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Is it really that unreasonable to be bummed that crafted forma isnt a naberus reward?


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2 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

I mean yes, i get it, there are other ways to farm forma. But not everyone wants to wade through RNG or trade chat to get forma. 

Every time someone expresses disappointment in forma not being part of naberus people S#&$ all over them with BUT THERES OTHER WAYS TO GET FORMA. 

Okay and?


DE defenders in full effect 

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Hyperion Rexx said:

DE defenders in full effect 

Is that what I am? Damn I guess I'm a shill for thinking reasonably 🤷‍♂️

7 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

I mean yes, i get it, there are other ways to farm forma. But not everyone wants to wade through RNG or trade chat to get forma. 

Every time someone expresses disappointment in forma not being part of naberus people S#&$ all over them with BUT THERES OTHER WAYS TO GET FORMA. 

Okay and?


Plague star will most likely return next year. If de wanted a halloween event to fully replace plague star (which would be stupid) they wouldve done so.

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It's unreasonable because of the immense opportunity cost associated with purchasing pre-built forma directly rather than investing in other tradeable event offerings and reselling later. Here, I'll show you by repeating my findings I posted in a previous thread about this issue.


Last Plague Star prebuilt forma was 3k standing each, while Fulmination was 1.5k standing. I stocked up on these (along with the exodia arcanes and sacrifice).

Just looking at Fulmination, I resold all my spares months later for about 70-80p each. Remember: I could buy two of them for every one prebuilt forma other people would buy. That means I was making around 160p for every one prebuilt forma they bought.

Since forma comes in bundles of 3 for 35p, that means for every ONE prebuilt forma other people bought directly from the event, I could buy OVER TWELVE.

Now, the current event offerings may not offer the same dividends, but to dismiss it as something no longer worth farming after grabbing the cosmetics and decorations because there aren't forma offerings is a grave mistake AFAIC.

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12 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

I mean yes, i get it, there are other ways to farm forma. But not everyone wants to wade through RNG or trade chat to get forma. 

Every time someone expresses disappointment in forma not being part of naberus people S#&$ all over them with BUT THERES OTHER WAYS TO GET FORMA. 

Okay and?


Probably if the discussion wasn't "they took "this" from us so everything is bullS#&$" or would be more elaborated than "I want built forma even if I have to burn myself out playing the same mission with the same meta in the course of 2 weeks to farm formas" or "this is no work/content/event because there is no forma" and I could keep going bringing examples I've read in GD. The discussion is never going to be civil because people is mad and express that frustration in a dishonest way, starting to deny reality that contradicts their narrative of DE being bad or lazy. 

So, is unreasonable wanting buolt froma from an event? No. Is unreasonable the reaction of that people? Yes.

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32 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

why should it have built forma? I've never seen a single one of these threads explain why other than  "BUT I WANT IT".

What do you mean?
Is this a question asking why people want forma?
Why people want a way to farm forma?

I don't get it.
Why would you not want pre-built forma?

OR is it about the fact that this event has been labelled a replacement for plague star, which means people expect it to have plague star's rewards, and incidentally, it DOES have all of plague star's rewards...except pre-built forma.

Forma was the only reason I ran plague star after getting my necessary plague zaws and exodias.
I would farm and stock up to around 200 forma which would last me a few months. I would run out of course, but yeah.
And of course, like a commenter above me said that farming potential assets in terms of other items NOT forma, to sell later for plat to buy forma bundles, is actually a better strategy. But there's always the value difference between instant gratification and having to wait months for the value of your hoardes to rise up, so yes, if people want pre-built forma why not give them pre-built forma.

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29 minutes ago, DragoonStorm1 said:

OR is it about the fact that this event has been labelled a replacement for plague star, which means people expect it to have plague star's rewards, and incidentally, it DOES have all of plague star's rewards...except pre-built forma.

Forma was the only reason I ran plague star after getting my necessary plague zaws and exodias.
I would farm and stock up to around 200 forma which would last me a few months. I would run out of course, but yeah.
And of course, like a commenter above me said that farming potential assets in terms of other items NOT forma, to sell later for plat to buy forma bundles, is actually a better strategy. But there's always the value difference between instant gratification and having to wait months for the value of your hoardes to rise up, so yes, if people want pre-built forma why not give them pre-built forma.

