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Time Travel


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Maybe something like this has been lined up w/ 1999, BUT!

I've been thinking since well before the introduction of the Drifter how it would be cool if we could replay old quests through some time travel mechanism... Now with everything introduced by the New War and Duviri Paradox, plus Whispers in the Walls now, it's a shoe-in.

Mebbe you help Loid fix the Time Tomb or Clock Coffin he had previously smashed (maybe you go back in time to stop him from smashing it in the first place... time paradox?)?

Whatever the device is, it could...

  1. be cool to replay old missions/quests at will, once completed (obviously, before completion, there may be prerequisites and qualifying criteria, oc)
  2. potentially change your light/neutral/dark stance based off decisions you've made - this could potentially be a new farm off of your creepy operator/drifter Void Ghost kids...
    1. Light Sided operators/drifters may have Dark Sided whispers/ghosts randomly attack them, like Syndicate Rivals or The Stalker
    2. Dark Sided may experience Light Sided ghosts
    3. Neutral sees no random encounter, unless prompted by another player's alignment oc (just like Syndicates)
    4. They could have cool operator/drifter drops, like weapon components, amps, and cosmetics
    5. this shouldn't require a ton of development on DE's part either - most these mechanics already exist in game
  3. be used to obtain other quest rewards, like different decoration items (Glast's Gambit, for example) and/or edit a choice you made (Space Mom's name)
    1. Just like NW rewards or similar, if you already earned a reward, I don't think you should get duplicates - 1 per account
    2. If you edit a choice though, that choice should stick until the quest is replayed yet again
  4. be used to farm drops housed specifically inside quest missions - including previous NW episodes!!
    1. For example, this could be used to revisit The Wolf of Saturn Six instead of making him a deployable item... Personally, that seems to fit better within the lore of the game at this point and could still cost NW credits
    2. I'm not saying we should be able to replay the previous NW Seasons this way...
      1. as that defeats the previously assumed purpose of them but...
      2. that would make WF/DE the first to do such a thing with seasons and...
      3. would also allow DE to remove duplicate rewards from each Seasons lineup, just for those who missed them
      4. keeps their story relevant
      5. fits under DE originally announcing they would likely revisit some episodes of NW in future iterations (something they seem to have gotten away from given, I'm assuming because of the effort required to pump out side-stories while maintaining focus on core content)
    3. ...But you could - mostly just to enhance the replayability and farmability of previous storyline elements, be they core elements or side items
  5. really flex on how bizarre and powerful the Void and the Tenno's abilities truly are... Like, Tenno are rapidly approaching/exceeding the power level of other franchise's beings... Like Jedi, Space Marines, Spartans (easily), Saiyans, etc


In short, I'd been thinking about how we could replay quests in the thread of the lore but with no way or idea how it may appear in Warframe... This is no longer the case given the main story has introduced all kinds of concepts which make the choices we've made moot (outside of the novelty of experiencing it for the first time - something you only get once)

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oh! the Device could also be used to render various zones "as they used to be" - for example: Fortuna prior to the New War/Narmer

it could also be used to have a mission in which choices you've previously made impact what happens on that mission... Like if you haven't done any side/warframe quests when you get there, none of the characters introduced in those quests will be either... The time travel device could be used for players to reconfigure such things

from a software/mechanical standpoint - basically give players a UI which allows them to:
-replay a quest
-change the outcome of those quests
-revert to previous game states/instances

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The way I'm hoping the story will go is a sort of "stop the future" kind of storyline. 

Think of it like the end of the current Fortnite storyline where one of the (few remaining) characters went back in time to the original Fortnite to change the end event, which basically stopped the events of chapters 2-4 (or at the very least changed them significantly) and created chapter 5. 

What if we get a storyline where at the end, no matter what, The Man in the Wall wins because he escaped the void into the Lotus, and then we have to go back into time, stop Ballas/Narmer from taking over the system, save the Lotus, and then stop the Man in the Wall from escaping to prevent this "inevitable outcome."


Edited by (XBOX)Upl0rdYT
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15 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

What if we get a storyline where at the end, no matter what, The Man in the Wall wins because he escaped the void into the Lotus, and then we have to go back into time, stop Ballas/Narmer from taking over the system, save the Lotus, and then stop the Man in the Wall from escaping to prevent this "inevitable outcome

Sounds like plot of Warframe 1999

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Time travel isn't even necessary, really. There is no canon reason we keep repeating missions or killing the same bosses over and over, something that's been possible far longer than time travel has ever been proposed. So there really is no reason we couldn't have been able to replay old content either.

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2 hours ago, Pakaku said:

Time travel isn't even necessary, really. There is no canon reason we keep repeating missions or killing the same bosses over and over, something that's been possible far longer than time travel has ever been proposed. So there really is no reason we couldn't have been able to replay old content either.

Storyline events that evolve the story, created forks or changed the overall layout is a great reason to time travel. As it stands now, DE has laid some bread crumbs with how they released their trailers and how some dialogue is set. 

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

The way I'm hoping the story will go is a sort of "stop the future" kind of storyline. 

