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mission and warframe classifications: a personal project of mine


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so, i've been working on my arsenal for a while out of sheer endgame boredom. i now have separate loadouts for every frame (except caliban and loki, used their slots for my "random stuff" loadout and my "eidolon hunter" loadout)

originally i wanted to label each of them on their steel path performance, but after some preliminary testing, i realized this was... not very useful since different frames are good at different things.

so instead, i looked at all the available mission types and categorized them by their type of playstyle, i intend to run each of my loadouts through one mission in each category and classify them by which one they performed best at. 

the classifications i came up with are:

static clearing: these are missions where you stay at a static point for a longer time. defense, excavation, mobile defense and netracells all fall under this.

mobile clearing: this are missions where you have to kill enemies while staying on the move. defection, exterminate and hijack fall under this.

bossrush: these are missions where you have to rush to kill a single tough enemy. capture, disruption and assassination fall under this.

endurance: these are missions where your primary objective is to survive while maintaining a high kill rate. survival, the arena's and sanctuary onslaught fall under this.

sabotage-type: these are missions where your objective has nothing to do with clearing enemies. assault, sabotage and volatile fall under this.

sneaky: these are missions where avoiding detection is important. rescue and spy fall under this

multi-point static defense: these are missions where you are defending multiple static points at once. interception is the best example of this.


for my test suite i will likely be using defense, exterminate, the khela de thaym boss fight, survival, interception, assault and spy (all on steel path). 


what do you all think of labeling loadouts like this? what are your predictions for the results? 

i'll likely make another post with the results once im done testing all 53 of my loadouts! 

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I think its interesting at the very least. I generally like human nature and the brain and why and how we classify and create categorisations, the utility, the pros, the cons, and everything else involved. That being said, despite that, I don't really use Warframes load out features. I also don't really have strong opinions on how you are structuring yours, other than I do find it sincerely interesting as already noted. 

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I'd have problems classifying my loadouts based on categories, since most of my loadouts have 3 seperate configs for a frame. Which extends their usage across several modes. My Frost Prime for instance would clock in as static, bossrush, endurance, sabotage and multi-point. The only thing he cant do is get around fast or avoid spy crap. Though I would likely still bring him to certain mobile clearing missions, like defection, since S#&$ that is frozen wont attack anyone and you can place conveniant globes at chocke points to slow down enemies that chase.

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I find it more convenient to name individual configs based on what helminth ability is present. 

I already know what frames and builds excel in certain mission types and I don't want to cycle through every config to find the build I'm looking for.

Like if I'm taking Wisp into a survival I'll want grendel or xaku config, disruption I want styanex config, archon hunt is rhino and spy I want config with perspicacity labeled hack. 

With 50+ frames and 6 configs each there is no way I'm going to remember what order all my configs are. 

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10 hours ago, SDGDen said:

what do you all think of labeling loadouts like this? what are your predictions for the results? 

for static clearing, that's the territory of defense-oriented frames like Frost, Vauban and Gara. we all know who the obvious picks for Defense and Excavation are. however I suppose if you were to judge based on killing efficiency alone rather than the ability to defend the objective AND kil enemies, that would change things a bit.

for mobile clearing, I'd say frames Like Xaku, Equinox, Gyre and Titania: all frames that allow you to kill without having to stop moving would come out on top.

for Boss Rush, I suppose frames with a weapon-buffing ability like Rhino or Chroma would be top picks, because you kill the boss quicker, and also since they are both durable enough to tank the boss' attacks. while other frames might require a bit of ducking and weaving, these frames let you just sit there and shoot if you want to.

Endurance would be mainly focused on tanking loadouts, taking punishment more than giving it, which is where frames like Revenant, Hildryn and Trinity can shine. 

Sabotage would basically allow any loadout to be eficient if you're gonna ignore enemies, but I suppose for maximum efficiency, you'd take a frame with a speed ability, like Volt or Gauss, or again, Titania.

for stealth, there's really onyl two picks, Loki and Ivara. I guess you can count Ash too, but IMO his stealth is more centred around being used for offense than sneaking, and any frame with Shade can arguably be stealth viable. unfortunatley stealth is kind of a joke in this game, and you can also Stealth perfectly well with Operator/Drifter.

for multi point defense, I would argue Wisp or Protea are quite well suited to this, just as they would be in a proper Defense, because they have very helpful deployables and are quite versatile overall. 

in truth though, just about all of the warframes are capable of fulfilling multiple roles quite easily, the ones I listed are more like "primary" roles: where you know this frame will be great specifically for the mode you're playing, but maybe not quite as viable if say, your capture turns into an exterminate or whatever. for the vast majority of content, if you know how to use it, you can get away with just about anything, even if it's not quite built for the mode you're playing. e.g. there's no reason Excalibur can't be great at Defense, even though he only has CC and DPS abilities, you just have to make sure you keep blinding and cutting down enemies before they can start hitting the pod.

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