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Kuva/Tenet weapons we want + new ideas


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il y a 29 minutes, RyllusPurple a dit :

what can be done about the eventual bloating of kuva/ tenet weapon pool? The more that get added, the more time it takes to get a specific weapon.

Make some accessible through Voidstorm farming, like Tenet Agendus, Ferrox, Livia, Grigori and Exec.

Tenet ones go to Ergo Glast's shop, Kuva ones go to Cressa Tal, simple enough.

Note : it has nothing to do with the syndicate currencies.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, RyllusPurple said:

what can be done about the eventual bloating of kuva/ tenet weapon pool? The more that get added, the more time it takes to get a specific weapon.

Don't worry, I didn't forget about that when I made this post:

On 2024-03-12 at 9:36 PM, Novashank said:

I would also like to point out that adding ANY Kuva and Tenet weapons would further compound the problem of needing to repeat the Kuva Lich/Tenet Candidate mission until the Lich/Candidate finally has the weapon you want, so I'd like to maybe see some suggestions for how to alleviate this! But since that deserves a post of its own, I'll just go ahead and list some weapons that I believe deserve a Kuva/Tenet variant in no particular order (and just to be clear, I'm not asking for every one of these to be added, just considered):

I thought one good part of the solution would be what Fred_Avant_2019 said, to move some of the Kuva weapons to be offerings from Cressa Tal, the leader of the Steel Meridian syndicate, similar to how Ergo Glast, the leader of the Perrin Sequence, sells the Tenet melee weapons and the Tenet Ferrox. But then this means having to wait possibly several weeks for the damage type we want for those particular Kuva weapons, just as we do with the Ergo Glast offerings.

An additional solution may be either some kind of RNG weighting system where the weapon type you down the Kuva Larva/Tenet Candidate with will have an effect on which weapon type gets rolled, like PollexMessier suggested:

On 2024-03-23 at 11:27 PM, PollexMessier said:

Part of the issue with adding more of these tho is the more get added, the harder and harder it becomes to get the one you want. We'd have to have a better way to influence the type of weapon our litch/sister candidate spawns with, or things would get out of hand if we got too many more. Something like, they have a higher chance to have the weapon type you killed them with, and a much higher chance if it was with the base version of the kuva variant you're after. And we'd need a way to undo the rng protection of not being able to roll the same weapon again until you cycle through all of them, if not just have that system removed in light of some other system making rolling the weapon you want easier, in case you miss a candidate for some reason. Like say a teamate rushed ahead of you in a mission, downed the candidate, didn't mercy it, and it died before you could get to it. This happening to the weapon you want in a roster of 50 others with the current way the system works is hours of time wasted.

...or something rather simple, like splitting up the pool by assigning smaller sets of the weapon options to several specific nodes where Larva/Candidates spawn. As we know, DE prefers simple band-aid solutions rather than complicated overhauls that require a lot of dev time, which is understandable if you have any idea what goes into making such a change to a game as vast as Warframe. Since several of the Tenno who have replied mentioned this issue, I'll probably make a separate post that links with this one to address it.

Edited by Novashank
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Posted (edited)

Thank you all for your feedback so far. Many of you that replied have raised the concern that adding more of these weapons will compound the problem of Kuva/Tenet weapon hunting being a stinky, RNG-infested, time-consuming mess - a concern which I share and have briefly touched on. As a result, when I get a chance, I will create a new topic for this and embed the link to it in this topic and vice versa.

Edit: Topic is now live, check the start of this topic to find the link!

Edited by Novashank
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Am 13.3.2024 um 03:36 schrieb Novashank:

UPDATE 3: Since several of you raised the concern, a concern which I share, that adding more Kuva and Tenet weapons will overcrowd 2 already crowded weapon spawn pools, and by extension further increase the time it takes to spawn a Lich or Sister with the weapon you want, I created this topic to with the aim to address this issue:


UPDATE 2: Now that DE has finally added 2 more Kuva/Tenet weapons, I thought it would be a good time to give life to the idea I had for a Tenet original Archgun, as I mentioned below as something that would be nice to have. Here is the link for the topic I created for it, the Tenet Vulturas:


UPDATE: Looks like DE will at long last be adding another new Kuva and Tenet weapon. Just one each, but much better than nothing. They're going to reveal them in the next Devstream, I really hope they made good selections! Thank you DE!

FOLLOW-UPDATE: DE has announced the Kuva Sobek and the Tenet Glaxion! Sobek lovers rejoice! I'm surprised I forgot to list the Glaxion below, but I like the weapon and am glad they chose it, especially with the new-new cold buffs [DE]Pablo is cooking! 


As we all know, there are many weapons that either were once greats and got left behind by power-creep, or are fun fan-favorites with a lot of potential that never had a chance to shine at all in late- or even mid-game content due to weak stats with little room for improvement via mods.

With the Kuva Sobek and Tenet Glaxion coming, there are now going to be 20 Kuva weapons and 15 Tenet weapons. There is only one Kuva melee weapon right now, by the way (Kuva Shildeg). The Infested Nemeses will get added in [DE]soon too. Hopefully even more of these are on the way because I think most of us would agree that we could use some more high-level-viable weaponry. This game has over 300 total weapons now, and sadly, the overwhelming majority of them are classed as "mastery fodder". There are also several weapons that many of us are shocked did not get a Kuva/Tenet variant (or even better, an Incarnon adapter), and many more that are deserving of an upgraded version.

And variety is the spice of death in Warframe after all, so let's get cooking!


I would also like to point out that adding ANY Kuva and Tenet weapons would further compound the problem of needing to repeat the Kuva Larvling/Tenet Candidate mission until the Larvling/Candidate finally has the weapon you want, so I'd like to maybe see some suggestions for how to alleviate this! I was thinking Cressa Tal (the leader of the Steel Meridian could sell some of the Kuva weapons like Ergo Glast does for some of the Tenet weapons. But since that deserves a post of its own (which I now plan on creating soon), I'll just go ahead and list some weapons that I believe deserve a Kuva/Tenet variant in no particular order (and just to be clear, I'm not asking for every one of these to be added, just considered):


Kuva Stug: Seriously DE, show this weapon some love finally! Please stop treating it like chopped liver. This gun has literally been a meme for several years in Warframe, and it has done nothing to deserve its prolonged neglect. If it's not going to get an Incarnon adapter, which would be the better choice for the Stug for sure, it deserves a Kuva variant at the very least. I know most Tenno would agree wholeheartedly. At this point, that seems as likely as the rest of the planets getting their tilesets and bosses overhauled.

Tenet Staticor: The Staticor is an awesome concept and a beloved weapon, but unfortunately its performance leaves much to be desired. There is no way to build it to keep up with higher level content. I know DE is shying away right now from encouraging AoE weapon dominance, but I feel like the Staticor is just screaming for a variant.

