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Is it really that unreasonable to be bummed that crafted forma isnt a naberus reward?


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3 hours ago, Traubenzuckr said:

i think people waiting several months to stock up on forma and then using it really sparingly, all the while ignoring other ways to obtain forma, was an unhealthy pattern

it led to bad results with people believing forma is much more scarce then it was

people would say "i have to wait x months for the next plague star to be able to forma and use item z"

people were stressing out over formaing paracesis, kuva weapons... they'd calculate how much forma it takes to forma all the kuva weapons five times and conclude it would take them two years based on how much they manage to farm during plague star etc...

i mean it's dumb, but it was pretty prevalent, that's how the incentive system was set up and it led to overall dissatisfaction

And DE finally showcases MR 30 and they complain about that. My only beef with Kuva weapons is that you cant put lenses on them until Rank 40 and most of the Kuva weapons don't even need 5 forma because they already come with 1 or 2 polarities. 

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4 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Okay and?

and the people complaining most of the time aren't just saying "aw, there's no Forma." it's usually closer to "OMG DE Y U NO GIVE FORMA REEEE!". 

ever since they axed Plague star for now, some people have been acting like it was the only way to get Forma at all and their game experience will now be 1000 times worse without those easy Forma. yes, running relics and waiting a day for the Forma to build is boring, yes, it would have been nice to get built Forma for the event, rewards just for playing are always nice,  but it's not happening, so you just gotta deal with it. 

honestly, none of this furor would exist if DE had kept quiet about Plague Star. sometimes feigning ignorance and being silent is the best course of action.



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No, just really petty and trivial is all.



Forma is neither difficult nor hard to acquire. I'm building one 24/7 unless I take a hiatus. I am NEVER in need of extra Forma's even if I'm always grinding something, because that's how easy they are to come by.



Now if it were Orokin Reactors/Catalysts, THEN I can sympathize a little more, as those are very much timed and limited, and significantly more RNG-limited than Formas which are dime a dozen from relics.

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8 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

Disappointment is one thing,

crying a ocean's worth of salty tears like a 3 year old child that didn't get his christmas present is another.


And so far, every single thread about this matter has been nothing but salty tears.

Maybe because DE forced much higher forma-spending on us without actually adressing how players obtain forma?

I understand they'd rather want me to buy forma off their shop, but because I don't trade much I dont have that much plat to toss, so I'd rather stop playing than be hard gated.


salty tears are also such as viable feedback, as angry rant or proper criticism if they cover the issues and show what players expect from devs.

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4 hours ago, sly_squash said:

It's unreasonable because of the immense opportunity cost associated with purchasing pre-built forma directly rather than investing in other tradeable event offerings and reselling later. Here, I'll show you by repeating my findings I posted in a previous thread about this issue.


Last Plague Star prebuilt forma was 3k standing each, while Fulmination was 1.5k standing. I stocked up on these (along with the exodia arcanes and sacrifice).

Just looking at Fulmination, I resold all my spares months later for about 70-80p each. Remember: I could buy two of them for every one prebuilt forma other people would buy. That means I was making around 160p for every one prebuilt forma they bought.

Since forma comes in bundles of 3 for 35p, that means for every ONE prebuilt forma other people bought directly from the event, I could buy OVER TWELVE.

Now, the current event offerings may not offer the same dividends, but to dismiss it as something no longer worth farming after grabbing the cosmetics and decorations because there aren't forma offerings is a grave mistake AFAIC.

Agree. A post-nerf fully-built contagion was going for 450 plat not long ago. Haven't done the maths to optimise and figure out which item is the best to farm and you can't guarantee the price will revert to that, but there's probably at least a bit of plat in there. 

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