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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Well yes, but I'm refering to the other meaning of it, not the "family friendly" big beautiful woman version. So to keep it family friendly in this discussion all I can say is that a woman with her shape and badonkadonk size would be a top star/model within a certain art industry and a sub genre that utilizes the "BBW" acronym aswell. And I have nothing against that, I just dont see it fitting on a machine of death that is supposed to also effectively utilize a 2h axe aswell as a sniper rifle as its sig weapons. Which is why the rendered concept looks far better and fitting.

See the source imageSee the source image

problem is in the game we have a lot of FLIP FLOP going on , via forms and body , the kuva gaurdians have a Huge bust and gut, but robotic legs and hands to give then a bloated on stick legs look  and they seem perfectly capable of using a twohand weapon 


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12 hours ago, LillyRaccune said:

zootopia GIFdonut officer clawhauser GIF by Disney

I love Clawhauser so much, he cracks me up every single time especially as he breaks the mould xD. Cheetara is how most think of cheetah anthros- agile, lithe and fast; Clawhauser is adorbs as he is her complete opposite but he's cuddly and I loves him

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13 hours ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

See the source imageSee the source image

problem is in the game we have a lot of FLIP FLOP going on , via forms and body , the kuva gaurdians have a Huge bust and gut, but robotic legs and hands to give then a bloated on stick legs look  and they seem perfectly capable of using a twohand weapon 


and those gals are fast too, really threw me offguard during The Sacrifice just how fast those lasses actually are. Female Liches are big girls too and carry archguns, a 2h hammer depending on which you have at that moment; so yup a busty wolfess prowling the Origin System fits right in *nods* and gawd I can't wait to get to Fashion Framing the heck outta her

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2 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

and those gals are fast too, really threw me offguard during The Sacrifice just how fast those lasses actually are. Female Liches are big girls too and carry archguns, a 2h hammer depending on which you have at that moment; so yup a busty wolfess prowling the Origin System fits right in *nods* and gawd I can't wait to get to Fashion Framing the heck outta her

It's the go,go gadget fast legs.

Agreed can't wait for fashion frame either, especially with the qcc 2 ephemera people are using it as a fur collar, yess fur collar for wolf babe.   

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On 2022-09-21 at 1:43 AM, (XBOX)Nightseid said:



So we got the concept art of the wolf frame. Now it may not be the final design* though but looking at it has me wondering what abilities should we expect.

Initial design thoughts have me thinking that this frame will probably not transform into a werewolf or a wolf. The enormous head piece might have a tranform function but probably similar to nidus and less like sevagoth. 

The large wolf pieces however has me thinking we will be focusing on summon wolf spirits either as temporary pets or projectiles or both. Honestly if this is the case I am hoping they go with a reverse voltron situation. Where each ability summons a companion that performs a different function either for a short duration or permanent pets. Making ... lets call her: Medeina (Lithuanian wolf deity), a full on summoner frame.

But what are your thoughts based on the frames visual design?

*I'm anticipating the 3d model to have additional tweaks to the final concept.

the concept is really there and i liked it. the silhouette of the body is on par, [some warframes had this issue tho] , the overall diversity, dynamic and layerful design seems to please me very much, and pretty much having the most accurate and beautiful "human-ish body structure and anatomy", and those clear emotional expression on the helmet is just...perfect. 

I have rarely seen a helmet that gives clear expression and having almost perfect body anatomy.

the first one, is, obviously, Rhino Prime.

just look at that . v . expression on his helm...oh my god...it is...just spectacular...

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Just now, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:


It's ok, we won't judge you, you can join the top-heavy lover's crew. 😉👍

I had this whole argument spile I was gonna go through then realized something; all the frames I use are thicc everywhere. Up top. In the thighs. Etc. Saryn, Valkyr, Protea, Mag, Nyx... Dangit! I am one of you...

Joining Welcome Home GIF

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16 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

Well, no I disagree Grendel swings his sig 2hander just fine and he actually the male equivalent of BBW=BHM, so I don't see why Voruna couldn't be filled in a bit. As I've stated previously, I'm fine with the depth/band size she has I would just like the inner of each bosom to be brought out a little, so it looked more like the concept art.    

Sure we have Grendel, that doesnt mean I think it actually looks good on him. There are just many instances where it would be hindering. But yeah it is a game, so no biggy in general. Same goes for Kuva Guardians. With the Wolf frame I would honestly prefer a completely flat look given the nature of female canines in general and how werewomen are mostly depicted, which is either with a flat chest or with multiple tiny nipples across the front, just no actual bandonkadonks.

