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November 4Th: Community Hot Topics!


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The Market

With trading being discussed as a new addition to Warframe, the topic of the Market in its current state has brought up some concerns.  Steve has stated that Platinum purchased items will not be eligible for Trade. With Armor 2.0 on the plate first, we’ll get more information about Trading as it becomes available. A brief summary now includes:


A Dojo-specific Trading post will be required.

Like-for-like rarity items can be traded.

As of right now, Mods and Components will be the only trade-able items.


Teamwork and “Co-op” feel.

Helping a downed player in the heat of battle is common courtesy, but many players feel the differences in play-styles can create a less-than-appreciated co-op experience. Plans for the Reputation system will be a nice push for players to focus on team work in order to gain those points. Giving players points for teamwork and building bonuses on playing with who you have mutually given points towards is just the start of the Reputation system.


Matchmaking Issues

Common matchmaking issues like session full, black screen, session unavailable etc have been experienced far too frequently. We are actively trying to reproduce these issues and fix them. Between gathering a group of players/moderators to test and coordinate as well as in-house efforts, this is a huge priority. Our own tests have gathered plenty of EE Logs along the way as we tried to reproduce each issue. Moving forward, EE Logs are what helps pin point the answer to these bugs. Sending them in Support Tickets with clear descriptions of what error occurred in your session is crucial, and we appreciate everyone’s help!


Balancing Solo

Taking into consideration the players that cannot play online due to slow internet connection, it seems unfair for them to have a different game play experience. Giant mobs in void missions make it nearly impossible for newer solo players to complete missions. Balancing between the co-op experiences of Warframe and still making goals achievable for Solo play remains important.


Gradivus Dilemma

With the Gradivus Dilemma complete, looking back we had some of our most active days on the forums discussing the event. They're is a lot of feedback providing critiques and feedback on the event. The introduction of Battle Pay and the Invasion mission type had many players ecstatic, but also quick to point out that after 100 missions it became repetitive.  Questions arose in the community asking “Why not give each side their weapons?”  To reiterate, the losing Factions weapons are put into the Vault. This does not mean they're gone forever, just simply Vaulted until a situation arises where they can be used.


Talking with Steve gave more insight as to why we picked to have the losing Factions weapons vaulted:


Steve: “At a Design standpoint, this would have split the player-base for what gear they could get. The Grineer victors would be asking in a few weeks ‘how will we get that Corpus gun?’ This way we have a completely different weapon to roll out later on.

From a Lore standpoint, the losing Faction doesn’t get their weapons, but the Lotus created blueprints to share with them so they can rank up and grow in their mastery like their brethren.”


Invasion: Moving forward

As the War could end any day, we’re eager to know players feedback in regards to having Invasion stay in the game. Could Infested decide they want in on the action? What if nodes were attacked randomly and changed Faction depending on the winner? It’s only normal that our enemies get tired of being slaughtered by Tenno and turn on each other!


Login Diorama Update

With the new Cinematic nearing completion, Geoff has started work on the Fan Made Login Dioramas! Visit https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/105476-fan-made-login-diorama-winners/ to get a look at what you’ll be seeing in the future!


French and Spanish Forum

We are happy to announce that the French and Spanish forums are now live!

Edited by [DE]Megan
fixed grammar!
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infected wanting to spread sounds awesome, i mean since the infected are not just a faction but a plague on all living things, im suprised but how little i get to see about them. i mean i really just want to see an event with the infested since you can do SO many things with them, since they arent after any specific goal, just to survive and multiply. i mean it DE pretty much infinite things can be done atm since not much is known about them

Edited by Aver
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Invasion: Moving forward

As the War could end any day, we’re eager to know players feedback in regards to having Invasion stay in the game. Could Infested decide they want in on the action? What if nodes were attacked randomly and changed Faction depending on the winner? It’s only normal that our enemies get tired of being slaughtered by Tenno and turn on each other!