Tenet Exergis: How did we get a Tenet Plinx but not a Tenet Exergis? The Exergis was released at the same time as the Plinx (and Galvacord) and could benefit greatly from improved utility stats, far more so than the Plinx. It would also be an ideal Corpus counterpart to the Kuva Zarr, since counterparts are part of the design philosophy for Nemesis weapons. Imagine a Tenet Exergis with at least a 3-round magazine, and a secondary fire that just lobs the crystal ball intact, consuming the full magazine, and then the ball explodes on impact and shoots crystal shard shrapnel everywhere (slash damage AoE!).

Kuva Kulstar: This is another Grineer weapon that is a really cool concept but fails miserably in execution and got very little love from DE. It's hardly even useful in mid-level content, something that you wouldn't expect from a gun that shoots mini cluster bomb rockets, especially one that consumes another gun in its blueprint, namely the Kraken. The Kraken itself got a Kuva variant, and the Angstrum, the Corpus equivalent of the Kulstar, got a Prisma variant AND an Incarnon adapter! Where's the love for the Kulstar?

Kuva Ghoulsaw: Another overhyped weapon that rapidly faded into obscurity due to abhorrent usability and mediocre base stats. If this is added in, it definitely needs an attack speed buff, and the moveset definitely needs to be refined.

Tenet Galvacord: In the same vein as the Exergis, this could use an upgrade as well. Whips hardly get any love at all in Warframe. This weapon was used even less than the original Exergis and Plinx not only because it has a very slow attack speed for a whip but also because we don't like the current Whip Stances in their current state, but that's a separate issue. (Add at least one better whip stance finally please, and a good two-handed nikana one too! Or better yet, improve the current ones based on player feedback!) Would pair well with Melee Influence of course.

Tenet Sonicor: You already know why this deserves a Tenet variant. I think adding a secondary fire mode would suit this one just fine too.

Tenet Stahlta: I love the Stahlta and so do many other folks! It's a fun and powerful weapon already but not quite top-tier. This, I'm sure, would be a big hit. Many of us use a "viral hun mun" crit build on it, which, if using a Stahlta riven, doesn't leave room for Primed Firestorm for the secondary fire. That could easily be rectified with a cold/toxin Progenitor bonus!

Kuva Atterax: Would be a good counterpart to the Tenet Galvacord. Another beloved weapon that got left behind. (Who among us veterans could forget the ol' spin-to-win meta back in the day?)

Kuva Jat Kusar/Kittag: Ah, the ol' Jat bois. These are two awesome Grineer melee weapons that could use an update, and former personal favorites of mine. The Jat Kusar can still be made somewhat viable for base-level Steel Path, but the Jat Kittag on the other hand, as cool as its design and visual effects are, always sucked and could only be made pitifully mediocre at best without pulling all the stops to buff it with every possible buff (which can be done with pretty much any weapon in the game but isn't usually practical or cheap).

Tenet Lanka: This weapon got left behind several years ago and is hardly used anymore, even for its niche role of Eidolon hunting. I think the changes that would be fair would be to increase the crit chance to 40-50%, the multiplier to 2.2-3.0x, reduce the base damage to 400 (500-640 after Progenitor bonus) and decrease the shot charge time. The Progenitor bonus and improved crit stats would more than make up for the base damage reduction.

I also think the Lanka should get an improved quick-shot: I think it would be nice if it could be tap-fired to deal 20% of the total damage, where the regular Lanka must be charged to at least 33% to fire. In this case, the mag size should maybe be increased to 15. Also, there's no reason why the regular Lanka should be an MR 10 weapon and not like MR 6-8, especially if a Tenet version is added.

Tenet Opticor: Many people were disappointed that the Opticor's variant, the Opticor Vandal, wasn't really a proper upgrade so much as a "sidegrade" of better utility. I, too, would love to see this weapon done justice and am glad I was reminded of it. The base Opticor is so cool looking and fun but also very impractical as a single-shot, slow-charging weapon with all the cons of a big gun and only few of the pros. The Opticor Vandal was designed to address the utility issues of the Opticor but lost more than half the base damage as a tradeoff. We want a version with the best of both! It would be nice to have a version that meets the two somewhere in the middle but a bit better. Since it's hotly debated what stats an Opticor upgrade should have, here are the stats I propose:

-Base damage: 600, this would become 750-960 total with the Progenitor bonus (In between both versions)

-Crit Chance: 30-40% (Better than both)

-Crit Damage: 3.0x (Better than both)

-Status Chance: 30% (Same as Vandal)

-Charge Time: 0.6-1.0 seconds (same as Vandal or in between both)

-Magazine Count: 8 (Same as Vandal)

-Reload Time: 2 seconds (Same as Opticor)

-Radial Damage Range and Falloff: 100% at 0 meters, 40% at 6m, 0% at >6m (Same as Opticor)


Kuva Javlok: There's a Tenet Ferrox but not a Kuva Javlok? What?

Kuva Sobek: The Sobek is another weapon that hardly got any love beyond adding the augment mod "Acid Shells". Meanwhile the Strun and Hek now have 3 variants. Although this one is more debatable now that the base weapon has once again risen to "cracked" meta status using that same mod. Maybe nerfing this mod a bit in exchange for adding a Kuva variant would be a fair trade-off (although a controversial one to be sure).

Tenet Amprex: A powerful weapon already to be sure, but still, if the demand is high for a Tenet version, why not? It would be nice for the gun to have the Tenet look, if nothing else. It's not like it would be more powerful than the Torid Incarnon form anyway, right? If literally no other change was made than to increase the base beam length, it would be a worthy upgrade because it would still benefit greatly from the Progenitor bonus damage. Increasing the Crit Chance, Crit Damage, or Status Chance, or maybe a bit of two or all three would be a welcome cherry on top.

Tenet Penta: If other weapons can have a Syndicate/Prisma/Vandal/Wraith variant AND a Kuva/Tenet variant, so can the Penta. This would be a good Kuva Tonkor counterpart, and another fun weapon that would be very welcome for use in high-level content.

Tenet Ambassador: Another awesome weapon that many people admire, but we're all disappointed in its pitiful stats. We know better than to expect a handcrafted buff for the individual weapon either, same as with weapons like the Alternox and Stug which desperately need it, so we would love to see a Tenet upgrade for it. It deserves better than just a Tenet skin.

Kuva Buzlok/Argonak: Two more fun weapons with a lot of potential that fall short past mid-level content with all but the most expensive builds that include the very best riven. Also, the Buzlok tracer dart is apparently bugged right now. Demand for a Kuva Buzlok is definitely there.

Kuva Harpak: This Grineer rifle also has a lot of potential, but once again simply falls short for higher level stuff, even with the Harpak augment mod "Exposing Harpoon".