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16 minutes ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

I had this whole argument spile I was gonna go through then realized something; all the frames I use are thicc everywhere. Up top. In the thighs. Etc. Saryn, Valkyr, Protea, Mag, Nyx... Dangit! I am one of you...

Joining Welcome Home GIF

Jesus Christ GIF.      Welcome brother, may you be blessed with Thiccness ( 💗V💗 )


😂 the forums are too much fun.

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4 minutes ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

This video from Mrwarframeguy is the only thing that comes to mind after seeing the image of Jesus lol


Yeah, I was first trying to find jesus with his arms stretched out(couldn't find) then was thinking maybe anime thicc girl? but all the img searchs seem to risky to me to post, so I went with that one.

Also Mr.Warframeguys great

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

It's the go,go gadget fast legs.

Agreed can't wait for fashion frame either, especially with the qcc 2 ephemera people are using it as a fur collar, yess fur collar for wolf babe.   

hmmm it could kiiiinda work I guess, but Protea's Deluxe with her Ultimecia-grade fur collar would be much neater if they give Voruna that instead for say her collar, forearms and calves- would kinda give her a Darkstalkers Gallon look essentially which was what many of our fellow Tenno were initially hoping for it seems ;p

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4 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

and those gals are fast too, really threw me offguard during The Sacrifice just how fast those lasses actually are. Female Liches are big girls too and carry archguns, a 2h hammer depending on which you have at that moment; so yup a busty wolfess prowling the Origin System fits right in *nods* and gawd I can't wait to get to Fashion Framing the heck outta her

im just getting annoyed with the double standards as this goes on.

 we clearly already have bigger and more intrusive body forms . given we have plenty of things that are off in terms of frame style to form give deluxe and what not, i just cant wrap my head around the logic against it when its people raging "you just want big boobs" , no ?  me personally its keeping true to form already accepted, maybe some want it for that reasoning, im just tired of things getting warped from 2d -> 3d or corners cut 

as its a WIP , Im hopeful it develops better or keeps to the design more as ive shown with the FIXES example its not hard to fix it and not make it a problem on the body form , this took me like 5 minutes or less to draft im sure DE's artists can do and make it much better , but now they ahve a time crunch of DEC !!! so id really like to not see them cut corners on the frame design 



infact im kind hopeful for some alt helms to just see what de comes up with , im ok with the wolf heads as ive said prior, they were each already different anyway, this just cleans them up and made for mechanics ,  I was fine with standing up position/colored version that was shown. anything deviating beyond that is unwarranted

 here is joes art site for those not familiar with his designs or works  https://www.joemadart.com/

 This  whole situation is just silly, given plenty of grineer girls have Boobs plainly in their design , more then most other factions  and kuva guards have huge knockers, but give a  frame a bust and everybody loses their sense of reasoning. its like having boobs somehow made them less capable of ripping people apart??     people think boobs are required to get people off, when plenty outside the forums are fine with the boys or/& the girls in various  shapes n forms boobs or no boobs. i dont see why this frame is such a problem 

*rolls eyes" 


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2 hours ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

im just getting annoyed with the double standards as this goes on.

 we clearly already have bigger and more intrusive body forms . given we have plenty of things that are off in terms of frame style to form give deluxe and what not, i just cant wrap my head around the logic against it when its people raging "you just want big boobs" , no ?  me personally its keeping true to form already accepted, maybe some want it for that reasoning, im just tired of things getting warped from 2d -> 3d or corners cut 

as its a WIP , Im hopeful it develops better or keeps to the design more as ive shown with the FIXES example its not hard to fix it and not make it a problem on the body form , this took me like 5 minutes or less to draft im sure DE's artists can do and make it much better , but now they ahve a time crunch of DEC !!! so id really like to not see them cut corners on the frame design 

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infact im kind hopeful for some alt helms to just see what de comes up with , im ok with the wolf heads as ive said prior, they were each already different anyway, this just cleans them up and made for mechanics ,  I was fine with standing up position/colored version that was shown. anything deviating beyond that is unwarranted

 here is joes art site for those not familiar with his designs or works  https://www.joemadart.com/

 This  whole situation is just silly, given plenty of grineer girls have Boobs plainly in their design , more then most other factions  and kuva guards have huge knockers, but give a  frame a bust and everybody loses their sense of reasoning. its like having boobs somehow made them less capable of ripping people apart??     people think boobs are required to get people off, when plenty outside the forums are fine with the boys or/& the girls in various  shapes n forms boobs or no boobs. i dont see why this frame is such a problem 

*rolls eyes" 


I honestly agree, with the various forms of frames we have why? Why nerf Voruna's bust and deviate from the concept art? 

