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Limiting Cross-Trade is a HUGE mistake! Can't trade with same platform!


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19 hours ago, crow5716 said:

DE will never acknowledge this problem as they have no way to fix it. They messed up and will just pretend no one is complaining about it.


And yet they did acknowledge the issue and gave a reason why it like that.

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5 hours ago, Josloud_24 said:

They did acknowledge it. On a dev short Reb said that it the way it is because of platform makers restrictions put on them

at 7:30 they talk about it


Barely gave any info, I wouldn’t really call it a response per say, it was more like slightly mention it to try and kill a bit of the problems tempo, honestly really surprised this thread hasn’t been stealth disabled.


8 hours ago, Diderius said:

If you run across someone that you cannot trade with because they have not enabled cross save, just ask them "Why are you being lazy?". When they inevitably do not have a good reason, you can help walk them through the simple process to bring them into the future. It seems very much akin to an older person saying that technology is too hard without putting any effort into learning it.

I haven’t activated cross save yet lol, nothing to do with being lazy, it’s simply because i saw drama with it so i will wait for drama to hopefully be sorted, i can still trade with my platform no dramas:)

Edited by (PSN)FrDiabloFr
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On 2024-02-22 at 11:56 AM, Josloud_24 said:

They did acknowledge it. On a dev short Reb said that it the way it is because of platform makers restrictions put on them


I guess this can kinda count as an acknowledgement even tho it was only 5 seconds long and just confirmed what I've been saying all along... that there is nothing they can do to fix this problem.

He ends by saying "realize that's not super ideal is it"

But theres nothing they can do to fix this problem they created.

Edited by crow5716
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On 2024-02-22 at 2:10 PM, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

Barely gave any info, I wouldn’t really call it a response per say, it was more like slightly mention it to try and kill a bit of the problems tempo, honestly really surprised this thread hasn’t been stealth disabled.

It's definitely a "nothing-burger" as some people say, but I can understand why. They're obligated to the rules of the platforms they're on, and they likely cannot discuss specific terms or agreements without causing problems or breaking an NDA or something more involved.

I'm not sure if this issue affects PC at all (the description leads me to believe it might, if I "enable" cross-platform save via another device) so I'm just holding off on doing anything so I can trade with all PC players and cross-save enabled players regardless, and would recommend anyone who trades frequently do the same to avoid issues. They could definitely be more clear with examples, it seems this decision (whether deliberate or unintentional by platform / cross-save restrictions) has caused a lot of confusion.

Hell, I didn't even know I had to make an account on the platform to "link", because nothing on the FAQ states "you need to already have an account made on the platform first" - why can't they just merge over the progress without me going through the tutorial (using the info from the primary account to "create" a new entry on the platform database if necessary)? If the link is permanent it's basically that same thing, so it's needlessly confusing. They just use "account" a lot, and it makes me think "oh, my PSN / Xbox Live accounts would be linked", but no - they're referring specifically to the Warframe account on that platform.

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18 minutes ago, Naroxas44 said:

It's definitely a "nothing-burger" as some people say, but I can understand why. They're obligated to the rules of the platforms they're on, and they likely cannot discuss specific terms or agreements without causing problems or breaking an NDA or something more involved.

I'm not sure if this issue affects PC at all (the description leads me to believe it might, if I "enable" cross-platform save via another device) so I'm just holding off on doing anything so I can trade with all PC players and cross-save enabled players regardless, and would recommend anyone who trades frequently do the same to avoid issues. They could definitely be more clear with examples, it seems this decision (whether deliberate or unintentional by platform / cross-save restrictions) has caused a lot of confusion.

Hell, I didn't even know I had to make an account on the platform to "link", because nothing on the FAQ states "you need to already have an account made on the platform first" - why can't they just merge over the progress without me going through the tutorial (using the info from the primary account to "create" a new entry on the platform database if necessary)? If the link is permanent it's basically that same thing, so it's needlessly confusing. They just use "account" a lot, and it makes me think "oh, my PSN / Xbox Live accounts would be linked", but no - they're referring specifically to the Warframe account on that platform.

I couldn’t imagine pc would have too many issues obviously I can’t say for 100% certainty, but all cross save does is change your console account to a pc account, which has caused issues with certain items only being on certain platforms so you lose them if you merge etc etc, then there’s people literally losing items, plat, mr progress, then there’s the whole issue with people being screwed hugely for having a switch account attached it’s all in all not a cross platform merge,cross save, it’s simple making all accounts pc accounts and hoping for the best, the fact this thread was closed by (he who shall not be named) then reopened by a DE representative speaks volumes on the issues further because DE in support tickets are telling players to come to the forum to give their experiences then (he who shall not be named) comes along and nukes posts.

