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Time to add Shield Orb drops?


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My thoughts:

  • Shield orbs should restore 50 shields, mirroring health orb's 50 health.
    • Universal orb (Lavos, etc) should incorporate shield orbs and follow the same logic.
    • Dispensary should be updated to drop shield orbs as well.
  • Shield orbs should grant overshields if shields are already full.
    • Shield orbs should stop being picked up if (over)shields are full.
  • If the player's shields are depleted, shields from shield orbs should be "stored" until the player's shield delay has finished.
    • All stored shields are then instantly applied, carrying over into overshields if applicable.
    • This is simply to prevent shield gate abuse.

Additional thoughts related to the topic:

  • Should also add overguard orbs, that grant a chunk of overguard on pickup.
    • Should be exclusively dropped by Eximus.
      • One orb dropped, guaranteed.
    • Should grant a significant amount of overguard, so it isn't just instantly stripped by weak enemies.
      • Amount should scale with enemy levels, so that it remains relevant as enemies scale up.
  • Should also add armor orbs, that grant stacking armor for a decent duration (30 seconds, maybe).
    • Each stack should be independent with its own timer.
    • The armor granted should be a flat value, with each stack being additive to other stacks.
    • There should be an upper limit to the total number of stacks.
      • Orbs are no longer picked up while at full stacks.
  • Orbs should have increased drop rates from enemies that possess similar typing. Gives more flavour to individual enemy units.
    • Armored enemies have increased chances for armor orbs, shielded enemies have increased chances for shield orbs, etc.
Edited by Hexerin
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13 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

We've got Health Orbs and Energy Orbs, maybe a Shield Orb can drop from enemies?

What it could do:

  • Reduce shield recharge delay or allow immediate shield recharge on pick up.
  • Add a flat amount of shields that can stack into Overshields.
  • Also benefit Companions when players collect the orbs.
  • Create Overguard for Health-only Warframes/Companions upon pick up.

What enemies drop these? Eximus, Corpus, Corrupted, Sentient, mostly the shielded factions.

Then could perhaps introduce shield orb related abilities, mods, arcanes, etc. Shield Conversion from Simaris, for example.

Edit: This does exist in some form, ala Revenant's Enthrall + Danse Macabre synergy.

Nah, I think it would be overkill for an already powerful, fully regenerating, damage reducing EHP .

The main reason this isn't needed is because this game should never have any beneficial BASE items that are, I'm being honest here, created only for endgame survival. I say this because shields did an excellent job of damage mitigation BEFORE the recent changes. The new shields are now Steel Path viable (non endurance missions) and that is way more than generous. Adding another way to recover an already self recovering survival tool (that can be modded for even faster recovery) would only benefit high end endurance....and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE should be given to support those missions. 

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3 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

standard reaction to his posts. ignore him, his input is, at many times, useless.



10 hours ago, Hexerin said:

My thoughts:

  • Shield orbs should restore 50 shields, mirroring health orb's 50 health.
    • Universal orb (Lavos, etc) should incorporate shield orbs and follow the same logic.
    • Dispensary should be updated to drop shield orbs as well.
  • Shield orbs should grant overshields if shields are already full.
    • Shield orbs should stop being picked up if (over)shields are full.
  • If the player's shields are depleted, shields from shield orbs should be "stored" until the player's shield delay has finished.
    • All stored shields are then instantly applied, carrying over into overshields if applicable.
    • This is simply to prevent shield gate abuse.

Additional thoughts related to the topic:

  • Should also add overguard orbs, that grant a chunk of overguard on pickup.
    • Should be exclusively dropped by Eximus.
      • One orb dropped, guaranteed.
    • Should grant a significant amount of overguard, so it isn't just instantly stripped by weak enemies.
      • Amount should scale with enemy levels, so that it remains relevant as enemies scale up.
  • Should also add armor orbs, that grant stacking armor for a decent duration (30 seconds, maybe).
    • Each stack should be independent with its own timer.
    • The armor granted should be a flat value, with each stack being additive to other stacks.
    • There should be an upper limit to the total number of stacks.
      • Orbs are no longer picked up while at full stacks.
  • Orbs should have increased drop rates from enemies that possess similar typing. Gives more flavour to individual enemy units.
    • Armored enemies have increased chances for armor orbs, shielded enemies have increased chances for shield orbs, etc.

Seems you put  a lot of thought to it
Nice ideas, I especially like the "stored" shield idea

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i think for this shield orb thing, if it ever becomes a thing, DE has to be careful with its implementation.

make the drop chance too common and you'll essentially have infinite eHP by constantly refreshing shield gate without necessarily having to spend energy.

too rare and it'd be pointless.

personally... overall I can get behind this idea, but not that much since shields, unlike energy or health, regenerate naturally. but it is a cool idea regardless and won't say no to it.

Edited by Skoomaseller
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6 hours ago, Malikili said:

Seems you put  a lot of thought to it

Nice ideas, I especially like the "stored" shield idea

I wouldn't go so far as to say I put thought into it really. When I started that post, I was intending to simply write "shield orbs should not grant the shield immediately, cause you could abuse that for infinite shield gate". Then I just kind of... let my brain ramble off whatever entered it and formatted it into a semi-readable state like you see in the post.

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5 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

i think for this shield orb thing, if it ever becomes a thing, DE has to be careful with its implementation.

make the drop chance too common and you'll essentially have infinite eHP by constantly refreshing shield gate without necessarily having to spend energy.

too rare and it'd be pointless.

personally... overall I can get behind this idea, but not that much since shields, unlike energy or health, regenerate naturally. but it is a cool idea regardless and won't say no to it.

I think I could really get behind it if it was something a specific Warframe or Companion could actually do. If you limit it in some fashion, I imagine it'll just be a cool feature and less power creep.

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6 hours ago, Hexerin said:

I wouldn't go so far as to say I put thought into it really. When I started that post, I was intending to simply write "shield orbs should not grant the shield immediately, cause you could abuse that for infinite shield gate". Then I just kind of... let my brain ramble off whatever entered it and formatted it into a semi-readable state like you see in the post.

Modestly describing "thought" be like
This is the concept of "brain storming"
Also agree with it not replenishing all of it, that should only be a Hildryn thing

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25 minutes ago, Malikili said:

Modestly describing "thought" be like
This is the concept of "brain storming"
Also agree with it not replenishing all of it, that should only be a Hildryn thing

The issue isn't how much is restored, because that doesn't matter. It's a binary yes/no, if any shield (even just 1 point) is restored, the player gets the full 0.33s minimum shield gate. Beyond that, the more shield they grab, the bigger the gate.

So basically, you would just take vacuum off your companion. This lets you "save" the shield orbs (by not picking them up, since you now have to physically collide with them to obtain them), and then anytime your gate gets triggered you just go snag an orb.

So having it "store" the obtained shield until your shield delay cycles (takes 4 seconds by default, and as low as 1 second if you use both shield delay mods), would completely resolve this potential issue. You'd still get the full collected amount, but all at once in a burst the moment your shield delay cycles. Would be a huge deal for shield builds, still useful for non-shield builds, and not abusable by shield gaters.

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Thinking about it more, I do like the idea of an additional bit of mechanic to engage with and build and play around, but I think that an orb on the ground that keeps someone in the fight for longer can be at odds with ways to force a player away from an objective or out of an area, such as having to drop out of the dangerzone to recharge shields and thus the player needs to weigh safety for themselves against safety for the objective or what positioning they’re giving up

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