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Can I get in trouble for using a Bloody gaming mouse?



I couldn't really find any info on this and not sure if I should annoy support with this. I recently got a Bloody gaming mouse mostly because it looked so dang cool and downloaded the software to see if I can do some interesting things with the buttons. It has a bunch of macro functions and whatnot and a bunch of ridiculous setting that half of it I don't even understand. 😁 When I tried looking up tutorials and stuff I ended up in a bunch of cheating focused forums and that got me super worried. Is it cheating? Should I be worried when I'm running the software while playing? The only feature that I really liked that you can get the mouse sensitivity very low to help with aiming with a button press, but you still have to aim for yourself so dunno. Should I just delete it and forget about the shiny functions?

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it should be chill unless your just getting it to do functions of the game for you. for example, i mapped WASD to the side buttons on my mouse, so i can play one handed when i broke my arm. id say remapping buttons and changing sensitivity is fine, just dont do anything that seems like it would get you banned


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You are allowed to use macros as long as they don't play the game for you, a good chunk of people have macros for spamming melee and semi auto guns or recasting abilities, so as long as you're still playing the game I wouldn't worry about it. you can read DE's official stance on macros and such here 


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The short answer is: "yes, you can get in trouble, and the risk is yours".

DE draws the (somewhat unspecific) line by what you already can do in the game. So, if you need to press two buttons to do something it is probably ok to use a macro that allows you to do this with one button press (instead of two). In other words, a macro that sends two keyboard codes from a single key press.

However, automating button presses, like using an "on-off" function for your melee key, can definitively lead to banning. That is because such a "melee on" (and "melee off") function doesn't exist in the game. The same is true for an automated "afk-dance", where you have a macro sending recorded/coded movement to the game in order to avoid the built-in afk-check kicking in. There is no official line or statistics on how many and what happens if you are caught, but there is a general misconception that this is ok just because someone gets away with it. I would never risk it myself, since players have been banned for such "on-off" automation. 

If you use any software that reads something from the screen (memory) and automatically adjusts the mouse accordingly, you will be banned. My guess would be even perma-banned (to 2035, or whatever it currently is). 

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Been using the exact same mouse for 2years now, never had any problem tho I just bound some of the buttons for gear wheel stuff (pizzas mostly) and ocasional powers (sleep equinox 2 or khora's 1)

Never felt the actual macros were necessary here. 

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I have a macro mouse but honestly I don't feel like macros are necessary and I would probably advise against using them in-game just in case. Remapping buttons is fine though as it is no different to remapping keyboard controls. I have buttons 1-4 mapped to my thumb buttons and 5 mapped to my scroll wheel. My Logitech software is always running and has been for about 3 years or so.

Mouse sensitivity should be fine as again that can be done in the game options. My mouse can do the same but I've never seen any benefit in using it, at least with my play style.

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3 hours ago, Shalath said:

I have a macro mouse but honestly I don't feel like macros are necessary and I would probably advise against using them in-game just in case. Remapping buttons is fine though as it is no different to remapping keyboard controls. I have buttons 1-4 mapped to my thumb buttons and 5 mapped to my scroll wheel. My Logitech software is always running and has been for about 3 years or so.

This is exactly what I do. Logitech's (older) software, remapped buttons & a few functions. 

No real need for macros automating the game, and definitely not work the risk. Automating stuff would be cool from a nerdy-tech challenge viewpoint, but if one is not prepared to actually play the game, why bother with something that is considered cheating?

The only thing I am actually missing is a "Warframe World Clock" displaying PoE, OV and CD state & time on the tiny Logitech screen. But then again, not so much I would make the effort to make one.

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