Think of it like the end of the current Fortnite storyline where one of the (few remaining) characters went back in time to the original Fortnite to change the end event, which basically stopped the events of chapters 2-4 (or at the very least changed them significantly) and created chapter 5. 

What if we get a storyline where at the end, no matter what, The Man in the Wall wins because he escaped the void into the Lotus, and then we have to go back into time, stop Ballas/Narmer from taking over the system, save the Lotus, and then stop the Man in the Wall from escaping to prevent this "inevitable outcome."


you had me vomiting at Fortnite, but the second half gives an opportunity for a New War Do-over, so I'm in support of that. 

3 hours ago, Venyxos said:

I'm not saying we should be able to replay the previous NW Seasons this way...

literally all DE has to do is put all the cosmetics from previous seasons into the Nightwave shop for Creds. that way everybody gets a chance at them, and also has a reason to go for prestige ranks. plus it frees up rank slots for new items only. everybody wins.

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Posted (edited)
On 2023-12-30 at 3:03 PM, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

The way I'm hoping the story will go is a sort of "stop the future" kind of storyline. 

Think of it like the end of the current Fortnite storyline where one of the (few remaining) characters went back in time to the original Fortnite to change the end event, which basically stopped the events of chapters 2-4 (or at the very least changed them significantly) and created chapter 5. 

What if we get a storyline where at the end, no matter what, The Man in the Wall wins because he escaped the void into the Lotus, and then we have to go back into time, stop Ballas/Narmer from taking over the system, save the Lotus, and then stop the Man in the Wall from escaping to prevent this "inevitable outcome."


On 2023-12-30 at 3:19 PM, Myscho said:

Sounds like plot of Warframe 1999

On 2023-12-30 at 5:35 PM, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Storyline events that evolve the story, created forks or changed the overall layout is a great reason to time travel. As it stands now, DE has laid some bread crumbs with how they released their trailers and how some dialogue is set. 

On 2023-12-30 at 5:42 PM, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

you had me vomiting at Fortnite, but the second half gives an opportunity for a New War Do-over, so I'm in support of that. 

literally all DE has to do is put all the cosmetics from previous seasons into the Nightwave shop for Creds. that way everybody gets a chance at them, and also has a reason to go for prestige ranks. plus it frees up rank slots for new items only. everybody wins.

That's the thing - they could basically do anything they want w/ the whole Time-Space Paradoxes presented by the most recent content - could make for some very interesting scenarios/mission types on top of recycling existing content lots of us would love to re-explore - especially through the lens of hindsight! Like, new content makes many of us want to revisit old content now that we know where the story went... I'll notice all kinds of "ah-ha!" moments watching friends play old quests. Not to mention, I oftentimes miss various lines in the middle of missions/combat; or worse yet, accidentally skip lines, cutscenes, etc - forcing me to find it on YouTube and watch someone else do it. Or even just seeing what the characters say given other choices 😕


On 2023-12-30 at 3:30 PM, Pakaku said:

Time travel isn't even necessary, really. There is no canon reason we keep repeating missions or killing the same bosses over and over, something that's been possible far longer than time travel has ever been proposed. So there really is no reason we couldn't have been able to replay old content either.

Not true - New War and the Duviri Paradox have the operator/drifter co-existing in the present together in spite of being from different timelines altogether (plus, from different points on their timeline)... That's the whole thing w/ the Void - time/space/distance isn't really a thing there. Shoot, the most recent content has folks returning to the year 1999...... Basically as Trent Reznor the Commando, lol.

⚠️ Basically, what makes the Void, and the Tenno's ability to control it, so uniquely powerful is not only does it allow the Tenno to become 'aware' of their infinite selves...
(who may have infinite forms, which is why they let you change everything about your appearance at will without it changing who you are as a Player-Character)
...But for them to collaborate and even share their realities - like, once a Tenno contacts another copy of themselves, anywhere in time-space, they can even share an inventory!

This is why we may kill the same bosses over and over (even ignoring things like cloning, transference, and continuity; or simple sheer numbers and scale) - we're effectively doing it in infinite realities that only the Tenno may share.

On top of that, all of us play as "the Chosen Operator" from our own perspective, with everyone else in the game as "a regular Tenno Operator" - we all know we're the Chosen Operator in our own "universe" but also know every other "regular Tenno" (other players) are the "Chosen Operator" in theirs... We can also communicate with one another instantaneously, and even potentially instance ourselves into each other's universe to reinforce one another...

Concepts like these raise questions like, "what of the universe's in which we perished, or didn't exist? where the Tenno never came to be at all?" or "Are their evil versions of me? Like, not just 'man in the wall' Wish/Temu copies of me, but actual versions of me which were gleefully loyal to the Orokin? Are they the Stalker?" and so on

Plus, there's things like timeless loops - like what the Drifter's in the Duviri Paradox experience. DE could do aaanything they want w/ Warframe rn, and it would technically make sense. It could be utter nonsense and we'd all have to be like, "welp, the void" 🤷🏽‍♂️

Edited by Venyxos
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