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Everything posted by ReddyDisco

  1. Tbh most weapons that aren't incarnons are considered mastery fodder by the masses, then again fun is subjective so until i get my hands on velox prime not gonna pass judgement.
  2. Sometimes i wish i hadn't gotten the torid, it's so insanely bonkers. you wouldn't want to use anything else, had to force myself to stop using it, took a torid rehab for a while.
  3. We have the Kuva Seer, the Kuva Kraken and now it has to be Kuva Stug to complete the holy trinity! my body is ready
  4. I've learnt how to use void sling, it's not bad but it's not the same. Void dash still feels like an upgrade to void sling.
  5. Since ghoulsaw out of the blue got moved to ostron vendor, i'm guessing it will be kuva ghoulsaw. I'm hoping for tenet amprex or tenet opticor personally.
  6. You do you, i replaced her 1 with breach surge for more aoe damage
  7. I always liked high risk high reward frames, dagath does that well. I just love the 4, like a cascading wave of horses trampling anything that is in the way is so satisfying. reminds me of that one scene from lord of the rings where Arwen summons water horses to wash away ring wraiths. Surviving with dagath is trivial, with catalyzing shields you get 50 shields, so easy to instantly refill that, combined with her 3 that is a safety net you should have no trouble. The 3 is given so much flak but it's a crit damage buff and a big one too, can't think of any frame that gives a crit damage buff, crit chance is more plentiful on others.
  8. Forgettable? can only speak for myself, i use her frequently in netracells and survivals. fun frame, and is a part of my rotation.
  9. Infested sp missions with a shieldgating build is a nightmare, it's kill or be killed. toxin damage is a hard counter to shieldgating as it bypasses shields entirely and attacks health. get a aoe weapon and kill everything before they have a chance to react, either it's full energy drain or insta death, no inbetween.
  10. I can deal with random loadouts, but mirror defense three times in a row is too much
  11. After the zarr/bramma nerfs nothing actually changed, people just switched from using wukongs and started using thermal sunder titania to do the same thing but faster. people who complained about having to play walking simulator still find themselves doing the same thing.
  12. I thought heirloom fiasco was over, They said they aren't bringing it back and that's fine. Just make the next skins buyable for plat and business as usual. Best to accept this and move on
  13. Nerfing never goes well with warframe community, they are violently allergic to the idea.
  14. I got mine yesterday :D not all seem accurate. While mostly right, i don't think i played valkyr more than mesa last year Could've sworn i used nataruk more than plasmor, it's my most used primary.
  15. Takes out eximus in 1 shot too, damage attenuation units like liches, archon and mechs it has problems with but that mechanic was made to reduce our one shot potential.
  16. Lex is perhaps the strongest secondary i have, nothing survives more than one shot.
  17. Right ok, guess i have some rerolling to do, thanks for answering.
  18. Used an ancient healer specter and torid as primary, made it way easier
  19. Dual Toxocyst: Brrrrrt. Lex: Immense power. Ceramic dagger: Acolyte killer and bulletjump statstick.
  20. I want to know if punchthrough is beneficial for angstrum incarnon, like will the bouncy balls hit more targets? more ball action?
  21. Nyx is genderswapped excal, they wanted to have male and female variants of frames initially, that was scrapped. i wouldn't have any issues with it if they did it.
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