wildly different .... which I guess I didn't expect


Also... 4700 x 3 > 7000 x 2, and with orange and red crits that difference is compounded.

Fair but that doesn't come close to explaining 10x difference

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The forced procs from stances, as well as the IPS distribution on the melee would normally explain it then, if the status is that low, but ur saying the damage numbers you are seeing are 10 times bigger, not the time to kill being faster or anything (which would be explained by slash) . I cant think of any melees with the same build that would explain this.



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Just now, (PS4)yaxattax said:

10% status each
Weapon A uses reaping spiral and Weapon B uses Bleeding willow

I can see from wiki that the basic attack multipliers are wildly different .... which I guess I didn't expect

Fair but that doesn't come close to explaining 10x difference

Well, i would also kinda doubt the 10x difference, since there's no real damage tracker.
But like i said, its probably down to the stance.

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Firstly, weapon categories matter due to stances and multipliers. So, choosing not to tell us wastes a lot of time.

Secondly, IPS distribution against enemies resistances and weaknesses are a huge margin. The difference between impact at 10 damage versus armor and puncture at 10 damage versus armor is massive since puncture ignores a % of armor, and also boosts it's damage against it by the same amount, while whimpy impact gets like -50% base and is then reduced by the full amount of armor reduction.

Third, critical tiers and headshot multipliers. During a headshot, your critical damage is multiplied by 2x. Where your multiplier is 4x on one, it's 6x on the other.

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yep, Stances can vary a lot. since the game doesn't have any useful information about Stances in the game, you'll have to rely on a few of us that are willing to do the tedious work of researching every Stance in the game and recording what Multi-Hits Damage Bonuses and forced Status that they offer to their respective Wiki Articles, as well as any unique features.


i'll note that Crits can be deceiving at first glance too. once your Crit Chance is over 100%, Crit Damage becomes increasingly desirable, inversely to how things usually get less desirable. this being because when you Crit multiple times, you're Multiplying by your Crit Damage value, well, multiple times.

so while it's definitely Stances in your case, on a double Crit (which both Melee Weapons can reach here), Weapon A would have a Crit Multiplier of 5, while B would have a Crit Multiplier of 3.
if you theoretically got a triple Crit, that delta would expand to 7x vs 4x.
at Crit Tier 10, that delta would expand to 21x vs 11x.
so as you see, above 100% Crit Chance, Crit Chance and Crit Damage in a way, double dip each other. sort of.

3 hours ago, ShichiseitenYasha said:

Third, critical tiers and headshot multipliers. During a headshot, your critical damage is multiplied by 2x. Where your multiplier is 4x on one, it's 6x on the other.

this doesn't actually change anything, any Crit gets the same Multiplier, so it's a 1.5x delta between 3 and 2 just the same as it is between 6 and 4.

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31 minutes ago, taiiat said:

so while it's definitely Stances in your case, on a double Crit (which both Melee Weapons can reach here), Weapon A would have a Crit Multiplier of 5, while B would have a Crit Multiplier of 3.
if you theoretically got a triple Crit, that delta would expand to 7x vs 4x.
at Crit Tier 10, that delta would expand to 21x vs 11x.
so as you see, above 100% Crit Chance, Crit Chance and Crit Damage in a way, double dip each other. sort of.

I meant to expand more into this, and then go into a theoretical on a stance that gets more headshots and is a great IPS distribution against the right enemy, versus one that fails all previous listing but I ran out of time. Thank you for going into it with critical tiers. 

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