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TennoGen and Cross Platform Save


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On 2023-11-24 at 8:31 PM, HoloShaii said:

They keep talking about treating the artists right with Tennogen in the stream, meanwhile DE is the SOLE COMPANY in control of paying the artists! DE, You can make a calculation based on platinum spent on tennogen and pay the artists fairly either way! This is not a paying the artists issue, this is a "wanting to make more money off of PC players" issue. I hate the fact that you guys virtue signal about this being about paying the artists fairly even though you can pay them fairly no matter if the tennogen is bought with the steam wallet or with platinum, YOU have the payments in control.

Really freaking lame DE, very disappointed in how you have double standards for specific platforms, screwing the players over in the process.

Though we may need more information on how these purchases and paying the artitsts work. I have to agree. Why not pay the artitsts money depending on how much people buy them, regardless of whether they're bought with in-game Plat or money? Even traded Plat started somewhere by being bought with real money.

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Can you at least make it to where when you log back in on PC or whatever platform the tennogen lives on it actually re equips it?????? Really annoying to either have to buy it twice (which, just, no) or having to not use certain frames or having to re do your fashion frame. every. single. time. 

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all of Garuda's skins are tenno gen it feels pretty bad to have to buy it again if i ever want to use any of the skins i already bought what's the point of having cross save if more then half the cosmetics i own need to be rebought it any ways  because they don't even carry over it basically just locks you to playing on one platformes  or just not buying more then half the cosmetics because it would literally be waisting your money

On 2023-11-24 at 1:52 PM, [DE]Taylor said:

Hi Tenno,

With Cross Platform Save approaching, we want to address any questions our players may have about how their TennoGen items will be used across accounts. This forum post serves as a complete overview of how the TennoGen Program will work with Cross Platform Save, for both players and artists interested in this content!

For those looking for a TL;DR of how things work now, we have added it at the bottom under its own header for easy reference. 


TennoGen items are community-made creations made accessible to use via the SteamWorkshop. Once an item is accepted, players can acquire it in one of two ways, depending on the platform you play on. 

  • PC Players purchase TennoGen for real money through the Steam Workshop directly in-game or via our TennoGen Store using their linked Steam account.
    • 30% of each sale goes directly to the Artists who made the item.
  • Console Players purchase eligible TennoGen via the in-game Market for Platinum
    • Digital Extremes pays Artists a one-time sum as part of the Transfer process to Consoles.

Since TennoGen launched on Consoles in 2016 we have shared the incredible work of our Artists with Console Tenno, while also ensuring that their PC sales were not impacted. At the time of writing, over 400 items exist within the TennoGen program, the majority of which have been licensed for Console use.

With Cross-Save, we need to redefine how these purchases work to maintain the integrity of this program -- a program which has operated in a pre-cross-save world for almost 8 years now. 


When defining how TennoGen would work with Cross Platform Save, we worked off of these two tenets:

  • We do not want to impact TennoGen sales on PC and will do our best to ensure that Artist income is as unaffected as possible.
  • We want to respect the fact that many Console Tenno have TennoGen they have owned for years.

After many, many discussions, we landed on a decision that manifests itself in two parts.

Firstly, all TennoGen purchased before 2pm ET on November 24th will be able to use via Cross Platform Save on any (licensed) Platform. 

If you have pieces you know and love, they will come with you if you qualify to merge your accounts. 
(if purchased before that cut-off date, of course!)

Secondly, all TennoGen purchased after 2pm ET on November 24th will be either PC- or Console-Locked.

  • Steam PC Purchases can be used on the PC version of Warframe only
  • Console Purchases can be used via Cross Platform Save on any (licensed) console platform

We explored a variety of options before coming to this outcome, but we felt this was the most feasible way to ensure that Artist income on PC was not impacted, while also respecting the years of history that our Console Tenno have with their TennoGen. 

To ensure that all future TennoGen transactions are informed purchases, players should already see a new pop-up message outlining how their purchase will work with Cross Platform save:

Purchasing on PC


Known issue: this copy alludes to PC gifting, which is not possible via Steam. We will update this copy with Whispers in the Wall’s release to remove all mention of gifting. 

