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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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Doesn't seem any different than the Founders program except most of it can be acquired in game for free, a practice DE has been going with for nearly everything. I suppose it's just me but I see this as Founder program 2.0. It's not supposed to be a "Look at all this exclusive stuff, spend lots of money!", it's just a way for people to support DE and get some stuff on the side, making the monetary price less of an issue, but again, it must just be me that feels this way which is fine. We all have different perceptions on things.


The fact so many are hung up on the scarf is something I will never understand but to each his own.

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Dang this topic has went from good to bad there are now starting to be some friction. I believe many just want another bundle that is $50 that contains the Prime Titan, Ember Prime Icon, and the Misa Syandana Prime without the platinum nor the Prime Warframe and Weapons of the current sale. Can we agree that a $50 Cosmetic Exclusive Pack that contain the objects which can never be obtained again be sold as a separate bundle without the platinum nor the Frame/weapons.

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 That is a pretty healthy amount of stuff. This isn't DE shafting the consumer. That platinum means you're definitely getting what you paid for here. The items just come on top of all that. This is better then 4k Plat at a discount along with some swag.



 So, when you ask the question "To buy, or not to buy?" take a moment to step back and really decide "How badly do I want to scratch my collectors itch?"


You know how many ACTUAL games I could buy for 200 bucks?  C'mon, son, that's some weak sauce.

Edited by niekaa
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Ok, so this scarf is beautiful. But why does it have to be an exclusive item to people who pay $80 for this, a drone, and then a bunch of primes that I want to earn the hard way

I am more than happy to pay money for cosmetic stuff and a few short cuts. Thats fine. But hiding some of the stuff I would gladly pay for behind stuff I want to earn through playing the game. It’s annoying to say the least.

Sure I could buy it, get the platinum, the primes, and the drone and scarf. But I would feel like I cheated to get the ember prime/glaive/and gun.

I don’t like it. I really don’t like it. And I almost feel left out in a way for this because I have already invested a lot of money in this game, but I have no way of getting this platinum only item without buying the stuff I want to play towards.

Well, if you feel that strongly you could always sell the three prime gears and then farm them up manually? That way you still get a lot of plat and a free slot?

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Dang this topic has went from good to bad there are now starting to be some friction. I believe many just want another bundle that is $50 that contains the Prime Titan, Ember Prime Icon, and the Misa Syandana Prime without the platinum nor the Prime Warframe and Weapons of the current sale. Can we agree that a $50 Cosmetic Exclusive Pack that contain the objects which can never be obtained again be sold as a separate bundle without the platinum nor the Frame/weapons.


I'd buy that.

I won't buy the prime access for two reasons.

It'll negate the entire point of playing to earn those rewards.

It's extortionate and bundled with numerous things I don't want.

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Here's the thing. The founder's pack is time exclusive and is only available to people whom are willing to put money down on its early stage of development; hence Founder's pack. A basic founder's pack can be had for like $20? Everything from the founder's pack is exclusive.


Now we have a pack whereby things which are not exclusive, construct-able in the lower tier which the unconstruct-able one is locked behind a $140 wall. How many of us are willing to pay that amount every 2 months or so. And even if you are able/want to do so, there are people who want to build their own and feel the breeze of the journey.


Hmm.. is there any thing different between Prime access fluorescent scarf and Founder's badges? Symbolically no, imo. They're both time exclusive, locked behind a paywall, and being cosmetic items. Cost of the badge could be varied based on tier of Founder pack purchased. Content of prime pack is a mixed back and it's good. Imagine the chaos of having another frame and weapons locked behind a paywall. 


DE has to give supporters something that really nice and shiny as a token of gratitude. Badge, exclusive weapons, and prime frame for Founder. Fluorescent scarf for Prime pack. It's not meant for all of us to buy - just some of us. 

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I think he wants to know if it's a one time purchase or not.


Like...when the next update comes along and new Prime stuff is released..will he have to buy it again or will he simply just GET the prime stuff?

That's what I meant, thanks.

No.  They'll have a new pack offered then.

That's lame. I'll pass. DE needs to stop with this exclusive nonsense.
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Im still trying to figure out why ninjas have scarves.

