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Tone down Nullifiers


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I went to do Axi Void sabotage with Plinx and not maxed Revenant (mostly 2nd and 1st from time to time). I haven't even melting enemies (via abilities, weapons nor companion). I've just doing rolls with Plinx (arcane that boosts crit from rolls). Nullies spawned a lot:

- Group of 3 Nullies

- Nullies being eximus - protectors being the worst

- Nullies doesn't care about surrounding - bubble can grow even through walls

- when I cleared Nullies in 1 room the next 3 already had expanded Nullies.

- Nully's bubble doesn't care about damage but about rate of fire

- Nully's bubble "weak point" is not always visible to destroy

- Nully's bubble is not affected by (some) abilities - for example dance macabre

In this kind of situation it's basically useless to use anything with low rate of fire (or special weapon/augment).



- Nully's bubble shouldn't go through walls and other things (bubble should stop growing when touching things)

- 1 Nully per room

- Nully cannot be eximus

- Bubble should be affected by abilities (e.g. Revenant's Dance macabre should decrease bubble every Nth millisecond when it touches bubble)

- Spawn Nullies based on player actions. If I'm using something slow then don't spawn or spawn it very rarely. On other hand with nukers, spawn it more.


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This game is way too easy to be watering it down even more for me. I have to vote no, honestly. Everyone wants something different ^^;

Low rate of fire weapons are generally superior so it's nice that there's enough enemy variety to make the player consider bringing a faster weapon to deal with that instead of having no reason to ever think about bringing something else?

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4 minutes ago, quxier said:

- Nullies doesn't care about surrounding - bubble can grow even through walls


- Nully's bubble shouldn't go through walls and other things (bubble should stop growing when touching things)

As far as i remember, DE changed it a wile ago for the Bubble to shrink based on the area they are moving through, meaning it should stop expanding or retract if it comes in contact with a wall.

6 minutes ago, quxier said:

- Nully's bubble "weak point" is not always visible to destroy

In my opinion the Drone should remain at the very top of the bubble and also affect its size on collision so it always remains visible, it should also have a slightly larger hitbox to make hitting it a bit easier.

8 minutes ago, quxier said:

- Nully cannot be eximus

I dont mind them being Eximus, just hate it when they are the Frozen ones that open another bubble which completely gets in the way of popping the first one. Thats the only Eximus type i would love having removed from Nullies.

10 minutes ago, quxier said:

- Bubble should be affected by abilities (e.g. Revenant's Dance macabre should decrease bubble every Nth millisecond when it touches bubble)

Not all of them, only abilities that have in their description to affect Shields in some way and/or that deal Magnetic/Impact damage.

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Tell me about it.

Another way to fix it would be to increase enemy variety for the corrupted, so nullifiers have a lower chance to spawn. When you think about it, corrupted haven't been updated for years.

18 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

As far as i remember, DE changed it a wile ago for the Bubble to shrink based on the area they are moving through, meaning it should stop expanding or retract if it comes in contact with a wall.

Bubbles change size based on the position of the drone, but can still go through walls.

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4 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:
4 hours ago, quxier said:

- Bubble should be affected by abilities (e.g. Revenant's Dance macabre should decrease bubble every Nth millisecond when it touches bubble)

Not all of them, only abilities that have in their description to affect Shields in some way and/or that deal Magnetic/Impact damage.

In my opinion every source of damage should decrease Bubble. It's just some would be better in that.

4 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:
4 hours ago, quxier said:

- Nully's bubble "weak point" is not always visible to destroy

In my opinion the Drone should remain at the very top of the bubble and also affect its size on collision so it always remains visible, it should also have a slightly larger hitbox to make hitting it a bit easier.


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10 hours ago, EinheriarJudith said:

DE should actually just remove them. we already have reasonable options.

drones from arbitration

scrambus, comba, bursa

Eximus (who are partially immune and bypass some of the protections).

not a single reason for nullifiers to continue existing.

I disagree.

Also, Arbitration Drones are limited to Arbitration missions and can easily be taken out with any AoE weapon. Last we need is making the dumb AoE meta relevant again by introducing these in other missions.

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3 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

I disagree.

Also, Arbitration Drones are limited to Arbitration missions and can easily be taken out with any AoE weapon. Last we need is making the dumb AoE meta relevant again by introducing these in other missions.

no reason DE cannot make a corpus version of the drones that have better protection from AoE if not immunity to it. it is still better than the nullifiers.

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20 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

no reason DE cannot make a corpus version of the drones that have better protection from AoE if not immunity to it. it is still better than the nullifiers.

Nullifiers manage to punish Warframes fairly equally for failing to avoid them, arbitration drones punish some disproportionately such as those with exalted weapons, while having zero effect on others. Arbi drones are bad game design, honestly. They ironically make arbitration one of the easiest "end game" modes you can play because it's pretty much just a flashing red light you shoot at to make your AoE weapons hit a larger area after it bursts. 

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Nullies seem basically acceptable to me, but I suppose a (tighter?) limit on how many can spawn in a small area might be nice.  And a larger hitbox for the drone or the ability to hit it (and only it) with punch through weapons through the shield.

Only one per room, or no more eximus nullies, or the shields damaged by more abilities all seem like excessive nerfs to me.

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