Purchasing on Console


To be clear, this new Cross Platform Save pop-up message was turned on at 2 p.m. ET today to ensure it was active the moment the cut-off happened -- this ensures that players are made aware of how their new TennoGen will work with Cross Platform Save before they purchase. 

A part of why we have slowed down on TennoGen in the latter half of 2023 was to ensure that both Artists and the community had an educated understanding of how TennoGen works with Cross Platform Save before we moved forward with more releases and sales events. With that said, we hope this post has offered more insight into how Cross Platform Save will work with this program, and we look forward to a TennoGen-filled 2024!


  • TennoGen Purchases before Nov 24 at 2pm ET will Cross Platform Save to any platform if you qualify to Merge
  • TennoGen Purchases after Nov 24 at 2pm ET will Cross Platform Save differently depending on where you bought it
  • Steam PC purchases are locked to PC
  • Console purchases are locked to all (licensed) console platforms
  • Reasons for this system: 
    • We do not want to impact Artist income (they earn 30% of their PC sales)
    • We want to respect historical console purchases 
  • Cross Platform Save Eligibility Message is live on all platforms NOW for all TennoGen items to help players make informed purchases

What is a licensed Console Platform?
A licensed Console Platform is a platform on which we have acquired the rights to use the TennoGen item. Not all TennoGen are available on all platforms, so players may notice that their favourite item can be used on PlayStation, but not on the Nintendo Switch, for example. 

Why is the cut-off date for TennoGen purchases so early?
We decided on this cut-off date to prevent players from intentionally stocking up on Platinum-purchased TennoGen to transfer their PC accounts. We know that there are players who can freely spend Platinum but can’t do the same with real money, and we understand why a player may have been planning to take that route. It’s vital to us that our TennoGen Artists retain their income from PC sales, and this policy operates with that goal in mind. 

Why don’t Steam PC purchases also give you the console version of the item?
We explored this option, but it, unfortunately, is not an avenue that is available to us. 

If Artist Income is so important, why are you allowing historical Console purchases to transfer to PC? 
In short, compromise. Two statements can be true at the same time, even if they seem contradictory: we don’t want to impact PC sales, and we respect that many Console Tenno have owned TennoGen items for years. We didn’t feel comfortable as Devs asking players to suddenly buy these items again, especially the creations that they’ve been using for a long time. 

With the new Cross Platform Save pop-up message for purchases, our goal is to ensure that players are aware of the new platform restrictions before deciding to buy. For the seven years of Console (and PC!) transactions before Nov 24, that pop-up did not exist, and therefore we decided the restrictions should not apply. 

Will my pre-cutoff PC Purchases transfer to Console?
Yes! Much of this forum post focused on the Console to PC merge, but Steam PC TennoGen purchased before November 24 at 2 p.m. ET will be eligible for full Cross Platform Save (on licensed platforms). 


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On 2024-01-16 at 7:27 PM, Jewel_Dragon said:

Migration question: I purchased a couple of opal skins on NSW, however I haven't logged into Warframe on the platform. Will those skins still be available for my account that has been made cross platform save?

I guess I'm just left to find out on my own... [logs in and finds out]
So, all I did was watch the cinematic after creating a screen name and confirming settings. Didn't select a character or play through the first mission, so I haven't been to my orbiter.
[Links accounts and finds out] [Really hope that I don't lose my skins or that I can create a ticket and get my purchases credited or something]
OK, so, the items aren't int the eShop anymore (probably bc promotion times or something) so the content cannot be downloaded? It's not in my inventory, nor did I get an inbox message for them. Not sure what DE's plans moving forward for console specific skins are. Going to create a support ticket and keep updating this as it happens.

