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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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I can confirm that the Brakk is a great way to kill the stalker. Satisfying too, unloading all those bullets in his smug "I'm so tough" face. Ain't so tough when I'm around, buddy. 

How wonderful, do you have any advice for players who joined after the event, or those who got burned out before hitting mission 100?

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How wonderful, do you have any advice for players who joined after the event, or those who got burned out before hitting mission 100?

Chicken dance. The stalker seems to like to attack in straight lines, also don't go to far range.. one shot kill with his Dread. Mid range seems to be best to engage him at, also gives time to avoid slash dash. High RoF weapon is needed for facing him, also don't rely on your CC or DR frame abilities or anything with a long, non invulnerable animation.. you will just be killed off. Keep in mind of he is also enemy to all factions and they will also attack him(chargers oddly make quick work of him if he is distracted, though he does not seem to suffer much under corpus or grineer trooper guns, but falls soon to chain heavies).

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Stalker can keep his super high attack power, his life span needs to be culled back however.  It should be all twitch and ninja reflexes between him and a tenno.  Right now I need twitch just to avoid taking a hit but to lay down any proper amount of fire to even burn through his shield requires playing like I'm a 40k Predator Tank going against a nob.


No, I don't have max serration and other assorted damage mods, nor defense mods.  Most people that can't beat him don't.  In fact, he also seems to have a bad habit about showing up when all of my equipment is weak.  People can claim it doesn't matter all they want, it's always going to be suspect when I try to lure him out with my strongest set up mission after mission only to get nothing, but the moment I go all newb mode he shows up 2 minutes into the mission.  Every.  F***ing.  Time.

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Hard challenge without reward? Being so overpowered Stalker should have 100% chance to drop Despair/Dread/Hate BP if nevertheless you could kill him. Or he just should be nerfed. Or balanced (as DE like to say about our frames and weapons).

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Stalker can keep his super high attack power, his life span needs to be culled back however.  It should be all twitch and ninja reflexes between him and a tenno.  Right now I need twitch just to avoid taking a hit but to lay down any proper amount of fire to even burn through his shield requires playing like I'm a 40k Predator Tank going against a nob.


No, I don't have max serration and other assorted damage mods, nor defense mods.  Most people that can't beat him don't.  In fact, he also seems to have a bad habit about showing up when all of my equipment is weak.  People can claim it doesn't matter all they want, it's always going to be suspect when I try to lure him out with my strongest set up mission after mission only to get nothing, but the moment I go all newb mode he shows up 2 minutes into the mission.  Every.  F***ing.  Time.

I have the same problem. As a person constantly leveling his gear and S#&$, I don't have the catalysts or forma required to superbuff my gun, so whenever Stalker shows up, I just have to hope I'm not his target, or that what I have is good enough. Hell, some of my Warframe loadouts aren't even tanky in any aspect, they're built for Powers and flexibility, which are all useless against Stalker.


Skill is not a matter of discussion here, it's his overlybuffed stats (and unlike you, I think he definitely requires a damage output nerf, a drastic one). Additionally, he seems to have an endless supply of Energy, and Slash Dash either kills you directly, or indirectly with bleed damage, which ticks for 100-200 damage per second.


Stalker just needs a complete rework, I'm hoping that the Corpus "Harvester" will retake his role for a while.

Although that may mean we just get an even more overpowered enemy.

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How wonderful, do you have any advice for players who joined after the event, or those who got burned out before hitting mission 100?


Yes, yes I do. Use throwing knives, they're nice. Also as that other guy said, anything shotgun is good against the stalker. Some other useful tactics:

- Try to get him to spawn around enemies. They'll attack him and possibly distract him.


- Anti-armor ammo is highly advised.

- Some might disagree, but I've had lots of luck with Trinity and Blessing. He seems to use Absorb rather than Dispel, so I wait for him to finish his little animation, then I unload into his face at point blank and destroy the S#&$ out of him. 

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Lovely experience with everyone's favorite creator's pet just a little bit ago. I go solo on the injector event to farm some jadefly plants (haha, yeah right) and of course that's when the Stalker decides to ruin my day. I figure I may as well scan him then try and take him out with the Soma (did so in a previous session with three others, came off as frail for some reason) and I could see him plain as day in front of me. I was using Frost (w/o Snowglobe) and Dethcube, so no reason for his dispel, he didn't Slash Dash, so I got my Soma out and noticed that as soon as I was done scanning him, he had teleported behind me.