I really like the edit you did on Voruna EternalDrk Mako and appreciate all the comparisons between the WIP n, CON we love so much (that you've not doubt seen me use)   and I think you've proven with a little touch up she could be filled in just a bit, enough at least to live up to the standing up right concept art, if not get closer to it.  

And I think the Boobs=can't do think    argument is dumb as well, and doesn't hold up, especially in a power fantasy video game where we control terminator death machine's that can all bullet-jump all over the place like a pin-ball, yet they'll still say, but booba  make less efficient, Wut? 

So, yeah hopefully🤞 [DE] can do something about it because I don't think anyone's asking for anything outrageous, we just enjoy/love the concept art. 💗🐺   

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19 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

I honestly agree, with the various forms of frames we have why? Why nerf Voruna's bust and deviate from the concept art? 

I really like the edit you did on Voruna EternalDrk Mako and appreciate all the comparisons between the WIP n, CON we love so much (that you've not doubt seen me use)   and I think you've proven with a little touch up she could be filled in just a bit, enough at least to live up to the standing up right concept art, if not get closer to it.  

And I think the Boobs=can't do think    argument is dumb as well, and doesn't hold up, especially in a power fantasy video game where we control terminator death machine's that can all bullet-jump all over the place like a pin-ball, yet they'll still say, but booba  make less efficient, Wut? 

So, yeah hopefully🤞 [DE] can do something about it because I don't think anyone's asking for anything outrageous, we just enjoy/love the concept art. 💗🐺   

Its a really good edit too.

And indeed with the whole booba thing is quite silly and souldnt be an issue when we already got Wisp's zeppelin sized posterior (Maybe thats how she floats?), or having the voluptuous Garuda being accepted (The Successor skin gives her side-booba, which is nice. Also makes her cute butt stand out even more).

Overall, the concept art, both the greyscale and the colored version are great. 

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12 minutes ago, Mama_Sasha said:

And indeed with the whole booba thing is quite silly and souldnt be an issue when we already got Wisp's zeppelin sized posterior (Maybe thats how she floats?)

I never thought of it like that before! XD its filled with helium! good one Sasha 🥲👍

 See the source image. (Also look at this dude haha, it was so hard typing with him ffff)


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1 hour ago, Mama_Sasha said:

And indeed with the whole booba thing is quite silly and souldnt be an issue when we already got Wisp's zeppelin sized posterior (Maybe thats how she floats?), or having the voluptuous Garuda being accepted (The Successor skin gives her side-booba, which is nice. Also makes her cute butt stand out even more).

Wanna know the real reason y'all ain't getting Dommy Mommy Wolfy Booba? I am holding DE hostage and making them shrink them tigolbitties. I'll make them shrink them another whole arse cup if y'all keep trying me!

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21 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

I honestly agree, with the various forms of frames we have why? Why nerf Voruna's bust and deviate from the concept art? 

I really like the edit you did on Voruna EternalDrk Mako and appreciate all the comparisons between the WIP n, CON we love so much (that you've not doubt seen me use)   and I think you've proven with a little touch up she could be filled in just a bit, enough at least to live up to the standing up right concept art, if not get closer to it.  

And I think the Boobs=can't do think    argument is dumb as well, and doesn't hold up, especially in a power fantasy video game where we control terminator death machine's that can all bullet-jump all over the place like a pin-ball, yet they'll still say, but booba  make less efficient, Wut? 

So, yeah hopefully🤞 [DE] can do something about it because I don't think anyone's asking for anything outrageous, we just enjoy/love the concept art. 💗🐺   

thanks i do appreciate it, i simply wanted to show what a nooby concept/3d artist such as i can do ,that should be easily outdone by a professional of de's capability , i know paintovers are a common setup and i did the comparison as such to show its not a complex adjustment, nor did i make HUGE or over exaggerated setup to try to please everyone. the time to do the details ive shown probably takes 30 min to get the shape right then detail out in another hour.

 mind you warframe organic/hard sculping is very weird/diff than most types of work, it like trying to hardsculpt butter into flesh and metallic , its weird

boobs are simply ornamental in warframe, they are part of the design and were accepted, so i dont get the issue. plenty of frames have boobs or exaggerated feminity

Khora is a good example , has breast globes and cleavage . as well as a signature booty crack window in skirt, this is very sexualized, even the prime has netting and bondage themes , but this is ok and people <3 it *confused noises* 


See the source imageKhora Prime AccessKhora Prime Access

werewolf vs warwolf

I know a LOT of people are butt hurt on the werewolf -> wolf themed change and i do understand that issue

