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Percentage of Players At L3?


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So I have a couple questions actually in addition to the subject.


Is it true that L4 is achievable? I can't tell if I'm being meme'd on or not. I heard something about possibly ''founders'' being able to be L4, if this is true what is a founder?


Is there anyway we can see how many players have achieved L3? If not.. this is why we need a good API imo. I know the topic is debatable, but I feel a developer supported API is healthy for MMO's. We would have so many cool things, if the community wanted them enough to put in the effort.

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Percentage of Players At L3?

Exact data isn't available, but you can check the latest Community Survey for this information:


11 минут назад, Colldbllue сказал:

Is it true that L4 is achievable?

Yes, but only by the founders for now.

12 минут назад, Colldbllue сказал:

what is a founder?


13 минут назад, Colldbllue сказал:

Is there anyway we can see how many players have achieved L3?


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Yes, L4 is achievable, but only for founders. The reason for that is due to Excal, Skana, and Lato Prime, which are items that were only obtainable by purchasing a founders pack when they were available for purchase 10+ years ago.

And before you ask, no, the prime items that were included in the founders packs are not obtainable, and will never be obtainable ever again in the future.

The founders packs were released when DE was struggling financially, and the founders packs were basically DEs way of asking the community to support them. The packs were advertised as being exclusive items that would never be available again. So not only could DE get into some legal trouble if they tried to sell them again, but they would also be kind of spitting in the faces of the people who supported them when they needed it the most.

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1 minute ago, Colldbllue said:

Interesting. Was this like.. during the early phases of development or something semi-recent?

It was back when Warframe was in its very early days (almost 11 years ago). The basic gist of it is that DE had the idea for warframe, but no publishers would take them on and help fund the game. Now, it has been a loooong time, but im pretty sure Steve has said how DE would have gone bankrupt if it wasn't for the the people who bought the founders packs and showing them that despite publishers disagreeing, yes Warframe could in fact be successful.

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9 minutes ago, IggySnow said:

It was back when Warframe was in its very early days (almost 11 years ago). The basic gist of it is that DE had the idea for warframe, but no publishers would take them on and help fund the game. Now, it has been a loooong time, but im pretty sure Steve has said how DE would have gone bankrupt if it wasn't for the the people who bought the founders packs and showing them that despite publishers disagreeing, yes Warframe could in fact be successful.

That's incredible. .. Amazing. I'm glad it happened! I hope they're still making okay money.

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7 hours ago, IggySnow said:

 The packs were advertised as being exclusive items that would never be available again. So not only could DE get into some legal trouble if they tried to sell them again, but they would also be kind of spitting in the faces of the people who supported them when they needed it the most.

Perhaps in 100 years from now, these items will be available again? No founder would be around to pursue legal action then. 🤔👌

Edited by Bluedragon66
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I was under the impression that founder MR would never be required to hit the newest "max" MR level. Wondering if that was misinformation I had been told, or just an oversight.

Official data on player statistics would be really cool though. It's hard to get an accurate gauge with only a community poll as where the sample data was acquired will probably always favor the more hardcore outcomes as casual players are unlikely to interact with such polls. If there's console achievements that show a percentage of how many players have reached legendary rank it might give us a better idea of true numbers.

Seeing an L3 isn't that uncommon, so I'd figure the number is fairly high.

43 minutes ago, Bluedragon66 said:

Perhaps in 100 years from now, these items will be available again? No founder would be around to pursue legal action then. 🤔👌

The only scenarios I could see a re-release happen is:

A. Tencent puts it's foot down and mandates a re-release, because money.

B. DE faces financial trouble which creates a re-release scenario.

C. An official poll for whether they want to allow a re-release is issued to Founders by DE and succeeds.

D. Founder items become tradable, but no more new ones are made/ added.

E. Like you said 100 years pass, and the game survives till said point.

F. Some insane challenge probably created by Founders alongside DE is required to be beaten for even a minuscule chance at Excal, Lato, Skana component dropping.


All very unlikely, with some more possible than others.

Edited by Sierra
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Other people already answered, but I wanted to give some slight context since you are new. 

Founders as you probably have an understanding of now, were players who supported Warframe financially pre-release. Sort of like Kickstarter pledges. Warframe is around a 10 year old game, so this is back then. Situation sort of, the Developers asking possible players of their game, to take a risk, and give them money, for something which may not be successful. In return, you will get a few exclusive items, depending on which tier of pledge/tier you pay for. 