They seem like they would be more of a pain in the &#! than they're worth. You are sneakily running around a corner, you arent seen but the guard sees the tail end of a scarf. Pure giveaway

Not to mention a tripping hazard when rolling aboots on the floor.


Scarves are supposed to be made of cheap fabric that tears off quickly so if it gets caught in anything, it just tears. And the idea of a Ninja with a scarf came from i don't remember where, when a Ninja was so good that he wanted to give people a chance to spot him before he finishes people off... Again, don't remember the source.

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You know how many ACTUAL games I could buy for 200 bucks?  C'mon, son, that's some weak sauce.

3 or maybe 4 to max including not including any DLC

After that , theire is some guys Who like to focus only into one games and not multiple , its your personal way to play and use your money

Also plat trad is "Cool" I traded my blind rage for 15 plat today just for test the system (of course its was'nt upgraded much)

For those who can't pay due to payment methode / age/can't afford/whatever others reason , this system is great , Play ,enjoy the games , sell what you farmed if you do not need , so you can get more slot or colors packs or any others custom set

That the way i see this

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Hmm.. is there any thing different between Prime access fluorescent scarf and Founder's badges? Symbolically no, imo. They're both time exclusive, locked behind a paywall, and being cosmetic items. Cost of the badge could be varied based on tier of Founder pack purchased. Content of prime pack is a mixed back and it's good. Imagine the chaos of having another frame and weapons locked behind a paywall. 


DE has to give supporters something that really nice and shiny as a token of gratitude. Badge, exclusive weapons, and prime frame for Founder. Fluorescent scarf for Prime pack. It's not meant for all of us to buy - just some of us. 


Since everyone got a badge maybe they should have the scarf broken up into pieces so the higher package gets the whole thing while the lower package just gets a little bow tie thingy.

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It doesn't matter what happens, who does it, or where it comes from.....people ALWAYS find something to *@##$ about.


I simply wait a few days to a week for the especially whiny ones to be distracted by something else, THEN start reading actual feedback.


If its a serious enough issue to last that long then i think it merits some attention.

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I think anyone who invested more than 49.99 into warframe then and NOW should have access to that scarf...............period........


but look what world we live in



we gave them the idea of scarves



then they make us pay for em........fine........now they lock  1 scarf behind paywall.......the only "primed" scarf......and didn't even bother to create regular primed scarfs you can get into market..........


lol I have to respect it  i was going going to get the 49.99 deal.......but no scarfy warfy......still want the plat though..........kinda

Edited by Ishki88
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You know how many ACTUAL games I could buy for 200 bucks?  C'mon, son, that's some weak sauce.

It depends on how much you play I guess.

I've played Warframe for over 600 hours at this point. Most retail shooters have around 9 hours of gameplay if you are lucky. I've bought both Founders and Infernoe, and I don't feel ripped off.

Warframe is also an ACTUAL game, it's just ftp instead of retail.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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The misa syandana could be offered for like $30 and I would buy it, with nothing else, but not for $150.

The plat trading is good in a way but it does kill normal mod for mod trading. A large portion of players have all the mods they want and just want to cash out. It's a one way oversaturatued market. Most mods will be around 1 plat eventually since mods don't really leave the economy.

I would rather see a GW2/Runescape style exchange as was discussed in livestreams, with auto regulated prices, so actual mod bartering could occur andttrade chat wasn't a hundred people selling the mod you need but only accepting plat.

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How about from now on in this Topic we have a more professional discussion taking place. Suggest ideas on what you would like to see, what you deem would be fair for every one. I still suggest the idea of a secondary bundle along side the current Prime Access pack that has nothing in it besides those exclusive items that mean no platinum included nor the Prime Warframe and the counterpart weapon(s). So an Exclusive Cosmetic Bundle would include the Prime Titan Extractor, Ember Prime Icon, and the Misa Syandana Prime. I think the majority of people can see that as being a great idea now the big two question would be Price and availability. I believe strongly that the price should be $50, at $50 I think its fair for whoever is allowed to buy it as its not much since it would only be $50 every 3 or so months also at this price we show we do want the game to be continued and help develop the growth of Warframe by showing we would be willing to donate more money than the cosmetics would be worth. Now who should be allowed to be given the option on buying the secondary bundle well I would say my opinion and say it should be Founders of all ranks and those who have spent around $100 in buying platinum this is all to subject of change. So here it is in a nice juicy wrap. The Tiers should NOT be changed except maybe for Prime Titan extractor in Tier one so everyone can earn double resources from one drone but those cosmetics are the incentives to those who don't have time to farm the Prime frame/weapons or see the deal as a good and cheaper source of platinum. We don't want to undermine profit. 