The handling of this whole bs situation honestly has been pathetic at best, like another poster said they can’t go back on this because they don’t have a plan/don’t know what to do, and the fact it’s messing with peoples irl cash is crazy by buying prime access packs, regal aya, plat bundles, cosmetics and so on and poof like that it can just be gone is insane.

Edited by (PSN)FrDiabloFr
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Until everyone, and I mean every account is a cross-save account there will always be cross-trade segregation. This forum topic hits the nail on the head...

There needs to be a timeline given for making all accounts cross-save and after that date it won't let you log into Warframe until you activate cross-save.
Granted there is still the problem plaguing Nintendo(I'm not a Switch player but can understand the frustration) with trading due to plat restrictions. Not sure how to even handle that as I don't know the behind the scenes legal problems associated with that. I'd guess as long as Nintendo players could have an option to only show Switch players in trade chat after everyone is cross-save, then it would be just like it was for them initially before cross-save was ever a thing. But for everyone else there would be no more running into problems of cross-save mismatch when trying to trade or gift items.

DE really should do a whole dev stream or at least a mini dev stream just on this issue and what they are doing to correct it moving forward.

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I don't think forcing people to switch is the best way. Just make it a persistent inbox message like Baro. Each time you login it pops up reminding you to activate cross save. I started on Xbox and now have cross save active. Trading has never been better for me. If they don't want to do it, oh well. They can be left behind, doesn't affect me at all.

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I've been getting back into Warframe recently after a long break and had these problems when trading with others recently. Kinda frustrating, but I've started warning other PSN players before inviting them to the clan dojo that I don't have cross-save enabled, saves me a bit of hassle. Although I've been getting pressured from potential traders to just link accounts so we could trade but it seems a larger portion of PSN players still haven't enabled cross-save, so I'm just waiting for DE to allow cross-platform trading as a default thing in the game or something similar before I enable cross-save. It'd be nice if at least players could reverse the decision so they could come back to their platform's market again.

I imagine that DE will eventually fix this, but it might take over half a year or more.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like to imagine DE will eventually realize that people on consoles tend to PLAY on consoles and have FRIENDS on consoles with whom they cannot trade anymore should they, one day, enable Cross Save to exchange something with a PC user.

There should be a screen-piercing cubic-capital characters WARNING for people trying to enable Cross Save like "BEWARE, SHOULD YOU ENABLE THIS, YOU WILL NO MORE ABLE TO TRADE WITH PEOPLE WHO PLAY ON YOUR USUAL PLATFORM UNLESS THEY FALL IN THIS TRAP AS WELL".

You assume you will be able effortless to keep trading with Playstation users since you play on Playstation, but that's no more true, CAUSE THIS MOVE "TRANSFORMS" YOUR  WARFRAME PLAYSTATION ACCOUNT into an "UNIV|ERSAL" account able to trade ONLY with said others "UNIVERSAL" accounts.

This is bullS#&$.

This is a mood breaking experience going beyond me and my love for this game.

I can trade no more with my friends and the whole community I used to ?

Well, let see, I'm MR L4 with tousands hours in a game I love, several thousands of platinums and stuff bought with real money to support the thing, simply said, shouldn't this come to a fix, I'm calling it quit and I'll steer clear as many ones I can from playing, goodby once beloved game.

There are no words to describe how much INFURIATING this whole situation is, sorry for the caps, but they need to realize how much this thing is WRONG and someone needs to SHOUT at them in order they can ---UNDERSTAND ---

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Why not open your closed-minded console community to the wonders of a Universal Account? Become many with the Grand Unified Experience. Embrace unification and help convert the poor wayward Tenno who cannot yet see the majesty. Lift the veil clouding their vision so that they may be a part of something much greater than just languishing on their console.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2024-03-29 at 2:39 AM, Diderius said:

Why not open your closed-minded console community to the wonders of a Universal Account? Become many with the Grand Unified Experience. Embrace unification and help convert the poor wayward Tenno who cannot yet see the majesty. Lift the veil clouding their vision so that they may be a part of something much greater than just languishing on their console.

Not getting if yours was actually sarchasm, I'd say: because "reasons".

Just a small minority of people who play on console actually play on multiple console and/or PC, this because "reasons", the vast majority of people playing on console doesn't give a big "F#" of other echosystems beyond the one they actually play onto, you make friends on your game echosystem, you keep daily relationships on it at gaming level and beyond, the way is set now the trading system deprives every console player of his rights to trade with other users on the very same platform he has friends onto, IF he falls in the Cross Save TRAP.

The big problem is there are not enough nor clear messages and WARNINGS that, once you enable Cross Save, you'll be no more able to trade with users on your platform of origin unless they enable Cross Save as well.