Please, quote for us when DE stated this is the new Plage Star, because all that came from them is "Plage Star isn't* coming this year again, but we have some of those items in Nights of Naberus", never "this is the new Plage Star", if you don't believe me I can quote them from streams.

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vor 43 Minuten schrieb sly_squash:

It's unreasonable because of the immense opportunity cost associated with purchasing pre-built forma directly rather than investing in other tradeable event offerings and reselling later. Here, I'll show you by repeating my findings I posted in a previous thread about this issue.


Last Plague Star prebuilt forma was 3k standing each, while Fulmination was 1.5k standing. I stocked up on these (along with the exodia arcanes and sacrifice).

Just looking at Fulmination, I resold all my spares months later for about 70-80p each. Remember: I could buy two of them for every one prebuilt forma other people would buy. That means I was making around 160p for every one prebuilt forma they bought.

Since forma comes in bundles of 3 for 35p, that means for every ONE prebuilt forma other people bought directly from the event, I could buy OVER TWELVE.

Now, the current event offerings may not offer the same dividends, but to dismiss it as something no longer worth farming after grabbing the cosmetics and decorations because there aren't forma offerings is a grave mistake AFAIC.

That's a very smart thing to do but imagine if everyone did that, suddenly the prices for everything plague star related would be insanely low. You took the gamble and it worked out for you but there is still benefit to the consistency that directly buying built forma from the event store provides.

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2 minutes ago, Traubenzuckr said:

"DE doesn't understand the poetic irony of people complaining about people who are upset about people who expected the naberus catastrophy"

naberus catastrophy, thats a good one i should write that down

still waiting for your response on my post since you want to manipulate my title :)

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24 minutes ago, DragoonStorm1 said:

What do you mean?
Is this a question asking why people want forma?
Why people want a way to farm forma?

I don't get it.
Why would you not want pre-built forma?

neither. the question is why should this event give forma. no other event other than plague star gave forma. And this event isn't a replacement for plague star.


25 minutes ago, DragoonStorm1 said:

and incidentally, it DOES have all of plague star's rewards...except pre-built forma.

oh does it now? huh. I dont recall seeing fulmination, sacrifice, either daggers, or snipetron in the nights of naberus rewards. how odd.

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i think people waiting several months to stock up on forma and then using it really sparingly, all the while ignoring other ways to obtain forma, was an unhealthy pattern

it led to bad results with people believing forma is much more scarce then it was

people would say "i have to wait x months for the next plague star to be able to forma and use item z"

people were stressing out over formaing paracesis, kuva weapons... they'd calculate how much forma it takes to forma all the kuva weapons five times and conclude it would take them two years based on how much they manage to farm during plague star etc...

i mean it's dumb, but it was pretty prevalent, that's how the incentive system was set up and it led to overall dissatisfaction

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52 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:

That's a very smart thing to do but imagine if everyone did that, suddenly the prices for everything plague star related would be insanely low. You took the gamble and it worked out for you but there is still benefit to the consistency that directly buying built forma from the event store provides.

It was never a gamble. Pursuing event-specific offerings from events that only happen once a year or so to resell is always a safe bet for being a time-efficient means to harvest plat.   The far bigger gamble would be to ignore them.

The question isn't "should I be farming event arcanes right now", because yes you probably should. The only question should be how long you wait until you list them. If you don't wait long enough, you won't get the best prices. Wait too long and prices crash after the announcement of and ensuing rerun of the event. If you're smart you'll research how long the breaks typically are between reruns of the event and make a note to list when we're about 2/3 or 3/4ths of the way to being due for another run.

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vor 6 Minuten schrieb sly_squash:

It was never a gamble. Pursuing event-specific offerings from events that only happen once a year or so to resell is always a safe bet for being a time-efficient means to harvest plat.   The far bigger gamble would be to ignore them.

The question isn't "should I be farming event arcanes right now", because yes you probably should. The only question should be how long you wait until you list them. If you don't wait long enough, you won't get the best prices. Wait too long and prices crash after the announcement of and ensuing rerun of the event. If you're smart you'll research how long the breaks typically are between reruns of the event and make a note to list when we're about 2/3 or 3/4ths of the way to being due for another run.