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On 2023/11/25 at 午前3時52分, [DE]Taylor said:


クロス プラットフォーム セーブが届くまで、TennoGen アイテムがアカウント間でどのように使用されるかについてプレイヤーが疑問に答えたいと考えています。このフォーラムの投稿は、このコンテンツに興味のあるプレイヤーとアーティストの両方のために、TennoGen プログラムがクロス プラットフォーム セーブでどのように機能するかについての完全な概要として役立ちます。



TennoGen アイテムはコミュニティによって作成された作品であり、SteamWorkshop 経由で使用できるようになります。アイテムが受け入れられると、プレイヤーはプレイするプラットフォームに応じて 2 つの方法のいずれかでアイテムを取得できます。 

  • PCプレイヤーは、ゲーム内で直接Steamワークショップ、またはリンクされた Steamアカウントを使用してTennoGen経由ストアでTennoGenをリアルマネーで購入します。
    • 各売上の30%は、そのアイテムを作成したアーティストに直接寄付されます。
  • コンソールプレイヤーは、ゲーム内マーケット経由で対象となりTennoGenをプラチナで購入します。
    • Digital Extremes は、コンソールへの転送プロセスの責任として、アーティストに 1 回限りの金額をお支払いいただきます。

2016年にTennoGenがコンソールでリリースされて以来、私たちアーティストの素晴らしい作品をConsole Tennoと共有しながら、彼らのPCの販売が影響を受けないようにしてもらいました。 TennoGenプログラム内には400を超えるアイテムが存在し、その大部分はコンソールでの使用がライセンスされています。

クロスセーブでは、このプログラムの整合性を維持するために、これらの購入がどのように機能するかを再定義する必要があります。このプログラムはクロスセーブ以前の世界でほぼ 8 年間運営されてきました。 


TennoGen がクロス プラットフォーム セーブでどのように動作するかを定義するとき、私たちの次の 2 つの原則に基づいて作業しました。

  • 私たちはPCでのTennoGenの売上に影響を与えず、アーティストの収入が可能な限り影響を受けない限りを尽くします。
  • 私たちは、多くのコンソール Tenno が長年にわたって TennoGen を持っているという事実を尊重したいと考えています。


まず、11月24日午後2時(東部標準時間)より前に購入したすべての TennoGen は、クロス プラットフォーム セーブを介して、任意の (ライセンスを取得した) プラットフォームで使用できるようになります。 

お気に入りの作品がある場合は、アカウントを統合する 資格が
あれば、それらも付属します。 (もちろん、締切日より前に購入した場合に限ります!)

次に、11月24日午後2時 (東部標準時) 以降に購入されたすべての TennoGen は、PC またはコンソールでロックされます。

  • Steam PC での購入は、PC 版の Warframeでのみ使用できます。 
  • コンソールでの購入は、クロス プラットフォーム セーブを介して、任意の(ライセンスを取得した)コンソール プラットフォームで使用できます。 


いずれのすべての TennoGen が購入情報に基づいて行われるようにするために、プレーヤーには、購入がクロス プラットフォーム セーブでどのような新しい機能をする概説するポップアップ メッセージがすでに表示されているはずです。



既知の問題:このコピーは PC へのギフトをほのめかしていますが、Steam 経由ではこれは不可能です。このコピーを Whispers in the Wall のリリースに合わせて更新し、ギフトに関する暫定をすべて削除します。 



明確にしておきますが、この新しいクロス プラットフォーム セーブ ポップアップ メッセージは、カットオフが発生した瞬間になったことを確認するために、本日午後 2 時 (東部標準時) にオンになりました。これにより、プレイヤーは新しい TennoGen がどのように動作するか認識できるようになります。購入前にクロスプラットフォームで保存します。 

2023年後半にTennoGenのペースを落とした理由の1つ、より多くのリリースやセールイベントを進める前に、アーティストとコミュニティの両方がTennoGenがクロスプラットフォームセーブでどのように機能するのか十分に理解してくださいそう言っても、この投稿がクロス プラットフォーム セーブがこのプログラムでどのような機能かについてより多くの洞察を提供できたことを願っております、TennoGen で満足された 2024一年を楽しみにしています。


