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Faction Mods


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I think These mods and their primed variants if applicable should be Exilus mods

All Faction damage mods 

Making these exilus mods would allow them to be used for their utility without potentially having to sub them in for a mod that may benefit the build way more then the faction damage mod does as the faction damage mods are only beneficial vs 1 specific enemy faction there are also not that many exilus mods for weapons thar are really worth using


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Damage is typically not utility however these mods are an acception to that as they are only effective aginst a single enemy faction and extra specific faction damage mods are a utility as their use is situational at best (Bane of Infested, Cleanse Infested, Smite Infested, and Expel Infested are only useful vs the Infested enemy faction) this applies to all the equivalent mods for the Grineer, Corpus, Corrupted, amd Murmur. This is why they are utility mods where as mods such Hornet Strike increase your weapons damage against all enemy factions not only 1


Those mods belong in the exilus slot as they are otherwise relatively useless as there are many mods that are way more of a benefit to weapon builds that are also good accross the board and most of the current weapon exilus mods are rather useless or might be better then a mod that only provides a benefit against a single enemy faction.


If faction damage is not utility and should not be exilus then you are saying that exilus mods for warframes should not increase ability strength as that is technically the stat that increaases the damage for the warframe abilities that deal damage

Edited by (XBOX)MidlifeGamerAce
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1 hour ago, (XBOX)MidlifeGamerAce said:

Damage is typically not utility however these mods are an acception to that as they are only effective aginst a single enemy faction and extra specific faction damage mods are a utility as their use is situational at best (Bane of Infested, Cleanse Infested, Smite Infested, and Expel Infested are only useful vs the Infested enemy faction) this applies to all the equivalent mods for the Grineer, Corpus, Corrupted, amd Murmur. This is why they are utility mods where as mods such Hornet Strike increase your weapons damage against all enemy factions not only 1

Those mods belong in the exilus slot as they are otherwise relatively useless as there are many mods that are way more of a benefit to weapon builds that are also good accross the board and most of the current weapon exilus mods are rather useless or might be better then a mod that only provides a benefit against a single enemy faction.

Keep dreaming. Everyone using these mods or knows how they work (including developers) understand that they are the polar opposite of an Exilus Mod.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)MidlifeGamerAce said:

If faction damage is not utility and should not be exilus then you are saying that exilus mods for warframes should not increase ability strength as that is technically the stat that increaases the damage for the warframe abilities that deal damage

You are certainly correct. Drift Mods are an exception to the rule, and I personally wish they never came to be. However, 15% Power Strength in modern Warframe and 1.55x Damage to Grineer are not even close to similar in terms of overall strength.

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These mods are useful but still would be easier to use if you did not need to put them in place of another mod that might increase something that is powerful against all enemies that might be more useful for the build. according to what you are saying weapon exilus mods should not be uesful at all or have verry little use. By the way most faction mods are only 1.3x as only 4 of the 20 faction mods have a primed version and out of those 2 of them are for melee weapons, 1 is for weapons that use rifle mods and 1 is for pistols. Out of these primed faction mods rifles and melee weapons have Corpus and pistols and melee weapons have Corrupted so this means that the faction mods for Grineer, Infested, and the Murmur have not been primed yet however the I do not expect the faction mods for the Murmur to get primed for a while  as the faction was just introduced recently with the New War. Although useful the usefulness of faction mods is limited based on the faction the mod goes with therefore players may choose not to use them as that way they do not always have to swap mods every time they switch the faction they will be battling in their missions


Keep in mind that faction damage bonus can also roll on riven mods. Most players will choose a riven over a primed faction damage mod as the riven will be a way bigger benefit to the weapon then a 1.3x or 1.55x faction damage mod

Edited by (XBOX)MidlifeGamerAce
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15 minutes ago, (XBOX)MidlifeGamerAce said:

Out of these primed faction mods rifles and melee weapons have Corpus and pistols and melee weapons have Corrupted so this means that the faction mods for Grineer, Infested, and the Murmur have not been primed yet

Murmur is correct, having only recently arrived.  But  every weapon class with faction mods other than RJ has had a complete set of primed Grineer, Corpus, Infested, and Corrupted mods for several years.  Some of these may be very expensive to get a hold of right now though.

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15 hours ago, (XBOX)MidlifeGamerAce said:

By the way most faction mods are only 1.3x as only 4 of the 20 faction mods have a primed version and out of those 2 of them are for melee weapons, 1 is for weapons that use rifle mods and 1 is for pistols.

Not true at all.

In fact most of the faction damage mods are primed, with only a minority that aren't.