Tenet Dera: The Dera has always sucked and so has the Dera Vandal, just as was the case with the Tetra and Prisma Tetra. The Dera needs help, and it would be lovely to see one with it's own secondary fire gimmick to set it apart from the Tenet Tetra. It would be sweet if it could do something unique like maybe charge up and consume more of the magazine the longer it's charged to fire a powerful bullet-hose stream of shots with a lot of multishot, with more projectiles and longer burst time the longer you charge it. Maybe a 2-second max charge time and a max 3-second long burst to really make it feel powerful.

Kuva Quatz: This could be a very enjoyable secondary weapon, and we could take advantage of the innate electric damage in combination with the Progenitor damage bonus.

Tenet Arca Scisco: The Arca Plasmor got a Tenet variant, which is awesome and I'm not complaining, but the Arca Scisco actually needs it! It could probably also use a secondary fire addition.

Tenet Arca Titron: The same case could be made for this and the Arca Scisco as for the Exergis and Galvacord. If one of these got an upgrade, its buddy weapons should too. And I think we would all love to welcome the Arca Titron back into relevance!

Kuva Grinlok/Marelok: These both have a variant, yes, but those both aren't used very often. Why? We all know why, because single-target semi-auto weapons with a low rate of fire and only decent damage aren't the most practical choice for facing hordes of enemies. I myself don't like to use these two guns anymore, but I know others have been asking for a Kuva variant for both so I decided to include them. If they're added, please give them a special gimmick too like maybe a secondary fire mode.

Tenet Stropha: I know, it's already pretty powerful, but so was the Arca Plasmor! Even so, the Stropha's player usage has fallen way off.

Kuva Vastilok: Probably the most unpopular pick in the gunblade category, used likely even less than the Sarpa, and I think many of us still don't even know this weapon exists! Adding a Stropha variant may be arguable, but adding a Vastilok variant makes sense.

Tenet (Dual) Cestra: Another weapon that sucks even in its Secura variant form. Single or Dual Tenet variant would be most welcome, although it might be redundant with the Tenet Diplos if it's dual. Could even be a prime Incarnon adapter candidate instead. Would also benefit from an added secondary fire mode.

Kuva (Twin) Viper(s): Same as above. Not even the Wraith variant saved this awful weapon. It might be redundant with the Kuva Twin Stubbas if it's dual, so maybe a single version with a secondary fire would be best.

Kuva Ripkas: Another fun weapon deserving of a major upgrade for high-level players. I know this would be a big hit.

Kuva Korrudo/Tenet Obex: The Sparring melee weapon class hardly sees any use from the player base, and for good reason. They, too, are fun weapons that just don't have enough oomph to make the cut for high-level stuff without some serious build investment.

Tenet Dual Kreska: How many of you even know the Kreska exists? It's a single one-hand Corpus scythe classed as a Machete melee weapon that was added for Orb Vallis, and it gets use from probably not one single player other than for use as "mastery fodder". I think it would be a welcome surprise to add this to the Dual Swords category as a dual melee weapon and an Ergo Glast offering, complete with its very own heavy melee attack "gimmick". It could be a cool Corpus version of the Dual Kamas Prime.

Kuva Twin Basolk: Another Grineer weapon that has received very little love, same as the Dual Zoren. Using the innate Heat damage to pair with the Progenitor elemental bonus could be pretty cool. It could be the Grineer counterpart of the Tenet Dual Kreskas if those were added.

Kuva Vulkar/Tenet Snipetron: They both have variants, I know, but even those hardly get any use. I know snipers aren't the most popular weapon category for Warframe unless we're talking about the Perigale or Sporothrix, for good reason, but I'm sure some of us would appreciate having at least one or two snipers with all of the Kuva/Tenet benefits! If these two are added, please give them a fun gimmick like a secondary fire, or else they'll still fade into obscurity for the simple reason that snipers are generally impractical for a game like Warframe.

Tenet Fluctus: No Tenet Archguns were added, meanwhile 2 Kuva Archguns were added. I'm not sure if the Archguns wielded by the Corpus are considered Corpus or Tenno weapons, though, since they're acquired from the Tenno Lab and not the Energy Lab. But I'm assuming the Fluctus is in fact a Corpus weapon, in which case it would make a fine Tenet weapon.

While I'm at it, I'd like to mention that the weapon model seems silly. The big arc-shaped piece on the front of the Fluctus is oriented vertically and compresses the two halves inward when firing, and then it shoots a horizontal wave projectile. It might just be an OCD thing, but wouldn't it make more since for the arc-shaped part of the gun to be oriented horizontal if it's firing a horizontal projectile using that animation? In other words, I think the firing part of the Fluctus model should be rotated 90 degrees to make it make sense. I hope it's not just me, cause that really bothers me lol!


If you made it this far, thank you for your attention and interest! We also know that DE has created some totally original weapons using the Nemesis system. I think we could use some more of those as well, so here are a few of my suggestions. They are mostly melee weapons, which I hope would also get their own heavy melee attack "gimmick":


Tenet original Archgun: I already mentioned adding the Tenet Fluctus, but like the Kuva Ayanga, I think there should be a Tenet original Archgun as well. Like I said at the top, I actually came up with a concept for this, a Corpus rocket pod that shoots rockets that seek space and air enemies automatically, the Tenet Vulturas! (Scroll back to the top to find the link for this weapon concept.)

Tenet dual nikana: A new melee weapon category that started with Sun & Moon. More of these would be awesome!

Tenet assault saw: Another melee weapon category occupied by only a single entry, namely the Ghoulsaw, which like I said, came and went in relevance. A corpus take should probably just look like a cool cyberpunk energy chainsaw. Make assault saws great!

Kuva/Tenet dual dagger: A melee weapon category with few entries, and none that are considered particularly powerful, not even the Nepheri.

Kuva nunchaku: Another sparsely populated category, and I think it would be really cool to have a Grineer-themed one. We love seeing those spiky balls on our melee weapons, don't we?

Kuva/Tenet rapier: Same point as above. There are only 3 weapons in this category, and one of them is a Prime variant.

Kuva/Tenet staff melee: The Bo Prime is the only late-game viable staff on offer right now. We could also really use a new and improved Staff stance.

Tenet claws: Possible Tenet counterpart of Kuva Ripkas with the potential for a creative Corpus-themed design. I for one would love to shred enemies to pieces with neon claws.

Kuva/Tenet heavy scythe: We love the Corufell and Hespar and would love to see more weapons in this category. I think it would be so great to have one that can be thrown like the Wolf Sledge, but that spins perfectly horizontal when thrown.

Kuva/Tenet primary crossbow: There are very few of these as well and I'm sure it would be a fun addition.

Kuva/Tenet secondary crossbow: Same as above!

