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playing with controller tips?



dislocated my shoulder on friday night, struggling to play with a mouse, what frames and weapons can be played using controller, and how can i play effectivly for steel path pc spawns?


also never played warframe with controller, only things like halo, EDF, and driving games x.x.

Edited by BloodKitten
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29 minutes ago, BloodKitten said:

dislocated my shoulder on friday night, struggling to play with a mouse, what frames and weapons can be played using controller, and how can i play effectivly for steel path pc spawns?


also never played warframe with controller, only things like halo, EDF, and driving games x.x.

As a PC player who has used controller for 99% of his time with Warframe, you can do pretty much everything with a controller. Navigating the menus is much nicer with a mouse+keyboard but the only frame I really prefer using mouse+keyboard is Titania, for whom I actually control via controller but aim and shoot with mouse.

Basically, you can do pretty much anything ingame with a controller. IMO controller is a lot better than mouse and keyboard for much of the game's movement, but I'm pretty big on using controller over mouse+keyboard for any game I can (keyboard+mouse gives me arthritic pain).

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I'm not used to a controller at all, but I find Titania easy to use with one, probably because of the flight ability. Automatic weapons in general might be good to play with because their shorter fire-rate interval makes them more forgiving. I can't snipe at all with a controller and it's mind-boggling how people can get good at that with one.

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Console player here, and there's really nothing in the game you can't do with a controller.  Steel Path, Archons, it's really all the same game, the only difference is how you control it.  However, if you're new to using controllers, it might help you ease into things by using frames and weapons that have AoE and thus don't require a high level of precision.

If there's some specific issue with the controls or something particular you're having difficulty with, let us know and I'm sure we can give you some tips!

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My PC recently broke but I'm fortunate enough to have a steam deck. Coming from kbm, I've found shooting to be much harder and I'm relying definitely more on AoE weapons and my frame abilities. Gara, Saryn, Volt, Nekros are my faves right now. I took extensive time button mapping for preference and it has helped.

I've had to change the way I move and aim: less bullet jumps in combat, more rolls, shooting is definitely a premeditated thought rather than a reactive one now. 

Overall, I've had to move from a more reactionary on a whim playstyle to a more deliberate, thought out set of actions.

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On 2023-06-20 at 11:52 AM, (PSN)Unstar said:

However, if you're new to using controllers, it might help you ease into things by using frames and weapons that have AoE and thus don't require a high level of precision.

Ive never used a mouse. 100% controller. AoE is the way. Aiming headshots is difficult so proccing those types of arcanes is harder and more time consuming. Better to be solo with cautious movements. Narmer security consoles are also very difficult due to the very short "throw" of a controller joystick. I always have to be carried in archon spy missions. I don't want to risk failure of mission. Gear wheel is also a pain. If you're moving quickly in mission and want to deploy archwing or archgun or something on the gear wheel, beware you might accidentally get the item next door. Lack of hotkeys. In PoE if you are on a y slanted ground you need to jump and deploy archwing and might have lures above you. It's a hot mess but all is annoying, not impossible. Those are the four main things.

Wish the game knew you had controller and made headshot hit boxes bigger.

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Hey all,

Wanted to share a tip. Long time controller player here, first on Switch, then PC, and now Xbox. I’ve always hated how sensitive and difficult it is to select things in the gear wheel with controller, particularly when under stress/time pressure like for omintool, trap enemy to scan, and access the scanner. 
It’s a somewhat expensive workaround, but I got the Xbox pro series 2 controller. It has 4 extra paddle buttons on the back so you can remap things. You can remap PC function keys to the gear wheel and then map those to the extra buttons on the controller. Also nice, you can switch quickly between profiles on the controller with a single button so also easy to enable/disable this. Unfortunately the controller is pricey and that’s an Xbox only solution. 
I wish DE would just allow more mappable combo button capabilities with something like they do with abilities, RB plus A B X Y. Maybe LB plus A B X Y for some gear wheel shortcuts. Unfortunately not yet. 

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