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For the love of God get rid of Alchemy in the circuit

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I knew this was going to be bad but I at least thought DE would do *something* to make Alchemy less horrible. Oh my God, it is so much worse than I had thought possible.

9 minutes 13 seconds to get *one* of these parts done, and you want a second one? Are you insane? I'm blown away by this. Did no one test it?

This game mode absolutely sucks, it's legitimately bad, and you've actually made it WORSE. I thought at the very least we'd only have to do one crucible, but even that, with these spawn rates, would be *absolutely horrible*.

The Circuit was kinda rough already, but this kills it. I legitimately don't know how to play this game mode when there's a 20 minute intermission of garbage in here.

Let me be clear - it's absolutely busted right now and clearly requires a hotfix because it's unplayable, but even if DE fixed the *horrific* spawn rates it would still be terrible to play. Get this out of the circuit.

P.S I'm posting this in the middle of an Alchemy right now. There are literally no enemies on the map, we're standing around doing nothing.

Update: 22 minutes. 22 minutes to get that done. Insane.

Edited by insanitybit
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My worry is that DE is going to go "oh, yeah, we totally broke spawn rates whoops" and fix that and then not realize that this is just *fundamentally god awful*. Spawn rates are what makes this an absolutely joke and unplayable right now (seriously, 22 minutes lol did no one even test this????) but you could 100x the spawn rates and this mode would still be terrible.

Here's what would be needed *at minimum* to make this game mode suck instead of making it flat out unplayable:

1. Radically increase spawn rate

2. Guarantee drops from enemies

3. Considerably bias the drops towards the current crucible elements

4. ONE round. Not two. One. It is *insane* to me that DE thought that two would be acceptable.

At that point the mission would simply be "not fun at all". I'd hate it, but I'd keep playing the circuit. It would easily be the slowest, least fun waste of my time, but whatever. As it stands, and as I suspect DE won't do even half of the above, I'm done. Thankfully I have most Incarnons already, I played the Circuit mostly for a Kuva/ Riven boost. I enjoyed the Circuit sometimes, even. 

Get it out. Get it out of the circuit.

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lol, I didn't even know Circuit Alchemy was a thing until now. two rounds each time though? oof.  thank the Void I already have all my Incarnons. 

still, could be worse: they might add Mirror Defense or even.... Defection to the Circuit! MUAHAHAHAHA! :devil: 


Edited by (PSN)robotwars7
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vor 1 Stunde schrieb insanitybit:

I knew this was going to be bad but I at least thought DE would do *something* to make Alchemy less horrible. Oh my God, it is so much worse than I had thought possible.

9 minutes 13 seconds to get *one* of these parts done, and you want a second one? Are you insane? I'm blown away by this. Did no one test it?

This game mode absolutely sucks, it's legitimately bad, and you've actually made it WORSE. I thought at the very least we'd only have to do one crucible, but even that, with these spawn rates, would be *absolutely horrible*.

The Circuit was kinda rough already, but this kills it. I legitimately don't know how to play this game mode when there's a 20 minute intermission of garbage in here.

Let me be clear - it's absolutely busted right now and clearly requires a hotfix because it's unplayable, but even if DE fixed the *horrific* spawn rates it would still be terrible to play. Get this out of the circuit.

P.S I'm posting this in the middle of an Alchemy right now. There are literally no enemies on the map, we're standing around doing nothing.

Update: 22 minutes. 22 minutes to get that done. Insane.

SP Circuit already has such a miserable playtime/reward ratio. I'd rather work as a slave somewhere. At least then I get something to eat!

Such a miserable mode should NEVER appear in SP Circuit! BECAUSE THERE IS NO USEFUL LOOT THERE! And this random nonsense kills the last bit of fun... and it's all about quick missions for weekly rewards!

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2 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

SP Circuit already has such a miserable playtime/reward ratio. I'd rather work as a slave somewhere. At least then I get something to eat!

Such a miserable mode should NEVER appear in SP Circuit! BECAUSE THERE IS NO USEFUL LOOT THERE! And this random nonsense kills the last bit of fun... and it's all about quick missions for weekly rewards!

I personally enjoy doing my weekly Circuit run. I still wish the excavators could survive more than one shot at level cap, but oh well. Alchemy could spice things up, but the speed of it will probably need to be increased. I'll comment more on that after doing my next weekly.

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vor 24 Minuten schrieb VENDOMINUS:

I personally enjoy doing my weekly Circuit run. I still wish the excavators could survive more than one shot at level cap, but oh well. Alchemy could spice things up, but the speed of it will probably need to be increased. I'll comment more on that after doing my next weekly.

can be fun. especially if the loadout is right.

however, when I read the stuff about flop alchemy above... it takes all my fun and enthusiasm away. I bet people will always quit before alchemy now.

and in EDA alchemy took forever this week. absolutely awful mode.

but I've unlocked all the incarnon forms anyway. I can wait a long time for a hotfix.

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I enjoy The Circuit, actually. Excavators are the trickiest, by far, and should really get buffed somehow. But it's not unplayable by any means. Alchemy is genuinely not playable. It's so much worse than I thought it would be, and I already thought it would be pretty bad.