Allow me to clarify, he didn't use any power to get behind me, he didn't run behind me or anything, he literally teleported behind me like you'd see some enemies do with hideously laggy hosts. There was zero indication he could do that. I was dead before I even fired off my Soma because I had to turn completely around.


I hit Alt + F4 immediately after reviving because F*** that my interest in the game is just about done with.

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maybe it's just me, but yeah I get killed by his slash dash in one hit, and I'm on +360% redirection maxed frames usually. OR he's just gets owned... there's not in between so it's not really a challenge.

I don't mind them making him really challenging, but the current state he's in just makes him kinda unplayable.
this is my feedback:
- he should have high health, so at least there is some fight in him, and I understand it is very hard to scale especially when you have squads of varying conclaves. So maybe have him in stages... so it's not about health... at least there is a show and it's challenging. E.g. bosses from the new Batman, most of them have stages that you need to overcome, not just health.
- his is kinda one dimensional... tickle you with despairs, and then slash dashes you for a one shot (I haven't faced him with Rhino or Trinity since U11).

Honestly, it's so hard to come up with feedback, because I don't get a chance to actually fight him. You just unload everything you have into him and he either dies or one shots you, all in under 5 seconds. A little boring.

EDIT: I don't mind him being OP. Because we have revives anyway... it only sucks when you're soloing and out of revives. But maybe not solo with a frame that's on 0 revives.

Edited by iUDEXnCr
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so, DE insist on continuously buffing the stalker and getting him new abilities. and i, as someone who's played for 700hrs, i reckon it's getting out of hand.


at the end of the day, the stalker should be fun, and this isnt it.


Couldn't agree more on this. Now it isn't uncommon to be killed by him before even realising he is around & even when I personally do know he is around I just let him kill me as there is no point trying to kill him while he is overpowered like he now is at the solo level & probably the multiplayer level also.

As I have said in a few threads now it's like someone has taken over the development of WF that either doesn't play or doesn't give a damn about the game.

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Today, I saw him at level 22. His Health and Shields weren't so OP, so apparently he isn't too difficult to beat if your running the lower end missions.


Or his level might be calculated based on Conclave.

Either way, I've killed him two times in a row, although he wasn't after me.

Apparently, he shows no care when he's being hammered by a Soma, and insists on tracking his targets.

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What's even better is if you revive right away he can actually come after you again and take a second life.


- Some might disagree, but I've had lots of luck with Trinity and Blessing. He seems to use Absorb rather than Dispel, so I wait for him to finish his little animation, then I unload into his face at point blank and destroy the S#&$ out of him. 

Yeah, luck is definitely a requirement. I was really upset when he dispelled blessing three times in a row and just kept pegging me with the despair. 15 armor doesn't really hold up well under damage 2.0.

Edited by Ahkaskar
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DE marketing boss:  "We aren't making enough money on this 'free to play' thing. What have you got to increase revenue?"


DE development goon: "Well, people aren't buying revives for their frames. They just give up or switch frames or, this is really irritating for us, they play with a team."


DE marketing boss: "Wow. Okay, so what's your solution?"


DE development goon:  "We're going to change the Stalker to be functionally immortal. His weapons will be a thousand times better than yours and he ignores any kind of control or debuff effects so he will kill players pretty much as soon as he shows up. Which he will do randomly from time to time.  And if you're on a team and they try to help you? He'll kill them too."


DE marketing boss:  "Sounds interesting. Let me know how it goes."



^  Pretty sure that happened.

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He does have a teleport ability...and he can spam it quite often.  It does have an animation, but *only* at its target site where he ends up.  And even then its a small amount of smoke.
So far I have seen him use: Pull, teleport, absorb, slash dash, dispel
And do note that pull and teleport do not require LOS to work.

And I ran into him twice yesterday and found there is only one sure way of beating him: hope his AI gets stuck in a loop and you have god tier gear.
I killed him both times in the corpus planet tileset.  What was happening was his AI got stuck trying to pull me up to his catwalk, but it would put me on the other side of the railing and I would fall back down while shooting him.  And that happened both times.
Apparently he is killable if his AI glitches out, but beyond that he just wastes a few revives.
On the jungle planet he is still completely unbeatable because of his pull spam due to the uneven terrain there.

