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What is an Endgame Player?

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It's relatively easy to farm the invasion missions for dojo weapons, to build weapons from the market blueprints, build base and prime warframes and in short order obtain MR30. This isn't endgame. 

To me, end game player is one who not only high MR (this being a side effect rather than a measuring stick), but has *also* invested time and forma into their arsenal to meet the challenges and demands of various game modes. 

And additionally has a working knowledge and understands nuances of modding, various game modes, farms, and efficiency. 

An endgame player may or may not subscribe to the "meta" and if so, may choose when and where to apply it. 

An endgame player is not a copypasta but appreciates the time invested by others who have tested copiously to identify synergies. An endgame player will also find their own synergies between weapons, companions, warframes and abilities. 

An end game player will pay attention to the squad composition and loadouts even in public lobbies and take note of their inherent strengths and weaknesses, thereby doing ones best to compliment these aspects. 

Duviri compelled me to build out weapons and frames I'd more or less forgotten about. Yes some are better than others and some I'd never use in day to day missions as they're not my preferred loadouts. But...the RNG gives me the opportunity to consider all of the various synergies that can take place to make a frame and weapon or group do better. 

What Duviri Circuit has taught us is that a lot of players don't follow this mindset. Early game players have a lot of ground to cover and the grind is a long one. Seasoned players should recognize this and hopefully help them along. 

Deep Archimedean takes this a step further whereby the ego fantasy of "being the best" "being the fastest" pales in comparison to how you help the group accomplish it's mission with the various impedances placed upon you along with the RNG.

In most of the content there is no impetus to do anything more than kill trash mobs but when your loadout is RNG with modifiers you literally have to pay closer attention to everything which compels team cohesion.

What are your thoughts? 

Edited by NeDesitVirtus
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Endgame is an illusion , its as definitive as the meta which keeps changing over time.

I think what you have described is a knowledgeable ,experienced , adaptable , skilled player with an enviable collection of customized gear.

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An endgame player is a player who does not find mission rewards appealing any longer. Once this condition is fulfilled, the symptoms differ though. Some spend all their time with fashion, some feel compelled to advise devs on how the game should be, and some focus on oddities, or try to bring up a new generation. It really differs.

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I think that's yet a long definition but an accurate one. Endgame though is of course just a concept and can be subject to your own personal definition. But being experienced, knowledgeable, adaptable (including owning a vast enough arsenal) and "skilled" (whatever "skilled" is supposed to mean in a PvE context, if not just "knowledgeable") ; I can only agree that it is these points that make the difference. And that globally you are not forced to play by the "meta" or restricted to it.

I really see being "endgame" as if your are always able to find solutions and synergies by yourself and not afraid to adapt in order to play any new content that gets release and particularly the one that is meant to be challenging. AKA The Circuit, The Fragmented One and Deep Archimedea we got recently for instance.

Side note, sometimes I see "endgame" being used as a way to discriminate players and make a difference between an "elite" and the "others". I'll add that this is extremely silly at best. And all that is mostly a matter of time spent in the game, not much of a talent or anything. And some seem to be adept of hoarding knowledge in order to look down upon other players. And this is extremely sad when this concept is used as such.

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3 minutes ago, Rathalio said:

Side note, sometimes I see "endgame" being used as a way to discriminate players and make a difference between an "elite" and the "others". I'll add that this is extremely silly at best. And all that is mostly a matter of time spent in the game, not much of a talent or anything. And some seem to be adept of hoarding knowledge in order to look down upon other players. And this is extremely sad when this concept is used as such.

I agree with everything you said but especially this! Thank you for that contribution, it's spot on. 

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Endgame is the point where a game can no longer defeat the player through normal means. There are some objective things to consider like access to required mechanics, and some subjective things to consider like the player's skill and confidence. If the game requires that you have a specific item to proceed, it has "defeated" you until you get that item. And if a player has everything they need but still thinks that the game can defeat them, then in a way it has.

Endgame content is the content designed for these endgame players. It can be confrontational and rely on special means to try and defeat the player, like restrictions or challenges or competition with other players, or it can be non-confrontational like constructive or social systems.

