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Proposal to add Primary/Secondary Attacks

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Note: My apologies for ANY typos/errors


A brief introduction:

Hello, DE. My name is SignetOfChrist. For years, I've had suggestions for Warframe to improve its QOL (that if I were a modder/PC player, I'd implement in my personal game sessions). Forum users: please be respectful of these posts. I would rather speak to DE directly, but as long as players are respectful/kind, I welcome their input on my suggestions.

I dont play Warframe like most of the playerbase. Despite how DE may have intended, I enjoy playing my Warframe game tactically as must as it allows despite its looter shooter genre.

I come from a background of adoring Full Spectrum Warrior; Splinter Cell. 

1.) Please add a mod that speeds up Finisher Attack animations exclusively (apart from affecting melee attack speed). This way melee attack speed can be modded apart from finisher attack speed instead of being forced together. 

2.) Please make finisher attack prompts realistic when executed on an enemy. Please reward a player for executing a finisher attack by guaranteeing that the finisher attack will actually nuetralize/kill the target regardless of enemy level. Reward stealth please. Run & Gun players' gameplay is unaffected.

Having to repeatedly snap an enemy's neck (for example) is needlessly immersion breaking. It is not a "finisher" if the enemy remains alive afterword.💯

3.) Please add a roadie run animation for the player to use while in a crouch stance. They would be able to "silently" run while crouched. So players could use parkour plus have a stealthier option to crouch run/roadie run/ninja run. Remember: ninjas play free? Run &Gun gameplay is NOT affected by this. 

4.) To accompany #3, please add sound detection to the enemy AI for when players are running around. As is, a player can run around aimlessly and the enemy AI ignores it, even when players ate running around directly behind them (the AI)! Please fix this QOL issue. Run & Gun players are NOT impacted by this. It would encourage stealth gameplay for those who enjoy it, nothing more.

4.) Please remove the double attack animation from being the first attack with sparring weapons. Please put the animation instead as last in the combo chain (as an alternative). Why?

It is time consuming to have 2 punches occur when attacking an enemy and/or when opening loot containers. Why are 2 punches needed when an enemy dies in 1 hit/a container opens in 1 hit? Animations would be quicker if the 2-hit attack was deliberate at the end of the combo chain. Personally, I'd use sparring weapons if this 1-2 punch animation was a choice left up to the individual player's preference. 

5.) Please allow players to customize sparring attack combo animations from a list of pre-rendwred moves that DE approves. This way, DE wouldn't have to create new combos (unless thdy wanted to). I prefer to use kick animations myself in lieu of short range punches (for example). Would you implement a system that allows a players to select what individual attacks suits them for sparring equipment/fist weapons please?

6.) Please create a Cephslon Simarus warframe that is an amorphous mimic akin to the T-1000. Simply put: the warframe can scan a target and can become a "mimic" of that enemy for a set duration set by an ability timer. Players could be this warframe and in effect, play as enemy NPCs as their warframe power! Imagine fighting the Corpus as a Corpus Crewman (mimic) for 30 secs to 1 minute and then turning into an Infested Healer grabbing other infested (think a void mission setting)! It sould be a vehicle for players to simply be various NPC units (if they so desire) as well as a way to scan all things in combat w/o needing a sentinel, charges, nor a specific weapon, because that warframe IS that weapon!

7.) Please allow both primary/secondary weapons to perform simple melee attacks in order that players can use the weapons themselves to open loot containers by bashing them/attack enemies with them. A player could then start a mission with ONLY a primary/secondary and use said weapon to hit enemies & open loot containers w/o needing to bring a melee weapon/nor have to use an operator nor warframe abilities/powers to open loot containers. Give primary/secondary weapons melee tool usability.

Note: I welcome only respectful criticism/feedback. Please DE, take notice of this post, and thank you to those who've kindly users whom have read my post!












Edited by (PSN)SignetOfChrist
Adding important note
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27 minutes ago, (PSN)SignetOfChrist said:

I would rather speak to DE directly

DE doesn't read General Discussion


EDIT: & after reading your post, this is the exact reason they don't

Edited by -Krism-
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1 minute ago, -Krism- said:

DE doesn't read General Discussion

Way to crush their dreams

Just so OP isn’t withering at the sudden realization… just go to feedback and copy paste it. Then edit this post and change the title to “Deleted,” and delete the contents. 
DE reads the feedback section (so they say)

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23 minutes ago, Aruquae said:

Way to crush their dreams

Just so OP isn’t withering at the sudden realization… just go to feedback and copy paste it. Then edit this post and change the title to “Deleted,” and delete the contents. 
DE reads the feedback section (so they say)

To be fair a lot of their ideas won't gain traction there because either:
A) Not feasible to implement
B) No possible return on the investment made, e.g. not enough people would notice or care for it to be worth DE devoting resources to.


As to the OP:

51 minutes ago, (PSN)SignetOfChrist said:

5.) Please allow players to customize sparring attack combo animations from a list of pre-rendwred moves that DE approves. This way, DE wouldn't have to create new combos (unless thdy wanted to). I prefer to use kick animations myself in lieu of short range punches (for example). Would you implement a system that allows a players to select what individual attacks suits them for sparring equipment/fist weapons please?

