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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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Stores also sell bundles for reduced prices. If exclusive items are included in those bundles, people are more inclined to buy the whole bundle, which may include some items they don't want/need. This means more profit for the store. Either way, it's the store that sets the prices and determines what is available to buy.

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People are so damn greedy. If cosmetic items is all you want then wait for future updates, they've released ONE exclusive cosmetic item and there's an uproar of people feeling entitled to discounts or exclusive access to parts of the package. People make me sick. 

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People are so damn greedy. If cosmetic items is all you want then wait for future updates, they've released ONE exclusive cosmetic item and there's an uproar of people feeling entitled to discounts or exclusive access to parts of the package. People make me sick. 

How is it greedy when im still willing to spend? No its the other way around. I've already poured a lot of money into this game and im still willing to give more! but the fact of the matter is the whole bundle is a scheme of obtainables for a high price on people like me who have already spent a lot. Not to mention that primes were orginially only obtained in-game and can't spend any money on(Like Frost and Mag prime). Just 1 item behind a huge pay-wall is by itself a greedy gesture. Like I said before...If they gave a bundle of just EXCLUSIVE cosmetics for $140..I probably go for it. But nothing in inferno is worth getting. Thats why this is disappointing. 

Edited by Magnagar88
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I can understand not making any changes to the existing Prime Access, those who have paid for it deserve to have that investment mean something.


My only feedback would to separate any purchase-only exclusives offered in the future from content obtainable in game.  Although I purchased into Master rank for the Design Council access, I'd have been much less inclined to buy in if the Excalibur Prime and Skana Prime had been obtainable in game.  


I consider hunting down the component and building my gear to be an enjoyable part of the game, and paying to not play doesn't work for me.


I would purchase a pay only pack that offered content I liked, so long as it did not also rob me of the enjoyment in earning the in-game available content.

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What to do?


I don't really support DE in that they sell exclusive stuff that are not only timelimitted, but also insanely expensive.

However, I am very much so a "collectoroholic", and would really like to get the Syandana (and to a much lesser extent, the Extractor). But 140$ just for that? Hmmm...


I already bought the Grand Master Founders to be sure to not miss out on anything from there, plus it was nice to get access to the Design Council, no matter how lackluster it is, it is still kinda cool in a way. And... yeah, sorta to support DE too (at least from how they were back then), even though I am getting more and more grumpy and disappointed regarding their increasingly greedy and shady actions lately.


Oh, btw, I'm the kind of person that would be glad if they made all these current exclusive items available (Such as Excalibur Prime etc) by just playing in game (like, dropping in the void etc). Or at least (due to some people probably feeling butthurt about that), paying a certain amount of money to get them, just like the founders did. As long as it doesn't stay permanently exclusive.

I just really hate the whole essence of exclusivity in the first place, it just splits people up too much. It's just such an unnecessary feature, in particular due to this being a game! Here you have the opportunity to let you do something outside of the "real world", where you can be different by simply NOT being so greedy, by not creating the bullS#&$ thing known as exclusivity...

If I were a gamedeveloper (which I actually would like to be :P), I would absolutely forbid any of my games to have permanent exclusivity in them! Exclusivity in the sense that you need to come back and play at certain points of the year (Like in Killing Floor)? Sure. Those are ok, because you can always get them later. But permanent exclusivity? BURN THAT THOUGHT WITH FIRE!!!


So, yeah, my "i REALLY hate exclusivism!"-personality is battling my "but i wanna catch'em all!"-personality. That "gotta catch'em all" is something I love doing in the games I play. It's my way of "beating the game". Is it really necessary to torment people so much by adding permanent exlusivity? :(


Please DE, can you learn for the future? No more timelimitted + superexpensive stuff! >_<

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These packs are cheaper than the previous packs but somehow people are now disappointed, especially some Founders Lol seriously..

Well see it all makes total sense. A week or 2 prior to Access Prime was Founders Program(which mind you that's a very short time). The highest tier for Access Prime is inferno which is $140 and includes everything obtainable except for 90 day booster, ember prime icons, Titan and Misa Syandana.. Your a GrandMaster and dished out $250 so my question to you is..

Would you spend another $140 for this pack knowing that you already gave DE $250?

