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Have Prime Warframes lost their value?

(XBOX)Lord ChibiVR

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It's more that new frames themselves are not all that sought after in the first place.

There are more than 50 frames and nearly 500 weapons , but players have already found their preference and ideal loadouts,

So what already exists is good enough and there is less of a need to get the latest shiny.

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2 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

It's more that new frames themselves are not all that sought after in the first place.

There are more than 50 frames and nearly 500 weapons , but players have already found their preference and ideal loadouts,

So what already exists is good enough and there is less of a need to get the latest shiny.

True, Styanax was hyped up to being the ultimate 50th frame, the only thing that could rival Excalibur (even more so than our other og frames) at having that air of being special, and I haven't heard DE mention him once after Voruna was talked about.

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5 hours ago, baked said:

I agree, I'm pretty sure DE cottoned onto this after Gara because apart from Gauss most warframes only release with 1 signature weapon giving them that free mystery slot.

While people were disappointed with Afuris Prime I liked them. I do hope we eventually get another round of filling in old Primes that should exist like the solo Furis Prime, Bolto Prime etc., the primes that are part of an existing akimbo or solo weapon and could easily be added with no need for prime access like Akvasto and Aklex were.

It would be nice if Baro brought single/dual versions of existing Primes like Akvasto/Aklex, and also Fusilai Prime as it has a passive for Gara and is missing from Gara Prime's arsenal. Afuris Prime was a let down because we have Dex Furis (with similar stats and three times the Riven Disposition), and quite a few options for other akimbo Prime auto-pistols.

It would be much more unique and fun if we got weapons Primed like Zylok, Daikyu, Attica, Veldt, Talons, Tonbo, Boltace, Anku, Cassowar, Gazal Machete, Okina, etc.

More Primes could also use the Pyrana Prime treatment to make things interesting. The lack of new gimmicks for Primes is a bit boring for upgrades.

The other elephant in the room is how they treat new weapon Dispositions. The starting 0.50 setup they have makes most new Prime weapons ignorable for 6 months or so because there's literally no point in using them over a comparable weapon with a better Disposition or just the vanilla weapon with a stronger Riven.

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12 hours ago, SpicyDinosaur said:
13 hours ago, quxier said:

We can set arbitrary price. That doesn't mean that people will buy it. Even there is person that buy such overpriced stuffs it happens. If you are rich you do what you want.

What, people from consoles don't have fissures or what?

Even with stuffs that has been vaulted for years (Loki) it doesn't mean you should prize it few times of similar item. Sure, it's all that "value is subjective" but if guys trade for such ridiculously prize then don't expect DE to do business differently. Look at Archon shards. Heavily time gated, (very) small stat boosts, boring bosses with stat raised. And yet some people like that stuffs. At least there are updates like Lua where it's less fair, people like it and DE SEES IT!

ps. it ended me ranting about Shard system... I guess it's went little off topic so if you want discuss PM or create new thread.

Any given thing in the game is worth what people will pay. It's like how much Primed Chamber was going for right before it was reintroduced via Baro. You don't have to feel the price is fair, but that doesn't mean people won't pay that price. Is it responsible to sell at that price? I don't know. I bought the rhino prime bp for 600p when the whole set was going for 800p because the bp was the expensive part, and made 200p from it and felt it was fair. Now, it's not worth that much now and I wouldn't feel right charging someone that much.


the frustration for me atm is struggling to get enough plat for any given updates new toys, because they don't go down in price. I still make do though. When I'm really desperate, auras sell for 20p or thereabouts and that adds up.

My experience is that I can put ~300 plat for new frame or interesting weapons if it's harder to farm (I may farm it later). When we trade prime stuffs we usually go for stuffs like 100-200 (depends on frame) but prices goes bellow 100 soon. People are more fair. Of course there are stuffs like 2k for Arcane energize OR Hespar parts (main blueprint is not tradeable - need to farm) where whole weapon (+ potato & slot) is for 225 but people sell incomplete set (no main bp) for 180-200 (I guess it's not name&shame rule as I've not named anyone, right?).

So that's what you get for pricing stuffs "fair". Just saying.

5 hours ago, (XBOX)Ampathetiic said:

largely know which weapons will be primed, so I'm only really excited to see what the frame looks like, and the trailer if they get one.

Sometimes we get surprises like different weapon. I'm still waiting for Sarpa prime (and Bullet dance fixes). And sometimes we get certain feature like Balistica prime creates ghosts (nothing huge but it's nice).

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:
4 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

It's more that new frames themselves are not all that sought after in the first place.

There are more than 50 frames and nearly 500 weapons , but players have already found their preference and ideal loadouts,

So what already exists is good enough and there is less of a need to get the latest shiny.

True, Styanax was hyped up to being the ultimate 50th frame, the only thing that could rival Excalibur (even more so than our other og frames) at having that air of being special, and I haven't heard DE mention him once after Voruna was talked about.