For rifles there are Primed Bane of Corpus, Primed bane of Corrupted, Primed bane of Grineer, and Primed bane of Infested.
For shotguns there are Primed Cleanse Corpus, Primed Cleansed Corrupted, Primed Cleanse Grineer, and Primed Cleanse Infested.
For pistols there are Primed Expel Corpus, Primed Expel Corrupted, Primed Expel Grineer, and Primed Expel Infested.
For melee there is Primed Smite Corpus, Primed Smite Corrupted, Primed Smite Grineer, Primed Smite Infested.


The only ones that don't have prime variants yet?
Bane of the Murmur, Cleanse the Murmur, Expel the Murmur, Smite the Murmur (all because they are too new to have primed variants), Sacrificial Pressure and Sacrificial Steel (and these offer benefits ontop of the normal mods anyways and likely won't get primed any time soon).
Granum's Nemesis, Sentient Scalpel and Worms Torment also aren't primed but they are RailJack mods and therefore follow different rules.

18 hours ago, (XBOX)MidlifeGamerAce said:

allow them to be used for their utility

Sorry, but a final damage multiplier of 1.55 for faction is not a utility mod.  It's a rather sizable upgrade and has well earned it's place as a core mod.

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20 hours ago, (XBOX)MidlifeGamerAce said:

Damage is typically not utility however these mods are an acception to that as they are only effective aginst a single enemy faction

They are not an exception. They are Damage mods. Specific to a faction, but also specifically Damage.

They do not belong in the Exilus any more than something like a Multishot mod belongs there.

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I remember being so happy when Primed Faction mods started coming out.

I could finally dump stuff like Bladed Rounds because I prefer hip fire and still hate the fact some weapons have different accuracy based on aiming.
Unless you're going to exploit double dips which I guess is a "feature" now? I rarely have room for them.

I'd care about getting that extra Config slot we asked for years to only have it cost plat but can't fit more than 2 builds anyways due to capacity.

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40 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

I prefer hip fire and still hate the fact some weapons have different accuracy based on aiming

Can you name any that don't, other than auto aim weapon?  I think I've come across a few exceptions, maybe some throwing weapons.  Seems like the vast, vast majority do have better accuracy / tighter spread while in ADS.

Which irks me to no end.

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27 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Can you name any that don't, other than auto aim weapon?  I think I've come across a few exceptions, maybe some throwing weapons.  Seems like the vast, vast majority do have better accuracy / tighter spread while in ADS.

Which irks me to no end.


I did a lot of testing on this long time ago. From my archives. It looks like I started to notice in 2018.

I think they started to do it after the Sniper rework, removing their ability to hipfire. I'm not sure there are weapons with standard accuracy anymore. I don't see anything very good at proving the change outside maybe one comparison pic I made. Sadly it's not a hit-scan weapon. Zenith or Prisma Grinlok was the first I think I noticed the variable accuracy followed by Gremlings. I have multiple videos for them but not much showing the standard accuracy weapons.

This is Mara Detron where I showed the zoom deviation illusion. Aiming just acted like it was shooting ~10m closer. Not a good example though. I never thought they would actually change aiming for every weapon. IMO the whole point of rifles over snipers is the ability to hip fire them.



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1 minute ago, Xzorn said:

IMO the whole point of rifles over snipers is the ability to hip fire them.

Yup, although I think of it the other way around, that all the advantages of snipers over conventional rifles come with the disadvantage of needing to scope.  (From a gameplay and balance standpoint, not a RL standpoint.)

Although ironically enough,  the Perigale and Sporo at least seem like quite competent hip fire weapons.

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My two cents.  (May not be worth that much.)

First, pain in the rear factor.  Having to see what faction a mission is, then adjust your build , is a pain.  The systems in place do not allow us  any way to quickly swap or have a load out.

Moving to Exilus slot.  Yes frees up a normal slot, but I think I agree that these don't belong there.


Move it to the Warframe.  Reduces nuisance factor without removing the spirit of the mod.  Does eliminate having the ability to have different weapons intentionally for different factions.( Does anyone even do this?  With me it's usually accidental due to me not bothering to fix before a mission).  Also, if the powers that be make the decision to make it apply to abilities only, no bueno.

Have a slot and polarization just for them.  Frees up the slot like OP wanted, gives us another slot like we all want.  Still a PITA

Take the faction out of the faction mod.  Just a straight damage buff?  Not likely to happen but it would fix having to make new mods for new factions (Murmur)or neglected factions (Sentient).  It would also simplify things for the player.

Elimination, not a good option as a lot of players like optimizing for when they're going against SP content.


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