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I really like railjack


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On 11/19/2023 at 4:22 PM, Skoomaseller said:

1) we could access forward artillery from the pilot seat, without having to move to the bottom deck/FA seat to use it.

2) crewmates could also be programmed to use the forward artillery.

These kinds of suggestions is precisely why Railjack is in the state it's in, which is a shell of its former self and what was originally advertised to players. DE undermined all the forced co-op Railjack offered while in skirmish, and this is why it's now just a glorified Archwing to move between objectives. Just saying.

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On 2023-11-19 at 8:18 PM, o0Despair0o said:

You should have seen RJ when it first released.

Bugs for days, that one.



That said, I really like RJ. What I don't like however is the forced on-foot sections. I came here to fly my ship, so let me fly my damn ship. If I wanted a normal on-foot mission I would have played one.

That's why I always preferred that one node in Veil Proxima, because it had no on-foot section... until DE removed it because I guess fun isn't allowed.


I just wish it wasn't such a content island. I'm still waiting on that starchart integration, DE.


On a side note,


There's a reason nobody plays conclave.

This game just isn't made for PvP. It never worked, and it never will.

Without bullet jump it will

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42 minutes ago, Voltage said:

These kinds of suggestions is precisely why Railjack is in the state it's in, which is a shell of its former self and what was originally advertised to players. DE undermined all the forced co-op Railjack offered while in skirmish, and this is why it's now just a glorified Archwing to move between objectives. Just saying.

Honestly if that was the main goal, I doubt Railjack would have even the minute amount of fans it has today.

Forced Co-Op while not forcing co-op is just a bad case of design clashing with the rest of the game. 

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1 hour ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Honestly if that was the main goal, I doubt Railjack would have even the minute amount of fans it has today.

Forced Co-Op while not forcing co-op is just a bad case of design clashing with the rest of the game. 

My crewmates have better aim than most of y'all and don't fall asleep at FA, just saying

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2 hours ago, Voltage said:

These kinds of suggestions is precisely why Railjack is in the state it's in, which is a shell of its former self and what was originally advertised to players. DE undermined all the forced co-op Railjack offered while in skirmish, and this is why it's now just a glorified Archwing to move between objectives. Just saying.

fair, but if they're not planning on going back to the co-op emphasis style of railjack, might as well improve its single-player aspect, while leaving the current co-op systems in place, instead of just... leaving things as they are currently

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13 hours ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

As a guy who at one point was stuck being the 'Engineer' for several public missions straight, and then the one time I didn't and it failed the mission, that's not a good aspect. In fact the whole 'teamwork' of Railjack is probably the worst aspect because what it essentially becomes is that everything in the game is a Friendship Door and your on a Sortie Spy mission where if one guy doesn't decide to fix the ship, the whole mission fail.

Thanks to my Great Eye of the Obvi, I realize you don’t like railjack. Then that begs the question, why are you in a railjack appreciation post? I named a few aspects, they’re not an aspect you like, but still. Pointing out the “teamwork” part too; I end up soloing most of the time anyway, and teamwork isn’t needed. A fun part of railjack is the teamwork it creates. You should also notice everyone who had a role in my example enjoyed what they did. You clearly didn’t, so that doesn’t contribute to anything in said topic. 


13 hours ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Cool, just the 'feel'

Hey wanna see back the gameplay where one player is stuck on a S#&$ty turret section for the whole mission while another guy gets to play Warframe, that's the best Railjack will ever look, even then it was all pre-made animations.

Bugs and more bugs, that’s all you see in it isn’t it? “Star Wars feel” should’ve been self explanatory. Flying around shooting smaller ships with a giant warship. Sabotaging “bases,” and hijacking enemy ships. That’s the “Star Wars feel” I was referring to. You know… things you see in Star Wars? Not a fan of it, but even I know the basic concept of Star Wars. It also seems like you completely misunderstood my thought about Railjack being Warframe. Your bias really makes you irritating to talk to, but I understand that. In terms of ego, we do need to disagree in order to keep said ego. Don’t worry, I’m no different


13 hours ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Sure name them, and then we can see how many of them are barely tolerated by the community and Devs by large by how little attention is given to them.


Let me guess you were gonna say Orphix weren't you?

Ngl I completely forgot Orphix existed, yea no screw Orphix. Touched that once just to get Lavos and never touched it again.

I would name them, but your standards on the “little attention” given to all of them by DE makes it so that everything in the entire game isn’t valid. We all know DE abandons every single new content, though Voruna (for some reason) is an exception (not complaining though, just odd how much love they put into her compared to… everything). For some reason you’ll most likely take my silence for not knowing any. I’ll leave a few and you can find out what I mean: Necramech, K-Drive, Open World (all of it), Archwing, Duviri, and certain missions that seem completely odd compared to the normal nodes (I’m looking at you Hijack). Even certain (more interesting) Warframes add that “special flavor” that adds diversity to the game such as, Baruuk, Yareli, Titania, Gauss. Notice the differences? Almost all of them are different (minus the warframes being warframes). The only similarity with all is that they are all in Warframe, thus making them all a part of Warframe. 
Also didn’t answer my riddle: What is Warframe built around? 
Once you can answer the riddle, only then can you define what is “Not Warframe”

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2 hours ago, Voltage said:

These kinds of suggestions is precisely why Railjack is in the state it's in, which is a shell of its former self and what was originally advertised to players. DE undermined all the forced co-op Railjack offered while in skirmish, and this is why it's now just a glorified Archwing to move between objectives. Just saying.

