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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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@ra9una Sorry that was indeed a jumbling mess most of what I say appears that way now xD. I meant to say if it is too cheap then non founder players would complain to the Dev and start arguments. There are other players out there who are not founders nor have they bought any platinum but they want the exclusives as well and if they cannot get those exclusives they will scream to the Dev favoritism, biased, etc.. and there are those in every gaming community where people just want to start fights and drama so they will blow it out of proportion. $40 is the lowest I think it should be where $50 would be more fair for both parties and $60 showing more favor that you want to support the Devs. The reason why I suggested that people who bought a lot of platinum should also be allowed the choice between the two is because it would separate the supporters and the players. I understand that anything over $30 is alot of money for digital items i'm just trying to cut the Dev some slack from the community arguing over something like this putting more stress on Devs. Warframe will be the game I have every put the most of real time money into xD.

Edited by AllanIncubi
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 The only problem with this idea is people will buy the lowest tier set then just buy the exclusive pack so DE would rarely get the amount of the full Prime Access. It should strictly be founder and MAYBE just maybe people who have bought large amounts of plat before. You could be more detailed on how much the 4th tier would be and if you have to buy a certain tier before the 4th is unlocked. Honestly it should be founders and as I said maybe those who purchased large amount of plat. We really do need a subscription deal would make things like this easier. Ill get a petition going and hopefully it goes well. If you support the cause send people here to read all pages and give their input then sign the petition if they agree


@DE/GM may we move this to the feedback section?


The lowest tier prime access pack is at $50, which I think is a fair amount to get the ball rolling. The average game these days cost around there, while each major DLCs costing approx $15-20 each. I don't think it can be exploited.


The 4th tier, the 'exclusive-only' bundle can only be seen or selected by those who have purchased at least one of the packs.


The reason why I say anyone whom have purchased a pack is because I think anyone whom have commit a certain amount of money should be rewarded as such and would seem more fair for newer players. Another reason is so that in the future, such a situation can be averted. It's akin to purchasing the maingame (costly) and then paying extra (cheaper) for contents when it comes.


Another solution would be to put said items (Misa Prime and Titan Prime) into the market costing plats only for a limited time offer. I mean after all, plats are the in-game cash-exclusive currency. Why are we paying "double". Make it like ~200 plats for the Misa Prime. The Prime frames and weapons should strictly belong to the void.

Edited by Krysis_V
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I really do not want to see a trend for this prime access package... In future the people who are going to afford them will be dishing out all the exclusives while the rest of the players are using the lower quality stuff...  At least allow us to buy the exclusives at a lower price instead of locking it up behind that crazy price along with a bunch of items that are basically unwanted just to make it justified for that pricing  

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The platinum is nice but half of us founders probably won't need platinum for ages. It almost feels like a slap in the face for us.


Speak for yourself I'm out of plat as of update 11 with the immortal skins, Valkyr pack and an alt helmet because her with a collar isn't sexy. That ran me like little under a 1000 plat.

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OH oh I know how to make it go away.  


It's a one step process, everybod ready for this?


are you sure your ready?


1. Stop complaining about S#&$ that doesn't really matter.  It's a shortcut around grind plus a bunch of platinum with a price tag to match, get over it. I'm not gonna but iit cause i don't have the liquid cash but that doesn't mean it should piss me off.

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Does no one understand that DE is not a poor game company? I'm all for supporting and all but warframe isn't small anymore. There are millions of players now and most people do buy these outrageously priced objects or packs! I bet DE on average has made more money regular 60 dollar game partly because people feel bad for them thinking they have no money when INFACT F2P games have been shown to make more money that regular games. Grant it I have payed a lot of money to this game. More than I would normally ever spend. In the end it doesn't matter how nice DE is or attentive. It's actually worse because they completely ignore their extremely high prices even though the model is still the same model they used when they only had a thousand players. It's a rip off If there ever was one. Does no one see this?

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Its a setting a bad precedent if they give us founders items from the new packs or a deal on them, because then the prime access people have a fair argument that they could get founder items.

I mean come on we get to see all kinds of new things before anyone else, a chat channel, someone of us have our names on planets, and hell we help make Nova. We got our own Founders frame that they can't even farm for.