As for Styanax, I feel cheated. It was almost (!) advertised as some melee frame with some cool movements. We got something different. Fine. I get it. Then we get nerfs just because. I don't remember them giving proper reasons.

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3 hours ago, quxier said:




As for Styanax, I feel cheated. It was almost (!) advertised as some melee frame with some cool movements. We got something different. Fine. I get it. Then we get nerfs just because. I don't remember them giving proper reasons.

He could shield gate by casting other abilities while using his 4, which was how he could shield gate in high levels.  

However, using his 1 and 4 in tandem with the energy Regen of his 3 could let him fly, and because of that, de removed that ability.

People got upset because he lost the ability to shield gate while using his 4, which made him an easy target in high level missions, and also because other frames (like Garuda) can fly around and weren't nerfed at all.

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23 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Have Prime Warframes lost their value? I feel like with every prime access, I'm starting to lose the hype of them.  

It just feels like everyone has them, and the newest prime is suddenly cheap on the market after a couple weeks. 

Like I know they've always just been an upgraded default skin with little stat bonuses, but still. 

Like Wisp Prime for example: I don't really want her that much despite loving Wisp. In fact, if I am to get her, it's so I can subsume Wisp. Maybe it's because I already have good fashion on her?

I cant speak for any platform other than xbox but a few observations:

1) any prime always drops rapidly in value soon after release. In the first few hours a prime frame might sell for several hundred or even a thousand plat because its new and people want it right away, and not everyone wants or is able to drop money on prime access. But after a few days it will be 200 ish plat and after several weeks to a few months it will bottom out at 70-100 plat. Maybe a little more if its a real hyped prime like mesa prime was.


2) vaulted primes used to top out at like 400ish plat. And we never knew for sure how long frames would stay vaulted. And they tended to stay vaulted for a long period of time. There was FOMO for buyers. "Well if i dont buy this rhino set right now its just gonna go up more". 

Now you can be reasonably sure that no frame will stay vaulted for very long prime resurgence is a thing.

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44 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:
5 hours ago, quxier said:


As for Styanax, I feel cheated. It was almost (!) advertised as some melee frame with some cool movements. We got something different. Fine. I get it. Then we get nerfs just because. I don't remember them giving proper reasons.

He could shield gate by casting other abilities while using his 4, which was how he could shield gate in high levels.  

So you can abuse shield gate like probably most frames. You know what you can do? Change 4th for Yareli/Aquablades, add Rolling guard and do everything that his 4th can do but better.

And what's funny is that some frames can be literally immortal (except hp damage) with just simply turning ability on.

47 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

However, using his 1 and 4 in tandem with the energy Regen of his 3 could let him fly, and because of that, de removed that ability.

Yet his 1st forces jumps (when in the air afair) but that's ok.

48 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

People got upset because he lost the ability to shield gate while using his 4, which made him an easy target in high level missions, and also because other frames (like Garuda) can fly around and weren't nerfed at all.

People (me included) were upset because you couldn't do any grouping nor armor stripping. Which make this ability useless unless you do group & armor strip. And that is not great as well. Why bother with 4th when you can use 1+2 however you want & other attacks? Almost 0 reasons.

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On 2023-02-11 at 4:15 PM, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Have Prime Warframes lost their value? I feel like with every prime access, I'm starting to lose the hype of them.  

It just feels like everyone has them, and the newest prime is suddenly cheap on the market after a couple weeks. 

Like I know they've always just been an upgraded default skin with little stat bonuses, but still. 

Like Wisp Prime for example: I don't really want her that much despite loving Wisp. In fact, if I am to get her, it's so I can subsume Wisp. Maybe it's because I already have good fashion on her?

Lack of Sense of progression or achievement is the issue youre experiencing. Primes likely used to feel like you achieved something for your hard work and time spent playing the game. Both in the gaming world and in real life, special rewards for hard work is described as a fulfilling and extremely pleasant experience by nearly everyone (with gaming, the work shouldnt be "too hard" but atleast notable), so it should come to no surprise to you that now that you are seeing how easy it is to aquire primes so effortlessly, and how easy it is for everyone else to aquire them too, the reward no longer feels special. Its hard to feel achievement for doing easy stuff like flipping a coin or folding your clothes, than it would be if you made the final touchdown in a football game, at the last second, right when both teams were tied up. The later has you feeling overjoyed, and some of that emotion will be linked to the trophy you get for wining that game. Depending on how bad you wanted to win,might just make you put that trophy on a pedstal and place it where you can see it all the time to remind you of that joy.

Since relics, primes have been further stripped away of their symbol of perstige, their looks lose value with each new release of good looking tennogen and deluxe skins, ESPECIALLY when the textures of those skins cannot match the prime skin in anyway, making the prime skin feel more repulsive. No reason to care for the skin.

So all that remains for what a prime has to offer, is a minor buff of +25 max energy, or +50 base armor. A reward worse than getting a new bronze mod. Hardly anything to be excited for.

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