I highly doubt that this is even possible in warframe, and it depends on how combos are implemented in the engine.

Further there would be no realistic way to balance this, after all what's to stop someone from making every attack in a combo just a high damage multiplier strike, therefore making the base damage of their attacks up to 400% stronger?
Or building a combo that is just a series of forced procs of some sort?

This would take way too much work to even begin to implement, and wouldn't really be balanceable.

And further it would just annoy a ton of players if this was limited to sparring weapons, even if that was only temporarily at launch.

51 minutes ago, (PSN)SignetOfChrist said:

7.) Please allow both primary/secondary weapons to perform simple melee attacks in order that players can use the weapons themselves to open loot containers by bashing them/attack enemies with them. A player could then start a mission with ONLY a primary/secondary and use said weapon to hit enemies & open loot containers w/o needing to bring a melee weapon/nor have to use an operator nor warframe abilities/powers to open loot containers. Give primary/secondary weapons melee tool usability

And what keybind will this replace/use?
Especially on controllers.

What button are you giving up to bash people with the butt of your gun instead of doing a quick melee attack?

This would only be remotely feasible if it occurred only if you didn't have a melee weapon equipped.

And even then it would only see very limited use....so what would be the point when 99.999999% of players ignore it or even know it exists as an option?

51 minutes ago, (PSN)SignetOfChrist said:

6.) Please create a Cephslon Simarus warframe that is an amorphous mimic akin to the T-1000. Simply put: the warframe can scan a target and can become a "mimic" of that enemy for a set duration set by an ability timer. Players could be this warframe and in effect, play as enemy NPCs as their warframe power! Imagine fighting the Corpus as a Corpus Crewman (mimic) for 30 secs to 1 minute and then turning into an Infested Healer grabbing other infested (think a void mission setting)! It sould be a vehicle for players to simply be various NPC units (if they so desire) as well as a way to scan all things in combat w/o needing a sentinel, charges, nor a specific weapon, because that warframe IS that weapon!

And what would be the point?
What benefit would you have as a crewman that you don't have as a warframe with actual abilities?

While this isn't the worst warframe concept I've seen on the forums, I just don't see it being that interesting, fun, or worth DE developing a lot of time to ironing all the kinks out...or dealing with all the rage on the forums when some unit isn't copyable due to not really being playable.

Then there is the whole feasibility aspect of this, and how many bugs this would cause...and I just can't see it being worth the time honestly.

A ton of potential bugs to what?  Have scanning done for you without needing to use a piece of gear or sentinel?
I mean it would only help when a new enemy was introduced and wouldn't be useful to even complete simaris daily scans because you need to target the nodes on it specifically.



I'm not going to comment on the other points as either they fall into the category of:
-And what would be the point
-This would cause a lot of knock-on effects that could potentially cause a lot of other issues and would hardly be consistent

Edited by Tsukinoki
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56 minutes ago, (PSN)SignetOfChrist said:

by guaranteeing that the finisher attack will actually nuetralize/kill the target regardless of enemy level.

Already had this on a weapon class, it was removed and the mod that made it possible was reworked, so likely not coming back.

57 minutes ago, (PSN)SignetOfChrist said:

7.) Please allow both primary/secondary weapons to perform simple melee attacks in order that players can use the weapons themselves to open loot containers by bashing them/attack enemies with them. A player could then start a mission with ONLY a primary/secondary and use said weapon to hit enemies & open loot containers w/o needing to bring a melee weapon/nor have to use an operator nor warframe abilities/powers to open loot containers. Give primary/secondary weapons melee tool usability.

Wouldnt mind this option if a melee is not equipped. Would like slam "attacks" added to this aswell as an option to land quickly if no melee is equipped. Could be a quick landing, and instead of ending in a slam it would end with a short roll for a smooth landing.

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-finishers used to be a guaranteed kill in the past with Daggers modded With Covert Lethality, but it just led to frames like Excalibur and Inaros, who cen easily set up finishers, to cheese any level enemies. I get that an obviously lethal move should result in a kill realistically, but warframe doesn't really partake in realism much, as you've likely noticed. Furthermore this game has never intended to be realistic from the outset and the devs have no interest in adding realism, besides cherry-picked things like lighting etc.

Stealth is also something they're not invested in much, since there arent really any modes outside of Spy where it's beneficial. Not everybody likes stealth gameplay, especially when its thrust upon the player, and the vast majority of players prer a guns blazing approach. Even if DE wanted to cater to Stealth fans, i'm not sure there's enough of them out there to warrant the extra devwork it'd take.. And this is without even mentioning the AI, which would need a total rework for any sort of stealth gameplay to be viable.

Custom combos would be hard to balance and would just lead to a meta of only using the highest multiplier combos and combos with guaranteed status. It would be far more likely to reduce variation in melee than increase it.

T-1000 frame would be neat, but an absokute nightmare to program, plus it doesn't sound like it'd be all that strong.

I wouldn't mind quick melee with guns being a thing, especially spearguns, and i'd love a musket primary with a working bayonet for use in quick melee, but that's purely a personal wish, i can't recall seeing anyone else mention wanting this, so it's another idea that's kind dead in the water sadly.

Still, your ideas aren't *wrong* per se, they would just be a lot more work for not a large benefit, other than appeasing a microscopic portion of the community.


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