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Everything posted by Pragmatic_2015

  1. Gotta love a chance to dunk on the forums/subreddits poster boy. But all jokes aside there a few solutions to the Bramma ammo problem. *Making Scav auras work with Coaction Drift (if it already works like that, I dunno I'm just spitballing here) *Some sort of adaptive sliding scale on the plus ammo for AoE weapons. Non AoE weapons get the full benefit but AoE gets a slight increase i.e. Zarr gets an extra 5. *Ammo pickup cool down. It can only accept ammo drops once a bare maximum has been expended. Like I said, it's just a few ideas I've had randomly. I'd say feel free to post this on X and tag the devs in this post.
  2. Mate, I'm from the wonderful country of downunda aka Australia. And I'm not really complaining about it. Forma is pretty easy to come by.
  3. Anyone here watch Bluey. The cartoon show about a Blue Heeler and her family from Brisbane????
  4. I feel that a full pass of legacy systems would be a starting point. For example a full pass of all passives and see what could be re-engineered from already existing assets. That way nothing new needs to be made and should be introduced to the current build quicker.
  5. No need to get nasty. That doesn't help anyone.
  6. My apologies mate. It's something I noticed today, I was talking but no one else was talking back. I had to mentioned what I used in an earlier thread and it dawned on me that the fundamentals tend to go out the window. A little bit of GG tyvm goes a long way. My first attempt this week was with Kallurvo and Wukong and the Wukong said LOL as I was in bleedout state. I quit out and tried again a few more times before I took a few steps back and changed up my tactics. Long story short, got it smacked then took a mate thru with my Dante. No one was dying on Mr watch
  7. 5) Communication: You actually need to talk it up. If a Dante says stay close for buffing and your already 350 metres ahead. Pull a solid 180 and get the buff. These missions require teamwork because Together Everyone Achieves More there has already been a major back and forth on the subject, it's time to move forward as a unified community.
  8. I love the way you think. So when are we getting Artax Prime ????
  9. Chroma:- First Time ???? Ironically enough I use Pillage on my Chroma Prime for Status Clear. I'd use Rolling Guard but it should only kick in when there are statuses to be dealt with. Rolling gives 75 percent DR and I hate missing IFrames when I don't need too.
  10. Have you tried Prisma Ohma with Influence. I'm genuinely intimidated by it.
  11. Its a see of redcrits on a status weapon, the amount of Archons if decked with it is mindboggling. Between Critical Delay and my CC/Elec riven with Vital Sense and Hammer Shot to make everything stick. I just charge it up and letta rip. Lex P Incarnon was maid for Hemorrhage. It just slaps hard Prisma Angstrom isn't about the stats, it's about the satisfaction of how it feels. Just pure mindless fun. Yeppers LAZORS for the funsies.
  12. After I got thru, I took a mate thru with my Dante. Absolutely wrecked it but I was the only one communicating. It's the kind of mission where you need to stay close or stick together so you can get a quick revive. The old adage "Together Everyone Achieves More" holds true
  13. In no apparent order:- Lex Prime:- like a prenerf Catchmoon that slaps vs the earth archon summons in. Boltor Prime:- Mine is a redcrit monster. Prisma Angstrom:- I'm filling this corridor with LAZORZ
  14. I wanna thank everyone in this thread. The advice helped out a lot. But it's making me wonder how are we forgetting the fundamentals of gameplay. Are we so used to just steamrolling things that we forget how to act ???
  15. The best I've got is Mesa/Batacor/Occucor/Hirudo. I've been getting stymied at mirror defence but this thread has given me ideas.
  16. Would that work for limbo with neg duration????
  17. I don't actually use Grace on my Chroma. What I usually use in arcanes is Augmented/Energize/Blessing I had considered Nourish but I'm not one to go with what everyone else is doing. I tend to work laterally and solve the problem.
  18. I feel that the fly in the ointment is the OG generation inline with other frames. It's not the OG cap but how fast it gets there. One of my mates has a Styanax that isn't too nutty. Dante on the other hand is bucket loads of crazy on how fast it gets up to peak. That's the thing that needs to be curtailed. Also I do feel that Kallurvo should have gotten something out of it.
  19. There a few Duviri decrees that would work. I do feel that there should be a full pass on passives. I've noticed that Nova having a passive is a meme in circulation atm I always take the safe route. For me it's about staying in the fight for longer.
  20. There a few Duviri decrees that would work. I do feel that there should be a full pass on passives. I've noticed that Nova having a passive is a meme in circulation atm
  21. Yeppers, Pablo'd. I do feel that because he is only one person there is only so much someone can do in one day. So I'll be patient and wait.
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