The exclusives help DE get more money which get us more content. There always going to be new items pretty sure when we got founders it didn't mean we get all exclusives forever.

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Does no one understand that DE is not a poor game company? I'm all for supporting and all but warframe isn't small anymore. There are millions of players now and most people do buy these outrageously priced objects or packs! I bet DE on average has made more money regular 60 dollar game partly because people feel bad for them thinking they have no money when INFACT F2P games have been shown to make more money that regular games. Grant it I have payed a lot of money to this game. More than I would normally ever spend. In the end it doesn't matter how nice DE is or attentive. It's actually worse because they completely ignore their extremely high prices even though the model is still the same model they used when they only had a thousand players. It's a rip off If there ever was one. Does no one see this?

Clearly people do see it. Why else would this thread both be 11 pages long and with most people agreeing?

Plus if they do make a package for veterans, I'd bet they'd probably even make more. Why? A lot more people, i.e. EVERYONE here in these 11 pages that has said they'd pay $20-60 would buy it. While something in the 20-30 range would be nice, I think everyone realizes that 50-60 is much more reasonable and people are okay with that. I said it before. If they offered it, I'd instantly buy it. No second thoughts.

They're still making good money, and we're still supporting them. 50-60 for the exclusive items alone is as much as a brand new blockbuster game. Plus, most of us have already spent that amount or more. We're basically the people that get the special editions of games. You know, the versions that come in huge boxes for $150 bucks that come with a TON of exclusive stuff. Why pay that much for the extra bits of fun stuff and flair? Probably because you love and support that game.

DE has already made a really nice gesture by mailing us all the founders gift though, don't forget that. I can only imagine the mess at postal. That stuff is going all over the world! So you know, they do appriciate us. I'm pretty sure that shows it.

Edited by NukaKV
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I don't even want to argue about Design Channel right now.  I'm just going to leave that out of the equation.


We are NOT asking for freebies.  This is the basic argument: You are charging way too much for something exclusive that's most likely going to happen for every Prime Access.    This argument arises particularly from the outrageous pricing for the exclusive item, even if it's a cosmetic accessory.  This doesn't apply to just Founders.  Founders are raising a stink more because we are more likely to make purchases in game.  This has to do with how much money you have on you/in you that you are willing to invest into the game.  Who doesn't have a budget with games?  Raise your hands, seriously.  We are asking for reasonable pricing.  There's a difference between free handout to actual paying.  Here's the deal.  We WILL PAY them for the exclusive, a good chunk of the player base just don't want half to most of the other things they are selling.  Why insist on bundling things up and limiting your buyer base when you can break it up and offer more options for your customer base?  $139.99 is a lot of scratch to ask for.  It's true people are more likely to purchase bundles, but not when your most coveted item is lumped with things that not everyone is interested in. Bundles sold on markets also have the individual items broken up so you can always choose to buy them individually.  Why are we starting this trend with Prime Access?  You are more likely to make a $5 sale than a $30 sale right?  Why do you insist on putting such a high price for your items?  


Prime Access frankly scares me.  If this continues they'll think they can get away with charging exorbitant prices for such things.  This is not a good time to start a trend.  How much are you actually willing to pay for a game?  I only pay full price for console games I truly love and enjoy.  That's $30 - $60 depending on the titles and platform.  Good DLC with good expansion to stories doesn't cost even a quarter of what they are charging.  $139.99 is what some would pay for a yearly subscription to an MMO.  Prime Access is possibly going to come around 4 times a year going by how quickly they release prime frames.  


Here's a curious question, why is buying things separately considered a bad thing?  I do love a good bundle, but not this kind.  I don't need most of the stuff you're selling.  You insist on shipping this big bundle of plat with your shinies, but it's not like I can buy prime stuff with my plat either. We want alternatives.

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i smell self entitlement....


did you all forget how DE gave you all of those shirts and bandanas?

they didn´t have to do that at all. that was an extra, and they still did it. plus, you all got exclusive items. what about the new players that can´t get those at all? they will be fine, and you all should be fine too.

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Its a setting a bad precedent if they give us founders items from the new packs or a deal on them, because then the prime access people have a fair argument that they could get founder items.

I mean come on we get to see all kinds of new things before anyone else, a chat channel, someone of us have our names on planets, and hell we help make Nova. We got our own Founders frame that they can't even farm for.

