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archwing slingshot, who the hek uses that thing


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in general Gameplay the main gun is faster, yeah. but it's useful in Void Tears to make it easier to hit your quota for Reactant, by quickly boarding one or two Crewships throughout the Mission.

also if you're not Piloting and you're far away from a Station Objective it can also help launch you roughly 4 Klicks towards a Station.


14 hours ago, quxier said:

I heard that you can destroy Crewships using Forward artillery but I couldn't do it (wrong type of ship probably). I'm not into RJ so I haven't tried it since then.

Crewship Engines that are currently operational have something like a 16x Damage Multiplier on them. you can debuff with Puncture and Slash too if you feel like that isn't enough (though, it is).

so just shoot a Crewship Engine with the main gun. note that after the Engine has been extinguished, it turns into a 0x Multiplier.


if stuff is moving around too much for you, Blackout Pulse (the Railjack Ability) will make everything in the same zipcode stop and listen to your warsong.

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