Kuva/Tenet arm cannon!: Who doesn't love this weapon category? We have the Shedu and Bubonico but no Grineer or Corpus arm cannon, imagine how cool it would be to have one (or BOTH)! I guess the Onos sort of counts as one, but it's considered mediocre as far as Incarnon weapons go.


Thank you for reading however much you did of this. I'm sure there are plenty of other cool ideas out there for both upgrade and original Kuva and Tenet weapons, and please feel free to add them here!

actually time for the third faction. Because farming becomes too annoying with so many weapons in pool and takes too long.
so orokin or infested or something else....

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  • 2 weeks later...

If y'all wanna see more new Kuva and Tenet weapons, don't let this topic get buried y'all! And please be sure to give it a like with the Like button at the bottom of the post! 

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  • Novashank changed the title to Kuva/Tenet weapons we want + new ideas
On 2024-03-13 at 7:14 PM, Irritable_Sloth said:


Also upvote Tenet Lanka, Kuva Atterax, Kuva Harpak, and especially Kuva Ghoulsaw! Ghoulsaw is a magnificently savage weapon idea but it's laughably underpowered for something that looks like it can dismantle a tank, currently it just tickles late and end game enemies.  And please please please if you are going to make a new corpus ghoulsaw counterpart MAKE IT CRIT-BASED, status-based are worthless.  Ban the nay-sayers.

Can i interest you in incarnon stug?


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Posted (edited)

Yeah, Kuva Ignis definitely would be on my list, but all of them would be fun. I've been dreaming of more variants for a while, i just wish these weapons weren't so tedious to grind. I would love to see a refresh of the mechanics somehow.


So I actually have a separate idea and maybe this is the right thread for it. I don't mind making another thread, but I figured it kind of fit the topic at hand.

So I'm going to preface this with a disclaimer. This is 100% just me spitballing and brainstorming. Some of my ideas are probably dumb but maybe there is something worth considering too.






So, I'm observing that a lot of Kuva and Tenet weapons tend to be more mastery fodder than go-to weapons at the moment with the exception of a few cases like the Kuva Bramma or Tenet Titron, but maybe 80% of these weapons could be considered mastery fodder for higher level players especially now that incarnon weapons exist. I'm not saying that all weapons need to excel at all content but I do think certain weapons should perhaps be suited to certain types of content or players. This idea is simply a discussion on how best to buff Lich weapons or scale them up for higher level content or specific uses. Diversity is a good thing for the game.


The basic concept: Lich mod variants would be variants of mods we are already using but buffed. Think mods like Archon Stretch or Umbral Intensify. This way we aren’t “struggling to find room for them” like we do for augments but they really are just straight upgrades to what we already have but have specific conditions to meet for the added buffs. They are only usable on Lich weapons and would only be mods that don't already have an upgraded variant. Kuva Malignant Force or Tenet Killing Blow as two quick examples.

Additionally: Maybe another way to buff these weapons is to give them an innate faction damage bonus thereby freeing up a mod slot. See below. Faction damage doesn't tend to matter for early progression but matters a lot for endurance runs or really high level enemies where you are trying to maximize damage and efficiency. If you really want to maximize your damage one of your mods slots HAS TO BE a faction damage mod. This hurts build diversity and leans more toward the cookie cutter phenomenon.

Is it power creep or player progression? I honestly don’t really believe power creep is a problem unless 1. That power is easily accessible early game trivializing difficulty 2. There isn’t content scaled for that level of power. In other words, the content should always scale with the level of power you have access to.

Build variation is the end goal of warframe I think. When one specific mod or frame or setup works for everything I think we’ve failed in that goal. I think we are actually in a pretty good place right now and I am having a lot of fun playing around with different builds.


This idea is of course inspired by how incarnon weapons work. Take older weapons and buff them with added grind for higher level missions. I think incarnon weapons albeit busted are a pretty nice addition to the game giving some gameplay progression, and I really liked how they made older weapons meta again.


Another potential to explore is faction damage. I hate faction damage mods. They take a ton of endo. Swapping out builds or mods for your given weapon is tedious. I think Lich weapons should have an innate faction damage bonus to the faction they come from OR ALTERNATIVELY a given bonus that could be applied with a separate farmable/purchasable item. This effectively frees up a mod slot on every Lich weapon being a big buff in itself. The faction damage modifier would be the same as the Prime level mod. This should probably only be available from a higher difficulty tier of gameplay or blocked for newer player until they naturally progress to that point.


The general niche I see for kuva and tenant weapons is to excel at endurance runs. These grow stronger the longer you stay in missions. You are rewarded for staying longer and accomplishing tasks perhaps in addition to innate faction damage which matters more for higher level content.


A topic of debate would be whether the Lich mods would be equivalent to prime variants or galvanized mods in that the base stat is increased over the normal counterpart or equal to the primed counterpart. OR, if they would be just be equivalent to the base version but with the added bonus effect.

There also could be a few exilis mods that change how specific Lich weapons function offering a buff that way. Now, every weapon has an exilis slot and I think that is a good opportunity to introduce some of these effects. Having more viable and powerful options for this mod slot could be a good thing.

These Lich variant mods require X action to accomplished X times to gain a stack of X effect. These effects are always tangential to what types of weapons these mods are typically used on. When a weapon gains a stack it becomes “Empowered” Weapon glows with energy effect and a buff icon appears on the hud. Stacks have no cap and do not expire except upon death. Bonus effects are small but add up rewarding longer endurance runs.


Potentially, it might worth exploring alternative means of ranking up these mods. What about using only kuva for kuva mods or only credits for Tenet mods?

The numbers I list for the mod are pretty much just place holders and brainstormed ideas. I will leave it to the balancing team to figure out what values and effects are actually balanced. Please feel free to chime in with your own suggestions.



Another goal I have for this overhaul is build diversity. I think Lich weapons could be a very interesting place to play around with different mods. I think we all get tired of using the same mods on every weapon. There are lots of mods sitting around that will never get used in higher lvl play.



I like the idea of having specific Tenet or Kuva variants of mods but I think a lot of the mods should be universal. This is another topic of debate. But some things would be a pain to farm if there were 1 for each Lich faction.

These mods could drop from lich encounters with say a 5% or 10% drop chance. I think it makes the most sense for them to drop from the content we are already grinding. They could also drop from the assosiated faction disruption nodes to give us a reason to do those.



Kuva Shotgun Barrage – 90% Fire Rate – After 500 pellets, maximum ammo increases by 100 and magazine size by 1 and reload speed 10%

Kuva Blood Rush - 40x crit chance, stacks with combo multiplier - 5% attack speed for every 50 health orbs picked up


Kuva 60/60 mods (GOTTA CATH EM ALL!) – 60/60 – after 100 kills gain 10% status increase and 10% elemental damage.


