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LoS Fixes for Dante’s Tragedy coming in next Hotfix


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Just fully remove the LoS requirement, it's the worst nerf possible to any Warframe, specially one that was not even unbalanced to begin with. Also actually fix him stopping on-damaged effects because of his overguard, which was the only problem with him.

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Also, I think this needs to be said again:

Player overguard will never be balancable in its current form. It will always be too powerful for the amount of investment and effort involved, or too weak. Because it doesn't scale with the vast majority of defensive player options, there are very few in between states that it can occupy. Ergo, players can't make choices to scale it, so it's either such a large value by default that it's overkill, or it's so little that a few armor archon shards and an HP mod makes it completely irrelevant.

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4 minutes ago, Amashiro said:

"We want to reiterate that we are paying close attention to player feedback and taking these conversations very seriously."

Interesting how many pages of "player feedback" do you need to revert frame-killing nerf? Because for 10 pages of said feedback 90%+ of msgs have the word "revert" in it.

Its actually 27 pages, there's another thread with 16 more pages

Edited by LordOfKenpo
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Also in the revert the LOS nerf club!

I completely understand the nerf to overguard and even Pageflight, but hitting Tragedy this hard with LOS really kills our owl wizard friend.

We have so many other strong nuke frames out there, like Gauss and Thermal Sunder, Saryn and her spread , Octavia's AoE rotation etc. and they are just fine in the game space.

We also have so many other good "busted" frames out there, like Revenant, Stynax etc. don't see why Dante needed to get the nerf hammer when these other warframes play well and haven't gotten scrutiny.

Tragedy shouldn't have gotten hit as hard as it did. I really don't see how it was more broken than anything else we have or how it was a problem especially in modern Warframe.

If nerfs can be implemented this easily, think of all the Warframes that could be buffed up to Dante's level of fun and power and by extension the power of the other notable frames I mentioned.

Instead of blaming issues on the new shiny toy we should bring up the frames that have been forgotten and look at core mechanics in place rather than our owl friend.

Save the Owl Wizard!

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Bought plat specifically to get Dante and his stuff. Heavily invested forma and shards because he was fun.

Made me even get the tennocon ticket, because the update was nice and DE had been killing it lately.

Now I regret having spent a single dime.

What the hell do you base your data on? Overguard is downright useless on higher steel path levels and tragedy's damage falls off very quickly. Not to mention frames like Saryn existing.

All people wanted was to change the team OG to circumvent anti synergies.

Massive loss of trust for me personally.

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"We want to reiterate that we are paying close attention to player feedback and taking these conversations very seriously."

Will the 10 pages here, 30+ on some other threads where most people are asking you to revert the changes count as player feedback? Will you actually listen to the playerbase?

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Can we get refunds of our platinum for this or is that not a thing? I'll give back the frame and mastery and maybe even farm him for free for the helminth but I think a refund should be done for the people who liked this frame. 

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Just now, LordOfKenpo said:

Its actually 26 pages, there's another thread with 16 more pages

soon we'll have an entire books worth of people telling DE that the did something wrong and they are still staying silent instead of at least TRYING to do damage control in some way...

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Revert the LoS change please. My god it feels completely awful with any LoS restriction.. his 3 already has LoS for petes sake. an unprimed enemy wasnt dying to tragedy anyway!


Keep the overguard changes, nerf tragedy range, whatever just PLEASE get rid of the LoS. it feels AWFUL

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I hope the next Warframe, Jade won't be a disappointment. One week with Dante and already got a major nerf from their "minor tweaks" when the only problem was the OG for other people's builds.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

We've been poring over your comments regarding the balance changes to Dante. We want to reiterate that we are paying close attention to player feedback and taking these conversations very seriously. As with everything in Warframe, iteration is always possible, and we’ll be keeping a close eye on how Dante feels now that these alterations are in your hands. 

One of the clearest pain points from the community is the inconsistencies in Tragedy’s Line of Sight (LOS) checks, and we can confirm that the following changes are already on deck for an upcoming hotfix: 

  • Tragedy not hitting ragdolled enemies that are within LOS

  • Increasing the number of LOS checks per enemy to improve the reliability of marginal hits 

We are still actively reading your feedback and encourage you to continue to share your constructive thoughts after spending time playing Dante with the changes. Thank you to everyone who has shared their thoughts with us thus far!

