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Need help pricing rivens? I logged the full details of my last nearly 1k riven sales


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Here's the link to the spreadsheet (782 logged sales):  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ARdTXkrYmIZZ_RVobQWUwSalcE1OCmC7WsYVtsQzV-E/edit#gid=0
Here's my riven.market page where most sales originate (~3.3k total riven sales):  https://riven.market/profile/sly_squash


Please note that these are ACTUAL SALES, not SUGGESTED RIVEN PRICES.  It's always a little murky listing rivens because just because a riven is listed at a price doesn't mean it'll sell at that price point.  All of this data is from rivens that actually sold at that price.


I'm on PC.

I figured this data might be helpful for people in sorting out what rivens actually sell and how much they're worth.  I'm a low roll seller that seeks around B-quality rolls before listing.

Here's a bit of cumulative data on my sales history over the last ~9 months or so (it's been a weak year for rivens IMHO):
Note that I sell my rivens max-rank to expose their full stats and that I source all my rivens from veiled riven purchases and roll them myself (so I don't snipe rubico rivens from lowbies for like 30p or anything scummy).



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6 minutes ago, ReddyDisco said:

Would be nice to know how long these took to sale, i've experiences of trying to sell a riven on warframe.market, riven market for weeks to months with no buyers. Kinda made me not bother with rivens as a source of plat.

Rivens are a great source of plat but you need to built a vast collection of Rivens and monitor WTB requests in TC.

The various websites rarely work.

That is, at least for PS.

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Neat post. This got me thinking, I wish DE tracked these trades better between players and logged them like this so there was more transparent trading history. The Riven trade data they publish is severely lacking, and requesting your account data won't tell you stats, just the fact you sold a Rifle Riven for X plat on Y day.

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7 hours ago, ReddyDisco said:

Would be nice to know how long these took to sale, i've experiences of trying to sell a riven on warframe.market, riven market for weeks to months with no buyers. Kinda made me not bother with rivens as a source of plat.

That's a great question and an interesting discussion.

I don't really believe rivens have a "price".  It's more like they have plat value associated with a corresponding time-to-sell.  

For example, say you have a glaive riven:

  • Want it to sell in the next 10 seconds, price it at 20p.
  • Want it to sell within a week?  Few hundred plat.
  • Want it to sell within two weeks?  Add another hundred plat.
  • Want it to sell in the next 5 years?  10k.


So part of selling rivens is managing turnover.

  • Sell for too little and you're going to be making lots of sales, but most of your day will be spent unveiling, rolling, and relisting rivens for very narrow margins.
  • Sell for too much and you'll rarely get sales and make plat.


I generally try to price my rivens in such a way that it takes about 2 weeks for them to sell.

  • If they sell too early (like, within the same day as being listed) I make a mental note that I probably could've gotten more for it and price similar rivens for that weapon a little higher in the future.
  • If they sell too late (>1 month), I lower prices by something like 10-20% and repeat month after month until it sells and I can establish a realistic price point for future sales.
  • Between 1 week and 1 month, I usually open myself up to counteroffers.  In the first week of being listed I generally remain firm on the price I've set.


Of course, there are exceptions to this general rule

  • When a riven for a weapon is particularly hot (new weapon, new prime/kuva/tenet variant, etc), you generally want to price it to make sure it sells before demand cools off
  • When you have an amazing roll for a relatively unpopular weapon, you may want to give it a high price but just accept that it'll take a long time to sell no matter what.  Eventually you'll find a buyer who just loves that weapon and would pay w/e you want for your roll, but that's going to take time and price drops aren't going to help it sell much faster.


I maintain about 90 listings and according to sales data I sell about 20-25 rivens per week (I usually restock once per week).
That means about a quarter of my listings are expected to sell each week.
Someone better than me at statistics can do the math, but that suggests to me that the average expected time to sell for a typical listing is probably around 2-3 weeks.


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6 hours ago, sly_squash said:

That's a great question and an interesting discussion.

I don't really believe rivens have a "price".  It's more like they have plat value associated with a corresponding time-to-sell.  

For example, say you have a glaive riven:

  • Want it to sell in the next 10 seconds, price it at 20p.
  • Want it to sell within a week?  Few hundred plat.
  • Want it to sell within two weeks?  Add another hundred plat.
  • Want it to sell in the next 5 years?  10k.


So part of selling rivens is managing turnover.

  • Sell for too little and you're going to be making lots of sales, but most of your day will be spent unveiling, rolling, and relisting rivens for very narrow margins.
  • Sell for too much and you'll rarely get sales and make plat.


I generally try to price my rivens in such a way that it takes about 2 weeks for them to sell.

  • If they sell too early (like, within the same day as being listed) I make a mental note that I probably could've gotten more for it and price similar rivens for that weapon a little higher in the future.
  • If they sell too late (>1 month), I lower prices by something like 10-20% and repeat month after month until it sells and I can establish a realistic price point for future sales.
  • Between 1 week and 1 month, I usually open myself up to counteroffers.  In the first week of being listed I generally remain firm on the price I've set.


Of course, there are exceptions to this general rule

  • When a riven for a weapon is particularly hot (new weapon, new prime/kuva/tenet variant, etc), you generally want to price it to make sure it sells before demand cools off
  • When you have an amazing roll for a relatively unpopular weapon, you may want to give it a high price but just accept that it'll take a long time to sell no matter what.  Eventually you'll find a buyer who just loves that weapon and would pay w/e you want for your roll, but that's going to take time and price drops aren't going to help it sell much faster.


I maintain about 90 listings and according to sales data I sell about 20-25 rivens per week (I usually restock once per week).
That means about a quarter of my listings are expected to sell each week.
Someone better than me at statistics can do the math, but that suggests to me that the average expected time to sell for a typical listing is probably around 2-3 weeks.


That's informative, but this isn't for me. I have little time to organise and sell rivens, i rather spend my time playing the game. Good explanation though

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Heyo, new to the riven market so I just want to understand properly so I can give it a shot. What you do is just roll unveiled rivens, you roll them a bit and then when you get a decent roll (I guess you can use those discord bots to check if their roll is good), you put em up for sale. In terms of pricing do you aim to do relative to like other riven prices? so you put it in the middle of the pack? or is there something else too it.

Really amazing post tho thank you so much!

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18 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

Rivens are a great source of plat but you need to built a vast collection of Rivens and monitor WTB requests in TC.

The various websites rarely work.

That is, at least for PS.

My experience has been the opposite; I find people don't read WTS riven orders in trade chat, and when they post a WTB riven order in trade chat they're really just trying to snipe grolls and rivens for really good weapons from newer players who don't know what they have and don't know about the market sites.

You are correct tho about needing a vast collection of rivens.  The more simultaneous listings you can maintain, the more turnover you'll get.  It might take a month for one riven to sell, but if you have 100 of them listed simultaneously you're bound to get some bites each day (and then you can just replenish them back to 100 by using some of the profit to buy more veiled rivens).  Building up all those slots is expensive but very worth it.

  • riven.market allows as many listings as you want and is where most of my traffic comes from (even tho most ppl think it's dead for some reason)
  • warframe.market only allows 50 riven listings at a time unless you pay real money, so I crosspost on both sites but I tend to put only the stuff I want the most eyes on (the really good rolls or weapons) on warframe.market
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