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Arsenal Air Support


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Alright, Hear me out:

Right now we have air support charges that are barely used and everytime I'm in a mission and certain circumstances arise that don't match the frames I think; What if Ordis could send down one of my other loadouts? 

Here's how it would work:

- You use air support to call a premade loadout. It has your warframe, the guns etc. everything ready, so you have to make sure your loadouts are well configured beforehand.

-  When it arrives similar to how Mechs drop, you then go up to it, use Transference and you're in you're new loadout and Ordis collects the old one (Beam it up Scottie!)

There is a 10-15 minute cooldown to do this. Why? Because having this readily available too often would cause a meltdown in the whole client side hosting I'd imagine.

So for example, I'm doing a steel path capture and I brought Ivara and the others brought another Ivara, Nova and... Yareli.

But then, Local Resident Villain Lotus comes up "Forget original mission, kill everything." Now, I've got these 170 enemies all at level 100+! These frame aren't designed for Mass Murder! It can be done, but if you're in a quick capture, you're build was probably made for quick stealth. So you're most likely gonna be in there a while, or fail the mission ruining that perfect Summary on your profile.

But wait! Ordis?

Ordis: Right Away Operator

Now in the same mission, we all switch to Saryn, Hildryn, Chroma and Mesa. Murder after Murder and more Murder.

All the systems to do this are technically already in the game. Just not brought together for this. Could even be another launcher rather than Air Support. It's just for fun and QOL and say you're doing Eidolons and your a better Harrow than the current guy. You could agree to switch without leaving! 


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a few have asked for this, but I don't know if DE would go for it. personally I think the easiest way around the stealth capture thign is just make sure to bring both a silent weapon and an AoE weapon, or Subsume Dessicate or another ability that triggers finishers onto a frame that can also kill Steel path enemies easily, such as Saryn or Mesa, and bring a decent melee. even if you break stealth, you can still set enemies up for finishers.

or better yet, just let capture misisons be captures, and exterminates be exterminates. that would probably be the easiest and best solution, but forget you read that, clearly I'm talking crazy, must have drunk too much...

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