With DE it's always a gamble because you can never know if or when they put a certain reward you have put your effort in into an easily farmable place. There isnt even a good way to tell when the event returns because just the announcement sends prices falling already. You say research breaks but DE is just not consistent to call that anything but a gamble.

Additionally what if you want the forma sooner than in a couple of months?

And that still doesnt answer what you would do if everyone followed your advice. Once something gets farmed a lot and consistently, the prices will go into free fall.

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1 minute ago, Drachnyn said:

With DE it's always a gamble because you can never know if or when they put a certain reward you have put your effort in into an easily farmable place. There isnt even a good way to tell when the event returns because just the announcement sends prices falling already. You say research breaks but DE is just not consistent to call that anything but a gamble.

I disagree. The cadence between the availability of Plague Star mods, acolyte mods (even the cadence between the last acolyte event and their ultimate incorporation into Deimos bounties), even Dog Days captura scenes is reasonably consistent.  I've never had a problem finding a reasonable sweet spot to sell event offerings.

5 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:

Additionally what if you want the forma sooner than in a couple of months?

Then it's probably time to sell the event offerings from the last event that happened where you harvested goodies and use the dividends to buy your forma. Same thing happens with Baro-- sell the oldest quality prime mods you have while stocking new ones for the future. Same with Nightwave-- sell the oldest aura mods you have while stocking new ones for the future.

Creating these kinds of long-term investment "chains" ensures you always have a quality plat source to draw from while simultaneously creating another quality plat source for the future.

10 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:

And that still doesnt answer what you would do if everyone followed your advice. Once something gets farmed a lot and consistently, the prices will go into free fall.

You underestimate the short-sightedness of this community. Whether I post this advice or not, a sustained price repression of event-specific arcanes is simply not going to happen.

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1 hour ago, Drachnyn said:

That's a very smart thing to do but imagine if everyone did that, suddenly the prices for everything plague star related would be insanely low. You took the gamble and it worked out for you but there is still benefit to the consistency that directly buying built forma from the event store provides.



1) that involves using trade chat. A lot of people prefer to avoid trade chat. 

2) that also involved waiting months, apparently. 

3) i doubt people were lining up to buy those items so it likely took a decent amount of staring at trade chat to sell them too.

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13 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

1) that involves using trade chat. A lot of people prefer to avoid trade chat. 

What? No. Warframe.market. 

13 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

2) that also involved waiting months, apparently. 

But I always have something in stock that's ready to sell while I wait. This game is all about rotations. Every time a frame or weapon gets unvaulted, a new frame or weapon becomes the "oldest" thing in the vault, and it's parts peak in value to be put in the market. It's all one big chain--sell the oldest stuff in the rotation, pick up new stuff to be resold later when it's that thing's turn to become deep into it's rotation.

13 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

3) i doubt people were lining up to buy those items so it likely took a decent amount of staring at trade chat to sell them too.

Again, warframe.market. From the time I decided to list to the time I sold out of dozens of those mods was like 3 days total, and mostly due to trade caps. Pick a time and price to list where you think you'll sell out of whatever event offering you stockpiled before the event is reannounced, and make adjustments as necessary. Sometimes those adjustments mean raising the price; this happened to me when I decided to list my Loki Prime Systems and they were selling out too fast.

I don't spend trade chat messages listings for that kind of stuff. They're way too valuable to me when most people looking for the event-specific mod will just go to warframe.market and search for it there.

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Yes it's absolutely unreasonable as there was no expectation nor precedent set saying that it would have Forma. Plague Star is the only shop-based event that has it. Anyone who expected Forma and is now disappointed set their own unfounded expectations.

Yes Plague Star is late, is going to be very late on its next running, and has been very inconsistent on when it appears but still the event we got was not Plague Star.

As for all the comments of "you can get Forma from x" they are quite justified as there really isn't a need to solely rely on Plague Star as people have been implying. And gathering stockpiles can be done faster, with less time/gear investment, and while offering more variety in other ways. Plague Star is possibly the worst Forma farm in the game even for granting pre-builts just for how much it's asking you to burnout in the process.

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