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Catalyzing Shields...


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the mod itself is great, since it can spares us the use of the dragon key (and the annoying mechanic that comes with not-having loadout specific gear wheels)... but... the mod should be one for the exilus slot. reason for that is simple: it's an utility mod like e.g. primed sure footed and also uses up space for far more important mods.

try as i might, so far i can't see any frame build where i would use it but i do have at least a few where i would consider it in the exilus slot - even instead of my usual choice, the mentioned "primed sure footed".

ofc, there are many other mods that i would also see changed into exilus-capable versions but that's another story. so far, i only get the impression that you gals & guys at DE never really think your ideas through - at least not from the perspective of your player base. just randomly putting mods into a frame might work good enough against enemies in normal 'map-missions' but i dare say that more players rather play against high-level enemies (either steel path or long endless missions and such). for those players, there is no real choice placing that new mod into a proven build - 8 slots are just too valuable for even a good utility mod to put in.

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My guess is it's two things:

  1. Shield mods are already non-exilus, this is a shield "alternative" and should follow the same rule
  2. Shield-gating exploits were always unintended, so as a compromise, now it exists as a mod but you have to factor properly into your build. Making it an exilus would defeat the point of making that decision, if you could just toss it into an optional slot that doesn't touch your core build.
Edited by Pakaku
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1 hour ago, Pakaku said:

My guess is it's two things:

  1. Shield mods are already non-exilus, this is a shield "alternative" and should follow the same rule
  2. Shield-gating exploits were always unintended, so as a compromise, now it exists as a mod but you have to factor properly into your build. Making it an exilus would defeat the point of making that decision, if you could just toss it into an optional slot that doesn't touch your core build.

1. that only tells me that shield mods also should have been exilus candidates. and before you state that those mods (same would be true to health and armor equivalents) are survivability mods, i say: that also goes for (primed) surefooted and similar mods too (though the primed one sure is one of the most used one, for those who already got it, since it nearly removes one of the most dangerous scenarios for your frame against very high enemy levels like in circuit SP where you often are dead meat once they knock you down).

2. unintended maybe, but they made it into feature long before this update by not removing the effect of the dragon key (which wouldn't really had hurt the gameplay at all. or, like i said above, if the devs had just though a bit before adding shieldgate and its combination with other game mechanics, they could just came up with a system like the one they implemented now. btw, this isn't the first time DE releases something new and then learn the  hard way that there are consequences to it if one doesn't understand ones own creation... funny for them maybe, but sadly enough, usually not for the players if they spend time and efford to find an usefull application to such new contend/mechanics/weapons/mods/etc...   the newest example is right in this update too: the 'fix' of thermal sunder when fused into other frames made my harrow nuker totally useless - and i never even suspected that to be one of those 'unintended' things needed to be fixed.... not that DE even made it widely public afaik, and it certainly was 'available' for a long long time till now. and no, it surely wasn't even overpowered like many other 'unintended' mistakes DE made over the years... so sorry, but i can't accept the 'unintended' excuse DE usues so often - but that's beside my thread purpose and only should state that DE doesn't really know its own game as much as they should and changing thing in this state of mind  is predetermined to produce 'unintended' results.

in any case, i doubt that they will change this mod to be an exilus one anytime soon or at all and more or less wanted them to know their more... generally failure in thinking new stuff through before releasing it into the wild. makes me wonder if the those players on their test-server, who should have known better at least, are worth their salt when they can't even point out those 'unintended' problems...

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On 2023-10-20 at 1:20 AM, 0Midas0 said:

use in every build

beside from inaros, nidus, kullervo and ofc hildryn ^^)

but yes, the mod would heve been questionable useful before this last update due to it's not being a exilus mod but with the changes now, i can't even see a use for it at all except if one goes for a survivablilty build without any significant use of abilities - and that might only be viable for a very selected amount of frames (if at all...).

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Simple: Old Shield Gating builds work just as well without this mod. New Shield Gating builds work better than before and do not require this mod.

While the more casual Old builds that only restore around 100-130 Shields with a cast are less effective than before, anything that could regularly restore over 140 Shields is now pretty much indistinguishable due to it restoring up to and over a full second of Gate Duration (due to the curve acceleration from no shields up to 350) and builds that can restore 200 or higher are hard to even see the difference compared to before.

However, New Shield Gating is just... better.

For example, how about Gating with a Sentinel? Slap on pretty much any sentinel with Guardian and Manifold Bond. Kills on enemies with 3 or more Status on them reduces the cooldown of these effects. With a high kill count, you can be permanently eligible for triggering Guardian to ping your shields back to 100%.

Since Guardian ignores your shield total and just restores to max, you can have a full 2.5 second sized Shield, too, it's fun.

Ignore the mod. Just carry on.

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Consider putting it on certain frames with small shield pool  is a total net improve (one mod to get relatively large shield gate timing) I would say it justify the downside that the mod cannot put  in exilus.

Edited by dEjAvU5566
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