  • TennoGen を 11 月 24 日午後 2 時 (東部標準時間) より前に購入すると、マージの資格がある場合、クロスプラットフォームで任意のプラットフォームに保存されます。 
  • TennoGen で 11 月 24 日午後 2 時 (東部標準時間) 以降に購入した場合、購入場所に応じてクロス プラットフォーム セーブの方法が異なります。
  • Steam PCでの購入はPCにロックされています
  • コンソールの購入は、すべての(ライセンスを取得した)コンソールプラットフォームにロックされます
  • このシステムの理由: 
    • アーティストの収入に影響を与えたくない(彼らは PC 売上の 30% を稼いでいます)
    • 過去のゲーム機購入履歴を尊重したい 
  • プレイヤーが十分な情報に基づいて購入できるよう、 クロス プラットフォーム セーブ適格性メッセージがすべての TennoGen アイテムに対してすべてのプラットフォームで公開されました

ライセンスを取得したコンソール プラットフォームとは何ですか?
ライセンスされたコンソール プラットフォームは、TennoGen アイテムを使用する権利を取得したプラットフォームです。すべての TennoGen がすべてのプラットフォームで利用できるわけではないため、プレイヤーは、たとえばお気に入りのアイテムが PlayStation では使用できるが、Nintendo Switch では使用できないことに気づくかもしれません。 

TennoGen の購入締め切り日がこれほど早いのはなぜですか?
この締め切り日は、プレイヤーが PC アカウントを移行するためにプラチナで購入した TennoGen を意図的に買いだめすることを防ぐために決定されました。私たちは、プラチナを自由に使うことができるが、リアルマネーでは同じことができないプレイヤーがいることを知っており、プレイヤーがなぜそのような道をたどることを計画しているのかも理解しています。 TennoGen アーティストが PC 販売からの収入を維持することは私たちにとって極めて重要であり、このポリシーはその目標を念頭に置いています。 

Steam PC で購入すると、コンソール版のアイテムも提供されないのはなぜですか?

アーティストの収入がそれほど重要であるなら、なぜ過去のコンソール購入を PC に転送することを許可するのですか? 
要するに妥協です。たとえ矛盾しているように見えても、2 つのステートメントは同時に真実である可能性があります。私たちは PC の売上に影響を与えたくない、そして私たちは多くのコンソール テンノが長年 TennoGen アイテムを所有していることを尊重しています。開発者として、プレイヤーにこれらのアイテム、特に長い間使用してきたアイテムを突然再度購入するよう求めるのは快適ではありませんでした。 

購入時の新しいクロス プラットフォーム セーブ ポップアップ メッセージにより、私たちの目標は、プレイヤーが購入を決定する前に新しいプラットフォームの制限を確実に認識できるようにすることです。 11 月 24 日以前の 7 年間のコンソール(および PC!) では、そのポップアップは存在しなかったため、制限を適用すべきではないと判断しました。 

終了前に購入した PC はコンソールに移行されますか?
はい!このフォーラムの投稿の多くはコンソールから PC へのマージに焦点を当てていましたが、11 月 24 日午後 2 時(東部標準時間)より前に購入した Steam PC TennoGen は、完全なクロスプラットフォームセーブ(ライセンスを取得したプラットフォーム上)の対象となります。 

Fairly distributing profits to creators is important.

However, I think that with the current system, people may end up not buying Tennogen because they don't want to buy it on another platform because of the cross-save mechanism.

However, if you make it possible to buy either platinum or cash like other items, it would be difficult to assign profits to the creators and it would be hard to create a system.

And Tennogen has some items that can be purchased on all platforms and some that can't.

For Tennogen that are licensed on all platforms, why not create a new billing currency, Gold, and add it as a new product, Corss Tennogen, which would eliminate these complaints.

The new currency, Gold and Cross Tennogen, will have 7 properties.

1: Gold can be purchased for real money at the same price as platinum.
2:It should also be able to be traded with platinum.
3:The market console will not have the option to exchange platinum and gold.
4:Gold will function as an exclusive coin for Cross Tennogen.
5:Cross Tennogen purchased with Gold will be cross-saveable and can be used on all platforms.
6:The price of Cross Tennogen in Gold will be higher than the price in Platinum. However, the price should be less than twice the price of Platinum.
7:Gold and Cross Tennogen should be accessible after the cross save.

I will explain the aim of these properties.