From a lore standpoint, this makes so much sense already. If the infested were to arrive in a Grineer colony (however the hell the Technocyte plague actually gets around) the grineer would definitely pay through the nose to have the Tenno help out of it meant saving the colony

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Gradivus Dilemma

With the Gradivus Dilemma complete, looking back we had some of our most active days on the forums discussing the event. There is a lot of feedback providing critiques and feedback on the event. The introduction of Battle Pay and the Invasion mission type had many players ecstatic, but also quick to point out that after 100 missions it became repetitive.  Questions arouse in the community asking “Why not give each side their weapons?”  To reiterate, the losing Factions weapons are put into the Vault. This does not mean their gone forever, just simply Vaulted until a situation arises where they can be used.

I am not alone here, the rough consensus that I found on the forums had this number closer to about 10 or 15 runs to get repetitive.

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Thanks DEMegan!


Regarding the market, is this going to be a purely player trading with player format?  What about a "transmutation" type option? Or a trade with AI option?  Finding someone with a spare reaper blade is going to be damn difficult, and that's the one item I would hope to gain through trading.  I'm tired trying to get it through the void, been working on it for too long now.



Edited by Philbo
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sounds like you guys have a good plan for the market, definitely want to be careful with stuff like that


I think Steve definitely had the right idea that people would be confused if we made both new weapons available, but only to certain players. it's less confusing just to hand brakk and brakk bp's out now, and save the detron for later. and I suppose it does make sense for the lotus to only give us those, even if you did fight for the corpus, despite how it would've pleased the player base who supported corpus to get their detron bp's. 


and Megan, you meant "they're" in the Gradivus dilemma section (last line, first paragraph). sorry to be that guy


also super pumped for the possibility of more invasion/battle pay stuff in the future. really was quite a good system of incentives, much nicer than the RNG grind, although you could consider them similar (for example, say there's a 20% chance to drop a chassis bp on a certain boss, in 5 runs ideally you would have one chassis bp. but with battle pay, it would be: do 5 runs, get bp, guaranteed. takes out the random factor. very nice)

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Teamwork and “Co-op” feel.

Helping a downed player in the heat of battle is common courtesy, but many players feel the differences in play-styles can create a less-than-appreciated co-op experience. Plans for the Reputation system will be a nice push for players to focus on team work in order to gain those points. Giving players points for teamwork and building bonuses on playing with who you have mutually given points towards is just the start of the Reputation system.



Will there be a Leaderboard ?

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1 - when are we getting an upgraded/functional chat system? (ie custom tabs. friendslist chat, resizable window that stays open, squad chat the doesnt insta-close, etc)

2 - will mastery rank ever give slots? (ie choice of 1 weapon/frame/sentinel slot per rank)

im currently rank 12, and while if this feature was ingame it might have delayed my founders package but would not have prevented it

3 - infested need some luv, more new/different units and hopefully the next event is infested focused

4 - new stealth mechanics inbound anytime soon?

5 - reactions to these threads?

https://forums.warfr...?hl=+with +gifs


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Hmm Invasion would be nice, but a huge driving factor for invasion was the lore.


The Infested are actually a great solution to this, they're supposed to be slowly encroaching into every-bodies territory right?  Use them as the antagonist in these conflicts as they try to erode grineer and corpus territories.  Corpus x Grineer situations could still occur but perhaps as more border conflicts on the same locations instead of all out war?


Also, definately need to expand the mission parameters beyond basic exterminate! 

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and Megan, you meant "they're" in the Gradivus dilemma section (last line, first paragraph). sorry to be that guy

You forgot 'their' in "this does not mean 'their' gone forever." It's the last sentence in the paragraph.


C'mon, Meg.

Edited by Zachles
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Make the Detron drop from Salad V like the Seer. Problem=solved.

Not if it's as strong as Brakk. It's better it just be an event weapon for the future.




Invasion: Moving forward

As the War could end any day, we’re eager to know players feedback in regards to having Invasion stay in the game. Could Infested decide they want in on the action? What if nodes were attacked randomly and changed Faction depending on the winner? It’s only normal that our enemies get tired of being slaughtered by Tenno and turn on each other!

I would love it if invasion stayed in the game as an alert style thing with a couple random nodes getting invaded weekly and then altering depending on winner. I'd love to fight alongside the Infested, but what would their battle pay be?? :P

There needs to bemore maps obviously, especially some planetary ones. I want to storm down a boarding ramp off a landed Grineer Galleon and rampage through a Corpus moon base!

Arrgh what is up with this formatting???

Edited by ValhaHazred
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