Some examples:

  • If you are playing Minecraft and do not have a stable food supply or shelter, the game will be able to kill you with hunger and mobs. Once you have enough food and water and light to sit in your dirt hut and bake bread, you can sit there indefinitely and you will never "lose". The game can't touch you. Building things, expanding your base, and completing additional tasks is then the endgame in Minecraft.
  • If you are playing a competitive shooter like (old) CoD, you start off lacking access to all of the weapons and attachments and perks that you might later need. Once you've unlocked those things there's nothing you can't do. Fighting other players is the endgame in (old) CoD.
  • If you are playing Tetris or Chess, you start off with all of the mechanics you need to do everything in the game. Both of those games are one big continuous endgame focused on building up your personal skill.
  • If you are playing Warframe, the game can "defeat" you by asking you to go to a location you don't have access to. It can "defeat" you by requiring that you use an Amp to fight a specific enemy. It can "defeat" you by requiring that you have a Railjack to proceed. If you have all of these mechanics unlocked, there's nowhere you can't go and nothing you can't do. Things like socializing, fashionframe, forum jousting, and taking on elevated challenges are the endgame in Warframe.
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23 minutes ago, obiwandandobi2 said:

Fashion frame that isn't just black, white and red. That's true end game!

Calling me out, damn

As for the post? I would say endgame in this game translates to knowledge

You can't get far in this game without knowledge, which is why I love it
Of course, that's just my opinion. True endgame doesn't exist (though we can dream)

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3 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Endgame is an illusion , its as definitive as the meta which keeps changing over time.

I think what you have described is a knowledgeable ,experienced , adaptable , skilled player with an enviable collection of customized gear.


Pretty much this.

DE has always set their term of "End-game" way below the bar of what a capable player can do solo with a frame. Groups? Forget about it.

When DE added Sorties they called it an end game activity and at the time even the worst frames could hit level 300 solo without consumables. I say forget about it when it comes to groups because we had already beat the game via level cao before hand both Defensively with 1.4billion eHP / Immunity and Offensively.

Sorties got scaled out real fast because it wasn't close to the bar anyways. Now with enemy Defense nerf'd there's nothing to really push against.
So it's simply a matter of perspective and even that's fake. DE will never make true end-game because they want everyone to play it. Can't have both.

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb NeDesitVirtus:

It's relatively easy to farm the invasion missions for dojo weapons, to build weapons from the market blueprints, build base and prime warframes and in short order obtain MR30. This isn't endgame. 

To me, end game player is one who not only high MR (this being a side effect rather than a measuring stick), but has *also* invested time and forma into their arsenal to meet the challenges and demands of various game modes. 

And additionally has a working knowledge and understands nuances of modding, various game modes, farms, and efficiency. 

An endgame player may or may not subscribe to the "meta" and if so, may choose when and where to apply it. 

An endgame player is not a copypasta but appreciates the time invested by others who have tested copiously to identify synergies. An endgame player will also find their own synergies between weapons, companions, warframes and abilities. 

An end game player will pay attention to the squad composition and loadouts even in public lobbies and take note of their inherent strengths and weaknesses, thereby doing ones best to compliment these aspects. 

Duviri compelled me to build out weapons and frames I'd more or less forgotten about. Yes some are better than others and some I'd never use in day to day missions as they're not my preferred loadouts. But...the RNG gives me the opportunity to consider all of the various synergies that can take place to make a frame and weapon or group do better. 

What Duviri Circuit has taught us is that a lot of players don't follow this mindset. Early game players have a lot of ground to cover and the grind is a long one. Seasoned players should recognize this and hopefully help them along. 

Deep Archimedean takes this a step further whereby the ego fantasy of "being the best" "being the fastest" pales in comparison to how you help the group accomplish it's mission with the various impedances placed upon you along with the RNG.

In most of the content there is no impetus to do anything more than kill trash mobs but when your loadout is RNG with modifiers you literally have to pay closer attention to everything which compels team cohesion.

What are your thoughts? 

there is no endgame. game is super causal.

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The end-game of Warframe used to be when you create your own goals because the game can no longer provide you with any. Now I would say it's just keeping up with weeklies and dailies. :/

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