Properties 1, 3 and 4 are necessary to define Cross Tennogen's profit.
It would allow you to see the sales of Gold and the number of Cross Tennogen's sold, which would clarify the profit sharing to the creators.
Next, the properties 5 and 6 could alleviate some of the frustration with Tennogen's current cross-save system.
Tennogen will be able to be used on any platform with cross-save, and some people will see the value in this and buy Gold. Those who are not interested in cross-platform play will feel that they are better off buying Tennogen for Platinum as they have in the past, and will be more likely to buy it.
Of course, the profitability should not be too bad due to the property of 6.
And the 2 property will indirectly allow PC players to buy Tennogen for Platinum, reducing the unfairness to console players. The cross-save has made the market for trade in Warframe much larger.
The 2 and 6 properties will make trading even more active as people earn Gold.
And with property 6, Tennogen, which was only licensed on certain platforms, may be less expensive and less resistant to purchase.
Finally, property 7 could lighten the burden on the internal system somewhat.

It is my opinion that adding the above system would probably alleviate some of Tennogen's cross-save-related frustrations.
I do not know if this idea is possible and if it would be acceptable to everyone.
In any case, I sincerely hope that there will be more discussion about Tennogen's current system.

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On 2023-12-22 at 12:47 AM, (NSW)MeiYing said:

After I overwrote my ns account to the pc, due to the deletion of the pc account, when I wanted to purchase the tennogen purchased before on the pc again, the message "already owned, cannot be purchased again" was displayed, but this tennogen is not in my current account. Is there any solution?

I'm glad I'm not the only one this happened to, I just sent a support ticket a few days ago regarding this. Did you get a response?

I thought I'd finally be able to get my repala syandana back :')

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On 2024-02-12 at 7:52 AM, (PSN)REBIPEN-K said:

Fairly distributing profits to creators is important.

However, I think that with the current system, people may end up not buying Tennogen because they don't want to buy it on another platform because of the cross-save mechanism.

However, if you make it possible to buy either platinum or cash like other items, it would be difficult to assign profits to the creators and it would be hard to create a system.

And Tennogen has some items that can be purchased on all platforms and some that can't.

For Tennogen that are licensed on all platforms, why not create a new billing currency, Gold, and add it as a new product, Corss Tennogen, which would eliminate these complaints.

The new currency, Gold and Cross Tennogen, will have 7 properties.

1: Gold can be purchased for real money at the same price as platinum.
2:It should also be able to be traded with platinum.
3:The market console will not have the option to exchange platinum and gold.
4:Gold will function as an exclusive coin for Cross Tennogen.
5:Cross Tennogen purchased with Gold will be cross-saveable and can be used on all platforms.
6:The price of Cross Tennogen in Gold will be higher than the price in Platinum. However, the price should be less than twice the price of Platinum.
7:Gold and Cross Tennogen should be accessible after the cross save.

I will explain the aim of these properties.

Properties 1, 3 and 4 are necessary to define Cross Tennogen's profit.
It would allow you to see the sales of Gold and the number of Cross Tennogen's sold, which would clarify the profit sharing to the creators.
Next, the properties 5 and 6 could alleviate some of the frustration with Tennogen's current cross-save system.
Tennogen will be able to be used on any platform with cross-save, and some people will see the value in this and buy Gold. Those who are not interested in cross-platform play will feel that they are better off buying Tennogen for Platinum as they have in the past, and will be more likely to buy it.
Of course, the profitability should not be too bad due to the property of 6.
And the 2 property will indirectly allow PC players to buy Tennogen for Platinum, reducing the unfairness to console players. The cross-save has made the market for trade in Warframe much larger.
The 2 and 6 properties will make trading even more active as people earn Gold.
And with property 6, Tennogen, which was only licensed on certain platforms, may be less expensive and less resistant to purchase.
Finally, property 7 could lighten the burden on the internal system somewhat.

It is my opinion that adding the above system would probably alleviate some of Tennogen's cross-save-related frustrations.
I do not know if this idea is possible and if it would be acceptable to everyone.
In any case, I sincerely hope that there will be more discussion about Tennogen's current system.

Not sure if that would work, because if it's cross-platform, then Tennogen creators would still not be getting the contractually agreed-upon percentage of direct PC Tennogen sales. DE could theoretically, retroactively, pay both Tennogen artists and Steam their contractually agreed-upon percentages, but if the Gold can be traded, then DE might end up losing money in the long run.

