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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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I think people would be happy if they released more scarfs for the rest of the frames

This could be true. I think if there where more scarves in general the lack of this one would hurt collectors a bit less.

You might want to cut down on the ellipsis by the way. That is super awkward to read.

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OP - Bravo.


Alchemist -


Platinum keeps the servers turned on, the devs warm (they are in Canada after all) and fed, etc... DE is a business with a right to make a profit on their product - and last I checked none of us were aware of what they need to actually keep the lights turned on. Saying that they need to cut the price based on what information is generally available to us, the players, is making a judgment that is based on incomplete information.  Even if they are making money hand over fist - it is their RIGHT to do so. If people are buying - then it's not to expensive.


As far as people price gouging - I think it sucks, but I also  believe in Free Market Capitalism - Trading took an economy that existed between each individual player and DE, and turned it into a full blown economy  between the player, other players, and DE.  This new economy is only what - 3 days old at this point and already being criticized? Let it find it's equilibrium people. It will settle into what people can afford and what people are willing to pay - and it will be fine.

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 So, when you ask the question "To buy, or not to buy?" take a moment to step back and really decide "How badly do I want to scratch my collectors itch?"


Is predatory marketing and generally considered fairly shady.   There is absolutely zero reason they couldn't sell it seperatelly and we all know that - don't make excuses for this.  The packages are "meant for newer players" which is why there is all that plat, but the exclusive is there to prey on oldhat players who collect instead of selling it separately (since newer players would buy the package for the great deal on play anyways).


No room for baseless white knighting here, it's bad practice.

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Oh absolutely. It only looks so crazy right now because there are bidding wars on highly desired mods, but demand is going to dry up very quickly.

I'm betting in a month or so no mod will be available for more than a couple hundred for new rares as they come out. Primed Chamber is an exception. It will probably continue to be crazy expensive. There are what, maybe a 100 or so in circulation?

Which makes me think they're going to be added more primed chamber limited run mods down the line.  With all of DE_Steve's talk of legendarys and S#&$ you know they're going to do it.

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I have no issue with them bringing out a second, third, fourth, or fiftieth bundle.  As long as it works for them, and lets us all have fun - it's all good.  At the same time though - We have to look at it from their perspective - the exclusive items on these packages are hooks for some buyers.  If they set a hook in a cheaper package - they might lose money by encouraging 'lower tier' purchases. 


I think perhaps another alternative (that will probably make some people want to scream at me) is to allow the trading of exclusive items at the kiosk, but with a platinum tax.  Or perhaps even in packs like this - in addition to providing the Syandana, provide a limited re-useable blueprint that requires platinum to build, and again, can only be traded with a platinum tax.


I actually like that last idea best - as it helps create a more diverse and complex economy in the game, and it involves the players more.  Tenno & Scarf Pimp FTW.

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I just want the scarf. I don't mind playing to get all the prime stuff but i would pay for the scarf

Me too. I also think it was a nasty move to put name such as Prime Scarf on it and make it way cooler than other scarfs. I am a sucker for that kind of thing but I can and won't buy the package at that price.

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You know how many ACTUAL games I could buy for 200 bucks?  C'mon, son, that's some weak sauce.

Now see. some people just have to stop doing this. It is entirely up to you wether youre gonna use your money on this or not. some people like to focus on this game only and not just go around and buy every games that comes out. also i don't see the reason of lacking money a viable debate material in this matter.

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I could stand behind it if proper communications would be a talent here. I bought a 45 euro Platinum pack a day before Update 11. Then it came and I bought bundles and started leveling up my new gear. Then I met a player who told me about the Prime access packs. Now I wondered, why did I learn about this afterwards. I can no longer ask for a refund as I have gotten one once a long time ago and they said it is the last I'll get. Would I have bought the biggest pack? Maybe not but maybe yes, what is certain is now I can not afford it anymore and I'm too disgusted by the idea of the whole packs that I wouldn't want to if I even could.

I felt cheated and robbed, as minor as it may sound, for a university student who is struggling with money and barely is able to spend it anyways, supports this game only to be robbed by poor communication skills. I still haven't gotten a single Prime weapon from the Void, not even Latron or Reaper Prime so that is something too. To me personally, it is not that big of a deal itself but because they yet again failed to deliver proper communication skills while they have multiple times addressed and promised their empty lies time and again. What went wrong? Where did that improving part and all that disappear? You thought I'd forget it or?