The exclusives help DE get more money which get us more content. There always going to be new items pretty sure when we got founders it didn't mean we get all exclusives forever.

Not looking for something for free. Just give people who already spent a certain amount of money other options to buy the kool things that can't be normally acquired in game.


Someone who is just starting have a better deal because they put $0 in the game so far.  Others who already spent $100 - $X are probably more hesitant to spend $140 to get the item that they are really looking for. 

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I don't even want to argue about Design Channel right now.  I'm just going to leave that out of the equation.


We are NOT asking for freebies.  This is the basic argument: You are charging way too much for something exclusive that's most likely going to happen for every Prime Access.    This argument arises particularly from the outrageous pricing for the exclusive item, even if it's a cosmetic accessory.  This doesn't apply to just Founders.  Founders are raising a stink more because we are more likely to make purchases in game.  This has to do with how much money you have on you/in you that you are willing to invest into the game.  Who doesn't have a budget with games?  Raise your hands, seriously.  We are asking for reasonable pricing.  There's a difference between free handout to actual paying.  Here's the deal.  We WILL PAY them for the exclusive, a good chunk of the player base just don't want half to most of the other things they are selling.  Why insist on bundling things up and limiting your buyer base when you can break it up and offer more options for your customer base?  $139.99 is a lot of scratch to ask for.  It's true people are more likely to purchase bundles, but not when your most coveted item is lumped with things that not everyone is interested in. Bundles sold on markets also have the individual items broken up so you can always choose to buy them individually.  Why are we starting this trend with Prime Access?  You are more likely to make a $5 sale than a $30 sale right?  Why do you insist on putting such a high price for your items?  


Prime Access frankly scares me.  If this continues they'll think they can get away with charging exorbitant prices for such things.  This is not a good time to start a trend.  How much are you actually willing to pay for a game?  I only pay full price for console games I truly love and enjoy.  That's $30 - $60 depending on the titles and platform.  Good DLC with good expansion to stories doesn't cost even a quarter of what they are charging.  $139.99 is what some would pay for a yearly subscription to an MMO.  Prime Access is possibly going to come around 4 times a year going by how quickly they release prime frames.  


Here's a curious question, why is buying things separately considered a bad thing?  I do love a good bundle, but not this kind.  I don't need most of the stuff you're selling.  You insist on shipping this big bundle of plat with your shinies, but it's not like I can buy prime stuff with my plat either. We want alternatives.

This deal is prefect for my friend that I just recruited and started.  If he really enjoys the game (and i think he will) then he gets everything he needs for a good time.  But us more older players (as in how long we played), don't need all those things. Some of us actually want to farm for the prime.  Why not have a separate bundle for those who already paid a certain amount of money as it is. Like a giant veteran's bundle, where you keep adding to it as new things come out. 

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I have similar feelins but just one thing to add to the whole thing...


Let the new guys have some exclusivity as well, won't ya? Those guys don't have access to Excal Prime anymore, like at all. Maybe they should be given some cool exclusive stuff just for them. I'm not against it, if Misa Prime and Titan Prime is enough to make you feel like you got a deal similar to the Founder deal, then they are welcome to their feelings of exclusivity.


I WOULD like to get my hands on Misa and Titan Prime, but i will NOT, under any circumstance, shell out 140$ more to get it. So yeah, new guys, it's your turn. Have at it.

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I don't mind the price or what is given, what worries me is that those items are going to go away and new items replace them all the time making you pay the full cost again if you want all these exclusives. If I knew I wouldn't have to pay the price again every patch for a few new and pointless exclusives I would actually buy prime access, or if the exclusives were A LOT cheaper considering the possibility of new ones every patch.

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To think, any given AAA title won't suck more than 100 bucks out of your wallet even with DLC extortion.  Bet that t-shirt and head-towel were really worth it, huh?


Goodbye Founders' Packs

Hello Prime Access

Hello newbie lemmings

Edited by niekaa
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Right. The absolutely only thing they could have done differently would be to sell the scarf for $20 to anyone who bought more than 1000 plat before Prime Access was released, or something like that.


I still think that since it's a god damn mother @(*()$ scarf, you nerds, that it really doesn't matter what they tag it for. It's fluff.

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