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Has anyone noticed how broken you can make Frost?  I don't know when the augments were added, but if you combine the overguard and the biting frost augments with enough power strength you are going to be stripping all of the armour, getting 200% cc, 200% cd and gaining overguard every cast of your 4th plus the aoe cc of freezing everything.  Yes that means you need the ability to keep your energy up, but energize works well enough for me so far.  With the setup I am running currently I am taking on more overguard than I am taking in damage every cast.  Plus the overguard is capping at 41k with the strength setup I am at currently. 


I don't know if people aren't realizing this or if everyone is just sleeping on how good Frost can be.  I must say I didn't start messing with this until I wanted to give him another look in many years. 


Let me know your thoughts. 

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I still don't get the Hype around Biting frost...it only applies to enemies susceptible to freezing...and chances are these enemies can die from your weapons on their own without any armor stripping or CC CD buff.

if only it can freeze any enemy at least for a short period...Similar to how Iron stomp functions.

but other than that, You only have Biting frost to look at big red numbers, you can't actually use on enemies that deserve the damage buff.



which brings me to the next topic, his passive...with the emerald shards restoring corrosive status to it's former effect, DE should something similar to cold for frost, for example frost gets an additional cold status stack that freezes enemies solid 

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12 minutes ago, Qorvex99 said:

I still don't get the Hype around Biting frost...it only applies to enemies susceptible to freezing...and chances are these enemies can die from your weapons on their own without any armor stripping or CC CD buff.

if only it can freeze any enemy at least for a short period...Similar to how Iron stomp functions.

but other than that, You only have Biting frost to look at big red numbers, you can't actually use on enemies that deserve the damage buff.



which brings me to the next topic, his passive...with the emerald shards restoring corrosive status to it's former effect, DE should something similar to cold for frost, for example frost gets an additional cold status stack that freezes enemies solid 

I agree. Never needed biting frost. 

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Frost has always been busted technically since they never dropped the Invulnerable from his Snow Globe so it scales forever.

It's a neat lil mod to give Frost damage output though his 1st ability can accomplish similar with Arcanes if you feel like swapping all the time.
If you could fit both and not use Viral on your weapon that would be even better.

I always liked the 1st ability buff mods. Made me sad when Saryn's was changed from Toxic to Corrosive.
"Venom Dose" = Corrosive. Great job guys.

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1 minute ago, ReddyDisco said:

A series of direct and indirect buffs to frost have made him a very good choice for all missions, i only wish the fire counterpart ember would get some qol buffs too.

for real my favorite reworks are slow and subtle ones, not an entire full blown rework that never gets touched again (wukong ember, Vauban etc.)

seems like Frost was lucky, he was consistently getting better and better with each update without actually reworking him in one go.

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He's extremely powerful thanks to all the passive buffs he has gotten more recently. I do however think Biting Frost is extremely overrated since the enemies that it effects are already without armor, so no real need for more crit stats. And versus the squishy factions/units, the extra stats are overkill when all of those squishies already just stand there to be killed without putting up a fight.

I'm currently running an umbra build together with energy nexus, stretch, streamline, primed flow and icy avalanche, with brief respite and primed sure footed. Skill 1 replaced with Nourish in that build. Allows for serious avalanche spamming. I've got another similar build but it replaces primed flow with fleeting expertise and Nourish with Breach Surge since that build is comfortable even with negative duration because both avalanche's freeze and breach surge last long enough for enemies to die before they end.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Qorvex99:

for real my favorite reworks are slow and subtle ones, not an entire full blown rework that never gets touched again (wukong ember, Vauban etc.)

seems like Frost was lucky, he was consistently getting better and better with each update without actually reworking him in one go.

absolutely! and I think the update with the cold and puncture rework completely did it for frost - since then he's a real beast. but I don't know if people are actually 'sleeping on that' because I thought this has been widely known since a while - I guess it's just not one of those 'insane buffs' that make every 3rd player choose frost in every mission like we occasionally had spikes in wukong players when he made afk-ing easy

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3 hours ago, Qorvex99 said:

for real my favorite reworks are slow and subtle ones, not an entire full blown rework that never gets touched again (wukong ember, Vauban etc.)

seems like Frost was lucky, he was consistently getting better and better with each update without actually reworking him in one go.


Reworks can have very polarizing effects while adding an augment or passive gains over time generally doesn't.
The Nyx rework for instance made me entirely stop playing her and she was my most used frame.

I wonder if they ever fixed Snow Globe allowing ground effects to bypass it.

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1 hour ago, ApoXx95 said:

absolutely! and I think the update with the cold and puncture rework completely did it for frost - since then he's a real beast. but I don't know if people are actually 'sleeping on that' because I thought this has been widely known since a while - I guess it's just not one of those 'insane buffs' that make every 3rd player choose frost in every mission like we occasionally had spikes in wukong players when he made afk-ing easy


56 minutes ago, Xzorn said:


Reworks can have very polarizing effects while adding an augment or passive gains over time generally doesn't.
The Nyx rework for instance made me entirely stop playing her and she was my most used frame.

I wonder if they ever fixed Snow Globe allowing ground effects to bypass it.

We just need a new Frost deluxe that gets rid of the bulky shoes, doesn't wear backless dresses and doesn't cost 89.9$ like seriously though.

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