Tenet Ruinous Extension – 8m beam length – 10% fire rate  whenever 20 or more enemies die around you in a 10m radius.


Kuva Life Strike – 30% life steal on heavy attack – for every 10k healing gain 100 max health


Tenet Killing Blow- every 10,000 (no idea how many credits drop per typical mission, its been too long since i even looked) credits collected 10% heavy attack efficiency


Lich Pummel – 160% impact – on 5 eximus kills 5% CRIT damage increase. All of these physical damage mods are pretty much defunct except for stat sticks I guess. I think it might be interesting to see how one might revive these mods. Maybe they would be REALLY good on specific weapons.


Edited by TenTonneSkeleton
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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 2024-06-26 at 2:49 PM, CoNsTaNt1nE-UK1 said:

Kuva Quatz <3 


On 2024-06-26 at 3:51 PM, Aquilcier said:

Tenet amprex with a sick ball lightning alt fire that consumes the magazine. 

Yeeeeess that would be great! And I'm sure DE would make it so you can zap the lightning ball to make it explode even better like the Unreal Tournament Plasma Rifle since they love UT! The Stahlta doesn't exactly function like the Plasma Rifle even though it has a skin for it. The Quanta functions more like the Plasma Rifle than anything else I can think of in the game right now, but unfortunately the weapon model looks kind of ridiculous.

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On 2024-06-25 at 1:40 PM, Void2258 said:

Before we get more the Kuva pool needs to be split in two and tenet pool is at capacity now. Anything more needs acquisition changes.

Did you see my embedded topic about that issue?

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On 2024-05-25 at 8:28 PM, TenTonneSkeleton said:

Yeah, Kuva Ignis definitely would be on my list, but all of them would be fun. I've been dreaming of more variants for a while, i just wish these weapons weren't so tedious to grind. I would love to see a refresh of the mechanics somehow.


So I actually have a separate idea and maybe this is the right thread for it. I don't mind making another thread, but I figured it kind of fit the topic at hand.

So I'm going to preface this with a disclaimer. This is 100% just me spitballing and brainstorming. Some of my ideas are probably dumb but maybe there is something worth considering too.



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So, I'm observing that a lot of Kuva and Tenet weapons tend to be more mastery fodder than go-to weapons at the moment with the exception of a few cases like the Kuva Bramma or Tenet Titron, but maybe 80% of these weapons could be considered mastery fodder for higher level players especially now that incarnon weapons exist. I'm not saying that all weapons need to excel at all content but I do think certain weapons should perhaps be suited to certain types of content or players. This idea is simply a discussion on how best to buff Lich weapons or scale them up for higher level content or specific uses. Diversity is a good thing for the game.


The basic concept: Lich mod variants would be variants of mods we are already using but buffed. Think mods like Archon Stretch or Umbral Intensify. This way we aren’t “struggling to find room for them” like we do for augments but they really are just straight upgrades to what we already have but have specific conditions to meet for the added buffs. They are only usable on Lich weapons and would only be mods that don't already have an upgraded variant. Kuva Malignant Force or Tenet Killing Blow as two quick examples.

Additionally: Maybe another way to buff these weapons is to give them an innate faction damage bonus thereby freeing up a mod slot. See below. Faction damage doesn't tend to matter for early progression but matters a lot for endurance runs or really high level enemies where you are trying to maximize damage and efficiency. If you really want to maximize your damage one of your mods slots HAS TO BE a faction damage mod. This hurts build diversity and leans more toward the cookie cutter phenomenon.

Is it power creep or player progression? I honestly don’t really believe power creep is a problem unless 1. That power is easily accessible early game trivializing difficulty 2. There isn’t content scaled for that level of power. In other words, the content should always scale with the level of power you have access to.

Build variation is the end goal of warframe I think. When one specific mod or frame or setup works for everything I think we’ve failed in that goal. I think we are actually in a pretty good place right now and I am having a lot of fun playing around with different builds.


This idea is of course inspired by how incarnon weapons work. Take older weapons and buff them with added grind for higher level missions. I think incarnon weapons albeit busted are a pretty nice addition to the game giving some gameplay progression, and I really liked how they made older weapons meta again.


Another potential to explore is faction damage. I hate faction damage mods. They take a ton of endo. Swapping out builds or mods for your given weapon is tedious. I think Lich weapons should have an innate faction damage bonus to the faction they come from OR ALTERNATIVELY a given bonus that could be applied with a separate farmable/purchasable item. This effectively frees up a mod slot on every Lich weapon being a big buff in itself. The faction damage modifier would be the same as the Prime level mod. This should probably only be available from a higher difficulty tier of gameplay or blocked for newer player until they naturally progress to that point.


The general niche I see for kuva and tenant weapons is to excel at endurance runs. These grow stronger the longer you stay in missions. You are rewarded for staying longer and accomplishing tasks perhaps in addition to innate faction damage which matters more for higher level content.


A topic of debate would be whether the Lich mods would be equivalent to prime variants or galvanized mods in that the base stat is increased over the normal counterpart or equal to the primed counterpart. OR, if they would be just be equivalent to the base version but with the added bonus effect.

There also could be a few exilis mods that change how specific Lich weapons function offering a buff that way. Now, every weapon has an exilis slot and I think that is a good opportunity to introduce some of these effects. Having more viable and powerful options for this mod slot could be a good thing.

These Lich variant mods require X action to accomplished X times to gain a stack of X effect. These effects are always tangential to what types of weapons these mods are typically used on. When a weapon gains a stack it becomes “Empowered” Weapon glows with energy effect and a buff icon appears on the hud. Stacks have no cap and do not expire except upon death. Bonus effects are small but add up rewarding longer endurance runs.


Potentially, it might worth exploring alternative means of ranking up these mods. What about using only kuva for kuva mods or only credits for Tenet mods?

The numbers I list for the mod are pretty much just place holders and brainstormed ideas. I will leave it to the balancing team to figure out what values and effects are actually balanced. Please feel free to chime in with your own suggestions.



Another goal I have for this overhaul is build diversity. I think Lich weapons could be a very interesting place to play around with different mods. I think we all get tired of using the same mods on every weapon. There are lots of mods sitting around that will never get used in higher lvl play.



I like the idea of having specific Tenet or Kuva variants of mods but I think a lot of the mods should be universal. This is another topic of debate. But some things would be a pain to farm if there were 1 for each Lich faction.

These mods could drop from lich encounters with say a 5% or 10% drop chance. I think it makes the most sense for them to drop from the content we are already grinding. They could also drop from the assosiated faction disruption nodes to give us a reason to do those.



Kuva Shotgun Barrage – 90% Fire Rate – After 500 pellets, maximum ammo increases by 100 and magazine size by 1 and reload speed 10%

Kuva Blood Rush - 40x crit chance, stacks with combo multiplier - 5% attack speed for every 50 health orbs picked up


Kuva 60/60 mods (GOTTA CATH EM ALL!) – 60/60 – after 100 kills gain 10% status increase and 10% elemental damage.