-If you say YES then obviously money is no object to you(but to many it's a huge barrier)

-If you say NO then the packs are not worth what they're offering. But why? Is it because its stupid over a Titan and Syandana?

Im not say im entitled ,but Founders want those exclusives because Founders are fundamentally distinct in that they are the ones allowing Warframe to grow in its infancy. So saying why Founders are disappointed is kinda like saying why does my car have doors but no side mirrors? I bought it and this is what I get? Oh but I want side mirrors...So now I have to buy the mirrors for half the price of the car and it comes with seats that I have, a steering wheel that I have and a sticker of a chick for my window? WTF?????

EDIT : Really, the point is not only about Founders but to people that spent an equivalent amount of money should be acknowledged and compensated. Because without us, there wouldn't be Access Prime, there wouldn't be any updates... Infact without all who donated, there wouldn't even be Warframe. So Understand why people are disappointed. They want what they pretty much spent but MORE and now they can't enjoy the game(at least temporarily) because in order to get what they want, they have to purchase a pack with obtainables(meaning items they can get on their own time) just to get the desiring Misa Syandana and Titan.

If this pack only included exclusive items and no obtainables, this would probably be a different story... But it isn't.

Edited by Magnagar88
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Solution: Forget about the scarf. It does nothing. Forget about Titan Prime Extractor. It does close to nothing. Forget about avatars. They do nothing. Forget about the boosters. They just lessen the grind (the only thing keeping you playing this game), and can be bought from the market. Forget about the primes. They can be obtained in-game. Forget about the plat. Farming highly-desired mods can net you plat on the market.


I bought the prime access because I want to fund the wonderful game these devs have created, giving me an escape every day I come home from work. Sure, all the little stuff that came with it is nice, but I treat it as a bonus. I want to see this game flourish and grow. And when I see people trying to justify "I should get all the fancy little things that are added to the game" with "I already put money into the game", I can't help but rub my forehead in disbelief. You bought founders. You got everything buying founders promised. Did the founders program list anywhere "you are entitled to future exclusives"? No. I don't go to an Apple store with my old iPhone claiming "I bought this old phone of yours! I should be entitled to getting the new version for free or a heavy discount just because my previous spending has helped fund the new product!".


And you know what the sad part is? When the next prime access pack is released, people are gonna &!$$ and moan over not getting it just because they bought the ember one.


DE has done nothing wrong. They're a business. Notably one whose products don't operate on subscription fees or up-front pay. They need to earn money. This is the method. Welcome to life.


Edit: Happy Thanksgiving. Now give thanks, damnit.

Edited by Nitresco
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EDIT : Really, the point is not only about Founders but to people that spent an equivalent amount of money should be acknowledged and compensated. Because without us, there wouldn't be Access Prime, there wouldn't be any updates... Infact without all who donated, there wouldn't even be Warframe. 


 Haha, so they don't get paid at all? One Grand-master founder pack is about 3 days worth of work (amusing they work 7 hours per day.). There would still be Warframe, whether or not they released the founders pack. Updates would just progress slower.

Edited by Mikovsky
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 Haha, so they don't get paid at all? One Grand-master founder pack is about 3 days worth of work (amusing they work 7 hours per day.). There would still be Warframe, whether or not they released the founders pack. Updates would just progress slower.

Absolutely this. Thank you for considering the most important party in this situation.

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Instead of looking at all the things we have, why do we insist on looking at all the things we can't have?


And the things we can't have are simply can't-haves because we don't want to pay for them. Just because we can't have them doesn't automatically make us entitled to accessing them in any way whatsoever.



Too many whiny kids.

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Solution: Forget about the scarf. It does nothing


Actually it makes me look cool.. thats something.



I bought the prime access because I want to fund the wonderful game these devs have created, giving me an escape every day I come home from work. Sure, all the little stuff that came with it is nice, but I treat it as a bonus. I want to see this game flourish and grow. And when I see people trying to justify "I should get all the fancy little things that are added to the game" with "I already put money into the game", I can't help but rub my forehead in disbelief. You bought founders. You got everything buying founders promised. Did the founders program list anywhere "you are entitled to future exclusives"? No. I don't go to an Apple store with my old iPhone claiming "I bought this old phone of yours! I should be entitled to getting the new version for free or a heavy discount just because my previous spending has helped fund the new product!".