I'm not opposed to a new currency. Unless I'm mistaken, under the hood, there are two different kinds of Platinum based on what I've seen DE say over the years: Bought Platinum and Traded Platinum. So, turning Bought Platinum into a new currency called Gold (or Silver or something else) should work. However, I think Gold should not be tradable with Platinum. Gold could be converted to Platinum, but once converted, it should not be able to be traded for or converted to Gold. Only Gold could be used for Tennogen. That could also apply to Prime Access as well. Since Gold could only be purchased, never earned or gifted through devstreams, I guess it would be okay for Gold to be tradable with Gold. Then DE could still pay Tennogen artists and Steam.

Under no circumstances should players be able to purchase Tennogen with Platinum. Players should be able to use their Gold towards premium items like Tennogen and Prime Access as well as for Platinum purchases.

Edited by OniDax
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On 2024-02-15 at 1:18 AM, OniDax said:

Not sure if that would work, because if it's cross-platform, then Tennogen creators would still not be getting the contractually agreed-upon percentage of direct PC Tennogen sales. DE could theoretically, retroactively, pay both Tennogen artists and Steam their contractually agreed-upon percentages, but if the Gold can be traded, then DE might end up losing money in the long run.

I'm not opposed to a new currency. Unless I'm mistaken, under the hood, there are two different kinds of Platinum based on what I've seen DE say over the years: Bought Platinum and Traded Platinum. So, turning Bought Platinum into a new currency called Gold (or Silver or something else) should work. However, I think Gold should not be tradable with Platinum. Gold could be converted to Platinum, but once converted, it should not be able to be traded for or converted to Gold. Only Gold could be used for Tennogen. That could also apply to Prime Access as well. Since Gold could only be purchased, never earned or gifted through devstreams, I guess it would be okay for Gold to be tradable with Gold. Then DE could still pay Tennogen artists and Steam.

Under no circumstances should players be able to purchase Tennogen with Platinum. Players should be able to use their Gold towards premium items like Tennogen and Prime Access as well as for Platinum purchases.

Platinum you received through trading is still bought platinum - someone bought it. The other type of platinum is personal platinum, which is the starter plat and plat from giveaways or PS plus packs etc. Personal platinum cannot be traded.

The issue isn't that trading allows you to get Tennogen without real money on consoles - if your suggestion removes the ability of console players to get Tennogen without real money, then that will anger the console players. The issue (well, one of them) is that due to discounts, platinum doesn't have a fixed value on PC.

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On 2024-02-15 at 12:18 AM, OniDax said:

それが機能するかどうかはわかりません。クロスプラットフォームの場合、Tennogen のクリエイターは、PC Tennogen の直接販売のうち、契約で合意された割合をまだ得ていないことになるからです。理論的には、DE は Tennogen アーティストと Steam の両方に、契約上合意した割合を遡って支払うことができますが、ゴールドが取引できる場合、DE は長期的には損失を被る可能性があります。

私は新しい通貨に反対しているわけではありません。私が間違っていない限り、私が長年 DE の発言を見てきたところによると、内部では 2 種類のプラチナが存在します: 購入プラチナと取引プラチナです。したがって、購入したプラチナをゴールド(またはシルバーなど)と呼ばれる新しい通貨に変えるとうまくいくはずです。ただし、ゴールドはプラチナと取引すべきではないと思います。ゴールドはプラチナに変換できますが、一度変換すると、交換したりゴールドに変換したりすることはできません。天王元には金しか使えなかった。それはPrime Accessにも当てはまるかもしれない。ゴールドは購入することしかできず、開発ストリームを通じて獲得したり贈ったりすることはできないため、ゴールドをゴールドと交換できるのは問題ないと思います。そうすれば DE は Tennogen アーティストと Steam に支払いを続けることができます。

いかなる状況であっても、プレイヤーはプラチナで Tennogen を購入することができません。プレーヤーは、プラチナの購入だけでなく、Tennogen や Prime Access などのプレミアム アイテムにもゴールドを使用できる必要があります。

If Gold can't be traded for Platinum, it might work in a number of ways.