Cosmetic exclusive ONLY bundle changes with the current Prime Access $50(subject to change)

Founders can buy it.

People who spent $100 for platinum, past, present and future or bought tier 3 Prime Access(subject to change)


Please leave your responses and suggest things you believe should be different. I am open to all opinions as if we do want to see a change we must work together and not fight/argue amongst ourself. Remember as a Founder we are not entitled to any future benefits/discounts so please dont bring that up.  

Edited by AllanIncubi
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Last thing I want to do is offend anyone - so please take this in the peaceful spirit with which it is intended. 


I think some psychological adjustment needs to happen for some people. 


Server Farms are not cheap, they are not a one time expense, they must be maintained along with the switches, routers, etc that bind the infrastructure together. Trust me in this - I work for one of the largest hosting providers in the world.  On top of all that you have the on-going cost of development, artists, community managers, publicists... this is a business guys... a business that has figured out how to make money letting you have fun for NOTHING if you so choose.  If you bought a founders Pack before (I did) that was then.  This is now.  There will be things that I won't get in the future because I don't want to spend the platinum - but I am OK.  The founders paid for themselves and a lot of you to play early on - the Prime Pack is a way of continuing that.  It's just like buying rounds for your buddies at a bar - everyone gets a turn, and you know what, if you don't buy a round no one judges you - just don't think your entitled to a drink.


My point is that DE has ongoing expenses for a game that is Free to Play AND NOT Pay to Win.  They have every right to throw in exclusive items to suck people in to letting go of some hard earned cache.  People who take advantage of it are not 'cheating' to get early access to things... 


Take my situation - I work long hours, I am studying for several certifications, and I spend 2 hours a day in a car going to and from work. That does not leave me a lot of time to grind stuff out. I wanted some platinum to re-work the dojo and some other things, and I getting a pack that gave me some swag on the side plus 90 days worth of affinity boost was all bonus.  My purchasing it does not cheapen my Warframe Experience, nor should you let it cheapen yours.  But it has  happened.


I was just in a round and someone txted me "Nice Scarf RamPuppy". Innocent right?  But the friction I have read here in the forums made me stop and wonder if he was being snarky or he really did like it. In the end I decided to believe in the better part of human nature and take the compliment - but I should not have had to stop to think about it either, I shouldn't have had reason to pause and wonder.


No such thing as a free lunch folks. Econ 101.  This game is going to have a very long life - settle in for the long haul - I am sure there is something that will tempt you in the future that wont tempt me - and the game will be all the richer for the diversity. 


I wonder if DE will add scarf trading to the trading kiosk....

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It's a one way oversaturatued market. Most mods will be around 1 plat eventually since mods don't really leave the economy.

Oh absolutely. It only looks so crazy right now because there are bidding wars on highly desired mods, but demand is going to dry up very quickly.

I'm betting in a month or so no mod will be available for more than a couple hundred for new rares as they come out. Primed Chamber is an exception. It will probably continue to be crazy expensive. There are what, maybe a 100 or so in circulation?

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@RamPuppy your point is valid and the secondary bundle I suggested would bring in those who weren't willing to pay the cost to buy it so it would full the niche of those who don't want to buy the Prime Access because they dont need/want the plat or they want to farm for those in game items. So why not add that secondary bundle that is no plat just nothing but those exclusive items at $50 that is still alot and i am sure those who weren't willing to buy the Prime Access would pick this up in an instant.

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I think people would be happy if they released more scarfs for the rest of the frames.........and/or released a "primed scarf" for the market..if you can't afford above 100 dollars..............it's just about balance...........and i can understand why people feel like this trade-off isn't fair/balanced.......they gave us no other choice....we don't have a complete collection of scarfs for each Tenno.........when we do get new scarfs..one is for Zerker.....the other is..well appears to be for ember prime....and you have to pay 100 plus bucks for it...doesn't add up 

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