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Interception "Not eligible due to inactivity" [Fix Pending]


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I'm also getting this. Appears interception as a whole is bugged. 

So it seems rewards are ABAB instead of AABC.

Doesn't make a difference for T3 rewards and to a lesser extent T2.

Don't run Void/Archwing for Axi's you won't get them. 

Natural Talent can either be transmuted or dropped by G3 (T1 unique C reward).


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I was doing an arbitration defense on Pluto and lost the reward for rotation B 'due to inactivity' even though I was actively playing the game. I was running around the map constantly and killing as many enemies as I could 100% of the time and was dealing the most damage and kills of any player in the entire squad, yet I still got flagged as AFK. The gear I was using was Saryn Prime with the Kuva Zarr and Incarnon Furis.

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Just got this in a mission today, all squad saw it. The rounds miscount on the end of round reward screen. You are able to get your relic choice, but after the second round, the round rewards show three rewards with one skipped due to inactivity. I am not sure if this is impacting the reward rotation or not. Video below, mainly to show there was no inactivity.




It's all of interception. Just did one that was neither a relic crack or steel path. Same issue.



Edited by Pawkeshup
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I did some test runs, there is more to it. It looks like there is also a bug with the exp reward, sometime it is expired as well, but very random. Just in this mission. I testetd it with forma-ed archwing, archgun and archmelee.

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I encountered this about 10 minutes in (after SECOND round) I never started the third round until after the "inactivity" and I ended up taking the screenshot of the timer 5 minutes late due to me setting up this thread in the middle of the game being paused while I'm writing this.

I Don't know what might cause this, but I was using Grendel's 3 most of the time and honestly it could just be a droptable error in-game?

I will be rerunning this later to see if it happens again/continuing until rotation reset and reply or edit if it does.

I apologize for not really knowing what might cause this other than giving my speculation, it was an alarming occurrence considering I was not inactive until I paused the game to write this post And I'm pretty sure if you're inactive you don't get any reward for that round, but it gave me "round 3 reward" after round 2


EDIT: It happened again and gave me "Round 5 Reward" for Round 3 and said I was inactive for round 4 and just started round 4


Edited by Lucid_Beast
Added EDIT section for Updated Bug report of what seems to be the same problem
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Me, one Playstation 5 player, and another PC player were running interception on Pluto. Every rotation we would get a "Not eligible due to inactivity" reward and a second reward which we would actually receive. The bug resulted in the second A rotation and the C rotation being skipped entirely. To clarify, we did 4 waves, got 4 rewards, but 7 reward rotations were shown. 

as a visual, it would look like:

Wave 1     Neo K5


Wave 3     Axi K11


Wave 5     Trick Mag


Wave        Axi H6


Also, at the end, when affinity was calculated, it displayed all affinity gains as 'EXPIRED' despite those items being leveled when viewed later in my inventory.

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Hope we are talking about the same bug....

My issue is:

  1. complete round 1 (everything is fine)
  2. Complete round 2. "No reward, you are inactive". You get a reward for round 3!?!
  3. Complete round 3. Inactive for round 4! You get a reward for round 5!

Buggy reward screen on arbitration


I have the EE.log if you want it.

Edited by LordSky00
Tried to insert image URL. Still wont let me do it
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I've only just recently been getting frequent not eligible for inactivity messages appear on my rewards (last 24 hours).

I'm not afk, I constantly kill and move (even had the highest kills in a number of instances). It also happened twice during one interception mission where I even captured the most points and did not stop moving for 6 rounds. Ecen when capturing. I've never been one of these players that sits and spams AOE attacks.

I've put this in bug as 1. This has only just started and 2. There is no conceivable way in hell I was inactive 3. This only happens in arbitration (not sure if its a thing in regular).

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I ran into what might be this same bug just now. Running arbitration interception, four rounds. On rounds 1 and 3 it was listed that I and at least two others in our group "no reward due to inactivity", though didn't think to check if we still received rewards. Earned endo on round 2 and an arcane on round 4, no idea if that's relevant.

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Also experiencing this, solo, on Xini (Eris).

I agree that it looks like rounds are being skipped.

  • 1st round played, A reward correctly received.
  • 2nd round, reports 2nd round ineligible but provides a B reward for the 3rd round (that I've not yet played).
  • 3rd round, reports 4th round ineligible but provides a A reward for the 5th round (that I've also not yet played).

I assume the ABAB pattern would continue.  For Xini, this is oddly beneficial as when looking for the B/C reward (which are identical on Xini) but is still very much broken.

I have a feeling that the "ineligible" flag on the round is not the real bug.

In any case, I've reported it as an issue to Warframe Support.  I suggest you all do the same.

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Same thing. It started after the second round when it said the 2nd reward was not eligible. Then after the 3rd round it said the 1st and 3rd were not eligible, but added a 4th reward. I only did 3 rounds but it makes it look like I did either 4 or 5. There are 4 rewards but it says the next round is round 6255a2b86a08c9f14996901567808adb6.jpg

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I am receiving the same bug! Please fix! I need the Neo M4 Relic to rank up with a syndicate! This bug makes it confusing and overly difficult to get that relic. Prices for the Nidus Prime Neuroptics Blueprint are increasing on the market because of this bug!

Edited by scottster53
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