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Eclipse Feedback Megathread


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The toggle is so objectively the best option I'm kinda surprised you even asked. Especially since it's also the least work for you to do.

It's not just that eclipse is inconsistent with how it interacts with light. It's that the buff is never persistent because nobody is ever standing in one spot for any prolonged period of time in this game. This also makes the light pillar idea terrible. We wanna move. The game wants us to move. Ecplipse's buffs being reliant on light level is the antithesis of that. It's a pointless gimmick that's actively detrimental to the gameplay.

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Make it a toggle please for the love of god cause not every map especially the new whisper in the walls map count bright well lit room as the damage buff and it sucks please make it a toggle whatever condition you wanna give it fine there a give and take but make it to where we can use it when we want it not when there possible light around

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Changing Eclipse to a Tap/Hold ability to let the player decide on the buff they want is, of course, the easiest way to resolve the issue. For the helmith the bonuses could simply be reduced, similar to subsumed Roar. I think these are perfectly reasonable options.


That being said, a somewhat more in-depth rework to Mirage would also be somewhat nice. Getting some interplay between her abilities could be pretty fun, since she's pretty old.. And that interplay could self-balance the subsumed version of Eclipse by locking some functionality behind another skill; similar to how subsumed Pillage can't make use of the Blazing Pillage augment due to no other frame having access to Haven. Probably not worth the extra dev time though.

Edited by BongoSkaggs
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I think the baddest thing about mirage's Eclispe, is that you have only damage or only damage reduction, i think they should work together in the way that you always have the full benefit of Eclispe. the change that i propose is to make Eclipse like the following :

- Eclispe now work with both at the same time, when you stand somewhere in the middle of the light spectrum you have half of the 2 bonus, and when it become lightier the weapon bonus increase and decrease the damage reduction, when you go in darker place, you loose weapon bonus et increase the damage reduction.

another thing is that without her augment, Eclipse has no synergy with her kit, so, if the energy color is closer to light, when you active her clone and her others abilities, they emit light, so when you get close to it, you get more bonus damage, but if you have your energy color is closer to dark, when you active your clone or her other abilities, standing near them will grant more damage reduction.

(and maybe her 4 gives full benefit of both when underneath it ? maybe new augment )

this way it will be better on Mirage, but still quite random when using it as a helminth, so you wont need to nerf it with helminth


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I would like for eclipse to become a toggle ability that fluctuates! What I mean by that is, imagine an actual solar eclipse, the moon slowly encroaches and then the full eclipse happens and then slowly goes back to normal, So I would like to see a sort of trend chart format, it ramps up in the toggled choice buff and then peaks, then goes down, for helminth this would simply just be number nerfed by making it less strong than it would be on mirage. That way you kinda don't really need to have a completely different system for how it has to be used both regular versus subsumed. I hope that made any sense.


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Having it be a toggle/ a tap cast for one of the buffs and a hold cast for the other, with whatever buff is newer cancelling the old buff sounds like the best option.

Even if the overall numbers are lower or whatever else, it would make it much more reliable and unambiguos of an ability, and depending on how it's managed could even lead to some visual spice, like mirage and/or her clones glowing or being shrouded in a darkness aura depending on the buff.

Lastly, in a fast paced shooter where you're all over the place having to camp at spot x for the buff that you want kinda throws you out of the loop, and the fun of jumping around being a space ninja is kinda being replaced with you just looking at places where it's either dark or bright to get the build you want to work properly.

While the concept of the buff adjusting to the surrounding seems really nice and really thematic, having the ability be a toggle just fits the overall game and game design better in my Opinion.

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I may be in the minority, given a lot of the initial response is in favour of 'toggle' or 'tap/hold', but Eclipse is one of the few Helminth options that has an innate synergistic function that allows it to operate better in some builds than others - the fact that its buff is snapshot whilst benefiting from effects which grant invisibility. I find that to be an inherently interesting function that makes it seem as though it can be considered an unofficial extension of those kits that have access to that functionality.

I would love to have that functionality preserved, whatever path is taken.

To that end, I lean towards the 'light pillars' design, with a radial fall-off on effect strength the further you are from those light pillars, yet still allowing for invisibility effects to snapshot the effect's current level for their duration.

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You should make it a Toggle and just reduce the damage or duration on the helminth.
Or you could do some exilus mods for your warframe, weapons or pets that makes the recipient give off a glow based on their energy colour that can activate the max boost of eclipse depending on how levelled the mod is.

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1. Hold / Tap for changing buffs.

2. Maybe add Moon Crescent to second buff - in first we can see Sun, but maybe in second add Moon (analogously)? I know that there are supposed to be two separate icons to make it easier to recognize an active buff, but still, since one has the Sun in it, the other could have a Crescent Moon.

I did a quick edit:


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Transform it either into a toggle or a Tap/Hold ability and remove the Light requirement completely.

Even if it has to be rebalanced it would be way better than what it is now.

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Ability rework idea:

Tap: Create a stationary pillar of darkness (25-30m diameter?). Casting Slight of Hand while active creates a smaller bubble of darkness (10-15m diameter?). Darkness buff occurs only within created dark areas, whereas the light buff works only outside said areas. When outside dark areas, light buff operates at 50 (75?)% effectiveness. 

Hold: Create a stationary pillar of light (25-30m diameter?). Casting Slight of Hand while active creates a smaller bubble of light (10-15m diameter?). Light buff occurs only within created light areas, whereas the darkness buff works only outside said areas. When outside light areas, darkness buff operates at 50 (75?)% effectiveness.

Created areas of light/darkness remain for a certain duration (20-25s?)

Tapping the ability will cancel will remove all created areas and end the ability, allowing it to be recast.


Basically, let us create our own areas of light and darkness, and make that synergise with Slight of Hand.

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I do like the idea of the light lasers interaction, as a mirage main I would love that kind of interaction, just to have a little fun when using the ability.
Toggle is good and all but in my personal taste,  it just feels a little too dull. 

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