So there are some players, aka Founders that may have a few items, that other players won't be able to get. 1-3 items specifically. Which means, usually as far as how Warframe mastery is concerned and Master Rank levels, aka MR levels, Founders will often, usually get to new MR levels before other players, depending on how many new items are added with an update. 

Before the Whispers update, the highest potential MR level for everyone, was L3. The new update gave enough items that Founders can get to L4. In January Gauss Prime update will let everyone else get to L4 as well. All MR levels are available for everyone, just Founders may get their a bit earlier sometimes. Depending on the update. Sometimes enough items are new that everyone gets there at the same time. Well potentially. 

As far as percentage of players at L3/L4? Not many, though my source is outdated. Sometime a few years ago, the DE developers gave us some stats about players and percentages. Warframe entire playerbase, and where most people are, is... I can't actually remember the exact stat. Most Warframe players MR is in the bottom half though of midpoint. Though this also needs to consider what we count as a Warframe player. Different stats from different periods may count/define differently. A lot of people download the free game, but then don't necessarily play it. Games in general as a medium has a pretty bad retention rate in general as far as players progress from start to finish or start to "endgame". Like I remember a really old Steam statistic that was talked about within Warframe, at how 60% of Steam players at that time, had never instilled a mod... Also if you are on a Warframe Forum/Reddit, generally, typically, you are already a bit different than most people, who just aren't interested enough to want to seek out places like these. So its possible your average MR of players on forums etc will be a bit higher than those we count as Warframe players (even if we automatically exclude people who download but don't actually play longer than an hour). 

If you are interested in stats, around the beginning of each year, Reb likes to give out quite a few stats around Warframe. Usually about the prior year, usage rates etc but players often ask her and DE other questions around stats, that are usually answered. Like this is probably wrong/inaccurate but I recall like 2 years ago, someone saying something like MR17 being the most populated Warframe MR level. There was another funny stat about more players being MR30 than max rank with Ventkids syndicate, etc

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10 hours ago, Sierra said:

I was under the impression that founder MR would never be required to hit the newest "max" MR level. Wondering if that was misinformation I had been told, or just an oversight.

I've never heard anything along those lines, and I'm fairly sure this isn't even the first time we've been in this spot. Unless I misremember, prior to Duviri we were similarly at a 'breakpoint' where only a founder who had everything in the game and the three founder-exclusive items could just squeak over the line from L2 into L3; Duviri introducing new weapons and the Drifter intrinsics raised the mastery cap again and then everyone could reach L3.

Now, what you might be remembering is that I'm pretty sure that they've promised founder item MR is never going to gate you on any actual game content, and they've stuck to that. (Though I know some folks got pretty upset about the Lato Prime and Skana Prime being able to use incarnon adapters, I think that's splitting hairs; the rest of us could still use the Lato Vandal and Prisma Skana for those incarnons, after all, if we didn't want to use the base models.)

But for pushing folks over a mastery rank limit? I feel like that that's nothing to fuss about; whenever it happens the next mainline update will almost certainly include some new weapons, a new Warframe, something like that. And as soon as it does, boom, now everyone else can reach that rank as well. For instance, as was noted in another post, when Gauss Prime lands in January, now everyone has enough potential things-to-get to earn enough mastery to hit L4.

Founders being able to squeak over a mastery rank line when others can't is a transient state that never lasts more than ~1-3 months.

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11 hours ago, Sierra said:

I was under the impression that founder MR would never be required to hit the newest "max" MR level. Wondering if that was misinformation I had been told, or just an oversight.

What DE has said is that founders gear isn't required to hit "the final maximum MR".
For the longest time that was looking like MR 30, but here we are with the LR ranks.

Founders (that have every piece of gear including the event limited and such) have nearly always been able to achieve the "latest" rank an update or at least a major revision before anyone else due to the founders gear, but everyone else catches up fairly shortly afterwards.

Once we reach the "end" of the game and have a "Here is the MR cap, it won't go higher" you can rest assured that everyone will be able to reach it and founders gear won't be required for that.

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5 minutes ago, Colldbllue said:

I think the MR/LR system is extremley unique and I'd like to see them keep going for a while!

Frankly, while its a good idea for the first 30 levels, once you hit L ranks its just the same tests with enemies buffed to final sortie mission levels.