Tenet Ruinous Extension – 8m beam length – 10% fire rate  whenever 20 or more enemies die around you in a 10m radius.


Kuva Life Strike – 30% life steal on heavy attack – for every 10k healing gain 100 max health


Tenet Killing Blow- every 10,000 (no idea how many credits drop per typical mission, its been too long since i even looked) credits collected 10% heavy attack efficiency


Lich Pummel – 160% impact – on 5 eximus kills 5% CRIT damage increase. All of these physical damage mods are pretty much defunct except for stat sticks I guess. I think it might be interesting to see how one might revive these mods. Maybe they would be REALLY good on specific weapons.


I like this idea and yes, it definitely deserves its own topic! I too, hate the grind for adversary weapons and for maxing mods with 10 ranks like the faction damage ones. I think its absurd at this point that there are separate faction damage mods. There's no reason why they shouldn't all be merged into one for each weapon type, but even so, yes, it sucks to have to use a mod slot for them. I wish the faction damage mods didn't even exist and that there was no need for them, but unfortunately they offer some valuable damage mechanics.

I also like your idea of having special adversary-weapon-specific mods and having a specialized role for them. I agree that they shouldn't be completely overshadowed by Incarnon weapons. It would be nice to see DE take time to make these considerations, but I know they already have a lot on their plate right now. Then again, the same can be said for them adding any of these adversary weapon suggestions in. One can hope, though!

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At this point, just have a kuva variant for all old grineer/grineer-like weapons, and a tenet variant for corpus ones.

Still believe we need the Kuva Quad Grakata, where you handle two in each hand, strapped together with duct tape.

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Posted (edited)
On 2024-07-18 at 5:51 AM, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

At this point, just have a kuva variant for all old grineer/grineer-like weapons, and a tenet variant for corpus ones.

Still believe we need the Kuva Quad Grakata, where you handle two in each hand, strapped together with duct tape.

Haha yes, I agree! Lol that reminds me of InfernoPlus' Cursed Halo Again Halo CE mod where he added in a part where Master Chief duct tapes magnums to his head and feet and does special martial arts moves with them! 😂

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The obvious answer to "what deserves a Kuva/Tenet variant" is everything, but since we've made a little more progress, I'll throw in my two cents. Three sets for each faction.

  • Kuva Javlok, Kuva Twin Rogga, Kuva Kesheg
  • Kuva Argonak, Kuva Twin Marelok, Kuva Ack & Brunt
  • Kuva Harpak, Kuva Kulstar, Kuva Atterax
  • Tenet Battacor, Tenet Ocucor, Tenet Kreska
  • Tenet Convectrix, Tenet Staticor, Tenet Falcor
  • Tenet Lanka, Tenet Cestra, Tenet Galvacord
Edited by Liberator_Numen
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On 2024-03-13 at 4:36 AM, Novashank said:

UPDATE 4: So I was late to find this out since I haven't played in a while, but apparently the Cestra, Dera, Sybaris, Sicarus, Okina and possibly Arca Titron are getting their very own Incarnon Genesis Adapters soon! Thank you so much DE, those first 4 definitely needed it! I for one am hyped for the Incarnon Cestra and Dera! I removed the Cestra and Dera from the list, but I'm gonna keep the Arca Titron up for now just in case. I also finally removed the Kuva Sobek from the list since it was just added.


UPDATE 3: Since several of you raised the concern, a concern which I share, that adding more Kuva and Tenet weapons will overcrowd 2 already crowded weapon spawn pools, and by extension further increase the time it takes to spawn a Lich or Sister with the weapon you want, I created this topic to with the aim to address this issue:


UPDATE 2: Now that DE has finally added 2 more Kuva/Tenet weapons, I thought it would be a good time to give life to the idea I had for a Tenet original Archgun, as I mentioned below as something that would be nice to have. Here is the link for the topic I created for it, the Tenet Vulturas:


UPDATE 1: Looks like DE will at long last be adding another new Kuva and Tenet weapon. Just one each, but much better than nothing. They're going to reveal them in the next Devstream, I really hope they made good selections! Thank you DE!

FOLLOW-UPDATE 1: DE has announced the Kuva Sobek and the Tenet Glaxion! Sobek lovers rejoice! I'm surprised I forgot to list the Glaxion below, but I like the weapon and am glad they chose it, especially with the new-new cold buffs [DE]Pablo is cooking! 


INTRO: As we all know, there are many weapons that either were once greats and got left behind by power-creep, or are fun fan-favorites with a lot of potential that never had a chance to shine at all in late- or even mid-game content due to weak stats with little room for improvement via mods.

With the Kuva Sobek and Tenet Glaxion coming, there are now going to be 20 Kuva weapons and 15 Tenet weapons. There is only one Kuva melee weapon right now, by the way (Kuva Shildeg). The Infested Nemeses will get added in [DE]soon too. Hopefully even more of these are on the way because I think most of us would agree that we could use some more high-level-viable weaponry. This game has over 300 total weapons now, and sadly, the overwhelming majority of them are classed as "mastery fodder". There are also several weapons that many of us are shocked did not get a Kuva/Tenet variant (or even better, an Incarnon adapter), and many more that are deserving of an upgraded version.

And variety is the spice of death in Warframe after all, so let's get cooking!


I would also like to point out that adding ANY Kuva and Tenet weapons would further compound the problem of needing to repeat the Kuva Larvling/Tenet Candidate mission until the Larvling/Candidate finally has the weapon you want, so I'd like to maybe see some suggestions for how to alleviate this! I was thinking Cressa Tal (the leader of the Steel Meridian could sell some of the Kuva weapons like Ergo Glast does for some of the Tenet weapons. But since that deserves a post of its own (which I now plan on creating soon), I'll just go ahead and list some weapons that I believe deserve a Kuva/Tenet variant in no particular order (and just to be clear, I'm not asking for every one of these to be added, just considered):




Kuva Stug: Seriously DE, show this weapon some love finally! Please stop treating it like chopped liver. This gun has literally been a meme for several years in Warframe, and it has done nothing to deserve its prolonged neglect. If it's not going to get an Incarnon adapter, which would be the better choice for the Stug for sure, it deserves a Kuva variant at the very least. I know most Tenno would agree wholeheartedly. At this point, that seems as likely as the rest of the planets getting their tilesets and bosses overhauled.

Tenet Staticor: The Staticor is an awesome concept and a beloved weapon, but unfortunately its performance leaves much to be desired. There is no way to build it to keep up with higher level content. I know DE is shying away right now from encouraging AoE weapon dominance, but I feel like the Staticor is just screaming for a variant.