Thats great you bought the Access Prime, I would too if could spend $140 again. When you go to an Apple store you get a 20% discount by trading in your old product(Which DE obviously doesn't do) but when you buy an apple earphones, no one says you have to buy an Iphone just to get earphones when you can buy it separately. Why can't the same go for the Misa Syandana?


 Haha, so they don't get paid at all? One Grand-master founder pack is about 3 days worth of work (amusing they work 7 hours per day.). There would still be Warframe, whether or not they released the founders pack. Updates would just progress slower.


Who said they don't get paid at all? Its how they get paid and how they get paid is through donations. Without donations warframe would probably go bankrupt. From what I understand, they are a healthy company and Founders/Access Prime is just extra cash. 


Instead of looking at all the things we have, why do we insist on looking at all the things we can't have?


And the things we can't have are simply can't-haves because we don't want to pay for them. Just because we can't have them doesn't automatically make us entitled to accessing them in any way whatsoever.



Too many whiny kids.


Why can't we have the Misa Syandana without purchasing the Inferno pack? Why can't it be on the lowest tier since "it does nothing"? Well apparently it doing something because many people are complaining about it being behind a large pay-wall.


As I said before, I too have spent wads of cash on this game and willing to spend more. Not complaining on what I bought and Im not saying im entitled to anything. But what Im looking for is a change on how they do their business.  Giving customers options for economical reasons.


Are all you people seriously against the idea of having more options? Like having a separate page of just cosmetics or/and extra tier to Access Prime?  But why? What difference does it make to you if you already got the Inferno pack? Would you cry if they did change something and gave the Misa to the Flare tier?  I mean seriously, why are you all defending a high price of obtainables? No matter what business it is, the more options they have for customers, the more willing customers are going to reach for their wallets.





Edit: Happy Thanksgiving. Now give thanks, damnit.


Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

Edited by Magnagar88
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After several capture runs (must have been 50, maybe 60?) of all three tiers during this week, I feel quite disappointed after looking at the wiki.


Ember Prime blueprint: Tower III Capture (6.66% drop rate)


This is the current information about the drop rate. It may be accurate or wrong. The result is the same.


A Tower III Capture has 8 possible rewards. 6 of them are higher than the Ember Blueprint (Forma was about 2% or something?). The key is not that easy to gain (trading or buying keypacks excluded).


According to this, the chance to get the Ember Prime blueprint (which is around 6% as already mentioned) gets even lower. The other rewards drag it down. This has already happened after the launch of U10, remember?


I've heard about people being close to 100 Capture runs (T1-T3, most of them T3) and only a few of them were lucky and got one part from ember.


Of course, there is this "Prime Access". I already bought the hunter founder pack and spent quite an unusual amount of money on platinum, just to mention it (not really important to my thread).


I am the kind of gamer who earns stuff by himself. There's something similar to "fun" in grinding for me. You get your items, you can feel proud of it, you can rub it under other peoples' noses. But Ember Prime might be the first thing I won't spend all my time on. I will catch a few void keys as they pass by, that's it.


What I want to tell you with this thread is, that the new concept of this Prime Access should be overlooked. How? Here are a few ideas: 

- Cut the platinum out (major reason for the prize)

- Don't let the drop rates suffer from this (at least not that hard)

- Make a "tweak" option out of Prime Access for the next Update (you choose what you want and the prize gets calculated)


I hope this sounds acceptable for you. Feel free to discuss about this, that's why I created this topic.

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or better yet they should add the BP in the Market for the PRIMES instead TRYING to GET the DROP FOR THE BP IN THE VOID....and you just need to do the STUPID FARMING FOR PARTS.....<=====a certain somebody told us a few live stream back that the game is not going to be a farmvile type game.....well its a FARMVILLE TYPE OF GAME NOW.........

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They just need to put T3 keys more within reach of the average player.  The game is much harder now (don't even get me started on survival), so getting to wave 20+ on a defense mission, just for a chance at a T3 key is quite a feat for your average player.


