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riven challenge not completeing.



ok so, i know this is somehow my own fault, but i cant figure out why im not getting this.

riven challenge: "kill 3 dargyn pilots before they hit the ground while aim glide[sic]"

ok, sure...no problem. i go out to the plains....hop on my arch wing....zip around looking dargyns....find them...make them chase me...i fly up really high in archwing...then jump out and aim glide all the way down while killing the dargyn pilots.

nothing. i killed like 9 of these guys and didnt get credit for any of them. these riven challenges are usually pretty specific and what they say is what you gotta do, but...ive met the criteria stated and its not counting...so, what does it actually want me to do?

can it be because they were already on the ground when i found them? like they are just standing next to their parked dargyns. when i buzz them they get in and chase me....does that count as "hitting the ground"? because it shouldnt.

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8 answers to this question

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23 minutes ago, cha0sWyrM said:

ok so, i know this is somehow my own fault, but i cant figure out why im not getting this.

riven challenge: "kill 3 dargyn pilots before they hit the ground while aim glide[sic]"

ok, sure...no problem. i go out to the plains....hop on my arch wing....zip around looking dargyns....find them...make them chase me...i fly up really high in archwing...then jump out and aim glide all the way down while killing the dargyn pilots.

nothing. i killed like 9 of these guys and didnt get credit for any of them. these riven challenges are usually pretty specific and what they say is what you gotta do, but...ive met the criteria stated and its not counting...so, what does it actually want me to do?

can it be because they were already on the ground when i found them? like they are just standing next to their parked dargyns. when i buzz them they get in and chase me....does that count as "hitting the ground"? because it shouldnt.

If you have Nidus it becomes super easy.

- Mod Nidus for Range + Duration,

- find Dargyn pilots on the ground,

- shoot out a Larva above the ground about head height,

- kill em while aim gliding while theyre stuck in the Larva.

Presto, done.

Most people fail this because the actual requirement is to destroy the Dargyn, and then as the pilot is falling you have to kill them separately before they reach the ground. Without luck that can be extremely difficult. Larva will suspend them in a "floating/falling" animation, and thus will trigger the Riven after their Ragdoll body hits the ground. Works every time.

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Tons of strategies for doing this.

My fav is max range nidus


One of the big issues with this stupid challenge is that I believe the distance between you and the pilot can put it outside your affinity range making them not count.  (the healer focus school has an affinity range booster node in it...)

The other is the jetbike blocking explosions or punch through.. the jetbike gets destroyed but the guy falls or gets tossed still alive. 


I like Mag/magnetize and a bow and arrow...   but its so hard to hit enemies with magnetize lol.

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i followed McClouds advice and used titania. was really easy.

the wording of the challenge should be changed though, as its wrong. it doesnt mention anything about not killing them in the dargyn...just about killing them before they hit the ground. they dont have to ever be in the dargyn at all. simply lifting them off the ground with spellbind is enough. i imagine vaubans bastille would work also. might even be better as its easier to get them all suspended at once.

anyways...thnx for the help.

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57 minutes ago, (PS4)MYKK678 said:

If you have Nidus it becomes super easy.

- Mod Nidus for Range + Duration,

- find Dargyn pilots on the ground,

- shoot out a Larva above the ground about head height,

- kill em while aim gliding while theyre stuck in the Larva.

Presto, done.

Most people fail this because the actual requirement is to destroy the Dargyn, and then as the pilot is falling you have to kill them separately before they reach the ground. Without luck that can be extremely difficult. Larva will suspend them in a "floating/falling" animation, and thus will trigger the Riven after their Ragdoll body hits the ground. Works every time.

thats a good tactic. i bet it works pretty well. my only issue with it is if they see you first and get in the dargyn youre sol. theres no way to get them out again. with titania if they get in and fly around...or are already flying around as in those drone missions...you can razorwing into the air, and spellbind them right out of the dargyn, then you can turn off razorwing in mid air and shoot them as you glide.

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1 hour ago, cha0sWyrM said:

thats a good tactic. i bet it works pretty well. my only issue with it is if they see you first and get in the dargyn youre sol. theres no way to get them out again. with titania if they get in and fly around...or are already flying around as in those drone missions...you can razorwing into the air, and spellbind them right out of the dargyn, then you can turn off razorwing in mid air and shoot them as you glide.

Usually i just snipe the parked Dargyn's and destroy them first so they can't do that before i get within visual range.

Glad something worked though :thumbup:

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