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Alchemy is HORRIBLE, by default it's already terrible in my opinion, but they found a way to make it worse in The Circuit, totally anti fun, it took me 15 minutes to fill 1 Crucible, 1 of 2! The second time my squad and I saw a new alchemy mission, 1 hour had already passed, we chose to leave the mission because spending another 30 minutes on it was torture. Please fix this DE, to give you an idea of how bad it is, I've been playing since March 2020 and this is the first time ever I've come to this forum to comment on a post.

Edited by --Morrigan--
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I like alchemy, but in chain it was terrible exp. Now we cant stay long and must leave then alchemy begin. Now chain (fun and important activity with good revards, what big part of the game) is broken.

DE must make fast fix and remove alchemy from the chain, or at least make one round. Or increase spawn rate in 5-6 times.

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The minimal "fix" is like what I said before. Radically better drop rates with drops biased to the current crucible, and radically better enemy spawns, with one crucible. Literally anything less than *all of those together* and you're going to see people do the circuit until they get Alchemy and then insta-quit. It really, truly has to be removed.

I'm sure someone at DE really likes Alchemy, someone put a lot of good, hard work into the game mode. I am sympathetic to that. But it is a horrific fit for the circuit. The circuit should primarily be rounds of relatively quick game modes where you're jumping from X to Y to Z. Alchemy is fundamentally too slow.

Let's just do the math here. It took over 22 minutes for me to complete Alchemy in the circuit. Let's say, through adjusting spawns, etc, that you *double* the rate at which we can hit the crucible. That would still be eleven minutes! If you cut out the second crucible it's still *over 5 minutes*. That puts it within spitting distance of survival, which is already extremely slow. That's assuming that they can cut the timing in half *twice*. That's why it would take everything I've said just to get Alchemy to be *bad* instead of the current state of *unplayable*.

This just doesn't work.

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hace 15 horas, insanitybit dijo:

Did no one test it?

No, they never test anything. And i mean ANYTHING.

Look at the new visual effect that they added to Blast using any weapon with high status / fire rate. Now try it with the Tenet Glaxion for extra lols. They must have been training to be so unprofessional.

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Alchemy is quite pleasant.... WHEN YOU'RE SOLO.

Haven't tried with 2 players but every time I've played with 3-4 players I've considered disconnecting my wifi so I play it alone. Not sure if that's against any rules so I only do it in emergencies.

For those who dont know, in void flood and alchemy, progress per point increases by at least double. Additionally enemy spawns are more consistent and you can easily choose where they die (near the crucible)

Also similarly to --Morrigan-- this should be my first post too (because its that bad)

Getting rid of player scaling should get us most of the way there. Maybe a void cascade-esque circle around the crucible to encourage players to kill enemies near it 

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So, DE has acknowledged the low spawn rate:

  • [INVESTIGATING] reports of Alchemy having low spawns in the Circuit

Again, my concern (and, unfortunately, my expectation) is that they're going to try to "fix" alchemy by just increasing the spawn rate, which is not enough. Even with radically more enemies (which obviously has its own drawbacks, if you double the enemies you are making the mode a lot more difficult) the drop rates and inherent mechanisms of the mode are a terrible fit for the circuit.

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb insanitybit:

So, DE has acknowledged the low spawn rate:

  • [INVESTIGATING] reports of Alchemy having low spawns in the Circuit

Again, my concern (and, unfortunately, my expectation) is that they're going to try to "fix" alchemy by just increasing the spawn rate, which is not enough. Even with radically more enemies (which obviously has its own drawbacks, if you double the enemies you are making the mode a lot more difficult) the drop rates and inherent mechanisms of the mode are a terrible fit for the circuit.

yes. and it is only thanks to people like you that there are positive changes. hence great respect! 👍

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Not only this is very slow, but alchemy doesnt fit to the duviri theme at all. Duviri game modes are based of Zariman. I do hate zariman type of missions too, but atleast they decided to have a theme.

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Posted (edited)

Alchemy hotfix went out to "fix" spawn rates. I managed a 5 minute run with my team. Team had plenty of DPS frames (like Dante). I was Inaros, with some pretty optimal decrees and a nice, flat map. I could gather enemies up all right by the target. I'd call this borderline "ideal" and this is still the slowest game mode.

5 minutes is still pretty bad. We're now in the "technically playable" zone. It's probably better than excavator because, as is universally the case, any mission with a defensive target scales horrifically badly in this game. But it's also worse than survival and is probably the slowest mission type until you run into a case where your team can't protect excavators.

Survival is a flat 5 minutes, whereas Alchemy is 5 minutes under seemingly ideal conditions.

So, playable, but not great.

Edited by insanitybit
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This game mode should be not fixed, but removed. Not only this is a gutted out game mode from sanctum, which works there cos we have Fibonacci and the whole theme, map is designed around this mode. Alchemy was actually one of my favorite game mode when first introduced, but i dont want to see this in duviri.

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Seems fine to me, I think a single crucible would probably be better, but like 5 minutes to fill both crucibles isn't some insanely long time currently, these 20 minute runs are obviously just bugs. It's just odd seeing all these comments like alchemy being "fundamentally slow" when it's one of the faster endless modes.

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