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Truth be told, the Inferno pack is quite expensive. But in the end you ARE getting as follows.

-Over 4k Plat, which is nothing to shake a stick at. (Seriously. They normally charge $200 for this much plat. Check yourself https://warframe.com/buyplatinum )

That is a pretty healthy amount of stuff. This isn't DE shafting the consumer. That platinum means you're definitely getting what you paid for here. The items just come on top of all that. This is better then 4k Plat at a discount along with some swag.

Regardless of what you choose, buy it or no, you're still adorable and I <3 you.

While i agree with DE's decision to allow trade, and the idea behind this thread in general, I'd like to point out that that 4k platinum is there specifically to drive up the price of the Inferno pack, not the other way around. So not exactly something to be happy about from a consumer's POV. Edited by Legion-Shields
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While I fully approve trading for platinum and stuff, I am against exclusive things. Sorry, but exclusivity is not cool. All players, no, all humans must be equal by any material means, all their status and things they should be able to obtain with their mind, knowledge and hard work. Money can be a shortcut to something, but money and timing should not make something exclusive. My two cents.

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Give it time this is in the General Discussion and should be moved into Feedback as the Devs do read it more but im sure they have seen the posts but dont have the time from the Chaos of U11. I send a message to two devs and so wait about a week until they reply to me or to the two topics that discuss the general idea/concept.

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I will never understand why people complain about how people spend their money. I mean someone may spend millions buying 2 super cars. But that doesn't give you the right to point them out as wrong for not giving to charity. Now if you had said that the scarf is a part of the pack and that you think it's wrong, thats a discussion.

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Here's how I think about. It's exclusives for new players, because they didn't get a go at the founder's program, and founders are unlikely to spend extra money. Thus, they get their exclusives, just like we get ours.


Now, the founder's program had a theme of "help the Developers!" which the Prime Access is lacking. It's simply a way to get items faster. I'm not a big fan of getting prime access through platinum though. I think nonplatinum and plantinum owners should have an equal chance at it (as in, through void missions).

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Here's how I think about. It's exclusives for new players, because they didn't get a go at the founder's program, and founders are unlikely to spend extra money. Thus, they get their exclusives, just like we get ours.


Now, the founder's program had a theme of "help the Developers!" which the Prime Access is lacking. It's simply a way to get items faster. I'm not a big fan of getting prime access through platinum though. I think nonplatinum and plantinum owners should have an equal chance at it (as in, through void missions).

The most people got it for the scarf and the forum avatar. lol

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I feel this needs another refresh


I don't care what the exclusive item was. If it was this scarf or anything else on the market. It is the fact it is hidden behind non-exclusive stuff. I need to pay for 3 primes that I want to get by playing the game as well as a truck load of platinum when I already have a heap before I can get to the exclusive item.


I have no quarrel with there being a prime access pack. I think it is an awesome idea and people clearly love it.


Founders was about supporting the game. I had good faith in it. It is one of my favourite games and I wanted to help it progress. And in this pack it was all exclusive items. There was nothing in them that could be gained through normal gameplay, you had to support the game to get them.


With the Prime Access. You can earn half the stuff by playing. Namly the first half.

So yes, I could buy the pack, but then I would have way more platinum than I know what to do with, and 3 primes that I would just want sell for about 10,000 credits all up. Just so I can then earn them through gameplay.


If I miss out on this scarf, I want it to be because I didn't have the money or I chose not to pay. Not because I fet pressured into skipping part of the game just so I got a shiny item.


Some people want to pay to get the primes, that is fine. I love that option to be available. But they already have the reward of getting these primes before anyone else, or at least with a lot less grinding and possible frustration.


I want to earn them, that is my play style. But because I choose to enjoy the game my way, unlocking the primes by running voids, I am told I am not allowed to get the cool shiny thing that I also would like. I feel left out of the game because I choose to play the game.


In fact because of these recent events warframe has lost a lot of it's charm to me.


I don't expect compensation, I don't expect this pack to change, what's done is done.


All I just ask that this doesn't keep happening because it is unfair on people who like the challenge of unlocking primes the hard way and the personal achievement they get when we do unlock it, that makes this game so fun for some of us.



-A loving fan.

Edited by cam-o-flage20
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something like that would be nice...


iam sure even at 55 au(50 usd) is a lot for 3 items but, its much better for ppl who have already drops a ton of cash)


cause as it stands they wont being get any money for the deal form me, No dice.

Edited by Tacgnomancer
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