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PC Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.4


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If you listened to the community, you would just revert LOS changes to tragedy. there's literally 120+ pages of people asking for this and your reddit feedback threads are filled to the brim with it as well. 


Why are you so desperate to not give players what they want? It's ridiculous. I'm glad you're giving us status damage back on the birds but come on, stop fighting us on LOS. 

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hace 1 minuto, Trans_Puppygirl dijo:

If you listened to the community, you would just revert LOS changes to tragedy. there's literally 120+ pages of people asking for this and your reddit feedback threads are filled to the brim with it as well. 


Why are you so desperate to not give players what they want? It's ridiculous. I'm glad you're giving us status damage back on the birds but come on, stop fighting us on LOS. 


I don't want to waste more words. Just revert Dante to his initial state and Nezha augment too. Just stop nerfs and listen to people. I think old DE came back again 

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Thanks for your hard work. I spent the whole evening testing Dante and honestly have no idea why people are still raging after the recent hotfix tbh. I can still nuke entire rooms of enemies just fine with Tragedy, despite the new LoS adjustments.

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11 minutes ago, Trans_Puppygirl said:

If you listened to the community, you would just revert LOS changes to tragedy. there's literally 120+ pages of people asking for this and your reddit feedback threads are filled to the brim with it as well. 


Why are you so desperate to not give players what they want? It's ridiculous. I'm glad you're giving us status damage back on the birds but come on, stop fighting us on LOS. 

plain and simple

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37 minutes ago, Kuwagata said:

I hope you keep the same energy and discourse when they nerf your favorite frame and weapon, just tell people they have to accept bc why not?

i'm a limbo main, need i say more? lmfao

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24 minutes ago, Erdhan said:

Thanks for your hard work. I spent the whole evening testing Dante and honestly have no idea why people are still raging after the recent hotfix tbh. I can still nuke entire rooms of enemies just fine with Tragedy, despite the new LoS adjustments.

The problem is simple. It depends on tileset. Also, the inconsistency of it makes it more problem than solution to anything.

Edited by Museigen
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 Please don't forget about the Arca Titron. It was nerfed to a frankly really disappointing state and is now no longer competitive in the Steel Path. I know the focus is on Dante, but please don't leave us Arca Titron fans out to dry for years again. 

Slam Multiplier too low:


Guaranteed Electric Proc bugged and not working: 


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5 minutes ago, Museigen said:

The problem is simple. It depends on tileset. Also, the inconsistency of it makes it more problem than solution to anything.

Yes. Which is why I didn't come to the forum posting after playing once, but only did it after playing on different tilesets, multiple times. The only inconsistency I have noticed currently is that it still hits stuff I don't even know is on the map, which is a positive I guess since it means the new LoS check is quite sensitive.

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hace 41 minutos, Erdhan dijo:

Thanks for your hard work. I spent the whole evening testing Dante and honestly have no idea why people are still raging after the recent hotfix tbh. I can still nuke entire rooms of enemies just fine with Tragedy, despite the new LoS adjustments.

Because the frame was good and the nerf doesn't have a point, the nerfs are back. It's just not about Dante only. Who many kills do you have with Dante? What MR are you? Have you spent money on the frame? I'm not in game right now to see your account?

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7 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

We value your input and how it helps us iterate and improve together. Thank you, Tenno.

people were begging you not to nerf dante at all, especially so soon after release, that was our input and it was ignored

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7 minutes ago, Stomno said:

Because the frame was good and the nerf doesn't have a point, the nerfs are back. It's just not about Dante only. Who many kills do you have with Dante? What MR are you? Have you spent money on the frame? I'm not in game right now to see your account?

Excuse me, what? Why do you care what MR I am? How does that matter? I'm MR 17, does that make my feedback less valid? I also play this game longer than you, does that make my feedback more valuable than yours? What kind of kindergarten behavior is this?

As for the nerf, everyone knew it was coming. Even people asking for it to be reverted say they knew Dante will get nerfed after playing him for 5min. All this outrage is outragous in itself. Yesterday, or the day before, when you could barely kill 2 enemies with it, it was very valid, yes, but now after they fixed the LoS issues, maybe actually try playing him.

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I really, really, really would like these proposed LOS fixes applied to every warframe ability in the game as soon as reasonably possible, and similarly make radial explosions from weapons more forgiving in their hit checking

The main reason reading "Damage bypasses obstacles in the environment" in a warframe wiki entry excites me isn't "Sweet! I can nuke enemies through walls!", it's "Sweet! I can actually rely on this doing the thing I expect it to do!"

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb -AncientWarrior-:

And here is the best dumb-assed response...  happy Dante got nerf but never played him .. ok .. goooood  Joooob .

Bro chill, i said it´s fine he got nerfed cuz it literally makes no difference if he stores 10k overguard or 1k when he constantly regenerates it. 
it´s a monument to how strong he is after the nerfs, if i play him FIRST TIME in STEEL PATH CIRCUIT, SOLO. 