I mean, the forced co-op was literally the worst part about RJ.

Is RJ in a better state now than before? That's a matter for debate.


But the addition of crew members that can replace leeches other players who refuse to cooperate? Absolute gold.

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RJ as a co-op game was the best thing DE ever added.

We have solo play everywhere else, you may be in a squad fo 4 but really you're just 4 solo players. RJ changed that, gave you a different gameplay experience. That co-op nature made it a wonder.

(yes you complain of leeching players, but that's wrong. Chances are they just didn't know what to do and you didn't have the maturity to explain to them).

In the old days, the RJ was bigger,there was an extra corridor section between the open area and the engineering deck. That made getting around a bit harder, but it also let DE put the hull breeches in a lot more locations, so when things started to go wrong, you couldn't just seal the hole by the door, it could be anywhere. Thius made the engineer role a lot more involved. Also the revolite repair goop was a single resource, you had to make more to use it, and that made it more interesting as it was a limited resource.

So you had 6 different roles being filled by 4 players, and when battle was getting going, it really made a RJ mission an Experience. You're piloting, boarding bases, gunning down fighters, fixing holes, repelling boarders, restocking the energy and revolite, all at the same time. It was very hectic at times.


and everyone I know who played RJ loved it so much. Now sure there were lots of players who didn't know how to play it and this is THE SINGLE BIGGEST PROBLEM DE HAS. When I first started someone took me to the back and explained it all, and suddenly RJ made sense. So I did the same to every player I met on random RJ missions. They went from "WTF is this crap" to "OMG best game ever, again!". DE needs someone putting on tutorial duty every update.


The limitations of the game were clear - you can have only so many enemies, and if there are lots of fighters, there are few base enemies (and vice versa), which is the biggest limit of the mode. They solved it by making them all hit hard, that too helped make it extremely fun.

And then they nerfed it, the RJ is a toy in comparison, it barely gets hurt by high-level enemies and the corpus appear to not hurt it at all. Its hurts how good it used to be compared to now. And all because players couldn;t accept that a co-op mode existed as they want everything to be solo friendly, ie meaninglessly bland. If anything, I want a petition to bring back hard, co-op RJ. I think the future of WF really lies in this path, there's plenty for solo play, there shoulnd't be an issue with having a section geared towards co-op.

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41 minutes ago, Malikili said:

Necramech, K-Drive, Open World (all of it), Archwing, Duviri, and certain missions that seem completely odd compared to the normal nodes


Oh lmao, literally almost ALL of these things are not only abandoned by DE, with Necramech having the dubious reward of community wanting them to be in regular missions but continuously cockblocked by DE, but Open World's were released with bounties where it's just regular missions but on a huge tileset.

47 minutes ago, Malikili said:



This was hated even more than Railjack.

48 minutes ago, Malikili said:


You tried to bring up K-Drive? Freaking K-DRIVE of all things?

Oh god, that's is genuinely hilarious.

Hey @Skoomaseller this guy tried to bring up K-Drive as a 'Spice of Flavour' in Warframe.


45 minutes ago, Malikili said:

Then that begs the question, why are you in a railjack appreciation post?

I merely posted that I did not like Railjack, pointing out my issues that I have with it. So far you're the only one that decided to answer to me, repeatedly, with all the tired defenses that has been given my way as to why Railjack is good with them being basically 'Its NOT Warframe' which makes me wonder why people are still playing this game if a mode being completely unlike the core gameplay is such a draw.

48 minutes ago, Malikili said:

Baruuk, Yareli, Titania, Gauss

Besides Yarelli and Titania, those literally just function as regular Warframes. Hell Gauss, by his design, actually looks into the movement of Warframe and makes a Warframe that's basically "Hey kiddo wanna be rewarded for interacting with the movement system of Warframe?!".

Titania is Arch Wing mode, but in a regular mission and not the clunky Arch Wing missions, while Yarelli literally has to have several rounds of overpowered buffs compared to her original kit for people to not clown on her for having K-Drive baked into her kit.

I still can't believe that you want to use K-DRIVE as a positive to defend Railjack.

21 minutes ago, CephalonCarnage said:

there shoulnd't be an issue with having a section geared towards co-op.

Honestly just make it forced Co-Op if that's the draw of it then.


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29 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:


Oh lmao, literally almost ALL of these things are not only abandoned by DE, with Necramech having the dubious reward of community wanting them to be in regular missions but continuously cockblocked by DE, but Open World's were released with bounties where it's just regular missions but on a huge tileset.