From a PC user perspective, well, this thing just adds people to the trading pool, from a console user it just projects you in a world of foreign people with whom you are forced to trade, if you want to, while being no more able to do so with your friends onto your platform of origin, while it seems it can give access to more people to trade with, and in fact it is true, this system, as it is, is actually destroying the Warframe experience for console users, it can be a "non problem" for lone wolfs who doesn't have friends or strict in-game relations to other people, but is making every other console users felt in this trap a fish out of water.

All your friends are on "P" or "X" and happy to play the same game togheter, even helping each other trading something ? Once you enable Cross Save you are no more on "P" or "X" echosystem, but in an universal one that becomes practically a PC one, populated by people you don't know or play with, in the meanwhile all your friends keep to be happy playing and trading each other on your platform of origin in which you still believe to be, while is no more true.

I deeply believe that, until every Warframe account will be just a "Warframe account" regardless the platform, thing that should allow a full Cross Trading, there MUST be COLOSSAL WARNINGS on the fact that, enabling Cross Save to be able to access Cross Trading with PC users WILL CUT YOU OFF TRADING WITH USERS ON YOIUR PLATFORM OF ORIGIN.

I wonder if it could be possible for DE to just one day say "Well, startiing with this update a Warframe account is a Warframe account, no matter the platform on which is created", that would solve all problems.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2024-04-10 at 7:07 PM, JackLaVaporiera said:

I wonder if it could be possible for DE to just one day say "Well, startiing with this update a Warframe account is a Warframe account, no matter the platform on which is created", that would solve all problems.


Which is exactly how they sold it to us for months until it came out! Not until enabling it did we find out it was highly limited! The sole reason I enabled it was to expand my trade reach. All these goofy "solutions" posted in this thread, arent feasible.

"Recruit everyone to Cross Save..." - GOOFY. Like every time Im trading with someone, after getting the warning, Im supposed to waste time selling the Cross Save, waiting for them to do it, and then initiate the trade of my 10p mod? Thats ridiculous.

"Sell people on the idea of Cross Save..." - GOOFY. Im a player, not a community staffer. Its not my job, nor do I have that kind of reach. Tell DE to do that. And me going around selling randoms on Cross Save isnt solving the playerbase-wide issue.

The solution is for DE to simply allow and code Cross Trade so we trade as advertised. Yes, they can do it. All they are doing, programming-wise is placing Cross Save players in the same subsets of traders as the non-Cross Save players, under trade conditions. Its basically programming so that if a cross save player is trading with a non-cross save player, on any platform; then said cross save player will become, for that purpose, a trade compatible player (in that set of players) for that transaction. In development terms, its very simple to do. Only reason its not being done is DE dont WANT to.

Edited by magusat999
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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 12/25/2023 at 2:15 PM, (PSN)Redphienix said:

I am also left curious on what impact this will have on future discount coupons as I do much prefer the market coupons vs plat coupons. If it turns out because I'm cross save I'm now forever "PC" in regards to which coupon I'm given by my login I'll be grumbling to myself, that's for sure.

Since the introduction of cross save (I have not enabled it for my PSN account), I have never gotten a market coupon again. That said, I've also NEVER received a 75%. Only 25 and 50. PRIOR to this 'feature' being introduced. 


I'm told that psn only accounts can still get market coupons, but that still leaves me out of the loop. 😢

Edited by (PSN)DrNicket
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On 1/19/2024 at 10:51 PM, devoltar said:

Where are you trying to trade? If you use trade chat, you should now be seeing PC/cross save trade chat so you should mostly get players you can trade with.


If you are using xbox clan or other private group chats, you're going to be SoL most of the time until more people switch.  

I'm on PSN and have not enabled cross save. 

Trade chat here shows everyone on PSN regardless of cross save status. This is a problem. DE has not filtered this for us. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

As the majority, I'm stuck with the trade issue ... I'm disappointed, infuriating by this bulls*** I'm a X player since many years ago.

Ho they sell the "cross save" by this sweet way "UNIVERSAL" account... I regret did this stupid thing, because I was trading with a PC player, I had the blablabla "link your Xbox account with your PC, enable cross save and do the A2F"... Yeah cool... But ... Now I can't either trade with my own clan and friends I play with for a long time ... until they maybe one day want or do the cross save... It's just a forcing way, I literally have my own eyes to cry now

As it wrote above, yeah it's a trap we all felt in... It ruins my entire game, the way we helped each other in clan with farm/trade ...


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I’ve had a similar issue but in my case I’m on Nintendo Switch and I’m not able to trade with players on the same platform. Which I find weird because I haven’t had this problem in the past and this has happened to me twice already once a couple of weeks ago when I was helping out a new player and the other back in March of this year and the message that pops up on screen says unable to initiate trade due to platform or cross save mismatch. Which does not make any sense to me and where I’m not technical savvy I’m at a loss. 

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