It seems like it would be good to be able to convert gold to platinum at the market.
Converting platinum to gold is problematic, but the reverse seems fine.
I think it is a very good idea, whether it will be realized or not.


On 2024-02-16 at 7:34 AM, --N-- said:

Platinum you received through trading is still bought platinum - someone bought it. The other type of platinum is personal platinum, which is the starter plat and plat from giveaways or PS plus packs etc. Personal platinum cannot be traded.

The issue isn't that trading allows you to get Tennogen without real money on consoles - if your suggestion removes the ability of console players to get Tennogen without real money, then that will anger the console players. The issue (well, one of them) is that due to discounts, platinum doesn't have a fixed value on PC.

I agree that it would be terrible for console players to not be able to buy Tennogen for platinum.
The idea is to add an option to buy in bulk.
As for the discount, maybe it would be better if the discount is not applied to Gold.

Edited by (PSN)REBIPEN-K
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  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking in buying Tennogen but if paying with real money on pc won't let me use it on console AND I'll also have to remake the entire fashion frame for the Warframes that have some Tennogen I guess I'll pass. Buying it twice to use it once doesn't make sense and not solving the problem about redoing the fashion frame is really bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hmmm i just saw this and didnt understand when i bought the tenno gen skin today on ps5 

if the problem is all the other companys agreements on how to pay the artist still as  much money as they gaming companys makes as is 

why dont steam just make the tenno gen for platnium instead of me having to bust out the wallet everytime i want to make a purchace in game 

anyway you spin it they only getting like a dollar and some change each purchace yea adds up but im sure there has been a decline in the past 4 months since this took off

and if it hadint yet it will 

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just gonna copy and paste this from the discord, figured i'd post it here too in case anything might come out of it.

might sound a bit wild but i'm having a major issue with my game atm. i decided i'd download the steam client of warframe for tennogen, but when i saw it put my account back to a windows-only account i decided to go back to the standalone client of the game, but now i'm stuck with an account that's no longer bound to either my xbox or pc accounts, but it still acts like it is when i log into either platform (still logs me out of whichever i logged into first). is there anything i can do to remedy or am i just stuck here permanently?

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3 hours ago, Soviet_Neko said:

just gonna copy and paste this from the discord, figured i'd post it here too in case anything might come out of it.

might sound a bit wild but i'm having a major issue with my game atm. i decided i'd download the steam client of warframe for tennogen, but when i saw it put my account back to a windows-only account i decided to go back to the standalone client of the game, but now i'm stuck with an account that's no longer bound to either my xbox or pc accounts, but it still acts like it is when i log into either platform (still logs me out of whichever i logged into first). is there anything i can do to remedy or am i just stuck here permanently?

The Steam version can't do anything like that. It's basically the same as the standalone PC version, you log in the same way with your email and password (it doesn't use your Steam account for login).

What do you mean by "it put my account back to a windows-only account" and "no longer bound to either my xbox or pc accounts"? Are you missing items from your account? Are you unable to log in on Xbox? Does your account on Xbox not match your PC account in some way?


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On 2024-03-29 at 8:21 AM, --N-- said:

The Steam version can't do anything like that. It's basically the same as the standalone PC version, you log in the same way with your email and password (it doesn't use your Steam account for login).

What do you mean by "it put my account back to a windows-only account" and "no longer bound to either my xbox or pc accounts"? Are you missing items from your account? Are you unable to log in on Xbox? Does your account on Xbox not match your PC account in some way?


i mean "windows-only account" as in my account no longer is able to do specific actions like cross-platform trading because the "unable to trade due to platform or cross-save mismatch" error comes up when i try, and i can't accept invites from my friends, despite them being on my friends list. my xbox and pc accounts are also still bound because when i log in on my xbox, it logs me out from my pc. so far i haven't been missing any items as far as i'm aware. otherwise, both my xbox and pc accounts both still match. i'm not sure if it'd be of any help, but when i log in on the website, it does still say my xbox and pc accounts are merged properly. not sure if it's of any importance, but i did go for account merging instead of account linking before christmas break.