Yet again ignored the entirety of why I named them. I advise reading it again. Thoroughly this time. 


30 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:


This was hated even more than Railjack.

See above in case you still didn’t read. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt thinking you can actually read. I’m not sure though…


31 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

You tried to bring up K-Drive? Freaking K-DRIVE of all things?

Oh god, that's is genuinely hilarious.

Hey @Skoomaseller this guy tried to bring up K-Drive as a 'Spice of Flavour' in Warframe.


Yes, oddly enough I like K-Drives, which is why Yareli is my second most used Warframe. Bugs aside, hoverboards are fun imo. Seems like you, yet again, can’t read. 


33 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

I merely posted that I did not like Railjack, pointing out my issues that I have with it. So far you're the only one that decided to answer to me, repeatedly, with all the tired defenses that has been given my way as to why Railjack is good with them being basically 'Its NOT Warframe' which makes me wonder why people are still playing this game if a mode being completely unlike the core gameplay is such a draw.

Yes and that was a major mistake on my part, I can see why nobody bothers responding to you. And my riddle is still not answered. What’s Warframe built around? Or to use your words, what’s it’s core gameplay? Seems like you definitely didn’t read my post or anything for that matter. 
Is it so hard realizing things you don’t like can be liked by other people?


35 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Besides Yarelli and Titania, those literally just function as regular Warframes. Hell Gauss, by his design, actually looks into the movement of Warframe and makes a Warframe that's basically "Hey kiddo wanna be rewarded for interacting with the movement system of Warframe?!".

Titania is Arch Wing mode, but in a regular mission and not the clunky Arch Wing missions, while Yarelli literally has to have several rounds of overpowered buffs compared to her original kit for people to not clown on her for having K-Drive baked into her kit.


Wanted to add Garuda too, but sadly not sure anyone else plays her as the 2hp tank. 
Playstyles is why I added them, adds what I’ve been emphasizing, which is diversity. The sheer difference in kits and missions is what makes Warframe… Warframe. And I guess you’re too stubborn to answer my riddle. The only “core gameplay” these all have in cmon is farming, and maybe (emphasis on maybe) hoard shooting. 


38 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

I still can't believe that you want to use K-DRIVE as a positive to defend Railjack.

Yea… I find K-Drives cool, sue me. 
Completely missed my point entirely 😔

I see you’re simply not the Tenno I thought that would be able to have a civilized conversation with bias aside. 
Not worth my time trying to convince the stubborn. 

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18 minutes ago, Malikili said:

I find K-Drives cool, sue me

I mean that just tells me you're the type to like bloated games with half finished features that barely interact with the game as a whole.

So, no matter what I'd say about the low quality of Railjack, it wouldn't matter.

You like freaking K-Drives, one of the most underutilized and redundant mechanic in the game, so I wouldn't really expect like a good argument to come out of you then.

18 minutes ago, Malikili said:

it so hard realizing things you don’t like can be liked by other people

The issue is never people like things that I don't like.

The issue is that inevitably they will try to make it seems that what they like is for the better of the game and try very hard to push for those kinds of mechanics into the overall game.

Like how people try and claim and say that old Railjack was just better, and should be the Next Evolution of Warframe. And buddy let me tell you.

If I have to spend every mission with it having a Defense Objective, being forced into Co-Op at best or have to micromanage everything at worst, to farm or grind for something that will take me several tries and go through a prolong time where I am basically just playing a turret with none of the Movement, Abilities and Moddable weapons that we have in the regular Warframe gameplay, I will go #*!%ing feral.

Imagine if every mission started with a mandatory 5 minute Operator section, that's basically what Railjack is but with a big dumb ship instead.

19 minutes ago, Malikili said:

What’s Warframe built around? Or to use your words, what’s it’s core gameplay? Seems like you definitely didn’t read my post or anything for that matter.

Considering that you tried to claim that Garuda, Gauss, and Baruuk were 'Different' to the core of Warframe I'm glad I didn't answer because then you'd just shift the goalpost to try and say that X is actually not Warframe, when it is, or that Y is actually Warframe focused when it's not.

So yeah I didn't read, because from you trying to say that Gauss of all Warframes is an example of 'Different' or whatever you want to call him is insane.


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Ideally what I'd want would be to integrate railjack nodes into our star chart.

What I mean by that is once someone unlocks the Railjack quest, which happens after a certain point in the regular star chart, there will be some optional or mandatory Railjack missions (based on the mandatory nodes path you have to unlock to progress our solar system).

If your RJ isn't up to snuff then you could always hop on someone else's in public missions. You might also have the choice if you want to board your own.

At this point in time RJ missions feel like they are a separate game and systems, detached from the rest of the game. 

Duviri is different because it feels and it is a different dimension of sorts. RJ tab doesn't have to be like that. just implement it into the regular star chart and it will feel like it is part of the game and not its own content island.

Rail Jack nodes within the RJ map right now could be repurposed and moved into the regular starchart. Maybe not all said missions and nodes, just keep the most important ones.

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