Tenet Exergis: How did we get a Tenet Plinx but not a Tenet Exergis? The Exergis was released at the same time as the Plinx (and Galvacord) and could benefit greatly from improved utility stats, far more so than the Plinx. It would also be an ideal Corpus counterpart to the Kuva Zarr, since counterparts are part of the design philosophy for Adversary weapons. Imagine a Tenet Exergis with at least a 3-round magazine, and a secondary fire that just lobs the crystal ball intact, consuming the full magazine, and then the ball explodes on impact and shoots crystal shard shrapnel everywhere (slash damage AoE!).

Kuva Kulstar: This is another Grineer weapon that is a really cool concept but fails miserably in execution and got very little love from DE. It's hardly even useful in mid-level content, something that you wouldn't expect from a gun that shoots mini cluster bomb rockets, especially one that consumes another gun in its blueprint, namely the Kraken. The Kraken itself got a Kuva variant, and the Angstrum, the Corpus equivalent of the Kulstar, got a Prisma variant AND an Incarnon adapter! Where's the love for the Kulstar?

Kuva Twin Grakatas: Do it for teh lulz! Pls!

Kuva Ghoulsaw: Another overhyped weapon that rapidly faded into obscurity due to abhorrent usability and mediocre base stats. If this is added in, it definitely needs an attack speed buff, and the moveset definitely needs to be refined.

Tenet Galvacord: In the same vein as the Exergis, this could use an upgrade as well. Whips hardly get any love at all in Warframe. This weapon was used even less than the original Exergis and Plinx not only because it has a very slow attack speed for a whip but also because we don't like the current Whip Stances in their current state, but that's a separate issue. (Add at least one better whip stance finally please, and a good two-handed nikana one too! Or better yet, improve the current ones based on player feedback!) Would pair well with Melee Influence of course.

Tenet Sonicor: You already know why this deserves a Tenet variant. I think adding a secondary fire mode would suit this one just fine too.

Tenet Stahlta: I love the Stahlta and so do many other folks! It's a fun and powerful weapon already but not quite top-tier. This, I'm sure, would be a big hit. Many of us use a "viral hun mun" crit build on it, which, if using a Stahlta riven, doesn't leave room for Primed Firestorm for the secondary fire. That could easily be rectified with a cold/toxin Progenitor bonus!

Kuva Atterax: Would be a good counterpart to the Tenet Galvacord. Another beloved weapon that got left behind. (Who among us veterans could forget the ol' spin-to-win meta back in the day?)

Kuva Jat Kusar/Kittag: Ah, the ol' Jat bois. These are two awesome Grineer melee weapons that could use an update, and former personal favorites of mine. The Jat Kusar can still be made somewhat viable for base-level Steel Path, but the Jat Kittag on the other hand, as cool as its design and visual effects are, always sucked and could only be made pitifully mediocre at best without pulling all the stops to buff it with every possible buff (which can be done with pretty much any weapon in the game but isn't usually practical or cheap).

Tenet Lanka: This weapon got left behind several years ago and is hardly used anymore, even for its niche role of Eidolon hunting. I think the changes that would be fair would be to increase the crit chance to 40-50%, the multiplier to 2.2-3.0x, reduce the base damage to 400 (500-640 after Progenitor bonus) and decrease the shot charge time. The Progenitor bonus and improved crit stats would more than make up for the base damage reduction.

I also think the Lanka should get an improved quick-shot: I think it would be nice if it could be tap-fired to deal 20% of the total damage, where the regular Lanka must be charged to at least 33% to fire. In this case, the mag size should maybe be increased to 15. Also, there's no reason why the regular Lanka should be an MR 10 weapon and not like MR 6-8, especially if a Tenet version is added.

Tenet Opticor: Many people were disappointed that the Opticor's variant, the Opticor Vandal, wasn't really a proper upgrade so much as a "sidegrade" of better utility. I, too, would love to see this weapon done justice and am glad I was reminded of it. The base Opticor is so cool looking and fun but also very impractical as a single-shot, slow-charging weapon with all the cons of a big gun and only few of the pros. The Opticor Vandal was designed to address the utility issues of the Opticor but lost more than half the base damage as a tradeoff. We want a version with the best of both! It would be nice to have a version that meets the two somewhere in the middle but a bit better. Since it's hotly debated what stats an Opticor upgrade should have, here are the stats I propose:

-Base damage: 600, this would become 750-960 total with the Progenitor bonus (In between both versions)

-Crit Chance: 30-40% (Better than both)

-Crit Damage: 3.0x (Better than both)

-Status Chance: 30% (Same as Vandal)

-Charge Time: 0.6-1.0 seconds (same as Vandal or in between both)

-Magazine Count: 8 (Same as Vandal)

-Reload Time: 2 seconds (Same as Opticor)

-Radial Damage Range and Falloff: 100% at 0 meters, 40% at 6m, 0% at >6m (Same as Opticor)


Kuva Javlok: There's a Tenet Ferrox but not a Kuva Javlok? What?

Tenet Amprex: A powerful weapon already to be sure, but still, if the demand is high for a Tenet version, why not? It would be nice for the gun to have the Tenet look, if nothing else. It's not like it would be more powerful than the Torid Incarnon form anyway, right? If literally no other change was made than to increase the base beam length, it would be a worthy upgrade because it would still benefit greatly from the Progenitor bonus damage. Increasing the Crit Chance, Crit Damage, or Status Chance, or maybe a bit of two or all three would be a welcome cherry on top.

Tenet Penta: If other weapons can have a Syndicate/Prisma/Vandal/Wraith variant AND a Kuva/Tenet variant, so can the Penta. This would be a good Kuva Tonkor counterpart, and another fun weapon that would be very welcome for use in high-level content. Update: The Penta has a new Augment with the new Nora Nightwave Credit Offerings! It's called "Napalm Grenades" and is similar to Nightwatch Napalm, the grenades leave a burning patch on impact and also gain "30% FINAL Status Chance"!

Tenet Ambassador: Another awesome weapon that many people admire, but we're all disappointed in its pitiful stats. We know better than to expect a handcrafted buff for the individual weapon either, same as with weapons like the Alternox and Stug which desperately need it, so we would love to see a Tenet upgrade for it. It deserves better than just a Tenet skin.

Kuva Buzlok/Argonak: Two more fun weapons with a lot of potential that fall short past mid-level content with all but the most expensive builds that include the very best riven. Also, the Buzlok tracer dart is apparently bugged right now. Demand for a Kuva Buzlok is definitely there.

Kuva Harpak: This Grineer rifle also has a lot of potential, but once again simply falls short for higher level stuff, even with the Harpak augment mod "Exposing Harpoon".

Kuva Quatz: This could be a very enjoyable secondary weapon, and we could take advantage of the innate electric damage in combination with the Progenitor damage bonus.