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DE marketing boss:  "We aren't making enough money on this 'free to play' thing. What have you got to increase revenue?"


DE development goon: "Well, people aren't buying revives for their frames. They just give up or switch frames or, this is really irritating for us, they play with a team."


DE marketing boss: "Wow. Okay, so what's your solution?"


DE development goon:  "We're going to change the Stalker to be functionally immortal. His weapons will be a thousand times better than yours and he ignores any kind of control or debuff effects so he will kill players pretty much as soon as he shows up. Which he will do randomly from time to time.  And if you're on a team and they try to help you? He'll kill them too."


DE marketing boss:  "Sounds interesting. Let me know how it goes."



^  Pretty sure that happened.

^pretty shure that development goon was steve this time

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ah ah ah you got owned :-) jk :-p


The Brakk might be the answer to your problem (OP weapon atm). I'm pretty sure the Stalker has a weak point. 

I unloaded 3 magazines of Brakk at him in vain. He still got me.

I also used a Rhino at that time, And constantly casted Iron skin which Stalker instantly removed every single time.

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DE marketing boss:  "We aren't making enough money on this 'free to play' thing. What have you got to increase revenue?"


DE development goon: "Well, people aren't buying revives for their frames. They just give up or switch frames or, this is really irritating for us, they play with a team."


DE marketing boss: "Wow. Okay, so what's your solution?"


DE development goon:  "We're going to change the Stalker to be functionally immortal. His weapons will be a thousand times better than yours and he ignores any kind of control or debuff effects so he will kill players pretty much as soon as he shows up. Which he will do randomly from time to time.  And if you're on a team and they try to help you? He'll kill them too."


DE marketing boss:  "Sounds interesting. Let me know how it goes."



^  Pretty sure that happened.


Nah. There are much subtler, intelligent ways to get players to buy plat. The Stalker is just really bad design by a dev team that appears to be completely incapable of creating a fair challenge.

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Not sure when you guys fought him, but I encountered him a few hours ago when I was running a survival alert solo.

I was using one of my top gears and he died pretty fast. (And I finally got my 3rd and final scan!)


I feel like a lot of people are still fighting him the old fashion way. Basically, no dodging and only shooting.

I'll try to record once he shows up again during a solo run. It might be a good demonstration/guide on how to take him down.


As for my gear, I was using Rhino, Supra and Amphis.

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The problem isn't that you cant beat him, its that even when running around and dodging he can one-shot most frames still.  And if you want to use shade?  You stand zero chance against him then because his dispel causes a stagger when it is used.

And people aren't always using their R30 super gear.  Try it again as an average (read casual) player would with non super gear, maybe no forma or potato and no maxed out mods and you'll be singing a different tune.

He is beatable with god tier mods and weapons and frames, but if you go in with the average player they will be killed without a snowballs chance in hell to fight back.  And even with god tier mods and weapons he can still kill a max shield and duration build frost with a single slash-dash upon spawning.

Fact is that he isn't beatable with the vast majority of gear or frames in the game, and he ruins the fun and flow of the mission and makes it so that if you bring along shade to any mission you're likely to be killed with absolutely no way to fight back.  He has no fun mechanics and he blatantly breaks the rules of the game in that he can switch weapons without waiting for the animation to finish and he can spam his pull ability to render you helpless so he can kill you even if you are in the god tier equipment.

He essentially ruins the game and makes playing some frames near suicidal.  Take for instance a duration modded Loki.  You cast invis right as you get the first message.  he appears before you invis ends and staggers you with dispel instantly.  As as you are staggered he uses slash-dash and kills you.  You had zero chance or warning or ability to fight back.  He just stole a revive with litteraly no way for you to counter him.  Same thing with shade, IS, Link, Renewal, and a few other abilities.

He needs a complete overhaul and re-work.

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Try using radiation damage with your weapon, (I tried with a braton and dual vastos and it worked) he's really weak to that now. Trying to use anything else will reduce your gun to shooting packing peanuts at him, trust me my 3600 crit dmg latron prime was reduced to 300 something damage.

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