So right now, Ember Prime looks like that thing that's just out of reach.  I feel kind of discouraged when faced with the obstacle of obtaining T3 keys and even when I do, it's a less than 7% chance of getting the part I want.  So the endless cycle of disappointment continues, eventually driving me away from the game and on to play something else that's a bit more rewarding for the time I put in.


Another problem with Prime gear is that you're really not going to get anything done, unless you assemble a team.  I feel like I have no options, because I prefer to play solo or just with random people.  I don't like organizing a team.  I like playing at my own pace, but that wont work if I want to go for prime gear.

Edited by Soulie
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Hell I can't find people to do voids with me LOL.  Some keys I still have over 100 of them.  I thought Vauban was impossible when it was first released but Ember Prime WOW.    I blew through my cap keys getting other things and yeah I even used them to help others get what they wanted. It has been a couple of days since I was told the devs where working on a fix for the forma and Damage 2.0 and have yet to see or hear anything else about that either.  I can't believe the devs didn't see the issues they would create when releasing Damage 2.0 and had a solution in the works.  It appears to me there was no foresight.  I realize this is a beta but is this the first time they have created a game?  I don't mean to bash DE and this is my first online game I have played so may not have realistic expectations.  I and it looks like many others have a problem when I have spent all this time and some money using forma on my weapons and then they change the rules on where and what order a card goes.  I'm so frustrated with this right now I don't enjoy playing the game.  I still do play some but not as much.  I don't see a bright future for this right now.  I know they will have hotfixes but hopefully it is soon before people find other games to play.  Prime Access NO THANK YOU DE.  I have spent way more on this game than I intended.  And for the events planned....unless I think it is a good reward I could care less these days.  Just my opinion and like aholes everyone has one............

Edited by yrrej
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Regarding the drop rate, I view those with some skepticism. The helmet drop rate was added by Deathmax, a dataminer from reddit. The other drop rates were added by an unregistered user who has little edit history, and no datamining history. They could be just estimations/speculation.

Edited by CitizenV
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I have to agree. I'm definitely not rolling in dough here. I've spent a total of about 45 dollars on this game, which is a lot considering I'm just barely affording my college classes and have been eating off the McDonalds dollar menu for the past few weeks. I'm not asking for a handout here, but I very much would like it if DE stopped with the "GET THIS NOW OR YOU WILL NEVER HAVE IT" pricewalls for content. I don't even care that certain items are only available with real currency, so long as they aren't a one time offer and the price is within reason, so that I can always save up and get it later.

A possible solution, as I have suggested a WHILE back, would be to rotate exclusive items on a yearly basis, so that collectors can still get them even if they join late.

As it is now, plenty of content is trapped behind a steep pricewall, and even worse much of it is/was time dependent. This worked in Airmech because most of the exclusive stuff makes seasonal returns in that game, and there are ways to get premium currency ingame (very slowly). It doesn't really work quite as well in this game because the current business model pretty much spits in the face of collectors, who tend to spend the most money in these types of games, meaning the minority of players who make up a huge source of income, aren't likely to stick around.

but yeah exclusivity but DE's gotta make money somehow

Right, because selling exclusive content is the only way FtP games make their money... Oh wait. No it isn't. Getting tired of people defending DE's pricing and marketing practices soley by saying "DE NEED MONEY", as if there was no possible alternative. They could be charging an upwards of 500 bucks for some cosmetic trinket, and someone on the forum would defend it by saying "DE NEED MONEY!" Edited by Grilleds
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They're making a huge mistake with this, and I hope they realize it.


I have no problem with people getting the frame or weapons, or even the exclusives. However I think having constant giant bundles that cost hundreds of dollars is insane. People need more ways to spend plat that are meaningful. Taking fancy customization items and stuff and putting them into packs which cost a lot and give you more platinum rather than letting you spend them just makes their cash currency worthless and burns people out.


Instead, they should be introducing things like the fancy prime syandana as market exclusives, only available for a period of weeks but for a high platinum cost. Anybody who bought a high tier founder's pack and also wants these exclusives has now sunk $300-400 into this game with only two purchases, and has all the plat they will ever need.


You keep selling them currency. Give them a way to spend it. If each pack has a fancy exclusive that you can never get again, then anybody who wants it is going to be spending roughly $50/month to play Warframe. Most of that cost is for currency you're giving them no way to spend.

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