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We need ice female frame


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12 minutes ago, DeViL711 said:


So Yareli being "Idol frame" and Hydroid.... oh wait... "predator"?

13 minutes ago, DeViL711 said:

come on give us frosty vibe here with female version 

I wonder what they could do with "cold" theme. Creating ice (Frost: 4th, 1st) or freezing (Frost/4th) is already taken. Maybe some energy transfer: slow down enemies - fasten yourself (faster: reload speed, movement, attacks etc). I cannot think about anything else that's different than frost.

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3 minutes ago, quxier said:

So Yareli being "Idol frame" and Hydroid.... oh wait... "predator"?

I wonder what they could do with "cold" theme. Creating ice (Frost: 4th, 1st) or freezing (Frost/4th) is already taken. Maybe some energy transfer: slow down enemies - fasten yourself (faster: reload speed, movement, attacks etc). I cannot think about anything else that's different than frost.

Frost is very slow and he has a "bulky" impression or feeling to him. Having the female ice frame be quick, kicking up ice and ice skating would be pretty interesting.

Edited by Stafelund
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Just now, Stafelund said:

Frost is very slow and he has a "bulky" impression or feeling to him. Having the ice frame be quick, kicking up ice and ice skating would be pretty interesting.

But we have Yareli for "skating" (hover board or k-drive to be specific).

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idk but ik they can do it better than we thinking imo, not just copy paste frost to be a female once but they even can do frost ember 

i mean ember kit all of it can turn into ice froze slow and more

i take ember an example  ''no more'' 

they can bring new type of abilities as we see with each new frame come not just renew old once into new frames 

they can do it but we hope they do in first place 

ik frost is dam old and most players hardly use him but he is good in many things not only defense missions 

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1 hour ago, DeViL711 said:

ik frost is dam old and most players hardly use him but he is good in many things not only defense missions 

Well everyframe is good one way or another. Difference mostly is made at work needed to input to one be good.

Well Female frost - probably should be the frost like references. Be female frame which can produce cold clouds,some icycle wall (as mei from overwatch),maybe throw int being able to summon sasquatch or kubrodon which helps to spread cold procs or frozing enemies. and probably some ult or buff skill which strips armor and give crit dmg multiplier per cold stacks on enemies.

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7 minutes ago, AntifreezeUnder0 said:

Well everyframe is good one way or another. Difference mostly is made at work needed to input to one be good.

Well Female frost - probably should be the frost like references. Be female frame which can produce cold clouds,some icycle wall (as mei from overwatch),maybe throw int being able to summon sasquatch or kubrodon which helps to spread cold procs or frozing enemies. and probably some ult or buff skill which strips armor and give crit dmg multiplier per cold stacks on enemies.

i would love to see that tbh


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2 hours ago, quxier said:

So Yareli being "Idol frame" and Hydroid.... oh wait... "predator"?

Wow first post already makes it weird. Y'know instead of "water-themed"...


As long as she's not condemned to Frost's stationary gameplay (love the guy to bits, but I rarely get to run him pub), I'm fine. There's tons of options here (avalanches, ice CC, ice spikes, and the ice mobility already mentioned).

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3 hours ago, DeViL711 said:

just like that

we got gyre-volt /nezha-ember /yareli-hydroid 

come on give us frosty vibe here with female version 

and for sure i do not mean only frost but each frame that got element type too



It would be N-ice to get female ice frame.

Also that pair thing isn't just for element frames.

Nidus - Saryn both are Infested type frames.

Vauban - Protea both are technological and tied into Corpus.

Harrow - Trinity both are support frames and have religious theme

Caliban - Revenant both are sentient themed frames but both are male.


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3 hours ago, Stafelund said:

Frost is very slow and he has a "bulky" impression or feeling to him. Having the female ice frame be quick, kicking up ice and ice skating would be pretty interesting.

I'm on board with the ice skater ⛸️ 💃 idea, like a ice type Nezha, the fist ability could be an ice trail. I also like the idea folks had about ice walls, I'd like it if she could cast more than one and that they had 3 panels like garas glass wall.

And here is Tavis teaspoons vid reminding us that DE as skate tech 👍


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13 hours ago, DeViL711 said:

just like that

we got gyre-volt /nezha-ember /yareli-hydroid 

come on give us frosty vibe here with female version 

and for sure i do not mean only frost but each frame that got element type too



The concept I always pictured was a female ice skater theme. Basically she skates instead of the typical walking/sprinting. I’m not sure how DE would/should do her stats but for the most part I picture her being pretty quick. Like her usual speed is 1 but jumps to 1.2 if she has been “sprinting” for certain period.

Passive - she’s immune to frosted floors or ice status in general. Ice status makes them slow down, but for her she moves faster instead. Can skate on water as it turns to ice beneath her feet. 

First Ability - she does an ice dash that leaves a lingering frost trail that slows enemies down. She forms ice blades and slashes enemies with frost damage. Damage is also increased by speed stat buffs.

Second Ability - she creates a ring of frost status that freezes the ground within range which not only boosts her speed, but it slows enemies down around her. The ring follows her. 

Third Ability - she performs an ice skating spin that deals frost and slash damage towards enemies. While spinning she is not able to travel as fast but she can still build up momentum. It becomes more difficult to stop and turn so it can’t be used 24/7. A percentage of bullets either miss or get deflected.

Fourth Ability - she creates blades of ice on her legs and arms. She has her own martial arts/sparring melee style that utilizes more acrobatic moves and spins. Her first and third ability deal more damage if used while this ability is activated.


So far this is the concept I pictured for her. I pictured her having a whip/dual whip like signature melee kind of like those dancers that wave those tape like strings around during their dances.


As for her appearance, that would be hard to describe considering we are talking about a complex detailed Warframe. But for the most part I picture her being a bit on the thin side. Somewhere between Wisp and Titania. Knowing DE, they’d probably give her thick legs considering most of her moves involves leg strength. Her appearance would be somewhere between a dress and a ballerina skirt. Maybe shows her with an ice crown like helmet to represent her as a sort of frost queen. But there are many different dancer type style appearance so it’s hard to choose. Her colors would obviously involve blue and white. But I picture her leaning more towards light blue as her most dominant default color. 

Anyways, this to me is the best/most unique way for DE to create an female frost themed frame. 

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Hi there,

I agree that DE should add a counterpart to Frost since most other Warframes have one. I just wanted to mention I also designed an ice themed Warframe recently if you wanted to check it out, it has a little bit of what you were looking for; having an ability like Nezha's firewalk ability but ice.

Feel free to check it out if you want, if not no worries

Have a great day everyone <3

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I propose instead of the thin light-weight ice-skater archetype, we go for a bulkier nordic/viking blizzard theme instead. It would be nice in general to see another Hildryn or something atypical that isn't just "pretty anime-thin girl"

Aside from that, Frost's thing is stationary ice globes, so why not play with that idea with smaller-scale mobile globes/barriers that can be cast on objectives or allies, ice armour like Protea's shield-orb or Nezha's rings. There could be an ability to cast ice-walls to trap enemies together, kind of like an inverse Gara glass wall or a trapped-room spin on the Nidus Larva ability. I'd like to see some icicle-based projectiles for precision shooting, too.

Edited by Pakaku
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2 minutes ago, emmyemi said:

Exalted sword and shield. EXALTED SWORD AND SHIELD.

So that idea got me thinking: an ice-themed exalted Gunblade & Shield, or at least a sword/axe that can also shoot ice energy from it, and the shield can be thrown like the glaive part of a pistol + glaive combo

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