I really think its time for the MR Tests to be retired beyond MR30 as they are no longer a case of testing your mastery of game mechanics and now its just a case of "do you know the cheese/meta for this case"

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6 hours ago, Packetdancer said:

Unless I misremember, prior to Duviri we were similarly at a 'breakpoint' where only a founder who had everything in the game and the three founder-exclusive items could just squeak over the line from L2 into L3; Duviri introducing new weapons and the Drifter intrinsics raised the mastery cap again and then everyone could reach L3.

Yeah I seem to remember being eager for Durviri to get to L3.  I've got everything non-founder for now, and awaiting Gauss Prime.

I imagine how many L3 players you see depends on what content you do.  I've not seen any L4 players (though those will be super rare), but I see a fair few L1-3 players, but you'd expect to find them playing the latest content grinding the same things I am.  You're probably less likely to see them in older/lower level content.

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On 2023-12-24 at 10:14 PM, IggySnow said:

o not only could DE get into some legal trouble if they tried to sell them again,

This is incorrect information that keeps being parroted by people that read the Cliff's Notes too quickly, or are just repeating bad information they've heard. There is no legal anything tied to these items only being given out back then to founders.

There is a promise. If DE ever breaks this word and makes the 3 items available to people again, then none of us would be able to trust them again. Unlike other companies that have promised to not sell loot boxes or actual pay to win items that affect PVP and then done it later on, DE have kept their word. I hope they continue to do so.

And no, I'm not a founder so I don't have them either.

As for how many LR3 players there are, it's going to be a pretty low number in the grand scheme of things. Heck, checking the Steam achievements for how many players there have achieved even rank 30 and gotten the "True Master" achievement, it's only 1.8%. That's not a full picture, but it's some kind of idea. LR3 will be way less than that.

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6 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

As for how many LR3 players there are, it's going to be a pretty low number in the grand scheme of things. Heck, checking the Steam achievements for how many players there have achieved even rank 30 and gotten the "True Master" achievement, it's only 1.8%. That's not a full picture, but it's some kind of idea. LR3 will be way less than that.

To be fair, those numbers are also skewed; they don't account for non-Steam players, and they do include basically everyone who has downloaded Warframe, tried it out, earned even just one achievement, and then decided that the game isn't for them and never logged in again; I suspect that the number of MR30 folks is higher than that if you actually included regular players, rather than folks who dipped a toe in and left. Maybe not much higher, but...

That said, I'm LR2, and the folks I play with most often are an LR2 and an LR3, with another LR2 and LR3 as runners up, followed by an LR1 and an MR28; I will readily grant that my own view of "what are the common mastery ranks" is gonna obviously be somewhat skewed.

DE themselves would likely need to give us census data to know what percentage of Warframe players who currently play with any degree of regularity are MR30 or higher.


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12 hours ago, Jorak_Falconstar said:

I really think its time for the MR Tests to be retired beyond MR30 as they are no longer a case of testing your mastery of game mechanics and now its just a case of "do you know the cheese/meta for this case"

Bold of you to suggest that tests prior to MR30 weren't also "do you know the cheese/meta for this situation?" (I mean, there's quite a few that have cheese strats folks suggest. In at least one case -- the MR28 one -- some form of cheese is almost necessary after the eximus Overguard rework a while back.)

That said, I do mostly agree with you, otherwise... though a small, snarky part of me wants to say "given how many of us in the legendary ranks play the game, I'm not sure 'can you find/utilize the cheese strat for this' isn't actually the correct way to handle the mastery rank tests." (My Kullervo build is such a cheese method for a breathtaking amount of content that I literally named the loadout "Cheese Slicer," so....)

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7 hours ago, Packetdancer said:

To be fair, those numbers are also skewed; they don't account for non-Steam players, and they do include basically everyone who has downloaded Warframe, tried it out, earned even just one achievement, and then decided that the game isn't for them and never logged in again; I suspect that the number of MR30 folks is higher than that if you actually included regular players, rather than folks who dipped a toe in and left. Maybe not much higher, but...

This is also very true and I almost said more to this effect, but I just left it as saying it was just "some kind of idea". In the absence of complete data, it was the best I could think that we actually have. Console players could chime in with cheevo info too, buy yeah, we won't have a good way to weight it for people that play at least a few times a month versus the people were immediately lost and gave up or didn't like the fast combat.

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