13 hours ago, Soviet_Neko said:

i mean "windows-only account" as in my account no longer is able to do specific actions like cross-platform trading because the "unable to trade due to platform or cross-save mismatch" error comes up when i try, and i can't accept invites from my friends, despite them being on my friends list. my xbox and pc accounts are also still bound because when i log in on my xbox, it logs me out from my pc. so far i haven't been missing any items as far as i'm aware. otherwise, both my xbox and pc accounts both still match. i'm not sure if it'd be of any help, but when i log in on the website, it does still say my xbox and pc accounts are merged properly. not sure if it's of any importance, but i did go for account merging instead of account linking before christmas break.

update: it's fixed now i guess? not sure what exactly happened in the time i logged off and got back on, but that seemed to fix everything, whatever happened. nonetheless thank you for entertaining my question lol, didn't expect it to be fixed this quickly.

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8 hours ago, Soviet_Neko said:

i mean "windows-only account" as in my account no longer is able to do specific actions like cross-platform trading because the "unable to trade due to platform or cross-save mismatch" error comes up when i try, and i can't accept invites from my friends, despite them being on my friends list. my xbox and pc accounts are also still bound because when i log in on my xbox, it logs me out from my pc. so far i haven't been missing any items as far as i'm aware. otherwise, both my xbox and pc accounts both still match. i'm not sure if it'd be of any help, but when i log in on the website, it does still say my xbox and pc accounts are merged properly. not sure if it's of any importance, but i did go for account merging instead of account linking before christmas break.

The "unable to trade due to platform or cross-save mismatch" error doesn't mean you are a PC only account. It means one of you is a PC or cross save player and the other isn't. PC accounts can automatically trade with cross save accounts without having to enable cross save. Console accounts who have not enabled cross save cannot trade with PC or cross save accounts. You were trying to trade with a console account who does not have cross save.

The invites thing might have been a temporary problem, or it might've been completely unrelated network issue, e.g. due to Strict NAT.

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Just chiming in that I haven't played since this change, and I don't intend to return until another solution is found. As someone who splits my time pretty evenly between console and PC gaming, I had been looking forward to cross-save for years, but there's no point to cross-save if my purchases aren't cross-save as well. If I wanted to switch from console to PC and NOT have my stuff, I could do that before cross-save. You need to figure out a different way to monetize console Tennogen going forward. This "solution" is totally unacceptable, and renders all of the fuss around this feature utterly pointless. As far as I'm concerned, you hyped cross-save for years and then flat-out didn't do it.

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10 hours ago, (XBOX)Khyron42 Prime said:

Just chiming in that I haven't played since this change, and I don't intend to return until another solution is found. As someone who splits my time pretty evenly between console and PC gaming, I had been looking forward to cross-save for years, but there's no point to cross-save if my purchases aren't cross-save as well. If I wanted to switch from console to PC and NOT have my stuff, I could do that before cross-save. You need to figure out a different way to monetize console Tennogen going forward. This "solution" is totally unacceptable, and renders all of the fuss around this feature utterly pointless. As far as I'm concerned, you hyped cross-save for years and then flat-out didn't do it.

Purchases made before November 24th, 2023 will transfer.

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On 2023-11-24 at 6:52 PM, [DE]Taylor said:

Secondly, all TennoGen purchased after 2pm ET on November 24th will be either PC- or Console-Locked.

  • Steam PC Purchases can be used on the PC version of Warframe only
  • Non-PC (Console & iOS) Purchases can be used via Cross Platform Save on any (licensed) Non-PC platform

This is, unfortunately, the absolute death of Tennogen. It's just not worth buying anymore - DE fashion = all platforms, Tennogen = platform locked.

It sucks. You obviously have the tech to make this work, so the issue is legal/commercial - it will be worth solving that to keep Tennogen alive.

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10 hours ago, (XBOX)KayAitch said:

This is, unfortunately, the absolute death of Tennogen.

Speaking as someone who doesn't play cross-platform, I still commiserate with xplatform players.
"Think of being fair to the tennogen creators" really rings hollow now, doesn't it, tenno? In my opinion this ended up as a bigger L in being creator and customer/user-friendly than the heirloom collection, and yet, it stays.
sad trumpet noises

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