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Post things you miss that arent a thing anymore.

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On 2024-01-09 at 6:52 PM, StrawberrySparrow said:

The old Corpus tileset


On 2024-01-09 at 11:02 PM, Sierra said:

Those breakable windows on Corpus space tilesets that would decompress the room. (If it sucked enemies out into space it would've been perfection)


Blast status knocking enemies down.

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1.) Old Blast procs. The old Blast procs were probably ok at best for most people but it did have its uses with its knockdowns as a form of crowd control. Its current procs are kind of trash with its accuracy reduction since the enemies are living aimbots.

2.) Melee weapon channeling. Its damage increase and energy-hungriness made it a tad useless, but I really loved its aesthetics.

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On 2024-01-10 at 12:34 AM, ECCHOSIERRA said:

When i was very new to the game and didn't know how to mod properly the stalker used to be more intimidating. Some of the sentients used to be rediculous too lol. 

Oh boy, I remember when I was doing the second dream as a newbie who only cared for the quests I spent almost 15 minutes taking out that a low-level sentient battalyst. 

I really miss the music that plays when you are loading into the mission. I believe they removed this when Arbitrations first came out because sometimes it bugs out and plays for the entirety of the mission. Here it is if you don't know what it sounds like.


Edited by DrivaMain
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Oh there's so many things.

  • Mission Selection Dioramas; added a lot of personality to the game seeing your squad posed doing the objective with epic music.
  • Old Music ; appreciated its simplicity and emphasis on more introspective & liminal emotions. And I like the old rank-up music a lot better
  • Most of the old sound design, particularly some vocals (Crewmen, Moas, Corrupted), Weapons (Moa's Gun, Braton, etc), old Warframe Ability sounds, etc.
  • Some of the old HUD effects & designs.
  • Old Corpus Ship Tileset; the Jupiter Rework was pretty good, there's only a few tiles I miss (especially the old starting tiles), but most of the new Corpus Ship Tileset just feels too different. And the new Defense Tile sucks by comparison to its predecessor. (Though the new one is better for Interception)
  • The Old-Old Rescue Brig & Sabotage Reactor Tiles on Corpus & Grineer Ships, from before the reworks.
  • Elevators, to an extent; I liked the verticality, but waiting sucked. Might've been a better compromise to have alternate ways to get around alongside the elevator tiles.
  • Old Jackal Boss, to an extent; I like the new mechanics, but the recolor was unnecessary and the arena is too well lit and less foreboding.
  • Darker Environment Lighting & Tone. Looking back on old footage, you also see missions randomized with these color filters that they don't do anymore. It'd be nice to see a return, if toned back a bit to be less saturated, just for visual variety.
  • Infestation Outbreaks affecting the lighting on Tilesets
  • Cryogenic Leak or Battle Damaged mission modifiers for Ship Tilesets. (happens in Sabotage missions now, but they used to just be a thing a mission spawned with)
  • Mid-Mission Faction Ambushes ; kind of like 'ignore your original objective' stuff, sometimes a different faction would take over the rest of a mission. It'd be cool to see more of this, like getting caught mid-mission in some inter-faction fighting (ie one Faction raiding another's Ship, or possibly catching a deal going down between the Corpus & Grineer)
  • Some missing or changed Tiles from older Tilesets, like the River on the Earth Tileset (was used a lot for Scarlet Spear, haven't seen it since), the Mutalist Incursion battle damage to the Corpus Outpost Tileset, the Corpus Ship Portal Hanger leading to an Infested Ship during Infestation Outbreaks, and that Orokin Tower tile with the platforms and pool below you'd find the Capture Target in.
  • Some of the Events I was around for, like 'Ties that Bind' and Alad V's whole Mutalist Arc (especially Suspicious Shipments & Tubemen of Regor).
  • Tower & Derelict Keys; making it a limited opportunity to visit these mysterious Orokin places helped sell the mystique.
  • Grineer Bosses speaking in their own language instead of English. Was always hoping Corpus Bosses would've been changed to also speak their own language
  • Pre-Second Dream Stalker.
  • Wall Running & Vaulting; the new physics are superior, but the old animations are superior.
  • Aesthetics of Melee Channeling
  • Original Main Menu & Starchart; I understand the practical of why it is on the ship now, but absolutely miss that old screen: its calm-before-the-storm music, tranquil vibe, and elegant minimalism.
  • Community & Friend Circle In-Jokes about the game based on a lot of cut features and mechanics


There's probably so many more things too, but that's an extensive enough list.
Sucks it all only lives in memory now...

Edited by Krion112
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"God this mac is so CHEESY" (what i imagined classic vor saying in Grineer before he got englished to "You're making this too easy!"
another upvote for old Corpus Ship design
Tactical alerts that had mini stories like Darvo making his pappy mad ect.
100% status Strun wraith/Brakk/tigris cause it was fun seeing so many procs.
Sonicor space program

Bosses that respected your time and didnt take forever (Looking at you New Ambulas - i know it got reduced recently but before it was a tragedy)
Old Zenistar with Old Blast status to act as a area denial tool to defend interception points
CC frames being more relevant (I still love you radial disarm Loki and Nyx)
Wall running
Coptering (i know it was broken but it was fun)

Things i dont miss, but i remember:
Stamina system for wall running and sprinting
the pain of the old mod enhancement system (so many fusion cores)
The pain of having to progress to Saturn for Orokin Cells just to build rhino back when i first started (nothing like farming all the parts for a frame and not being able to build it cause you havn't done 4 full planets ahead of where you got him - i didn't know about taxi services back then XD)



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6 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

Melee Energy Channeling I really miss that, back in the day you could sneak around necking everyone and they'd just disappear as they are decompiled to nothingness, the only thing that does it now is the Arca Plasma shotgun when you kill an enemy.


1 hour ago, Sojufueled said:

Channeling. Evidently I am the only person who misses it. I loved watching them get sucked into the void and it helped a lot with stealth.

Melee Channeling was awesome.
Then there were two. tFawf.gif

Edited by Slayer-.
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