Tenet Arca Scisco: The Arca Plasmor got a Tenet variant, which is awesome and I'm not complaining, but the Arca Scisco actually needs it! It could probably also use a secondary fire addition.

Tenet Arca Titron: The same case could be made for this and the Arca Scisco as for the Exergis and Galvacord. If one of these got an upgrade, its buddy weapons should too. And I think we would all love to welcome the Arca Titron back into relevance! Update: This weapon has come back into vogue now, so it probably doesn't need a Tenet variant now. But even better, I heard it might be one of the new Incarnons!

Kuva Grinlok/Marelok: These both have a variant, yes, but those both aren't used very often. Why? We all know why, because single-target semi-auto weapons with a low rate of fire and only decent damage aren't the most practical choice for facing hordes of enemies. I myself don't like to use these two guns anymore, but I know others have been asking for a Kuva variant for both so I decided to include them. If they're added, please give them a special gimmick too like maybe a secondary fire mode.

Tenet Stropha: I know, it's already pretty powerful, but so was the Arca Plasmor! Even so, the Stropha's player usage has fallen way off.

Kuva Vastilok: Probably the most unpopular pick in the gunblade category, used likely even less than the Sarpa, and I think many of us still don't even know this weapon exists! Adding a Stropha variant may be arguable, but adding a Vastilok variant makes sense.

Kuva (Twin) Viper(s): Same as above. Not even the Wraith variant saved this awful weapon. It might be redundant with the Kuva Twin Stubbas if it's dual, so maybe a single version with a secondary fire would be best.

Kuva Ripkas: Another fun weapon deserving of a major upgrade for high-level players. I know this would be a big hit.

Kuva Korrudo/Tenet Obex: The Sparring melee weapon class hardly sees any use from the player base, and for good reason. They, too, are fun weapons that just don't have enough oomph to make the cut for high-level stuff without some serious build investment.

Tenet Dual Kreska: How many of you even know the Kreska exists? It's a single one-hand Corpus scythe classed as a Machete melee weapon that was added for Orb Vallis, and it gets use from probably not one single player other than for use as "mastery fodder". I think it would be a welcome surprise to add this to the Dual Swords category as a dual melee weapon and an Ergo Glast offering, complete with its very own heavy melee attack "gimmick". It could be a cool Corpus version of the Dual Kamas Prime.

Kuva Twin Basolk: Another Grineer weapon that has received very little love, same as the Dual Zoren. Using the innate Heat damage to pair with the Progenitor elemental bonus could be pretty cool. It could be the Grineer counterpart of the Tenet Dual Kreskas if those were added.

Kuva Vulkar/Tenet Snipetron: They both have variants, I know, but even those hardly get any use. I know snipers aren't the most popular weapon category for Warframe unless we're talking about the Perigale or Sporothrix, for good reason, but I'm sure some of us would appreciate having at least one or two snipers with all of the Kuva/Tenet benefits! If these two are added, please give them a fun gimmick like a secondary fire, or else they'll still fade into obscurity for the simple reason that snipers are generally impractical for a game like Warframe.

Tenet Fluctus: No Tenet Archguns were added, meanwhile 2 Kuva Archguns were added. I'm not sure if the Archguns wielded by the Corpus are considered Corpus or Tenno weapons, though, since they're acquired from the Tenno Lab and not the Energy Lab. But I'm assuming the Fluctus is in fact a Corpus weapon, in which case it would make a fine Tenet weapon.

While I'm at it, I'd like to mention that the weapon model seems silly. The big arc-shaped piece on the front of the Fluctus is oriented vertically and compresses the two halves inward when firing, and then it shoots a horizontal wave projectile. It might just be an OCD thing, but wouldn't it make more sense for the arc-shaped part of the gun to be oriented horizontal if it's firing a horizontal projectile using that animation? In other words, I think the firing part of the Fluctus model should be rotated 90 degrees to make it make sense. I hope it's not just me, cause that really bothers me lol!




If you made it this far, thank you for your attention and interest! We also know that DE has created some totally original weapons using the Adversary system. I think we could use some more of those as well, so here are a few of my suggestions. They are mostly melee weapons, which I hope would also get their own heavy melee attack "gimmick":


Tenet original Archgun: I already mentioned adding the Tenet Fluctus, but like the Kuva Ayanga, I think there should be a Tenet original Archgun as well. Like I said at the top, I actually came up with a concept for this, a Corpus rocket pod that shoots rockets that seek space and air enemies automatically, the Tenet Vulturas! (Scroll back to the top to find the link for this weapon concept embedded in Update 2!)

Kuva flail: We still don't have a proper flail in the game! No, the whips don't count, boo! The Grineer love spiky balls (lol), so I'm sure this would be a great opportunity for them to flex!

Tenet dual nikana: A new melee weapon category that started with Sun & Moon. More of these would be fantastic!

Tenet assault saw: Another melee weapon category occupied by only a single entry, namely the Ghoulsaw, which like I said, came and went in relevance. A corpus take should probably just look like a cool cyberpunk energy chainsaw. Make assault saws great!

Kuva/Tenet dual dagger: A melee weapon category with few entries, and none that are considered particularly powerful, not even the Nepheri.

Kuva nunchaku: Another sparsely populated category, and I think it would be really cool to have a Grineer-themed one. We love seeing those spiky balls on our melee weapons, don't we?

Kuva/Tenet rapier: Same point as above. There are only 3 weapons in this category, and one of them is a Prime variant.

Kuva/Tenet staff melee: The Bo Prime is the only late-game viable staff on offer right now. We could also really use a new and improved Staff stance.

Tenet claws: Possible Tenet counterpart of Kuva Ripkas with the potential for a creative Corpus-themed design. I for one would love to shred enemies to pieces with neon claws.

Kuva/Tenet heavy scythe: We love the Corufell and Hespar and would love to see more weapons in this category. I think it would be so great to have one that can be thrown like the Wolf Sledge, but that spins perfectly horizontal when thrown.

Kuva/Tenet primary crossbow: There are very few of these as well and I'm sure it would be a fun addition.

Kuva/Tenet secondary crossbow: Same as above!

Kuva/Tenet arm cannon!: Who doesn't love this weapon category? We have the Shedu and Bubonico but no Grineer or Corpus arm cannon, imagine how cool it would be to have one (or BOTH)! I guess the Onos sort of counts as one, but it's considered mediocre as far as Incarnon weapons go.


Thank you for reading however much you did of this. I'm sure there are plenty of other cool ideas out there for both upgrade and original Kuva and Tenet weapons, and please feel free to add them here!

Id love to see Kuva twin basolk and kuva ghoulsaw, and for Tenet weapons i really wish they will complete the Arca weapon series as tenets(we only have arca plasmor tenet, what about tenet arca titron and arca scisco?).

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