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the discution about weather a warframe is good for level cap needs to stop

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easy fix: stop discussing it with them (: 

They're a small minority of power gamers who want to push things to the limit 

There's a weird function of the brain called the R.A.S System, which essentially scans the world for what you're thinking about consciously or subconsciously, so let's say you focus on red cars or blueberries, you start seeing them everywhere, but before they were there too, you just didn't notice them. 
Same thing with "oh my god, so many Level 9999 players", when it's also the youtube algorithm (if you ever clicked it). 


The power of biology :P

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18 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

This is *not* true, you can be reported for griefing if you, for example, get yourself rad procced on purpose and then destroy mission objectives. Turns out even in random matchmaking, griefing is in fact *not* allowed, and if I wanted to grief people I'd *definitely* pick Limbo.

I mean anything goes within the rules, like running around opening lockers, smashing crates etc. while someone else might want to rush say a boss. Leeching, griefing etc. however falls outside of the rules. And yeah, Limbo does indeed have potential for griefing, even unwillingly so by being played by an inexperienced Lamebo player. The gentleman really needs an overhaul and a rework. He needs to become less top hat gentleman and more Guy Ritchie type of gentleman if you catch my drift.

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On 2024-04-13 at 7:48 PM, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

No, OP has a better point than people are giving them credit for. We've all seen level cap and general high level endurance players complain about the state of warframes, weapons and even crowd control limitations when playing at really high levels. Their requests for changes are usually selfishly aimed at those levels which, whenever DE caters to them, we end up with the power creep and overly laxed buffs that trivializes the standard game. Your Limbo example is a perfect place to discuss that, as we've recently had a slew of threads about how CC frames are "unusable"...only to find out the player meant unusable because of high level eximus units. They, therefore, want those eximus units to be able to sustain a CC, this further crippling the game. 

Could OP say it in a nicer way? Of course! However, do they try to address an actual, troubling issue? Of course!!! The game shouldn't be made to be easier for level cap and those players shouldn't be asking for that. The challenge is the point, no?

this is what i was mainly talking about, when something is balanced around 400 (the current game mode) those players will complain to de about most things not working in areas far past where rewards are causing power creep

On 2024-04-13 at 8:44 PM, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

It could be that they speak a different language and just tried their best to translate. The message is understood though.

I have dyslexia and a bunch of other problems, i speak English and im from North America... im bad at remembering words and names, and have to phonically type a word, and sometime i get it right, and sometimes i put a space in the wrong area do to me typing the space mid word instead of before or after it do to dyslexia.

it doesn't bother me but i can understand why it bothers everyone else and im sorry

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5 hours ago, spider_enigma said:

this is what i was mainly talking about, when something is balanced around 400 (the current game mode) those players will complain to de about most things not working in areas far past where rewards are causing power creep

I have dyslexia and a bunch of other problems, i speak English and im from North America... im bad at remembering words and names, and have to phonically type a word, and sometime i get it right, and sometimes i put a space in the wrong area do to me typing the space mid word instead of before or after it do to dyslexia.

it doesn't bother me but i can understand why it bothers everyone else and im sorry

No need to apologize. Most of us understood what you were saying very clearly. Some people just feel entitled to offer corrections without realizing there's an entire world beyond their own.

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On 2024-04-13 at 4:55 PM, Rathalio said:

Especially when with all things considered, every warframes kinda suck at level cap and that's what should make it interesting. It's more a matter of having a few tools or not that are still relevant when you get to this point.

This. And before shield gate , the level cap trips were even more limited . Perhaps endurance players forgot.

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14 hours ago, spider_enigma said:
19 hours ago, VENDOMINUS said:

Every frame is levelcap viable. End of discussion. xD

thats not the issue tho lol

You can do levelcap by just putting pillige on any frame an not using any other skills and using good weapons. To me that makes everything viable.

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