To add to the above, it's very obvious to us, as it is with players, that Tragedy's LOS is clearly not in an ideal state due to the bugs we listed above. It's not working as intended and we want to remedy that as soon as we can. Once the fixes go live, we'll be watching for your thoughts as you experience it the way was designed to function.  


do you not listen to us? WE DONT WANT LOS , dark verse already needs los for final verse to activate . why not just adjust og , refund me my plat if ur gonna lie about slight tweaking and then nerf him to the ground .... 

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1 minute ago, SovereignB13 said:

Stop wasting everybody's time including your own. None of the nerfs address what the community actually wanted. Revert all these dumb nerfs and let us have fun playing a PVE game!

+1 (since i'm out of "reactions" for some unholy reason)

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2 minutes ago, yeahnil said:

Bought plat specifically to get Dante and his stuff. Heavily invested forma and shards because he was fun.

Made me even get the tennocon ticket, because the update was nice and DE had been killing it lately.

Now I regret having spent a single dime.

What the hell do you base your data on? Overguard is downright useless on higher steel path levels and tragedy's damage falls off very quickly. Not to mention frames like Saryn existing.

All people wanted was to change the team OG to circumvent anti synergies.

Massive loss of trust for me personally.

Same here I bought my ticket last week If they don't revert I won't spend another dime

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Tecstasy:

Same here I bought my ticket last week If they don't revert I won't spend another dime

Is it possible to get a refund? I bought it through the Warframe site. Feeling kinda tricked not gonna lie.

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Dante was perfect. It's the best frame release I've ever seen in the 10 years I've played this game, and had me excited to finally settle in on my new main. No weird flaws, no buggy ability interactions, everything just worked. The whole day and a half I got to use him was some of the most fun I've had on Warframe, and then this hotfix came in and completely destroyed him. No amount of "tweaks" or "fixes" will make him feel like anything but garbage compared to before. Tragedy feels terrible to use now. Pageflight had its most useful component declared a bug and "fixed". His overguard is functionally no different, just feels worse in mid-level missions. Everything about him sucks now, he's just another mediocre MR fodder frame and it's frustrating. Line of sight restrictions on an ability that detonates procs built up by another ability that already has line of sight restrictions? Why?


I don't want tweaks, I don't want a "LoS fix", I want these changes completely reverted. All my motivation to play has been sucked out and I haven't even tried the new game mode. I feel scammed out of the time I spent farming, building, potatoing and forma-ing Dante, and I feel rugpulled on how exciting and fun he was for the brief moment of time I got to play him. Rebecca's quote about not wanting to make the first five days of Dante's existence the most fun and only good times he has is aging very poorly right now.

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So if it's not obvious, the other problem besides the LoS being dysfunctional, is that some people liked the interaction between Dante's 3 and 4 as a tagging mechanic. E. G. tag enemies in different rooms as you travel between them, and then cash in with his 4. LoS is going to destroy that functionality in a game as focused around long segmented corridors as Warframe is.

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1 hour ago, InfiniteNothingness said:

Just revert the LoS change and nerf the range if needs be. I can play around it by changing my build to include more range, but I can't do anything about LoS being buggy and inconsistent. 

NO , he is already struggling to compete with other nukes , why nerf his damage . JUST OG to teammates is bad 

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Her we go againe guys your ''smale tweak'' is now a Big nerf what was a good frame and a fun one is now realy disapointing and it took you only 1 week to do that but when a bad new fram comes out it takes you years to fix them if you dont revert the nerf you loste my trust DE for ever i will never buy any new frame withe real mony . He was made powerful on purpose and it was done to make sales on Dante packs. Nerfing him after making money off his packs is shady business practice. I won't spend another dime with you guys. 

Edited by EliteVoidHunter
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2 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

So if it's not obvious, the other problem besides the LoS being dysfunctional, is that some people liked the interaction between Dante's 3 and 4 as a tagging mechanic. E. G. tag enemies in different rooms as you travel between them, and then cash in with his 4. LoS is going to destroy that functionality in a game as focused around long segmented corridors as Warframe is.

Yep this was FUN, now we get to be mad at DE for once again not listening to us while telling us they listen...

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I would LIKE to see the Nerf reverted.  but i would also take ANYTHING but LoS. want to 1/2 his range? fine. damage also? fine. but LoS is NEVER a good thing, especially when it's not even working correctly.  We were finally happy with a frame on Release... this hadn't happened for Years. Why would you change that? also why would you change it before waiting to see how it goes after all our Invigorations run out? seems kinda shifty..... like predatory marketing type shifty.

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