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One Lore Argument Put To Rest (Probably)


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Ok say it's your way, why is it the official lore says the infested were released by the old ones to destroy the Tenno?

It sais the orokin used the infested to fight the sentients during the old war, last time I checked.


Orokin must have confined the infested, but when they were losing the old war they tried to use them as a last effort.

But why use the infested? Orokin's military probably consisted of the tenno which is why they built warframes and weapons for them, but the tenno betrayed the orokin to side with the sentients or maybe humans and tenno were controlled by neural sentries (the thing that controls the corrupted in the void) and the ones that broke free and gained self awareness were called 'sentient'.

Some tenno ended up in cryopods, but the orokin still lost and retreated to the void. The humans separated in various groups during the millenias, like corpus (which now worship the orokin and call tenno betrayers) and grineer. No one really managed to exterminate the infested once and for all so they plague solar system.


This is the short story of a much larger and detailed thread and it was very convincing with lots of lore and details backing it up.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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Actually in the trailer Alad V said the core components will be use for the zanuja project. So maybe the tenno in the warframe is teleport in the zanuka and not in the void, for being implemented into a corpus-like warframe after a brain-washing?

Also, make the difference between the lore, and the gameplay. You can have a lot of warframe, like an excalibur, an excalibur prime, an excalibur pendragon, etc... In the trailer we only see an Excalibur pendragon. Not the excalibur in the first trailer. So basically, it's not the excalibur the player can play, like the 18 main caracters.

Other hand, we can have a lot of customisations for our warframes, which is make a lot of difference between us and make us unique. Like the color, the helmets or soon the skins. So the theory of the classes of warframes is not stupid. We can't make a real affirmationuntil we have other officials informations from the Dev's.

Edited by Deydreus
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It does though. There being multiple. Mag and Excalibur being just classifiactions. Hello? The trailer shows a Mag and Excal biting it, so unless DE wants to kill off one ICONIC character and one long-standing one, yes, it supports them just being suit classes.

What I have taken is that Excaliburs suit was only there, Excalibur himself was not in it as it was hollow and Mag was send to be stripped away from her armor and they still are there somewhere, alive, temporarily without their suits.

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What if theres the original Warframes?

They could be viewed as commandant among the Tenno.

Like the Excalibur from the trailers,one unique Excalibur who has its own story.

But other Excaliburs are other people wearing the Excal suit.

Edited by azour
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Why does this thread even exist? Of course they're all different classifications of frames.

Why do you think you can build them? Why do you think the primes are the first iterations of the frames? The Frames themselves don't have a backstory as characters but as obects. Like how you could explain the story of a sword, or a car, or a lamp, or whatever else. The story is in the design and the influence and the purpose.

Warframes are just armor suits, not characters. You can even build multiple warframes in the game, and last time I checked, you can't just build a person. Another example is a lobby with 4 lokis. Obviously they're not just "one character" otherwise there would only be 20 Tenno in the whole world even though there are clearly millions.

It would be like saying there is only one of each weapon in the game... There's no reason to think that. As far as I know, it's never been stated each warframe is one person and there is only one instance of them in the universe.

Some people and their misconceptions of lore, I swear...

Edited by VegetableBasket
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Assuming Grineer bosses actually know who they are fighting.. Here's some quotes..

Sargas Ruk:

- "(warframe)? Your pretentious suits are no match for my power!"


- "Your (warframe) warframe makes you slow and clumsy."

- "Your (warframe) will look great hanging from my wall."

- "You hide behind that (warframe). Face me like a true warrior!"

Note that Vor also calls us by name:

- "You just signed your death warrant, (name)!"

- "This is your final warning (name). Leave this system at once!"


- Beneath those suits exist flesh. Flesh bleeds. (player name) bleeds

- Does that second-skin peel away just as easy as the first?

- You ever get hammered in that suit?

Tyl Regor:

- We should accessorize your suit with some holes... bullet holes

- You realize we haven't celebrated halloween in a millenia, right?

I think, based on this, it's safe to say the frames are suits. What exactly is in those suits remains to be seen...

edit: Sauce: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Bosses

Edited by ComCray
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Assuming Grineer bosses actually know who they are fighting.. Here's some quotes..

Sargas Ruk:

- "(warframe)? Your pretentious suits are no match for my power!"


- "Your (warframe) warframe makes you slow and clumsy."

- "Your (warframe) will look great hanging from my wall."

- "You hide behind that (warframe). Face me like a true warrior!"

Note that Vor also calls us by name:

- "You just signed your death warrant, (name)!"

- "This is your final warning (name). Leave this system at once!"


- Beneath those suits exist flesh. Flesh bleeds. (player name) bleeds

- Does that second-skin peel away just as easy as the first?

- You ever get hammered in that suit?

Tyl Regor:

- We should accessorize your suit with some holes... bullet holes

- You realize we haven't celebrated halloween in a millenia, right?

I think, based on this, it's safe to say the frames are suits. What exactly is in those suits remains to be seen...

edit: Sauce: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Bosses

I thought it was obvious behind the suits there are guys like the one in the pod? He is a tenno

Edited by VodkaGR
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Also, make the difference between the lore, and the gameplay.


All of my this.


I thought it was obvious behind the suits there are guys like the one in the pod? He is a tenno


No, he's Naked Nick and he's a placeholder. The Tenno hostages replaced him, but DE didn't want to get rid of him, so he is forever immortalized in the cryopods.