1st gender is female not MALE (<w< ? k? ) , 2nd its no longer transformation based and has heads , weird. but then again this happened to zephyr so its not a shock to me, was male originally (so was ember and ash was female) 


See the source image

personally I was shocked by the change shown at tennocon and had my eyebrow up, i was skeptical when they started talking about it

though for me in the end i was ok with it as the concept of a "War Wolf" was appealing and in terms of mythology female werewolves are a rarity , add to that it was done by an artist i admire . I have stated vocally on forums/twitter how much i liked t , i even spent a month+ drawing her from 2 concept drafts which was very difficult and challenging for me personally, it was one of the most complex things ive draw next to the angel frame



speaking of angels 

Void Angels  - OG concept designs -they went with F 


Warframe - Angels of the ZarimanWarframe - Angels of the ZarimanWarframe - Angels of the ZarimanWarframe - Angels of the ZarimanWarframe - Angels of the Zariman




in most artistry female form is very appealing as a medium so i understand the shift on the angels, reb even explained this in a devstream later on

  imo , they are even more sexualized then female frames, both in design and details, especially the vent holes in breasts?  thats was a very weird choice given people took it as nips ?

but this is fine in the game, having a wolf themed frame with a pair of mammeries is sin :crylaugh: (given wolves have way more then two normally as they have multiple pups)



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Just now, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:


 @(XBOX)EternalDrk Mako. Did DE say they didn't want a sexualized wolf boobs? Cause if you can't point to them saying as such, you cannot imply their intent to be they didn't want a sexualized frame. Y'all are seriously overreacting and need to take several seats...

did i say that?

"they said they didnt want a sexualized frame" ?  no im pretty sure i have not. :highfive:

i have stated i find this entire debacle funny on numerous posts,   and I have provided examples of ingame assets already are technically speaking,  much more sexualized or exaggerated.

you can interpret what i state, however you want tenno,  but im pretty specific on details 

I have stated specifically: i find the changes they have shown since the colored art reference , vastly different and hope they alter it to better match again on numerous posts

if this is pressuring or annoying people , i cant help that, i simply provide info and context examples


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1 minute ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

did i say that?

"they said they didnt want a sexualized frame" ?  no im pretty sure i have not. :highfive:

i have stated i find this entire debacle funny on numerous posts,   and I have provided examples of ingame assets already are technically speaking,  much more sexualized or exaggerated.

you can interpret what i state, however you want tenno,  but im pretty specific on details 

I have stated specifically: i find the changes they have shown since the colored art reference , vastly different and hope they alter it to better match again on numerous posts

if this is pressuring or annoying people , i cant help that, i simply provide info and context examples



14 minutes ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

  imo , they are even more sexualized then female frames, both in design and details, especially the vent holes in breasts?  thats was a very weird choice given people took it as nips ?

but this is fine in the game, having a wolf themed frame with a pair of mammeries is sin :crylaugh: (given wolves have way more then two normally as they have multiple pups)

Yeah, ya did. Implied it heavily. 

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3 minutes ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:


Yeah, ya did. Implied it heavily. 

 implication and interpretation , can be used for discussion points i guess, however your stab in the dark isn't accurate

heavily attributed in context isnt the same as stating it. i stated they have sexualized assests already ingame, why the wolf is an issue is a complie of many reasons beyond the bust but speaking in contexts to my own posts. why the wolfs boob size isnt to form isn't actually reasonable as shown prior on accepted design. we have characters with much larger chest using huge bladed twohand weapons, so it shouldn't be an issue to keep to form accurately to the accepted concept art, to make her functional in game. and ive also stated i really dislike when de messes with an accepted design as in prior past cases

^thats what ive literally been saying , how you warp/reimagine it is on you? 

 i didn't state your implication specifically as you so imply via your re- interpreting my words and or your use them to suit an inaccurate implication of my context of your own  devices

kind of silly to imply another words with your own mental implication ? 

 i stated them so i can accurately state what i mean without being subtle context, im not here to mince words or use subterfuge or be sneaky, i think ive been very clear and blatant in my exact words and contexts ,always been pretty blunt in my discussions on the forums and tend to state exactly what i mean. you can again have your own thought and concepts of this, free thinking n speech are allowed ? 

i say it the way i mean it, given de have plenty of sexualized assets already, and ive even shown examples? 

why you would reinterpt it that i think via your thought process , that de cant make a sexualized character ???? 

thats a pretty big logic jump, and given ive stated literally they seem to show favoritism to booty , in both gender designs , why this would be your rational? 

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