It´s literally Cotten candy and won´t protect you from an Eximus´ glock no matter how much you got. Except it does, cuz it´s gating. And they even buffed the generation. 
And i said i agree the LOS is poopy. 

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1 hour ago, Erdhan said:

Yes. Which is why I didn't come to the forum posting after playing once, but only did it after playing on different tilesets, multiple times. The only inconsistency I have noticed currently is that it still hits stuff I don't even know is on the map, which is a positive I guess since it means the new LoS check is quite sensitive.

I'm legit happy for your response if it's genuine. What do you think of Persto? I did on steel path and it was pretty uncomfortable, so say the least, because the lab tileset demand a lot of positioning and los check. Some times pilar didn't block LoS, sometimes certain obstacles that seem less than a pillar blocked. How was your experience there?
And I'm not even talking about the bugs that other enemies block each other LoS, or the warframe model.

Edited by Museigen
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It doesnt matter how much you buff him, LoS is so clunky in this game. Unless you guys make LoS feel good or remove LoS requirement all together, consider LoS-required abilities as awful to use

I dont think anybody would be complaining this much if LoS wasnt so bad


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Nah, this ain't it.  It wasn't an unpopular change "mainly" because of the LOS checks like you suggest.  That was a massive problem, and still will be even if you fix LOS mechanics, but the main issue is that he didn't need nerfs to start with.  None.  And not only are you still nerfing him, but you're still completely ignoring the main issue.  This is not you listening or caring about feedback.  This is you providing insanely shallow lip service and speaking out of both sides of your mouth.  You're saying "we value your feedback" while simultaneously fully ignoring our feedback.  What an absolute joke.

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51 minutes ago, Museigen said:

I'm legit happy for your response if it's genuine. What do you think of Persto? I did on steel path and it was pretty uncomfortable, so say the least, because the lab tileset demand a lot of positioning and los check. Some times pilar didn't block LoS, sometimes certain obstacles that seem less than a pillar blocked. How was your experience there?
And I'm not even talking about the bugs that other enemies block each other LoS, or the warframe model.

I haven't played Persto, but I did do multiple Netracell runs on the lab tileset. Depending on the room you're in things can get harder or easier, since well, LoS, but I had no trouble hitting things I intended to hit. I was also paying attention to both the minimap and the enemies in front of me to check how many red dots were vanishing after each Tragedy. It wasn't cleaning the whole room, whether because of some surviving Eximus or some walls, but was hitting most of them, and what mattered to me, it was hitting the group i wanted to hit, plus, as I said, enemies I didn't realize were even there in the first place whether hidden behind some obstacles or standing somewhere behind me. I think in the current iteration it only doesn't hit stuff if there's like a literal wall between you and the enemy.

There might still be some bugs as you've mentioned, but I haven't noticed any in my games. To me this new version still lets you hit what you want to hit, the only thing it limits is that you don't reliably hit stuff you don't even know is there - enemies behind walls, in another room etc.

Also i'm not sure how and when does the ability check whether the enemies are in sight. Whether at the beginning of animation, during, or does it "mark" each you see while casting. I had cases when I was jumping down while casting Tragedy and I thought I lost sight of the enemies on the upper floor, but I hit them anyway, so either some bits of them were still seen, or the ability has a particular moment it registers enemies. If it "marks" everyone it sees during the whole animation, then maybe using casting speed actually makes it less reliable since you have less time to  "mark" enemies you see? This is just a thing I was wondering about though.

Edited by Erdhan
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Please also take a second look at the Arca Titron. The nerf was too punishing considering various factors as it is a very low stat wise traditional melee weapon with no stronger variants and requires the mechanic of charges to get a stronger slam which is made difficult by the stats themselves. In contrast to other slam oriented melee weapons that require no mechanic to get stronger slams or any meta or decent melee weapon it is outshined in every aspect.

Another topic proposed a buff to 150% additional damage instead of only 100% per charge results in 10 post nerf charges to have about the same damage of 4 pre nerf charges. A significant drop in damage so that it isn't as busted as before but can still have at least a viable niche. I know I don't speak much with how little people actively use the Arca Titron and its low usage rate, but its just there's something so satisfying with the gimmick to power up your melee and do a strong attack, and with it not paying off is kind of a bummer now, even more so, its disappointingly sad that the answer to a broken mechanic of a terrible weapon stat wise is to nerf it to the ground into unviability in comparison to today's choices.

Edited by StyreRai
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can chroma get a multiplicative buff on vex armor like mirage? his buff is harder to achieve SURELY someone at de would understand a harder to achieve buff would mean it’s a better buff


u guys r doing a good job considering there’s 50 pages worth of replies thanking u

surely u will listen to this feedback like u listened to the dante & nezha  and reverted those nerfs??

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