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I have and always will support the idea that the suits refer to classes of Tenno. 


It just makes more sense. No scratch that, it MAKES sense. 


My Banshee is my Banshee, and your Banshee (if you have one) is your Banshee. They are not the same Banshee. That much is evident by the fact that my Banshee is much better. So much better that she is is the Top Percentage of all Banshees.


this for me.


until they prove that we are all using copies of the same character with different color schemes, it doesn't make any sense to say that they are. What can be said, is that they created a vague intro for you to be thrown into the world as one of the 3 starting frames, but the tutorial with Excal could arguably be just a roleplaying session, where you are getting "a story" of an awakened Tenno, applied to whatever Frame your currently using. It should not be assumed that the events in personal playing experience are cannon in the story telling of the universe, but it should also be assumed, there are multiple excalibur and mag frames.


in other words, we can't draw super definitive conclusions about the who or what the Tenno are, but because it's a MMO game, we can easily assume that there are more then one of each Frame, and many, many unique Tenno who use them. It may also be assumed that each Frame you use is likely a different Tenno.


If you want to argue about all of them being referred to as having "your screen name" as their name, it's easy to just assume they are using the same alias because you, the player, because you are controlling them (this cannot be explained through lore, unless you wanna say that all of your Frames are part of a small unit of Tenno that share the same alias, so we should safely assume that the Tenno you use have their own names, but there is no purpose in the Dev's giving you the ability to name each one of your warframes, so they share the name for simplicities sake)

Edited by Temphis
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In my view Tenno are basically custom made to wear the suit they are given. First, I think that Tenno were cloned orginally. Cloned, infected with the technocyte virus and grown, their personality depending on the frame they are to wear. After that they are trained and given their suit, which is pretty much build over them (Can we actually leave the suits? Do we want to? I'd think that you would have to literally cut Tenno out of their frame.).


So Rhinos are all male because they were cloned as a specific archetype to fit that role or class.


So in my opinion not only is the frame the class of the frame, so is the Tenno wearing it. Or maybe Tenno were not cloned, but were assigned their frames based on their initial personality and training. This way would make most sense. You can have multiple frames and multiple Tenno with the same frame and they can each still be different character.


So if you have female and male Tenno with similar personality traits, then the male one gets trained to become Rhino and the female one to become Berserker (or what is the female equivalent).

Edited by LocoWithGun
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Why does this thread even exist? Of course they're all different classifications of frames.

Why do you think you can build them? Why do you think the primes are the first iterations of the frames? The Frames themselves don't have a backstory as characters but as obects. Like how you could explain the story of a sword, or a car, or a lamp, or whatever else. The story is in the design and the influence and the purpose.

Warframes are just armor suits, not characters. You can even build multiple warframes in the game, and last time I checked, you can't just build a person. Another example is a lobby with 4 lokis. Obviously they're not just "one character" otherwise there would only be 20 Tenno in the whole world even though there are clearly millions.

It would be like saying there is only one of each weapon in the game... There's no reason to think that. As far as I know, it's never been stated each warframe is one person and there is only one instance of them in the universe.

Some people and their misconceptions of lore, I swear...


Edited by PsychedelicSnake
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Actually the trailer shows an Excalibur frame biting it. We never saw it moving before it was cut, and the possibility of it being empty is still up in the air. And the clip cut before anything was done to Mag. As far as we're concerned, a team of Tenno might just swoop in and save the day before Alad V starts the cutting.



And by "each frame being unique" i'm pretty sure it's meant to say that each Tenno specializes in one suit, but learns along and master others as time passes [mastery (how one wears male and female suits at the same time is still confusing, but i digress.. all in due time)]


Actually, I thought the Excalibur Warframe wasn't empty. I mean, looking at how his body was cut into pieces with lasers, it would be easy to cauterize the wounds. Also, I think the Mag Warframe is also going to bite the dust, especially since she was frozen just like Excalibur.

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I have and always will support the idea that the suits refer to classes of Tenno. 


It just makes more sense. No scratch that, it MAKES sense. 


My Banshee is my Banshee, and your Banshee (if you have one) is your Banshee. They are not the same Banshee. That much is evident by the fact that my Banshee is much better. So much better that she is is the Top Percentage of all Banshees.

plus, clans.


clans are part of the lore, and considering that there are clans with over 100 members, and only 18 warframes, well, do i even have to explain that?

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I always assumed that the suits were just armor. I know lots of people have made stories about them, but I always assumed that we were the ones meant to be inside. It's possible that the art director referring to "back stories" of every frame, simply means that he made up a loose story before hand so that he could get a picture in his head to help in the frame's design, and that it really has nothing to do with the games lore. I guess that's up to DE to decide. Personally, I think giving every frame a character and back-story ruins the immersion a bit.

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whos to say he wasnt put to sleep in the same method mag was before the camera rolled


My point exactly, we don't know for sure :)


Who cares if he was already dead?What, because they killed him on the field and then dismembered him means we should be less &!$$ed at the corpus?


Well... yeah. One thing is dismembering an imprisoned and incapacitating person, another thing is killing someone in battle. If someone dies in battle then they did knowing - and accepting - the risks. Besides that person was killing corpus as well. 

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